require 'ffi_yajl' require 'chef_zero/endpoints/rest_object_endpoint' require 'chef_zero/chef_data/data_normalizer' module ChefZero module Endpoints # /policies/:group/:name class PoliciesEndpoint < RestObjectEndpoint def initialize(server) super(server, 'id') end def get(request) already_json_response(200, get_data(request)) end # Right now we're allowing PUT to create. def put(request) error = validate(request) return error if error code = if data_store.exists?(request.rest_path) set_data(request, request.rest_path, request.body, :data_store_exceptions) 200 else name = request.rest_path[4] data_store.create(request.rest_path[0..3], name, request.body, :create_dir) 201 end already_json_response(code, request.body) end def delete(request) result = get_data(request, request.rest_path) delete_data(request, request.rest_path, :data_store_exceptions) already_json_response(200, result) end private def validate(request) req_object = validate_json(request.body) validate_revision_id(request, req_object) || validate_name(request, req_object) || validate_run_list(req_object) || validate_each_run_list_item(req_object) || validate_cookbook_locks_collection(req_object) || validate_each_cookbook_locks_item(req_object) end def validate_json(request_body) FFI_Yajl::Parser.parse(request_body) # TODO: rescue parse error, return 400 # error(400, "Must specify #{ { |k| k.inspect }.join(' or ')} in JSON") end def validate_revision_id(request, req_object) if !req_object.key?("revision_id") error(400, "Must specify 'revision_id' in JSON") elsif req_object["revision_id"].size > 255 error(400, "'revision_id' field in JSON must be 255 characters or fewer") elsif req_object["revision_id"] !~ /^[\-[:alnum:]_\.\:]+$/ error(400, "'revision_id' field in JSON must be contain only alphanumeric, hypen, underscore, and dot characters") end end def validate_name(request, req_object) if !req_object.key?("name") error(400, "Must specify 'name' in JSON") elsif req_object["name"] != URI.decode(request.rest_path[4]) error(400, "'name' field in JSON must match the policy name in the URL") elsif req_object["name"].size > 255 error(400, "'name' field in JSON must be 255 characters or fewer") elsif req_object["name"] !~ /^[\-[:alnum:]_\.\:]+$/ error(400, "'name' field in JSON must be contain only alphanumeric, hypen, underscore, and dot characters") end end def validate_run_list(req_object) if !req_object.key?("run_list") error(400, "Must specify 'run_list' in JSON") elsif !req_object["run_list"].kind_of?(Array) error(400, "'run_list' must be an Array of run list items") end end def validate_each_run_list_item(req_object) req_object["run_list"].each do |run_list_item| if res_400 = validate_run_list_item(run_list_item) return res_400 end end nil end def validate_run_list_item(run_list_item) if !run_list_item.kind_of?(String) error(400, "Items in run_list must be strings in fully qualified recipe format, like recipe[cookbook::recipe]") elsif run_list_item !~ /\Arecipe\[[^\s]+::[^\s]+\]\Z/ error(400, "Items in run_list must be strings in fully qualified recipe format, like recipe[cookbook::recipe]") end end def validate_cookbook_locks_collection(req_object) if !req_object.key?("cookbook_locks") error(400, "Must specify 'cookbook_locks' in JSON") elsif !req_object["cookbook_locks"].kind_of?(Hash) error(400, "'cookbook_locks' must be a JSON object of cookbook_name: lock_data pairs") end end def validate_each_cookbook_locks_item(req_object) req_object["cookbook_locks"].each do |cookbook_name, lock| if res_400 = validate_cookbook_locks_item(cookbook_name, lock) return res_400 end end nil end def validate_cookbook_locks_item(cookbook_name, lock) if !lock.kind_of?(Hash) error(400, "cookbook_lock entries must be a JSON object") elsif !lock.key?("identifier") error(400, "cookbook_lock entries must contain an 'identifier' field") elsif !lock.key?("dotted_decimal_identifier") error(400, "cookbook_lock entries must contain an 'dotted_decimal_identifier' field") elsif lock["identifier"].size > 255 error(400, "cookbook_lock entries 'identifier' field must be 255 or fewer characters") end end end end end