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authorTim Smith <>2018-06-11 09:18:50 -0700
committerGitHub <>2018-06-11 09:18:50 -0700
commit8832af96ab4a4c0bbc21935d0474957a5d021882 (patch)
parent7124b8cf1ab63cef731b1943c6d8dad2fe131469 (diff)
parentfd59cdaca0489c5ee645c0f0833edd73945b1886 (diff)
Merge pull request #7349 from chef/2k8r2_powershell
Support windows_feature_powershell on Windows 2008 R2
5 files changed, 70 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/platform/query_helpers.rb b/lib/chef/platform/query_helpers.rb
index b49010efc0..448885dfbc 100644
--- a/lib/chef/platform/query_helpers.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/platform/query_helpers.rb
@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ class Chef
class Platform
class << self
+ # a simple helper to determine if we're on a windows release pre-2012 / 8
+ # @return [Boolean] Is the system older than Windows 8 / 2012
+ def older_than_win_2012_or_8?
+ node["platform_version"].to_f < 6.2
+ end
def windows?
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb b/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
index ebd52c4db7..fc6f25fb3f 100644
--- a/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
require "chef/resource"
+require "chef/platform/query_helpers"
class Chef
class Resource
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ class Chef
property :feature_name, [Array, String],
description: "The name of the feature/role(s) to install if it differs from the resource name.",
- coerce: proc { |x| to_lowercase_array(x) },
+ coerce: proc { |x| to_formatted_array(x) },
name_property: true
property :source, String,
@@ -44,12 +45,12 @@ class Chef
description: "Specifies a timeout (in seconds) for feature install.",
default: 600
- def to_lowercase_array(x)
+ # @return [Array] lowercase the array unless we're on < Windows 2012
+ def to_formatted_array(x)
x = x.split(/\s*,\s*/) if x.is_a?(String) # split multiple forms of a comma separated list
- # dism on windows < 2012 is case sensitive so only downcase when on 2012+
- # @todo when we're really ready to remove support for Windows 2008 R2 this check can go away
- node["platform_version"].to_f < 6.2 ? x :
+ # feature installs on windows < 2012 are case sensitive so only downcase when on 2012+
+ Chef::Platform.older_than_win_2012_or_8? ? x :
action :install do
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ class Chef
# dism on windows 2012+ isn't case sensitive so it's best to compare
# lowercase lists so the user input doesn't need to be case sensitive
# @todo when we're ready to remove windows 2008R2 the gating here can go away
- feature_details.downcase! unless node["platform_version"].to_f < 6.2
+ feature_details.downcase! unless Chef::Platform.older_than_win_2012_or_8?
node.override["dism_features_cache"][feature_type] << feature_details
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ class Chef
# @return [void]
def fail_if_removed
return if new_resource.source # if someone provides a source then all is well
- if node["platform_version"].to_f > 6.2
+ if node["platform_version"].to_f > 6.2 # 2012R2 or later
return if registry_key_exists?('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Servicing') && registry_value_exists?('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Servicing', name: "LocalSourcePath") # if source is defined in the registry, still fine
removed = new_resource.feature_name & node["dism_features_cache"]["removed"]
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ class Chef
# Fail unless we're on windows 8+ / 2012+ where deleting a feature is supported
# @return [void]
def raise_if_delete_unsupported
- raise Chef::Exceptions::UnsupportedAction, "#{self} :delete action not support on Windows releases before Windows 8/2012. Cannot continue!" unless node["platform_version"].to_f >= 6.2
+ raise Chef::Exceptions::UnsupportedAction, "#{self} :delete action not supported on Windows releases before Windows 8/2012. Cannot continue!" if Chef::Platform.older_than_win_2012_or_8?
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_powershell.rb b/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_powershell.rb
index 82713e3438..daee0e9d34 100644
--- a/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_powershell.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_powershell.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
require "chef/mixin/powershell_out"
require "chef/json_compat"
require "chef/resource"
+require "chef/platform/query_helpers"
class Chef
class Resource
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ class Chef
property :feature_name, [Array, String],
description: "The name of the feature/role(s) to install if it differs from the resource name.",
- coerce: proc { |x| to_lowercase_array(x) },
+ coerce: proc { |x| to_formatted_array(x) },
name_property: true
property :source, String,
@@ -54,9 +55,13 @@ class Chef
description: "",
default: false
- def to_lowercase_array(x)
+ # Converts strings of features into an Array. Array objects are lowercased unless we're on < 8/2k12+.
+ # @return [Array] array of features
+ def to_formatted_array(x)
x = x.split(/\s*,\s*/) if x.is_a?(String) # split multiple forms of a comma separated list
+ # feature installs on windows < 8/2012 are case sensitive so only downcase when on 2012+
+ Chef::Platform.older_than_win_2012_or_8? ? x :
include Chef::Mixin::PowershellOut
@@ -73,8 +78,8 @@ class Chef
converge_by("install Windows feature#{'s' if features_to_install.count > 1} #{features_to_install.join(',')}") do
install_command = "#{install_feature_cmdlet} #{features_to_install.join(',')}"
install_command << " -IncludeAllSubFeature" if new_resource.all
- if node["platform_version"].to_f < 6.2 && (new_resource.source || new_resource.management_tools)
- Chef::Log.warn("The 'source' and 'management_tools' properties are not available on Windows 2012R2 or great. Skipping these properties!")
+ if Chef::Platform.older_than_win_2012_or_8? && (new_resource.source || new_resource.management_tools)
+ Chef::Log.warn("The 'source' and 'management_tools' properties are only available on Windows 8/2012 or greater. Skipping these properties!")
install_command << " -Source \"#{new_resource.source}\"" if new_resource.source
install_command << " -IncludeManagementTools" if new_resource.management_tools
@@ -148,12 +153,16 @@ class Chef
raise "The windows_feature_powershell resource requires PowerShell 3.0 or later. Please install PowerShell 3.0+ before running this resource." if powershell_version < 3
+ # The appropriate cmdlet to install a windows feature based on windows release
+ # @return [String]
def install_feature_cmdlet
- node["platform_version"].to_f < 6.2 ? "Import-Module ServerManager; Add-WindowsFeature" : "Install-WindowsFeature"
+ Chef::Platform.older_than_win_2012_or_8? ? "Add-WindowsFeature" : "Install-WindowsFeature"
+ # The appropriate cmdlet to remove a windows feature based on windows release
+ # @return [String]
def remove_feature_cmdlet
- node["platform_version"].to_f < 6.2 ? "Import-Module ServerManager; Remove-WindowsFeature" : "Uninstall-WindowsFeature"
+ Chef::Platform.older_than_win_2012_or_8? ? "Remove-WindowsFeature" : "Uninstall-WindowsFeature"
# @return [Array] features the user has requested to install which need installation
@@ -220,8 +229,9 @@ class Chef
# fetch the list of available feature names and state in JSON and parse the JSON
def parsed_feature_list
# Grab raw feature information from dism command line
- raw_list_of_features = if node["platform_version"].to_f < 6.2
- powershell_out!("Import-Module ServerManager; Get-WindowsFeature | Select-Object -Property Name,InstallState | ConvertTo-Json -Compress", timeout: new_resource.timeout).stdout
+ # Windows < 2012 doesn't present a state value so we have to check if the feature is installed or not
+ raw_list_of_features = if Chef::Platform.older_than_win_2012_or_8? # make the older format look like the new format, warts and all
+ powershell_out!('Get-WindowsFeature | Select-Object -Property Name, @{Name=\"InstallState\"; Expression = {If ($_.Installed) { 1 } Else { 0 }}} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress', timeout: new_resource.timeout).stdout
powershell_out!("Get-WindowsFeature | Select-Object -Property Name,InstallState | ConvertTo-Json -Compress", timeout: new_resource.timeout).stdout
@@ -232,14 +242,15 @@ class Chef
# add the features values to the appropriate array
# @return [void]
def add_to_feature_mash(feature_type, feature_details)
- node.override["powershell_features_cache"][feature_type] << feature_details.downcase # lowercase so we can compare properly
+ # add the lowercase feature name to the mash unless we're on < 2012 where they're case sensitive
+ node.override["powershell_features_cache"][feature_type] << (Chef::Platform.older_than_win_2012_or_8? ? feature_details : feature_details.downcase)
# Fail if any of the packages are in a removed state
# @return [void]
def fail_if_removed
return if new_resource.source # if someone provides a source then all is well
- if node["platform_version"].to_f > 6.2
+ if node["platform_version"].to_f > 6.2 # 2012R2 or later
return if registry_key_exists?('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Servicing') && registry_value_exists?('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Servicing', name: "LocalSourcePath") # if source is defined in the registry, still fine
removed = new_resource.feature_name & node["powershell_features_cache"]["removed"]
@@ -248,7 +259,7 @@ class Chef
# Fail unless we're on windows 8+ / 2012+ where deleting a feature is supported
def raise_if_delete_unsupported
- raise Chef::Exceptions::UnsupportedAction, "#{self} :delete action not support on Windows releases before Windows 8/2012. Cannot continue!" unless node["platform_version"].to_f >= 6.2
+ raise Chef::Exceptions::UnsupportedAction, "#{self} :delete action not supported on Windows releases before Windows 8/2012. Cannot continue!" if Chef::Platform.older_than_win_2012_or_8?
diff --git a/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb b/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
index 4627387ddb..87d99ecbaf 100644
--- a/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ describe Chef::Resource::WindowsFeatureDism do
it "the feature_name property is the name_property" do
- node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.2"
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.2.9200"
expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{snmp dhcp})
@@ -47,25 +47,25 @@ describe Chef::Resource::WindowsFeatureDism do
it "coerces comma separated lists of features to a lowercase array on 2012+" do
- node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.2"
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.2.9200"
resource.feature_name "SNMP, DHCP"
expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{snmp dhcp})
it "coerces a single feature as a String to a lowercase array on 2012+" do
- node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.2"
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.2.9200"
resource.feature_name "SNMP"
expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(["snmp"])
it "coerces comma separated lists of features to an array, but preserves case on < 2012" do
- node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.1"
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.1.7601"
resource.feature_name "SNMP, DHCP"
expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{SNMP DHCP})
it "coerces a single feature as a String to an array, but preserves case on < 2012" do
- node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.1"
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.1.7601"
resource.feature_name "SNMP"
expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(["SNMP"])
diff --git a/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_powershell.rb b/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_powershell.rb
index a9b6f5f88f..3dc1604361 100644
--- a/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_powershell.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_powershell.rb
@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@
require "spec_helper"
describe Chef::Resource::WindowsFeaturePowershell do
- let(:resource) {{SNMP DHCP}) }
+ let(:node) { }
+ let(:events) { }
+ let(:run_context) {, {}, events) }
+ let(:resource) {{SNMP DHCP}, run_context) }
it "sets resource name as :windows_feature_powershell" do
expect(resource.resource_name).to eql(:windows_feature_powershell)
@@ -28,24 +31,42 @@ describe Chef::Resource::WindowsFeaturePowershell do
expect(resource.action).to eql([:install])
+ it "the feature_name property is the name_property" do
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.2.9200"
+ expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{snmp dhcp})
+ end
+ it "sets the default action as :install" do
+ expect(resource.action).to eql([:install])
+ end
it "supports :delete, :install, :remove actions" do
expect { resource.action :delete }.not_to raise_error
expect { resource.action :install }.not_to raise_error
expect { resource.action :remove }.not_to raise_error
- it "sets the feature_name property as its name_property" do
- expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{SNMP DHCP})
+ it "coerces comma separated lists of features to a lowercase array on 2012+" do
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.2.9200"
+ resource.feature_name "SNMP, DHCP"
+ expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{snmp dhcp})
+ end
+ it "coerces a single feature as a String to a lowercase array on 2012+" do
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.2.9200"
+ resource.feature_name "SNMP"
+ expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(["snmp"])
- it "coerces comma separated lists of features to arrays" do
+ it "coerces comma separated lists of features to an array, but preserves case on < 2012" do
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.1.7601"
resource.feature_name "SNMP, DHCP"
expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{SNMP DHCP})
- it "coerces a single feature as a String into an array" do
+ it "coerces a single feature as a String to an array, but preserves case on < 2012" do
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.1.7601"
resource.feature_name "SNMP"
expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(["SNMP"])