require "ffi_yajl" unless defined?(FFI_Yajl) require_relative "../rest_base" require_relative "../chef_data/data_normalizer" module ChefZero module Endpoints # /organizations/ORG/policy_groups/GROUP/policies/NAME # # in the data store, this REST path actually stores the revision ID of ${policy_name} that's currently # associated with ${policy_group}. class PolicyGroupPolicyEndpoint < RestBase # GET /organizations/ORG/policy_groups/GROUP/policies/NAME def get(request) policy_name = request.rest_path[5] # fetch /organizations/{organization}/policies/{policy_name}/revisions/{revision_id} revision_id = parse_json(get_data(request)) result = get_data(request, request.rest_path[0..1] + ["policies", policy_name, "revisions", revision_id]) result = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_policy(parse_json(result), policy_name, revision_id) json_response(200, result) end # Create or update the policy document for the given policy group and policy name. If no policy group # with the given name exists, it will be created. If no policy with the given revision_id exists, it # will be created from the document in the request body. If a policy with that revision_id exists, the # Chef Server simply associates that revision id with the given policy group. When successful, the # document that was created or updated is returned. ## MANDATORY FIELDS AND FORMATS # * `revision_id`: String; Must be < 255 chars, matches /^[\-[:alnum:]_\.\:]+$/ # * `name`: String; Must match name in URI; Must be <= 255 chars, matches /^[\-[:alnum:]_\.\:]+$/ # * `run_list`: Array # * `run_list[i]`: Fully Qualified Recipe Run List Item # * `cookbook_locks`: JSON Object # * `cookbook_locks(key)`: CookbookName # * `cookbook_locks[item]`: JSON Object, mandatory keys: "identifier", "dotted_decimal_identifier" # * `cookbook_locks[item]["identifier"]`: varchar(255) ? # * `cookbook_locks[item]["dotted_decimal_identifier"]` ChefCompatibleVersionNumber # PUT /organizations/ORG/policy_groups/GROUP/policies/NAME def put(request) policyfile_data = parse_json(request.body) policy_name = request.rest_path[5] revision_id = policyfile_data["revision_id"] # If the policy revision being submitted does not exist, create it. # Storage: /organizations/ORG/policies/POLICY/revisions/REVISION policyfile_path = request.rest_path[0..1] + ["policies", policy_name, "revisions", revision_id] unless exists_data?(request, policyfile_path) create_data(request, policyfile_path[0..-2], revision_id, request.body, :create_dir) end # if named policy exists and the given revision ID exists, associate the revision ID with the policy # group. # Storage: /organizations/ORG/policies/POLICY/revisions/REVISION response_code = exists_data?(request) ? 200 : 201 set_data(request, nil, to_json(revision_id), :create, :create_dir) already_json_response(response_code, request.body) end # DELETE /organizations/ORG/policy_groups/GROUP/policies/NAME def delete(request) # Save the existing association. current_revision_id = parse_json(get_data(request)) # delete the association. delete_data(request) # return the full policy document at the no-longer-associated revision. policy_name = request.rest_path[5] policy_path = request.rest_path[0..1] + ["policies", policy_name, "revisions", current_revision_id] full_policy_doc = parse_json(get_data(request, policy_path)) full_policy_doc = ChefData::DataNormalizer.normalize_policy(full_policy_doc, policy_name, current_revision_id) json_response(200, full_policy_doc) end end end end