diff options
authorLamont Granquist <>2016-05-03 14:03:40 -0700
committerLamont Granquist <>2016-05-03 14:03:40 -0700
commit2fbf69a6a32dd78128f3f481eb3a85450dce1a61 (patch)
parent70abb6e2abd5e64fe715c82194991702aae73627 (diff)
code is much less brain-hurty now
i think i fixed a bug here where now we expect the superclass to raise on candidate_version = nil when installing, so now we can remove packages that do not have a candidate_version
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/provider/package/apt.rb b/lib/chef/provider/package/apt.rb
index e6d0998697..91c58a79ad 100644
--- a/lib/chef/provider/package/apt.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/provider/package/apt.rb
@@ -57,38 +57,54 @@ class Chef
"-o APT::Default-Release=#{new_resource.default_release}" if new_resource.respond_to?(:default_release) && new_resource.default_release
- def check_package_state(pkg)
- is_virtual_package = false
+ # FIXME: need spec to check that candidate_version is set correctly on a virtual package
+ # FIXME: need spec to check that packages missing a candidate_version can be removed/purged
+ def get_package_versions(pkg)
installed_version = nil
candidate_version = nil
run_noninteractive("apt-cache", default_release_options, "policy", pkg).stdout.each_line do |line|
case line
when /^\s{2}Installed: (.+)$/
installed_version = ( $1 != "(none)" ) ? $1 : nil
+ Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource} installed version for #{pkg} is #{$1}")
when /^\s{2}Candidate: (.+)$/
- candidate_version = $1
- if candidate_version == "(none)"
- # This may not be an appropriate assumption, but it shouldn't break anything that already worked -- btm
- is_virtual_package = true
- showpkg = run_noninteractive("apt-cache showpkg", pkg).stdout
- providers =
- showpkg.rpartition(/Reverse Provides: ?#{$/}/)[2].each_line do |line|
- provider, version = line.split
- providers[provider] = version
- end
- # Check if the package providing this virtual package is installed
- num_providers = providers.length
- raise Chef::Exceptions::Package, "#{new_resource.package_name} has no candidate in the apt-cache" if num_providers == 0
- # apt will only install a virtual package if there is a single providing package
- raise Chef::Exceptions::Package, "#{new_resource.package_name} is a virtual package provided by #{num_providers} packages, you must explicitly select one to install" if num_providers > 1
- # Check if the package providing this virtual package is installed
-"#{new_resource} is a virtual package, actually acting on package[#{providers.keys.first}]")
- ret = check_package_state(providers.keys.first)
- installed_version = ret[:installed_version]
- else
- Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource} candidate version is #{$1}")
- end
+ candidate_version = ( $1 != "(none)" ) ? $1 : nil
+ Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource} candidate version for #{pkg} is #{$1}")
+ end
+ end
+ [ installed_version, candidate_version ]
+ end
+ def resolve_virtual_package_name(pkg)
+ showpkg = run_noninteractive("apt-cache showpkg", pkg).stdout
+ partitions = showpkg.rpartition(/Reverse Provides: ?#{$/}/)
+ return nil if partitions[0] == "" && partitions[1] == "" # not found in output
+ set = partitions[2].lines.each_with_object( do |line, acc|
+ # there may be multiple reverse provides for a single package
+ acc.add(line.split[0])
+ end
+ if set.size > 1
+ raise Chef::Exceptions::Package, "#{new_resource.package_name} is a virtual package provided by multiple packages, you must explicitly select one"
+ end
+ return set.to_a.first
+ end
+ def check_package_state(pkg)
+ is_virtual_package = false
+ installed_version = nil
+ candidate_version = nil
+ installed_version, candidate_version = get_package_versions(pkg)
+ if candidate_version.nil?
+ newpkg = resolve_virtual_package_name(pkg)
+ if newpkg
+ is_virtual_package = true
+"#{new_resource} is a virtual package, actually acting on package[#{newpkg}]")
+ installed_version, candidate_version = get_package_versions(newpkg)