#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'bundler' require 'bundler/setup' require 'chef_zero/server' require 'rspec/core' def start_cheffs_server(chef_repo_path) require 'chef/version' require 'chef/config' require 'chef/chef_fs/config' require 'chef/chef_fs/chef_fs_data_store' require 'chef_zero/server' Dir.mkdir(chef_repo_path) if !File.exists?(chef_repo_path) # 11.6 and below had a bug where it couldn't create the repo children automatically if Chef::VERSION.to_f < 11.8 %w(clients cookbooks data_bags environments nodes roles users).each do |child| Dir.mkdir("#{chef_repo_path}/#{child}") if !File.exists?("#{chef_repo_path}/#{child}") end end # Start the new server Chef::Config.repo_mode = 'hosted_everything' Chef::Config.chef_repo_path = chef_repo_path Chef::Config.versioned_cookbooks = true chef_fs_config = Chef::ChefFS::Config.new data_store = Chef::ChefFS::ChefFSDataStore.new(chef_fs_config.local_fs, chef_fs_config.chef_config) data_store = ChefZero::DataStore::V1ToV2Adapter.new(data_store, 'pedant-testorg') data_store = ChefZero::DataStore::DefaultFacade.new(data_store, 'pedant-testorg', false) data_store.create(%w(organizations pedant-testorg users), 'pivotal', '{}') data_store.set(%w(organizations pedant-testorg groups admins), '{ "users": [ "pivotal" ] }') data_store.set(%w(organizations pedant-testorg groups users), '{ "users": [ "pivotal" ] }') server = ChefZero::Server.new( port: 8889, data_store: data_store, single_org: false, #log_level: :debug ) server.start_background server end tmpdir = nil begin if ENV['FILE_STORE'] require 'tmpdir' require 'chef_zero/data_store/raw_file_store' tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir data_store = ChefZero::DataStore::RawFileStore.new(tmpdir, true) data_store = ChefZero::DataStore::DefaultFacade.new(data_store, false, false) server = ChefZero::Server.new(:port => 8889, :single_org => false, :data_store => data_store) server.start_background elsif ENV['CHEF_FS'] require 'tmpdir' tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir server = start_cheffs_server(tmpdir) else server = ChefZero::Server.new(:port => 8889, :single_org => false)#, :log_level => :debug) server.start_background end require 'rspec/core' require 'pedant' require 'pedant/organization' # Pedant::Config.rerun = true Pedant.config.suite = 'api' Pedant.config[:config_file] = 'spec/support/oc_pedant.rb' # Because ChefFS can only ever have one user (pivotal), we can't do most of the # tests that involve multiple chef_fs_skips = if ENV['CHEF_FS'] [ '--skip-association', '--skip-users', '--skip-organizations', '--skip-multiuser', '--skip-policies' # these are expected to be broken, they're what we're trying to fix. ] else [] end # "the goal is that only authorization, authentication and validation tests are turned off" - @jkeiser Pedant.setup([ '--skip-knife', '--skip-keys', '--skip-controls', '--skip-acl', '--skip-validation', '--skip-authentication', '--skip-authorization', '--skip-omnibus', '--skip-usags', '--exclude-internal-orgs', '--skip-headers', # Chef 12 features not yet 100% supported by Chef Zero '--skip-cookbook-artifacts', '--skip-containers', '--skip-api-v1' ] + chef_fs_skips) fail_fast = [] # fail_fast = ["--fail-fast"] result = RSpec::Core::Runner.run(Pedant.config.rspec_args + fail_fast) server.stop if server.running? ensure FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(tmpdir) if tmpdir end exit(result)