diff options
authorTim Smith <>2020-08-26 21:06:57 -0700
committerTim Smith <>2020-08-27 15:18:55 -0700
commitb6911fda35381e1ffe253a2ecdfec0dda181dd25 (patch)
parent3f02bd1eed113c10164400cde477d5dae871f86d (diff)
Add splay property to chef_client_launchd
Use the same splay method we used in chef_client_cron resource. Signed-off-by: Tim Smith <>
2 files changed, 78 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_launchd.rb b/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_launchd.rb
index ea576690fa..43d7e9bb8f 100644
--- a/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_launchd.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_launchd.rb
@@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ class Chef
callbacks: { "should be a positive number" => proc { |v| v > 0 } },
default: 30
+ property :splay, [Integer, String],
+ default: 300,
+ coerce: proc { |x| Integer(x) },
+ callbacks: { "should be a positive number" => proc { |v| v > 0 } },
+ description: "A random number of seconds between 0 and X to add to interval so that all #{Chef::Dist::CLIENT} commands don't execute at the same time."
property :accept_chef_license, [true, false],
description: "Accept the Chef Online Master License and Services Agreement. See <>",
default: false
@@ -108,8 +114,7 @@ class Chef
username new_resource.user
working_directory new_resource.working_directory
start_interval new_resource.interval * 60
- program new_resource.chef_binary_path
- program_arguments all_daemon_options
+ program_arguments client_command
environment_variables new_resource.environment unless new_resource.environment.empty?
nice new_resource.nice
low_priority_io true
@@ -126,15 +131,35 @@ class Chef
action_class do
- # Take daemon_options property and append extra daemon options from other properties
- # to build the complete set of options we pass to the client
+ # Generate a uniformly distributed unique number to sleep from 0 to the splay time
+ #
+ # @param [Integer] splay The number of seconds to splay
+ #
+ # @return [Integer]
+ #
+ def splay_sleep_time(splay)
+ seed = node["shard_seed"] || Digest::MD5.hexdigest(
+ random =
+ random.rand(splay)
+ end
+ #
+ # random sleep time + chef-client + daemon option properties + license acceptance
# @return [Array]
- def all_daemon_options
- options = new_resource.daemon_options + ["-L", ::File.join(new_resource.log_directory, new_resource.log_file_name), "-c", ::File.join(new_resource.config_directory, "client.rb")]
- options.append("--chef-license", "accept") if new_resource.accept_chef_license
- options
+ def client_command
+ cmd = ["/bin/sleep",
+ "#{splay_sleep_time(new_resource.splay)};",
+ new_resource.chef_binary_path] +
+ new_resource.daemon_options +
+ ["-c",
+ ::File.join(new_resource.config_directory, "client.rb"),
+ "-L",
+ ::File.join(new_resource.log_directory, new_resource.log_file_name),
+ ]
+ cmd.append("--chef-license", "accept") if new_resource.accept_chef_license
+ cmd
diff --git a/spec/unit/resource/chef_client_launchd_spec.rb b/spec/unit/resource/chef_client_launchd_spec.rb
index 4d07471ed5..1d66da3e39 100644
--- a/spec/unit/resource/chef_client_launchd_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/resource/chef_client_launchd_spec.rb
@@ -29,15 +29,24 @@ describe Chef::Resource::ChefClientLaunchd do
expect(resource.action).to eql([:enable])
- it "builds a default value for chef_binary_path dist values" do
- expect(resource.chef_binary_path).to eql("/opt/chef/bin/chef-client")
- end
it "supports :enable and :disable actions" do
expect { resource.action :enable }.not_to raise_error
expect { resource.action :disable }.not_to raise_error
+ it "coerces splay to an Integer" do
+ resource.splay "10"
+ expect(resource.splay).to eql(10)
+ end
+ it "raises an error if splay is not a positive number" do
+ expect { resource.splay("-10") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed)
+ end
+ it "builds a default value for chef_binary_path dist values" do
+ expect(resource.chef_binary_path).to eql("/opt/chef/bin/chef-client")
+ end
it "raises an error if interval is not a positive number" do
expect { resource.interval("-10") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed)
@@ -60,39 +69,58 @@ describe Chef::Resource::ChefClientLaunchd do
expect(resource.nice).to eql(10)
- describe "#all_daemon_options" do
- it "returns log and config flags if by default" do
- expect(provider.all_daemon_options).to eql(
- ["-L", "/Library/Logs/Chef/client.log", "-c", "/etc/chef/client.rb"]
+ describe "#splay_sleep_time" do
+ it "uses shard_seed attribute if present" do
+ node.automatic_attrs[:shard_seed] = "73399073"
+ expect(provider.splay_sleep_time(300)).to satisfy { |v| v >= 0 && v <= 300 }
+ end
+ it "uses a hex conversion of a md5 hash of the splay if present" do
+ node.automatic_attrs[:shard_seed] = nil
+ allow(node).to receive(:name).and_return("test_node")
+ expect(provider.splay_sleep_time(300)).to satisfy { |v| v >= 0 && v <= 300 }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#client_command" do
+ before do
+ allow(provider).to receive(:splay_sleep_time).and_return("123")
+ end
+ let(:root_path) { windows? ? "C:\\chef/client.rb" : "/etc/chef/client.rb" }
+ it "creates a valid command if using all default properties" do
+ expect(provider.client_command).to eql(
+ ["/bin/sleep", "123;", "/opt/chef/bin/chef-client", "-c", root_path, "-L", "/Library/Logs/Chef/client.log"]
- it "appends to any passed daemon options" do
+ it "adds custom daemon options from daemon_options property" do
resource.daemon_options %w{foo bar}
- expect(provider.all_daemon_options).to eql(
- ["foo", "bar", "-L", "/Library/Logs/Chef/client.log", "-c", "/etc/chef/client.rb"]
+ expect(provider.client_command).to eql(
+ ["/bin/sleep", "123;", "/opt/chef/bin/chef-client", "foo", "bar", "-c", root_path, "-L", "/Library/Logs/Chef/client.log"]
it "adds license acceptance flags if the property is set" do
resource.accept_chef_license true
- expect(provider.all_daemon_options).to eql(
- ["-L", "/Library/Logs/Chef/client.log", "-c", "/etc/chef/client.rb", "--chef-license", "accept"]
+ expect(provider.client_command).to eql(
+ ["/bin/sleep", "123;", "/opt/chef/bin/chef-client", "-c", root_path, "-L", "/Library/Logs/Chef/client.log", "--chef-license", "accept"]
it "uses custom config dir if set" do
resource.config_directory "/etc/some_other_dir"
- expect(provider.all_daemon_options).to eql(
- ["-L", "/Library/Logs/Chef/client.log", "-c", "/etc/some_other_dir/client.rb"]
+ expect(provider.client_command).to eql(
+ ["/bin/sleep", "123;", "/opt/chef/bin/chef-client", "-c", "/etc/some_other_dir/client.rb", "-L", "/Library/Logs/Chef/client.log"]
it "uses custom log files / paths if set" do
resource.log_file_name "my-client.log"
resource.log_directory "/var/log/my-chef/"
- expect(provider.all_daemon_options).to eql(
- ["-L", "/var/log/my-chef/my-client.log", "-c", "/etc/chef/client.rb"]
+ expect(provider.client_command).to eql(
+ ["/bin/sleep", "123;", "/opt/chef/bin/chef-client", "-c", root_path, "-L", "/var/log/my-chef/my-client.log"]