#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'bundler' require 'bundler/setup' require 'chef_zero/server' require 'rspec/core' tmpdir = nil def start_local_server(chef_repo_path) Dir.mkdir(chef_repo_path) if !File.exists?(chef_repo_path) # 11.6 and below had a bug where it couldn't create the repo children automatically if Chef::VERSION.to_f < 11.8 %w(clients cookbooks data_bags environments nodes roles users).each do |child| Dir.mkdir("#{chef_repo_path}/#{child}") if !File.exists?("#{chef_repo_path}/#{child}") end end # Start the new server Chef::Config.repo_mode = 'everything' Chef::Config.chef_repo_path = chef_repo_path Chef::Config.versioned_cookbooks = true chef_fs = Chef::ChefFS::Config.new.local_fs data_store = Chef::ChefFS::ChefFSDataStore.new(chef_fs) server = ChefZero::Server.new(:port => 8889, :data_store => data_store) ENV['SINGLE_ORG'] = 'true' server.start_background server end begin if ENV['CHEF_FS'] require 'chef/chef_fs/chef_fs_data_store' require 'chef/chef_fs/config' require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' require 'chef/version' require 'chef_zero/data_store/v1_to_v2_adapter' # Create chef repository tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir chef_repo_path = "#{tmpdir}/repo" # Capture setup data into master_chef_repo_path server = start_local_server(chef_repo_path) elsif ENV['SINGLE_ORG'] server = ChefZero::Server.new(:port => 8889, :single_org => 'chef') server.start_background elsif ENV['FILE_STORE'] require 'tmpdir' require 'chef_zero/data_store/raw_file_store' tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir data_store = ChefZero::DataStore::RawFileStore.new(tmpdir, true) data_store = ChefZero::DataStore::DefaultFacade.new(data_store, true, false) server = ChefZero::Server.new(:port => 8889, :single_org => 'chef', :data_store => data_store) server.start_background else server = ChefZero::Server.new(:port => 8889, :single_org => false, :osc_compat => true) server.data_store.create_dir([ 'organizations' ], 'pedant') server.start_background end unless ENV['SKIP_PEDANT'] require 'pedant' require 'pedant/opensource' #Pedant::Config.rerun = true Pedant.config.suite = 'api' Pedant.config[:config_file] = 'spec/support/pedant.rb' Pedant.setup([ '--skip-knife', '--skip-validation', '--skip-authentication', '--skip-authorization', '--skip-keys', '--skip-omnibus', '--skip-cookbook_artifacts' ]) result = RSpec::Core::Runner.run(Pedant.config.rspec_args) else require 'net/http' response = Net::HTTP.new('', 8889).get("/environments", { 'Accept' => 'application/json'}).body if response =~ /_default/ result = 0 else puts "GET /environments returned #{response}. Expected _default!" result = 1 end end server.stop if server.running? ensure FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(tmpdir) if tmpdir end exit(result)