diff options
authorPete Higgins <>2020-10-26 11:20:16 -0700
committerPete Higgins <>2020-12-01 16:05:17 -0800
commit9034f3a4d430ad39aa6e10a9af0a1743daba271e (patch)
parent611de7009c37d2caa642027a80fda90b14ecd6e3 (diff)
Add inspec fetchers from audit-cookbook.
Signed-off-by: Pete Higgins <>
5 files changed, 435 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/audit/fetcher/automate.rb b/lib/chef/audit/fetcher/automate.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e28d8ea026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef/audit/fetcher/automate.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+require "uri"
+require "plugins/inspec-compliance/lib/inspec-compliance"
+class Chef
+ module Audit
+ module Fetcher
+ class Automate < ::InspecPlugins::Compliance::Fetcher
+ name 'chef-automate'
+ # it positions itself before `compliance` fetcher
+ # only load it, if you want to use audit cookbook in Chef Solo with Chef Automate
+ priority 502
+ CONFIG = {
+ 'insecure' => true,
+ 'token' => nil,
+ 'server_type' => 'automate',
+ 'automate' => {
+ 'ent' => 'default',
+ 'token_type' => 'dctoken',
+ },
+ }
+ def self.resolve(target)
+ uri = get_target_uri(target)
+ return nil if uri.nil?
+ config = CONFIG.dup
+ # we have detailed information available in our lockfile, no need to ask the server
+ if target.respond_to?(:key?) && target.key?(:url)
+ profile_fetch_url = target[:url]
+ else
+ # verifies that the target e.g base/ssh exists
+ base_path = "/compliance/profiles/#{}#{uri.path}"
+ profile_path = if target.respond_to?(:key?) && target.key?(:version)
+ "#{base_path}/version/#{target[:version]}/tar"
+ else
+ "#{base_path}/tar"
+ end
+ dc = Chef::Config[:data_collector]
+ url = URI(dc[:server_url])
+ url.path = profile_path
+ profile_fetch_url = url.to_s
+ config['token'] = dc['token']
+ if config['token'].nil?
+ raise 'No data-collector token set, which is required by the chef-automate fetcher. ' \
+ 'Set the `data_collector.token` configuration parameter in your client.rb ' \
+ 'or use the "chef-server-automate" reporter which does not require any ' \
+ 'data-collector settings and uses Chef Server to fetch profiles.'
+ end
+ end
+ new(profile_fetch_url, config)
+ rescue URI::Error => _e
+ nil
+ end
+ def to_s
+ 'Chef Automate for Chef Solo Fetcher'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/audit/fetcher/chef_server.rb b/lib/chef/audit/fetcher/chef_server.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65768a561a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef/audit/fetcher/chef_server.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+require 'uri'
+require "plugins/inspec-compliance/lib/inspec-compliance"
+# This class implements an InSpec fetcher for for Chef Server. The implementation
+# is based on the Chef Compliance fetcher and only adapts the calls to redirect
+# the requests via Chef Server.
+# This implementation depends on chef-client runtime, therefore it is only executable
+# inside of a chef-client run
+class Chef
+ module Audit
+ module Fetcher
+ class ChefServer < ::InspecPlugins::Compliance::Fetcher
+ name 'chef-server'
+ # it positions itself before `compliance` fetcher
+ # only load it, if the Chef Server is integrated with Chef Compliance
+ priority 501
+ CONFIG = { 'insecure' => true }
+ # Accepts URLs to compliance profiles in one of two forms:
+ # * a String URL with a compliance scheme, like "compliance://namespace/profile_name"
+ # * a Hash with a key of `compliance` and a value like "compliance/profile_name" and optionally a `version` key with a String value
+ def self.resolve(target)
+ uri = get_target_uri(target)
+ return nil if uri.nil?
+ profile = + uri.path
+ profile = uri.user + '@' + profile if uri.user
+ version = target[:version] if target.respond_to?(:key?) && target.key?(:version)
+ new(target_url(profile, version), CONFIG)
+ rescue URI::Error => _e
+ nil
+ end
+ def self.target_url(profile, version = nil)
+ organization = Chef::Config[:chef_server_url].split('/').last
+ namespace, profile_name = profile.split('/')
+ path_parts = [""]
+ path_parts << "compliance" if chef_server_reporter? || chef_server_fetcher?
+ path_parts << "organizations/#{organization}/owners/#{namespace}/compliance/#{profile_name}"
+ path_parts << "version/#{version}" if version
+ path_parts << "tar"
+ target_url = URI(Chef::Config[:chef_server_url])
+ target_url.path = path_parts.compact.join("/")
+"Fetching profile from: #{target_url}")
+ target_url
+ end
+ #
+ # We want to save compliance: in the lockfile rather than url: to
+ # make sure we go back through the ComplianceAPI handling.
+ #
+ def resolved_source
+ { compliance: chef_server_url }
+ end
+ # Downloads archive to temporary file using a Chef::ServerAPI
+ # client so that Chef Server's header-based authentication can be
+ # used.
+ def download_archive_to_temp
+ return @temp_archive_path unless @temp_archive_path.nil?
+ rest =, Chef::Config.merge(ssl_verify_mode: :verify_none))
+ archive = with_http_rescue do
+ rest.streaming_request(@target)
+ end
+ @archive_type = '.tar.gz'
+ if archive.nil?
+ path = @target.respond_to?(:path) ? @target.path : path
+ raise "Unable to find requested profile on path: '#{path}' on the Automate system."
+ end
+ Inspec::Log.debug("Archive stored at temporary location: #{archive.path}")
+ @temp_archive_path = archive.path
+ end
+ def with_http_rescue
+ response = yield
+ if response.respond_to?(:code)
+ # handle non 200 error codes, they are not raised as Net::HTTPClientException
+ handle_http_error_code(response.code) if response.code.to_i >= 300
+ end
+ response
+ rescue Net::HTTPClientException => e
+ Chef::Log.error e
+ handle_http_error_code(e.response.code)
+ end
+ def handle_http_error_code(code)
+ case code
+ when /401|403/
+ Chef::Log.error 'Auth issue: see audit cookbook'
+ when /404/
+ Chef::Log.error 'Object does not exist on remote server.'
+ when /413/
+ Chef::Log.error 'You most likely hit the erchef request size in Chef Server that defaults to ~2MB. To increase this limit see audit cookbook OR'
+ when /429/
+ Chef::Log.error "This error typically means the data sent was larger than Automate's limit (4 MB). Run InSpec locally to identify any controls producing large diffs."
+ end
+ msg = "Received HTTP error #{code}"
+ Chef::Log.error msg
+ raise msg if @raise_if_unreachable
+ end
+ def to_s
+ 'Chef Server/Compliance Profile Loader'
+ end
+ CHEF_SERVER_REPORTERS = %w(chef-server chef-server-compliance chef-server-visibility chef-server-automate)
+ def self.chef_server_reporter?
+ (Array(Chef.node.attributes['audit']['reporter']) & CHEF_SERVER_REPORTERS).any?
+ end
+ CHEF_SERVER_FETCHERS = %w(chef-server chef-server-compliance chef-server-visibility chef-server-automate)
+ def self.chef_server_fetcher?
+ CHEF_SERVER_FETCHERS.include?(Chef.node.attributes['audit']['fetcher'])
+ end
+ private
+ def chef_server_url
+ m = %r{^#{@config['server']}/owners/(?<owner>[^/]+)/compliance/(?<id>[^/]+)/tar$}.match(@target)
+ "#{m[:owner]}/#{m[:id]}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/audit/runner.rb b/lib/chef/audit/runner.rb
index ded5e0ece3..bbe2b8ae88 100644
--- a/lib/chef/audit/runner.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/audit/runner.rb
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
autoload :Inspec, 'inspec'
require_relative 'default_attributes'
+require_relative 'fetcher/automate'
+require_relative 'fetcher/chef_server'
require_relative 'reporter/audit_enforcer'
-require_relative 'reporter/json_file'
require_relative 'reporter/automate'
require_relative 'reporter/chef_server_automate'
+require_relative 'reporter/json_file'
class Chef
module Audit
diff --git a/spec/unit/audit/fetcher/automate_spec.rb b/spec/unit/audit/fetcher/automate_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df0225ed9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/audit/fetcher/automate_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+require "chef/audit/fetcher/automate"
+describe Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate do
+ describe ".resolve" do
+ before do
+ Chef::Config[:data_collector] = {
+ server_url: 'https://automate.test/data_collector',
+ token: token,
+ }
+ end
+ let(:token) { "fake_token" }
+ context 'when target is a string' do
+ it 'should resolve a compliance URL' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve('compliance://namespace/profile_name')
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate)
+ expected = "https://automate.test/compliance/profiles/namespace/profile_name/tar"
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'raises an exception with no data collector token' do
+ Chef::Config[:data_collector].delete(:token)
+ expect {
+ Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve('compliance://namespace/profile_name')
+ }.to raise_error(/No data-collector token set/)
+ end
+ it 'includes the data collector token' do
+ expect(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate).to receive(:new).with(
+ "https://automate.test/compliance/profiles/namespace/profile_name/tar",
+ hash_including('token' => token),
+ ).and_call_original
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve('compliance://namespace/profile_name')
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate)
+ expected = "https://automate.test/compliance/profiles/namespace/profile_name/tar"
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'returns nil with a non-compliance URL' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve('')
+ expect(res).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when target is a hash' do
+ it 'should resolve a target with a version' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve(
+ compliance: 'namespace/profile_name',
+ version: '1.2.3',
+ )
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate)
+ expected = "https://automate.test/compliance/profiles/namespace/profile_name/version/1.2.3/tar"
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'should resolve a target without a version' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve(
+ compliance: 'namespace/profile_name',
+ )
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate)
+ expected = "https://automate.test/compliance/profiles/namespace/profile_name/tar"
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'uses url key when present' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve(
+ compliance: 'namespace/profile_name',
+ version: '1.2.3',
+ url: 'https://profile.server.test/profiles/profile_name/1.2.3'
+ )
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate)
+ expected = 'https://profile.server.test/profiles/profile_name/1.2.3'
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'does not include token in the config when url key is present' do
+ expect(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate).to receive(:new).with(
+ 'https://profile.server.test/profiles/profile_name/1.2.3',
+ hash_including('token' => nil),
+ ).and_call_original
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve(
+ compliance: 'namespace/profile_name',
+ version: '1.2.3',
+ url: 'https://profile.server.test/profiles/profile_name/1.2.3'
+ )
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate)
+ expected = 'https://profile.server.test/profiles/profile_name/1.2.3'
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'raises an exception with no data collector token' do
+ Chef::Config[:data_collector].delete(:token)
+ expect {
+ Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve(compliance: 'namespace/profile_name')
+ }.to raise_error(/No data-collector token set/)
+ end
+ it 'includes the data collector token' do
+ expect(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate).to receive(:new).with(
+ "https://automate.test/compliance/profiles/namespace/profile_name/tar",
+ hash_including('token' => token),
+ ).and_call_original
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve(compliance: 'namespace/profile_name')
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate)
+ expected = "https://automate.test/compliance/profiles/namespace/profile_name/tar"
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'returns nil with a non-profile Hash' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::Automate.resolve(
+ profile: 'namespace/profile_name',
+ version: '1.2.3'
+ )
+ expect(res).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/audit/fetcher/chef_server_spec.rb b/spec/unit/audit/fetcher/chef_server_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1781d048d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/audit/fetcher/chef_server_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+require "chef/audit/fetcher/chef_server"
+describe Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer do
+ let(:node) do
+ do |n|
+ n.default['audit'] = {}
+ end
+ end
+ before :each do
+ allow(Chef).to receive(:node).and_return(node)
+ Chef::Config[:chef_server_url] = ''
+ end
+ describe ".resolve" do
+ context 'when target is a string' do
+ it 'should resolve a compliance URL' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer.resolve('compliance://namespace/profile_name')
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer)
+ expected = ""
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'should add /compliance URL prefix if needed' do
+ node.default['audit']['fetcher'] = 'chef-server'
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer.resolve('compliance://namespace/profile_name')
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer)
+ expected = ""
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'includes user in the URL if present' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer.resolve('compliance://username@namespace/profile_name')
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer)
+ expected = ""
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'returns nil with a non-compliance URL' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer.resolve('')
+ expect(res).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when target is a hash' do
+ it 'should resolve a target with a version' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer.resolve(
+ compliance: 'namespace/profile_name',
+ version: '1.2.3',
+ )
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer)
+ expected = ""
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'should resolve a target without a version' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer.resolve(
+ compliance: 'namespace/profile_name',
+ )
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer)
+ expected = ""
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'includes user in the URL if present' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer.resolve(
+ compliance: 'username@namespace/profile_name',
+ )
+ expect(res).to be_kind_of(Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer)
+ expected = ""
+ expect( eq(expected)
+ end
+ it 'returns nil with a non-profile Hash' do
+ res = Chef::Audit::Fetcher::ChefServer.resolve(
+ profile: 'namespace/profile_name',
+ version: '1.2.3'
+ )
+ expect(res).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ end