diff options
authorTim Smith <>2020-09-16 12:05:28 -0700
committerGitHub <>2020-09-16 12:05:28 -0700
commit0ae704a2fb5a4857dffc0da21618ce25ca746762 (patch)
parent88997fe76bca8f0aa281c4119533e4c704b9b8c2 (diff)
parent04e7892543198a2f3e90bad0ee9465edc6bc6cef (diff)
Merge pull request #10407 from chef/16.5
Add release notes for Chef Infra Client 16.5
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index e6a7b22798..bbb8dc3b06 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,27 +1,118 @@
This file holds "in progress" release notes for the current release under development and is intended for consumption by the Chef Documentation team. Please see <> for the official Chef release notes.
-To expand upon later:
-- Improved ohai information gathering on on-English systems
-- Performance improvements (provide some benchmarks)
-- Package data in ohai for macOS
-- rhsm_register: reduced load on the Satellite server
-- new chef_client_launchd resource
-- osx_profile lets you remove profiles on macOS 11
-- chef_client_cron: Added nice property
-- Improved output in knife config list-profiles and new shorter knife config commands
-- New packages: macOS 11, s390x RHEL 7, s390x SLES 12
-- New chef_client_trusted_certificate
-- New exit code 43 when the client config has errors. Thanks @NaomiReeves
-- Mount: Improved idempotency on Linux hosts
-- chef_client_systemd_timer: Add cpu_quote property
-- Resolved knife ssh freezing on Windows nodes
-- launched: Improved validation for the values allowed in the nice property
-- windows_ad_join: added reboot_delay property
-- openssl to 1.0.2w
+# What's New in 16.5
+## Performance Improvements
+We continue to reduce the size of the Chef Infra Client install and optimize the performance of the client. With Chef Infra Client 16.5 we've greatly reduced the startup time of the `chef-client` process. Startup times on macOS, Linux, and Windows hosts are now approximately 2x faster than the 16.4 release.
+## CLI Improvements
+- The client license acceptance logic has been improved to provide helpful error messages when an incorrect value is passed and to accept license values in any text case.
+- A new `chef-client` process exit code of 43 has been added to signal that an invalid configuration was specified. Thanks [@NaomiReeves](!
+- The `knife ssh` command no longer hangs when connecting to Windows nodes over SSH.
+- The `knife config` commands have been renamed to make them shorter and table output has been improved:
+ - knife config get-profile -> knife config use
+ - knife config use-profile [NAME] -> knife config use [NAME]
+ - knife config list-profiles -> knife config list
+ - knife config get -> knife config show
+## New Resources
+### chef_client_launchd
+The `chef_client_launchd` resource allows you to configure Chef Infra Client to run as a global launchd daemon on macOS hosts. This resource mirrors the configuration of other `chef_client_*` resources and allows for simple out-of-the-box configuration of the daemon, while also providing advanced tunables. If you've used the `chef-client` cookbook in the past, you'll notice a number of improvements in the new resource including configuration update handling, splay times support, nice level support, and an out-of-the-box configuration of low IO priority execution. In order to handle restarting the Chef Infra Client launchd daemon when configuration changes occur, the resource also installs a new `com.chef.restarter` daemon. This daemon watches for daemon configuration changes and gracefully handles the restart to ensure the client process continues to run.
+chef_client_launchd 'Setup the Chef Infra Client to run every 30 minutes' do
+ interval 30
+ action :enable
+### chef_client_trusted_certificate
+The `chef_client_trusted_certificate` resource allows you to add a certificate to Chef Infra Client's trusted certificate directory. The resource handles platform-specific locations and creates the trusted certificates directory if it doesn't already exist. Once a certificate is added, it will be used by the client itself to communicate with the Chef Infra Server and by resources such as `remote_file`.
+chef_client_trusted_certificate '' do
+ certificate <<~CERT
+ hyefdOsKnRFSJiFzbIRMeVXk0WvoBj1IFVKtsyjbqv9u/2CVSndrOfEk0TG23U3A
+ xPxTuW1CrbV8/q71FdIzSOciccfCFHpsKOo3St/qbLVytH5aohbcabFXRNsKEqve
+ ww9HdFxBIuGa+RuT5q0iBikusbpJHAwnnqP7i/dAcgCskgjZjFeEU4EFy+b+a1SY
+ QCeFxxC7c3DvaRhBB0VVfPlkPz0sw6l865MaTIbRyoUCAwEAAaMyMDAwCQYDVR0T
+ hvcNAQELBQADggEBAGlwCdbPxflZfYOaukZGCaxYK6gpincX4Lla4Ui2WdeQxE95
+ w7fChXvP3YkE3UYUE7mupZ0eg4ZILr/A0e7JQDsgIu/SRTUE0domCKgPZ8v99k3A
+ vka4LpLK51jHJJK7EFgo3ca2nldd97GM0MU41xHFk8qaK1tWJkfrrfcGwDJ4GQPI
+ iLlm6i0yHq1Qg1RypAXJy5dTlRXlCLd8ufWhhiwW0W75Va5AEnJuqpQrKwl3KQVe
+ wGj67WWRgLfSr+4QG1mNvCZb2CkjZWmxkGPuoP40/y7Yu5OFqxP5tAjj4YixCYTW
+ EVA0pmzIzgBg+JIe3PdRy27T0asgQW/F4TY61Yk=
+## Resource Updates
+### chef_client_cron
+The `chef_client_cron` resource has been updated with a new `nice` property that allows you to set the nice level for the `chef-client` process. Nice level changes only apply to the `chef-client` process and not any subprocesses like `ohai` or system utility calls. If you need to ensure that the `chef-client` process does not negatively impact system performance, we highly recommend instead using the `cpu_quota` property in the `chef_client_systemd_timer` resource which applies to all child processes.
+### chef_client_systemd_timer
+The `chef_client_systemd_timer` resource has been updated with a new `cpu_quota` property that allows you to control the systemd `CPUQuota` value for the `chef-client` process. This allows you to ensure `chef-client` execution doesn't adversely impact performance on your systems.
+### osx_profile
+The `osx_profile` resource will now allow you to remove profiles from macOS 11 (Big Sur) systems. Due to security changes in macOS 11, it is no longer possible to locally install profiles, but this will allow you to cleanup existing profiles left over after an upgrade from an earlier macOS release. Thanks for reporting this issue [@chilcote](!
+### launchd
+The `launchd` resource has been updated to better validate inputs to the `nice` property so we can make sure these are acceptable nice values.
+### mount
+The `mount` resource on Linux has new improved idempotency in some scenarios by switching to `findmnt` to determine the current state of the system. Thanks for reporting this issue [@pollosp](!
+### rhsm_register
+The `rhsm_register` resource has been updated to reduce the load on the RedHat Satellite server when checking if a system is already registered. Thanks for reporting this issue [@donwlewis](! A new `system_name` property has also been added to allow you to register a name other than the system's hostname. Thanks for this improvement [@jasonwbarnett](!
+### windows_ad_join
+The `windows_ad_join` resource has been updated with a new `reboot_delay` property which allows you to control the delay time before restarting systems.
+### windows_firewall_profile
+The `windows_firewall_profile` resource was updated to prevent NilClass errors from loading the firewall state.
+### Windows securable resources
+All Windows securable resources now support using SID in addition to user or group name when specifying `owner`, `group`, or `rights` principal. These resources include the `template`, `file`, `remote_file`, `cookbook_file`, `directory`, and `remote_directory` resources. When using a SID, you may use either the standard string representation of a SID (S-R-I-S-S) or one of the [SDDL string constants](
+## Ohai Improvements
+- Ohai now uses the same underlying code for shelling out to external commands as Chef Infra Client. This may resolve issues from determining the state on some non-English systems.
+- The `Packages` plugin has been updated to gather package installation information on macOS hosts.
+## Platform Packages
+- We are once again building Chef Infra Client packages for RHEL 7 / SLES 12 on the S390x architecture. In addition to these packages, we've also added S390x packages for RHEL 8 / SLES 15.
+- We now produce packages for Apple's upcoming macOS 11 Big Sur release.
+## Security
+OpenSSL has been updated to 1.0.2w which includes a fix for [CVE-2020-1968](
# What's New in 16.4
@@ -468,7 +559,7 @@ depends 'windows', '>> 1.0'
### Logging Improvements May Cause Behavior Changes
-We've made low level changes to how logging behaves in Chef Infra Client that resolves many complaints we've heard of the years. With these change you'll now see the same logging output when you run `chef-client` on the command line as you will in logs from a daemonized client run. This also corrects often confusing behavior where running `chef-client` on the command line would log to the console, but not to the log file location defined your `client.rb`. In that scenario you'll now see logs in your console and in your log file. We believe this is the expected behavior and will mean that your on-disk log files can always be the source of truth for changes that were made by Chef Infra Client. This may cause unexpected behavior changes for users that relied on using the command line flags to override the `client.rb` log location - in this case logging will be sent to *both* the locations in `client.rb` and on the command line. If you have daemons running that log using the command line options you want to make sure that `client.rb` log location either matches or isn't defined.
+We've made low-level changes to how logging behaves in Chef Infra Client that resolves many complaints we've heard of the years. With these change you'll now see the same logging output when you run `chef-client` on the command line as you will in logs from a daemonized client run. This also corrects often confusing behavior where running `chef-client` on the command line would log to the console, but not to the log file location defined your `client.rb`. In that scenario you'll now see logs in your console and in your log file. We believe this is the expected behavior and will mean that your on-disk log files can always be the source of truth for changes that were made by Chef Infra Client. This may cause unexpected behavior changes for users that relied on using the command line flags to override the `client.rb` log location - in this case logging will be sent to *both* the locations in `client.rb` and on the command line. If you have daemons running that log using the command line options you want to make sure that `client.rb` log location either matches or isn't defined.
### Red Hat / CentOS 6 Systems Require C11 GCC for Some Gem Installations
@@ -4203,7 +4294,7 @@ Sample data now available under azure:
### Package Plugin Supports Arch Linux
-The Package plugin has been updated to include package information on Arch Linux systems.
+The Packages plugin has been updated to include package information on Arch Linux systems.
# What's New in 13.3: