diff options
authorJohn Keiser <>2015-09-28 17:39:58 -0700
committerJohn Keiser <>2015-09-28 17:39:58 -0700
commit41e0090b0c3c67dce353337c04162c9abff9606c (patch)
parentc63466a63d7e46ec97a64575054d0639c16808b7 (diff)
parent6d08f7dd73b11394c0c899f285dbb7ff21bb1b89 (diff)
Merge branch 'jk/systemctl-shenanigans'
6 files changed, 784 insertions, 684 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/chef_class.rb b/lib/chef/chef_class.rb
index b18c3fbdde..6a0d09ec96 100644
--- a/lib/chef/chef_class.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/chef_class.rb
@@ -226,5 +226,10 @@ class Chef
+ # @api private Only for test dependency injection; not evenly implemented as yet.
+ def self.path_to(path)
+ path
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/mixin/which.rb b/lib/chef/mixin/which.rb
index 4179c97b62..4e1c516386 100644
--- a/lib/chef/mixin/which.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/mixin/which.rb
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Chef
paths = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) + extra_path
paths.each do |path|
filename = File.join(path, cmd)
- return filename if File.executable?(filename)
+ return filename if File.executable?(Chef.path_to(filename))
diff --git a/lib/chef/platform/service_helpers.rb b/lib/chef/platform/service_helpers.rb
index d50812e687..39457a5d17 100644
--- a/lib/chef/platform/service_helpers.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/platform/service_helpers.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
# XXX: mixing shellout into a mixin into classes has to be code smell
require 'chef/mixin/shell_out'
require 'chef/mixin/which'
+require 'chef/chef_class'
class Chef
class Platform
@@ -42,56 +43,52 @@ class Chef
# different services is NOT a design concern of this module.
def service_resource_providers
- @service_resource_providers ||= [].tap do |service_resource_providers|
- if ::File.exist?("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d")
- service_resource_providers << :debian
- end
- if ::File.exist?("/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d")
- service_resource_providers << :invokercd
- end
+ if ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d"))
+ service_resource_providers << :debian
+ end
- if ::File.exist?("/sbin/insserv")
- service_resource_providers << :insserv
- end
+ if ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d"))
+ service_resource_providers << :invokercd
+ end
- # debian >= 6.0 has /etc/init but does not have upstart
- if ::File.exist?("/etc/init") && ::File.exist?("/sbin/start")
- service_resource_providers << :upstart
- end
+ if ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/sbin/insserv"))
+ service_resource_providers << :insserv
+ end
- if ::File.exist?("/sbin/chkconfig")
- service_resource_providers << :redhat
- end
+ # debian >= 6.0 has /etc/init but does not have upstart
+ if ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/etc/init")) && ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/sbin/start"))
+ service_resource_providers << :upstart
+ end
- if systemd_sanity_check?
- service_resource_providers << :systemd
- end
+ if ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/sbin/chkconfig"))
+ service_resource_providers << :redhat
+ end
+ if systemd_sanity_check?
+ service_resource_providers << :systemd
def config_for_service(service_name)
configs = []
- if ::File.exist?("/etc/init.d/#{service_name}")
+ if ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/etc/init.d/#{service_name}"))
configs << :initd
- if ::File.exist?("/etc/init/#{service_name}.conf")
+ if ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/etc/init/#{service_name}.conf"))
configs << :upstart
- if ::File.exist?("/etc/xinetd.d/#{service_name}")
+ if ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/etc/xinetd.d/#{service_name}"))
configs << :xinetd
- if ::File.exist?("/etc/rc.d/#{service_name}")
+ if ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/etc/rc.d/#{service_name}"))
configs << :etc_rcd
- if ::File.exist?("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{service_name}")
+ if ::File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{service_name}"))
configs << :usr_local_etc_rcd
@@ -105,14 +102,11 @@ class Chef
def systemctl_path
- if @systemctl_path.nil?
- @systemctl_path = which("systemctl")
- end
- @systemctl_path
+ which("systemctl")
def systemd_sanity_check?
- systemctl_path && File.exist?("/proc/1/comm") &&"/proc/1/comm").gets.chomp == "systemd"
+ systemctl_path && File.exist?(Chef.path_to("/proc/1/comm")) &&"/proc/1/comm")).gets.chomp == "systemd"
def extract_systemd_services(command)
@@ -126,7 +120,7 @@ class Chef
# this splits off the suffix after the last dot to return "sshd"
services += {|s| s.match(/\.service$/) }.map { |s| s.sub(/(.*)\.service$/, '\1') }
rescue Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed
- false
+ []
def platform_has_systemd_unit?(service_name)
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index aadf55f64b..92a4daf6d5 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ require 'spec/support/local_gems.rb' if File.exists?(File.join(File.dirname(__FI
# Explicitly require spec helpers that need to load first
require 'spec/support/platform_helpers'
+require 'spec/support/shared/unit/mock_shellout'
# Autoloads support files
# Excludes support/platforms by default
@@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ TEST_PLATFORM_VERSION = TEST_NODE['platform_version']
RSpec.configure do |config|
+ config.include(MockShellout::RSpec)
config.filter_run :focus => true
config.filter_run_excluding :external => true
diff --git a/spec/support/shared/unit/mock_shellout.rb b/spec/support/shared/unit/mock_shellout.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c3e49ec82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/shared/unit/mock_shellout.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Author:: John Keiser <>
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2015 John Keiser.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Mocks shellout results. Examples:
+# mock_shellout_command("systemctl --all", exitstatus: 1)
+class MockShellout
+ module RSpec
+ def mock_shellout_command(command, **result)
+ allow(::Mixlib::ShellOut).to receive(:new).with(command, anything).and_return
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(**properties)
+ @properties = {
+ stdout: "",
+ stderr: "",
+ exitstatus: 0
+ }.merge(properties)
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, *args)
+ @properties[name.to_sym]
+ end
+ def error?
+ exitstatus != 0
+ end
+ def error!
+ raise Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed, "Expected process to exit with 0, but received #{exitstatus}" if error?
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider_resolver_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider_resolver_spec.rb
index 88df4a20cc..a2fa4d7829 100644
--- a/spec/unit/provider_resolver_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider_resolver_spec.rb
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ require 'spec_helper'
require 'chef/mixin/convert_to_class_name'
require 'chef/provider_resolver'
require 'chef/platform/service_helpers'
+require 'support/shared/integration/integration_helper'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require 'fileutils'
include Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName
@@ -27,833 +30,883 @@ include Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName
#module Chef::Provider
describe Chef::ProviderResolver do
+ include IntegrationSupport
- let(:resource_name) { :service }
- let(:provider) { nil }
- let(:action) { :start }
- let(:node) do
- node =
- node.automatic[:os] = os
- node.automatic[:platform_family] = platform_family
- node.automatic[:platform] = platform
- node.automatic[:platform_version] = platform_version
- node.automatic[:kernel] = { machine: 'i386' }
- node
- end
- let(:run_context) {, nil, nil) }
- let(:provider_resolver) {, resource, action) }
- let(:resolved_provider) do
- begin
- resource ? resource.provider_for_action(action).class : nil
- rescue Chef::Exceptions::ProviderNotFound
- nil
+ # Root the filesystem under a temp directory so Chef.path_to will point at it
+ when_the_repository "is empty" do
+ before do
+ allow(Chef).to receive(:path_to) { |path| File.join(path_to(""), path) }
- end
- let(:resource) do
- resource_class = Chef::ResourceResolver.resolve(resource_name, node: node)
- if resource_class
- resource ='test', run_context)
- resource.provider = provider if provider
+ let(:resource_name) { :service }
+ let(:provider) { nil }
+ let(:action) { :start }
+ let(:node) do
+ node =
+ node.automatic[:os] = os
+ node.automatic[:platform_family] = platform_family
+ node.automatic[:platform] = platform
+ node.automatic[:platform_version] = platform_version
+ node.automatic[:kernel] = { machine: 'i386' }
+ node
- resource
- end
- def self.on_platform(platform, *tags,
- platform_version: '11.0.1',
- platform_family: nil,
- os: nil,
- &block)
- Array(platform).each do |platform|
- Array(platform_version).each do |platform_version|
- on_one_platform(platform, platform_version, platform_family || platform, os || platform_family || platform, *tags, &block)
+ let(:run_context) {, nil, nil) }
+ let(:provider_resolver) {, resource, action) }
+ let(:resolved_provider) do
+ begin
+ resource ? resource.provider_for_action(action).class : nil
+ rescue Chef::Exceptions::ProviderNotFound
+ nil
- end
- def self.on_one_platform(platform, platform_version, platform_family, os, *tags, &block)
- describe "on #{platform} #{platform_version}, platform_family: #{platform_family}, os: #{os}", *tags do
- let(:os) { os }
- let(:platform) { platform }
- let(:platform_family) { platform_family }
- let(:platform_version) { platform_version }
- define_singleton_method(:os) { os }
- define_singleton_method(:platform) { platform }
- define_singleton_method(:platform_family) { platform_family }
- define_singleton_method(:platform_version) { platform_version }
- instance_eval(&block)
+ let(:service_name) { "test" }
+ let(:resource) do
+ resource_class = Chef::ResourceResolver.resolve(resource_name, node: node)
+ if resource_class
+ resource =, run_context)
+ resource.provider = provider if provider
+ end
+ resource
- end
- def self.expect_providers(**providers)
- providers.each do |name, expected|
- describe name.to_s do
- let(:resource_name) { name }
- tags = []
- expected_provider = nil
- expected_resource = nil
- Array(expected).each do |p|
- if p.is_a?(Class) && p <= Chef::Provider
- expected_provider = p
- elsif p.is_a?(Class) && p <= Chef::Resource
- expected_resource = p
- else
- tags << p
- end
- end
- if expected_resource && expected_provider
- it "'#{name}' resolves to resource #{expected_resource} and provider #{expected_provider}", *tags do
- expect(resource.class).to eql(expected_resource)
- provider = double(expected_provider, class: expected_provider)
- expect(provider).to receive(:action=).with(action)
- expect(expected_provider).to receive(:new).with(resource, run_context).and_return(provider)
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(expected_provider)
- end
- elsif expected_provider
- it "'#{name}' resolves to provider #{expected_provider}", *tags do
- provider = double(expected_provider)
- expect(provider).to receive(:action=).with(action)
- expect(expected_provider).to receive(:new).with(resource, run_context).and_return(provider)
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(expected_provider)
- end
- else
- it "'#{name}' fails to resolve (since #{name.inspect} is unsupported on #{platform} #{platform_version})", *tags do
- expect(resolved_provider).to be_nil
- end
+ def self.on_platform(platform, *tags,
+ platform_version: '11.0.1',
+ platform_family: nil,
+ os: nil,
+ &block)
+ Array(platform).each do |platform|
+ Array(platform_version).each do |platform_version|
+ on_one_platform(platform, platform_version, platform_family || platform, os || platform_family || platform, *tags, &block)
- end
- describe "resolving service resource" do
- def stub_service_providers(*services)
- services ||= []
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:service_resource_providers)
- .and_return(services)
- end
- def stub_service_configs(*configs)
- configs ||= []
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return(configs)
- end
- before do
- allow(resource).to receive(:service_name).and_return("ntp")
- end
- shared_examples_for "an ubuntu platform with upstart, update-rc.d and systemd" do
- before do
- stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :upstart, :systemd)
- end
- it "when only the SysV init script exists, it returns a Service::Debian provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :initd, :systemd ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd)
- end
- it "when both SysV and Upstart scripts exist, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :initd, :upstart, :systemd ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd)
- end
+ def self.on_one_platform(platform, platform_version, platform_family, os, *tags, &block)
+ describe "on #{platform} #{platform_version}, platform_family: #{platform_family}, os: #{os}", *tags do
+ let(:os) { os }
+ let(:platform) { platform }
+ let(:platform_family) { platform_family }
+ let(:platform_version) { platform_version }
- it "when only the Upstart script exists, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :upstart, :systemd ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd)
- end
+ define_singleton_method(:os) { os }
+ define_singleton_method(:platform) { platform }
+ define_singleton_method(:platform_family) { platform_family }
+ define_singleton_method(:platform_version) { platform_version }
- it "when both do not exist, it calls the old style provider resolver and returns a Debian Provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :systemd ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd)
- end
- it "when only the SysV init script exists, it returns a Service::Debian provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :initd ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Debian)
+ instance_eval(&block)
+ end
- it "when both SysV and Upstart scripts exist, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :initd, :upstart ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
- end
+ def self.expect_providers(**providers)
+ providers.each do |name, expected|
+ describe name.to_s do
+ let(:resource_name) { name }
+ tags = []
+ expected_provider = nil
+ expected_resource = nil
+ Array(expected).each do |p|
+ if p.is_a?(Class) && p <= Chef::Provider
+ expected_provider = p
+ elsif p.is_a?(Class) && p <= Chef::Resource
+ expected_resource = p
+ else
+ tags << p
+ end
+ end
- it "when only the Upstart script exists, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :upstart ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
+ if expected_resource && expected_provider
+ it "'#{name}' resolves to resource #{expected_resource} and provider #{expected_provider}", *tags do
+ expect(resource.class).to eql(expected_resource)
+ provider = double(expected_provider, class: expected_provider)
+ expect(provider).to receive(:action=).with(action)
+ expect(expected_provider).to receive(:new).with(resource, run_context).and_return(provider)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(expected_provider)
+ end
+ elsif expected_provider
+ it "'#{name}' resolves to provider #{expected_provider}", *tags do
+ provider = double(expected_provider)
+ expect(provider).to receive(:action=).with(action)
+ expect(expected_provider).to receive(:new).with(resource, run_context).and_return(provider)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(expected_provider)
+ end
+ else
+ it "'#{name}' fails to resolve (since #{name.inspect} is unsupported on #{platform} #{platform_version})", *tags do
+ expect(resolved_provider).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- it "when both do not exist, it calls the old style provider resolver and returns a Debian Provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd)
+ describe "resolving service resource" do
+ def stub_service_providers(*services)
+ services.each do |service|
+ case service
+ when :debian
+ directory 'usr/sbin/update-rc.d'
+ when :invokercd
+ directory 'usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d'
+ when :insserv
+ directory 'sbin/insserv'
+ when :upstart
+ directory 'etc/init'
+ directory 'sbin/start'
+ when :redhat
+ directory 'sbin/chkconfig'
+ when :systemd
+ file 'bin/systemctl', ''
+ # Make systemctl executable
+ File.chmod(0755, path_to('bin/systemctl'))
+ file 'proc/1/comm', "systemd\n"
+ mock_shellout_command("/bin/systemctl --all", stdout: "")
+ mock_shellout_command("/bin/systemctl list-unit-files", stdout: "")
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, service
+ end
+ end
- end
- shared_examples_for "an ubuntu platform with upstart and update-rc.d" do
- before do
- stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :upstart)
+ def stub_service_configs(*configs)
+ configs.each do |config|
+ case config
+ when :initd
+ file "etc/init.d/#{service_name}", ""
+ when :upstart
+ file "etc/init/#{service_name}.conf", ""
+ when :xinetd
+ file "etc/xinetd.d/#{service_name}", ""
+ when :etc_rcd
+ file "etc/rc.d/#{service_name}", ""
+ when :usr_local_etc_rcd
+ file "usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{service_name}", ""
+ when :systemd
+ file 'bin/systemctl', ''
+ # Make systemctl executable
+ File.chmod(0755, path_to("bin/systemctl"))
+ file 'proc/1/comm', "systemd\n"
+ mock_shellout_command("/bin/systemctl --all", stdout: <<-EOM)
+ superv loaded
+ stinky something-else
+ #{service_name} loaded
+ blargh not-found
+ mock_shellout_command("/bin/systemctl list-unit-files", stdout: <<-EOM)
+ usuperv loaded
+ ustinky something-else
+ u#{service_name} loaded
+ ublargh not-found
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, config
+ end
+ end
- # needs to be handled by the highest priority init.d handler
- context "when only the SysV init script exists" do
+ shared_examples_for "an ubuntu platform with upstart, update-rc.d and systemd" do
before do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :initd ] )
+ stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :upstart, :systemd)
- it "enables init, invokercd, debian and upstart providers" do
- expect(provider_resolver.enabled_handlers).to include(
- Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
- )
+ it "when only the SysV init script exists, it returns a Service::Debian provider" do
+ stub_service_configs(:initd, :systemd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd)
- it "supports all the enabled handlers except for upstart" do
- expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to include(
- Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
- )
- expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to_not include(
- Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
- )
+ it "when both SysV and Upstart scripts exist, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
+ stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart, :systemd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd)
- it "returns a Service::Debian provider" do
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Debian)
+ it "when only the Upstart script exists, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
+ stub_service_configs(:upstart, :systemd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd)
- end
- # on ubuntu this must be handled by upstart, the init script will exit 1 and fail
- context "when both SysV and Upstart scripts exist" do
- before do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :initd, :upstart ] )
+ it "when both do not exist, it calls the old style provider resolver and returns a Debian Provider" do
+ stub_service_configs(:systemd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd)
- it "enables init, invokercd, debian and upstart providers" do
- expect(provider_resolver.enabled_handlers).to include(
- Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
- )
+ it "when only the SysV init script exists, it returns a Service::Debian provider" do
+ stub_service_configs(:initd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Debian)
- it "supports all the enabled handlers" do
- expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to include(
- Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
- )
+ it "when both SysV and Upstart scripts exist, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
+ stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
- it "returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
+ it "when only the Upstart script exists, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
+ stub_service_configs(:upstart)
expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
+ it "when both do not exist, it calls the old style provider resolver and returns a Debian Provider" do
+ stub_service_configs
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd)
+ end
- # this case is a pure-upstart script which is easy
- context "when only the Upstart script exists" do
+ shared_examples_for "an ubuntu platform with upstart and update-rc.d" do
before do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :upstart ] )
+ stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :upstart)
- it "enables init, invokercd, debian and upstart providers" do
- expect(provider_resolver.enabled_handlers).to include(
- Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
- )
- end
+ # needs to be handled by the highest priority init.d handler
+ context "when only the SysV init script exists" do
+ before do
+ stub_service_configs(:initd)
+ end
- it "supports only the upstart handler" do
- expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to include(
- Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
- )
- expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to_not include(
- Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
- )
- end
+ it "enables init, invokercd, debian and upstart providers" do
+ expect(provider_resolver.enabled_handlers).to include(
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
+ )
+ end
- it "returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
- end
- end
+ it "supports all the enabled handlers except for upstart" do
+ expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to include(
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
+ )
+ expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to_not include(
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
+ )
+ end
- # this case is important to get correct for why-run when no config is setup
- context "when both do not exist" do
- before do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ ] )
+ it "returns a Service::Debian provider" do
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Debian)
+ end
- it "enables init, invokercd, debian and upstart providers" do
- expect(provider_resolver.enabled_handlers).to include(
- Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
- )
- end
+ # on ubuntu this must be handled by upstart, the init script will exit 1 and fail
+ context "when both SysV and Upstart scripts exist" do
+ before do
+ stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart)
+ end
- it "no providers claim to support the resource" do
- expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to_not include(
- Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
- Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
- )
- end
+ it "enables init, invokercd, debian and upstart providers" do
+ expect(provider_resolver.enabled_handlers).to include(
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
+ )
+ end
- it "returns a Debian Provider" do
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
- end
- end
- end
+ it "supports all the enabled handlers" do
+ expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to include(
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
+ )
+ end
- shared_examples_for "a debian platform using the insserv provider" do
- context "with a default install" do
- before do
- stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv)
+ it "returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
+ end
- it "uses the Service::Insserv Provider to manage sysv init scripts" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :initd ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Insserv)
- end
+ # this case is a pure-upstart script which is easy
+ context "when only the Upstart script exists" do
+ before do
+ stub_service_configs(:upstart)
+ end
- it "uses the Service::Insserv Provider when there is no config" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Insserv)
- end
- end
+ it "enables init, invokercd, debian and upstart providers" do
+ expect(provider_resolver.enabled_handlers).to include(
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
+ )
+ end
- context "when the user has installed upstart" do
- before do
- stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart)
- end
+ it "supports only the upstart handler" do
+ expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to include(
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
+ )
+ expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to_not include(
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
+ )
+ end
- it "when only the SysV init script exists, it returns an Insserv provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :initd ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Insserv)
+ it "returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
+ end
- it "when both SysV and Upstart scripts exist, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :initd, :upstart ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
- end
+ # this case is important to get correct for why-run when no config is setup
+ context "when both do not exist" do
+ before do
+ stub_service_configs
+ end
- it "when only the Upstart script exists, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ :upstart ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
- end
+ it "enables init, invokercd, debian and upstart providers" do
+ expect(provider_resolver.enabled_handlers).to include(
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
+ )
+ end
- it "when both do not exist, it calls the old style provider resolver and returns a Debian Provider" do
- allow(Chef::Platform::ServiceHelpers).to receive(:config_for_service).with("ntp")
- .and_return( [ ] )
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
+ it "no providers claim to support the resource" do
+ expect(provider_resolver.supported_handlers).to_not include(
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Debian,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Init,
+ Chef::Provider::Service::Invokercd,
+ )
+ end
+ it "returns a Debian Provider" do
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
+ end
- end
- on_platform "ubuntu", platform_version: "14.10", platform_family: "debian", os: "linux" do
- it_behaves_like "an ubuntu platform with upstart, update-rc.d and systemd"
- end
+ shared_examples_for "a debian platform using the insserv provider" do
+ context "with a default install" do
+ before do
+ stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv)
+ end
- on_platform "ubuntu", platform_version: "14.04", platform_family: "debian", os: "linux" do
- it_behaves_like "an ubuntu platform with upstart and update-rc.d"
- end
+ it "uses the Service::Insserv Provider to manage sysv init scripts" do
+ stub_service_configs(:initd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Insserv)
+ end
- on_platform "ubuntu", platform_version: "10.04", platform_family: "debian", os: "linux" do
- it_behaves_like "an ubuntu platform with upstart and update-rc.d"
- end
+ it "uses the Service::Insserv Provider when there is no config" do
+ stub_service_configs
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Insserv)
+ end
+ end
- # old debian uses the Debian provider (does not have insserv or upstart, or update-rc.d???)
- on_platform "debian", platform_version: "4.0", os: "linux" do
- #it_behaves_like "a debian platform using the debian provider"
- end
+ context "when the user has installed upstart" do
+ before do
+ stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart)
+ end
- # Debian replaced the debian provider with insserv in the FIXME:VERSION distro
- on_platform "debian", platform_version: "7.0", os: "linux" do
- it_behaves_like "a debian platform using the insserv provider"
- end
+ it "when only the SysV init script exists, it returns an Insserv provider" do
+ stub_service_configs(:initd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Insserv)
+ end
+ it "when both SysV and Upstart scripts exist, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
+ stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
+ end
+ it "when only the Upstart script exists, it returns a Service::Upstart provider" do
+ stub_service_configs(:upstart)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
+ end
- on_platform %w{solaris2 openindiana opensolaris nexentacore omnios smartos}, os: "solaris2", platform_version: "5.11" do
- it "returns a Solaris provider" do
- stub_service_providers
- stub_service_configs
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Solaris)
+ it "when both do not exist, it calls the old style provider resolver and returns a Debian Provider" do
+ stub_service_configs
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
+ end
+ end
- it "always returns a Solaris provider" do
- # no matter what we stub on the next two lines we should get a Solaris provider
- stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart, :redhat, :systemd)
- stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart, :xinetd, :user_local_etc_rcd, :systemd)
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Solaris)
+ on_platform "ubuntu", platform_version: "15.10", platform_family: "debian", os: "linux" do
+ it_behaves_like "an ubuntu platform with upstart, update-rc.d and systemd"
+ it "when the unit-files are missing and system-ctl list-unit-files returns an error" do
+ stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :upstart, :systemd)
+ stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart)
+ mock_shellout_command("/bin/systemctl list-unit-files", exitstatus: 1)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart)
+ end
- end
- on_platform %w{mswin mingw32 windows}, platform_family: "windows", platform_version: "5.11" do
- it "returns a Windows provider" do
- stub_service_providers
- stub_service_configs
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Windows)
+ on_platform "ubuntu", platform_version: "14.10", platform_family: "debian", os: "linux" do
+ it_behaves_like "an ubuntu platform with upstart, update-rc.d and systemd"
- it "always returns a Windows provider" do
- # no matter what we stub on the next two lines we should get a Windows provider
- stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart, :redhat, :systemd)
- stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart, :xinetd, :user_local_etc_rcd, :systemd)
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Windows)
+ on_platform "ubuntu", platform_version: "14.04", platform_family: "debian", os: "linux" do
+ it_behaves_like "an ubuntu platform with upstart and update-rc.d"
- end
- on_platform %w{mac_os_x mac_os_x_server}, os: "darwin", platform_family: "mac_os_x", platform_version: "10.9.2" do
- it "returns a Macosx provider" do
- stub_service_providers
- stub_service_configs
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Macosx)
+ on_platform "ubuntu", platform_version: "10.04", platform_family: "debian", os: "linux" do
+ it_behaves_like "an ubuntu platform with upstart and update-rc.d"
- it "always returns a Macosx provider" do
- # no matter what we stub on the next two lines we should get a Macosx provider
- stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart, :redhat, :systemd)
- stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart, :xinetd, :user_local_etc_rcd, :systemd)
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Macosx)
+ # old debian uses the Debian provider (does not have insserv or upstart, or update-rc.d???)
+ on_platform "debian", platform_version: "4.0", os: "linux" do
+ #it_behaves_like "a debian platform using the debian provider"
- end
- on_platform %w(freebsd netbsd), platform_version: '3.1.4' do
- it "returns a Freebsd provider if it finds the /usr/local/etc/rc.d initscript" do
- stub_service_providers
- stub_service_configs(:usr_local_etc_rcd)
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd)
+ # Debian replaced the debian provider with insserv in the FIXME:VERSION distro
+ on_platform "debian", platform_version: "7.0", os: "linux" do
+ it_behaves_like "a debian platform using the insserv provider"
- it "returns a Freebsd provider if it finds the /etc/rc.d initscript" do
- stub_service_providers
- stub_service_configs(:etc_rcd)
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd)
+ on_platform %w{solaris2 openindiana opensolaris nexentacore omnios smartos}, os: "solaris2", platform_version: "5.11" do
+ it "returns a Solaris provider" do
+ stub_service_providers
+ stub_service_configs
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Solaris)
+ end
+ it "always returns a Solaris provider" do
+ # no matter what we stub on the next two lines we should get a Solaris provider
+ stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart, :redhat, :systemd)
+ stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart, :xinetd, :usr_local_etc_rcd, :systemd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Solaris)
+ end
- it "always returns a Freebsd provider if it finds the /usr/local/etc/rc.d initscript" do
- # should only care about :usr_local_etc_rcd stub in the service configs
- stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart, :redhat, :systemd)
- stub_service_configs(:usr_local_etc_rcd, :initd, :upstart, :xinetd, :systemd)
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd)
+ on_platform %w{mswin mingw32 windows}, platform_family: "windows", platform_version: "5.11" do
+ it "returns a Windows provider" do
+ stub_service_providers
+ stub_service_configs
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Windows)
+ end
+ it "always returns a Windows provider" do
+ # no matter what we stub on the next two lines we should get a Windows provider
+ stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart, :redhat, :systemd)
+ stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart, :xinetd, :usr_local_etc_rcd, :systemd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Windows)
+ end
- it "always returns a Freebsd provider if it finds the /usr/local/etc/rc.d initscript" do
- # should only care about :etc_rcd stub in the service configs
- stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart, :redhat, :systemd)
- stub_service_configs(:etc_rcd, :initd, :upstart, :xinetd, :systemd)
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd)
+ on_platform %w{mac_os_x mac_os_x_server}, os: "darwin", platform_family: "mac_os_x", platform_version: "10.9.2" do
+ it "returns a Macosx provider" do
+ stub_service_providers
+ stub_service_configs
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Macosx)
+ end
+ it "always returns a Macosx provider" do
+ # no matter what we stub on the next two lines we should get a Macosx provider
+ stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart, :redhat, :systemd)
+ stub_service_configs(:initd, :upstart, :xinetd, :usr_local_etc_rcd, :systemd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Macosx)
+ end
- it "foo" do
- stub_service_providers
- stub_service_configs
- expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd)
+ on_platform %w(freebsd netbsd), platform_version: '3.1.4' do
+ it "returns a Freebsd provider if it finds the /usr/local/etc/rc.d initscript" do
+ stub_service_providers
+ stub_service_configs(:usr_local_etc_rcd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd)
+ end
+ it "returns a Freebsd provider if it finds the /etc/rc.d initscript" do
+ stub_service_providers
+ stub_service_configs(:etc_rcd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd)
+ end
+ it "always returns a Freebsd provider if it finds the /usr/local/etc/rc.d initscript" do
+ # should only care about :usr_local_etc_rcd stub in the service configs
+ stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart, :redhat, :systemd)
+ stub_service_configs(:usr_local_etc_rcd, :initd, :upstart, :xinetd, :systemd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd)
+ end
+ it "always returns a Freebsd provider if it finds the /usr/local/etc/rc.d initscript" do
+ # should only care about :etc_rcd stub in the service configs
+ stub_service_providers(:debian, :invokercd, :insserv, :upstart, :redhat, :systemd)
+ stub_service_configs(:etc_rcd, :initd, :upstart, :xinetd, :systemd)
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd)
+ end
+ it "foo" do
+ stub_service_providers
+ stub_service_configs
+ expect(resolved_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd)
+ end
- end
- end
+ end
- {
- bash: [ Chef::Resource::Bash, Chef::Provider::Script ],
- breakpoint: [ Chef::Resource::Breakpoint, Chef::Provider::Breakpoint ],
- chef_gem: [ Chef::Resource::ChefGem, Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems ],
- cookbook_file: [ Chef::Resource::CookbookFile, Chef::Provider::CookbookFile ],
- csh: [ Chef::Resource::Csh, Chef::Provider::Script ],
- deploy: [ Chef::Resource::Deploy, Chef::Provider::Deploy::Timestamped ],
- deploy_revision: [ Chef::Resource::DeployRevision, Chef::Provider::Deploy::Revision ],
- directory: [ Chef::Resource::Directory, Chef::Provider::Directory ],
- easy_install_package: [ Chef::Resource::EasyInstallPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::EasyInstall ],
- erl_call: [ Chef::Resource::ErlCall, Chef::Provider::ErlCall ],
- execute: [ Chef::Resource::Execute, Chef::Provider::Execute ],
- file: [ Chef::Resource::File, Chef::Provider::File ],
- gem_package: [ Chef::Resource::GemPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems ],
- git: [ Chef::Resource::Git, Chef::Provider::Git ],
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Gpasswd ],
- homebrew_package: [ Chef::Resource::HomebrewPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Homebrew ],
- http_request: [ Chef::Resource::HttpRequest, Chef::Provider::HttpRequest ],
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
- link: [ Chef::Resource::Link, Chef::Provider::Link ],
- log: [ Chef::Resource::Log, Chef::Provider::Log::ChefLog ],
- macports_package: [ Chef::Resource::MacportsPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Macports ],
- mdadm: [ Chef::Resource::Mdadm, Chef::Provider::Mdadm ],
- mount: [ Chef::Resource::Mount, Chef::Provider::Mount::Mount ],
- perl: [ Chef::Resource::Perl, Chef::Provider::Script ],
- portage_package: [ Chef::Resource::PortagePackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Portage ],
- python: [ Chef::Resource::Python, Chef::Provider::Script ],
- remote_directory: [ Chef::Resource::RemoteDirectory, Chef::Provider::RemoteDirectory ],
- route: [ Chef::Resource::Route, Chef::Provider::Route ],
- ruby: [ Chef::Resource::Ruby, Chef::Provider::Script ],
- ruby_block: [ Chef::Resource::RubyBlock, Chef::Provider::RubyBlock ],
- script: [ Chef::Resource::Script, Chef::Provider::Script ],
- subversion: [ Chef::Resource::Subversion, Chef::Provider::Subversion ],
- template: [ Chef::Resource::Template, Chef::Provider::Template ],
- timestamped_deploy: [ Chef::Resource::TimestampedDeploy, Chef::Provider::Deploy::Timestamped ],
- user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Useradd ],
- whyrun_safe_ruby_block: [ Chef::Resource::WhyrunSafeRubyBlock, Chef::Provider::WhyrunSafeRubyBlock ],
- # We want to check that these are unsupported:
- apt_package: nil,
- bff_package: nil,
- dpkg_package: nil,
- dsc_script: nil,
- ips_package: nil,
- pacman_package: nil,
- paludis_package: nil,
- rpm_package: nil,
- smartos_package: nil,
- solaris_package: nil,
- yum_package: nil,
- windows_package: nil,
- windows_service: nil,
- "linux" => {
- apt_package: [ Chef::Resource::AptPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Apt ],
- dpkg_package: [ Chef::Resource::DpkgPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Dpkg ],
- pacman_package: [ Chef::Resource::PacmanPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Pacman ],
- paludis_package: [ Chef::Resource::PaludisPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Paludis ],
- rpm_package: [ Chef::Resource::RpmPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Rpm ],
- yum_package: [ Chef::Resource::YumPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Yum ],
- "debian" => {
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig::Debian ],
- package: [ Chef::Resource::AptPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Apt ],
-# service: [ Chef::Resource::DebianService, Chef::Provider::Service::Debian ],
+ {
+ bash: [ Chef::Resource::Bash, Chef::Provider::Script ],
+ breakpoint: [ Chef::Resource::Breakpoint, Chef::Provider::Breakpoint ],
+ chef_gem: [ Chef::Resource::ChefGem, Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems ],
+ cookbook_file: [ Chef::Resource::CookbookFile, Chef::Provider::CookbookFile ],
+ csh: [ Chef::Resource::Csh, Chef::Provider::Script ],
+ deploy: [ Chef::Resource::Deploy, Chef::Provider::Deploy::Timestamped ],
+ deploy_revision: [ Chef::Resource::DeployRevision, Chef::Provider::Deploy::Revision ],
+ directory: [ Chef::Resource::Directory, Chef::Provider::Directory ],
+ easy_install_package: [ Chef::Resource::EasyInstallPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::EasyInstall ],
+ erl_call: [ Chef::Resource::ErlCall, Chef::Provider::ErlCall ],
+ execute: [ Chef::Resource::Execute, Chef::Provider::Execute ],
+ file: [ Chef::Resource::File, Chef::Provider::File ],
+ gem_package: [ Chef::Resource::GemPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems ],
+ git: [ Chef::Resource::Git, Chef::Provider::Git ],
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Gpasswd ],
+ homebrew_package: [ Chef::Resource::HomebrewPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Homebrew ],
+ http_request: [ Chef::Resource::HttpRequest, Chef::Provider::HttpRequest ],
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
+ link: [ Chef::Resource::Link, Chef::Provider::Link ],
+ log: [ Chef::Resource::Log, Chef::Provider::Log::ChefLog ],
+ macports_package: [ Chef::Resource::MacportsPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Macports ],
+ mdadm: [ Chef::Resource::Mdadm, Chef::Provider::Mdadm ],
+ mount: [ Chef::Resource::Mount, Chef::Provider::Mount::Mount ],
+ perl: [ Chef::Resource::Perl, Chef::Provider::Script ],
+ portage_package: [ Chef::Resource::PortagePackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Portage ],
+ python: [ Chef::Resource::Python, Chef::Provider::Script ],
+ remote_directory: [ Chef::Resource::RemoteDirectory, Chef::Provider::RemoteDirectory ],
+ route: [ Chef::Resource::Route, Chef::Provider::Route ],
+ ruby: [ Chef::Resource::Ruby, Chef::Provider::Script ],
+ ruby_block: [ Chef::Resource::RubyBlock, Chef::Provider::RubyBlock ],
+ script: [ Chef::Resource::Script, Chef::Provider::Script ],
+ subversion: [ Chef::Resource::Subversion, Chef::Provider::Subversion ],
+ template: [ Chef::Resource::Template, Chef::Provider::Template ],
+ timestamped_deploy: [ Chef::Resource::TimestampedDeploy, Chef::Provider::Deploy::Timestamped ],
+ user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Useradd ],
+ whyrun_safe_ruby_block: [ Chef::Resource::WhyrunSafeRubyBlock, Chef::Provider::WhyrunSafeRubyBlock ],
+ # We want to check that these are unsupported:
+ apt_package: nil,
+ bff_package: nil,
+ dpkg_package: nil,
+ dsc_script: nil,
+ ips_package: nil,
+ pacman_package: nil,
+ paludis_package: nil,
+ rpm_package: nil,
+ smartos_package: nil,
+ solaris_package: nil,
+ yum_package: nil,
+ windows_package: nil,
+ windows_service: nil,
+ "linux" => {
+ apt_package: [ Chef::Resource::AptPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Apt ],
+ dpkg_package: [ Chef::Resource::DpkgPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Dpkg ],
+ pacman_package: [ Chef::Resource::PacmanPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Pacman ],
+ paludis_package: [ Chef::Resource::PaludisPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Paludis ],
+ rpm_package: [ Chef::Resource::RpmPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Rpm ],
+ yum_package: [ Chef::Resource::YumPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Yum ],
"debian" => {
- "7.0" => {
- },
- "6.0" => {
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
-# service: [ Chef::Resource::InsservService, Chef::Provider::Service::Insserv ],
- },
- "5.0" => {
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig::Debian ],
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::AptPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Apt ],
+ # service: [ Chef::Resource::DebianService, Chef::Provider::Service::Debian ],
+ "debian" => {
+ "7.0" => {
+ },
+ "6.0" => {
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
+ # service: [ Chef::Resource::InsservService, Chef::Provider::Service::Insserv ],
+ },
+ "5.0" => {
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
+ },
+ },
+ "gcel" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
+ },
+ },
+ "linaro" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
+ },
+ },
+ "linuxmint" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
+ # service: [ Chef::Resource::UpstartService, Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart ],
+ },
+ },
+ "raspbian" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
+ },
+ },
+ "ubuntu" => {
+ "11.10" => {
+ },
+ "10.04" => {
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
+ },
- "gcel" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
- },
- },
- "linaro" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
- },
- },
- "linuxmint" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
-# service: [ Chef::Resource::UpstartService, Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart ],
- },
- },
- "raspbian" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
- },
- },
- "ubuntu" => {
- "11.10" => {
- },
- "10.04" => {
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig ],
- },
- },
- },
- "arch" => {
- # TODO should be Chef::Resource::PacmanPackage
- package: [ Chef::Resource::Package, Chef::Provider::Package::Pacman ],
"arch" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
- }
- },
- },
+ # TODO should be Chef::Resource::PacmanPackage
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::Package, Chef::Provider::Package::Pacman ],
- "freebsd" => {
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Pw ],
- user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Pw ],
+ "arch" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ }
+ },
+ },
"freebsd" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Pw ],
+ user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Pw ],
+ "freebsd" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ },
- },
- "suse" => {
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Gpasswd ],
"suse" => {
- "12.0" => {
- },
- %w(11.1 11.2 11.3) => {
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Suse ],
- },
- },
- "opensuse" => {
-# service: [ Chef::Resource::RedhatService, Chef::Provider::Service::Redhat ],
- package: [ Chef::Resource::ZypperPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Zypper ],
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Usermod ],
- "12.3" => {
- },
- "12.2" => {
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Suse ],
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Gpasswd ],
+ "suse" => {
+ "12.0" => {
+ },
+ %w(11.1 11.2 11.3) => {
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Suse ],
+ },
+ },
+ "opensuse" => {
+ # service: [ Chef::Resource::RedhatService, Chef::Provider::Service::Redhat ],
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::ZypperPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Zypper ],
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Usermod ],
+ "12.3" => {
+ },
+ "12.2" => {
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Suse ],
+ },
- },
- "gentoo" => {
- # TODO should be Chef::Resource::PortagePackage
- package: [ Chef::Resource::Package, Chef::Provider::Package::Portage ],
- portage_package: [ Chef::Resource::PortagePackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Portage ],
-# service: [ Chef::Resource::GentooService, Chef::Provider::Service::Gentoo ],
"gentoo" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
- },
- },
- },
+ # TODO should be Chef::Resource::PortagePackage
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::Package, Chef::Provider::Package::Portage ],
+ portage_package: [ Chef::Resource::PortagePackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Portage ],
+ # service: [ Chef::Resource::GentooService, Chef::Provider::Service::Gentoo ],
- "rhel" => {
-# service: [ Chef::Resource::SystemdService, Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd ],
- package: [ Chef::Resource::YumPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Yum ],
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig::Redhat ],
- %w(amazon xcp xenserver ibm_powerkvm cloudlinux parallels) => {
- "3.1.4" => {
-# service: [ Chef::Resource::RedhatService, Chef::Provider::Service::Redhat ],
+ "gentoo" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ },
- %w(redhat centos scientific oracle) => {
- "7.0" => {
- },
- "6.0" => {
-# service: [ Chef::Resource::RedhatService, Chef::Provider::Service::Redhat ],
- },
- },
- "fedora" => {
- "15.0" => {
- },
- "14.0" => {
-# service: [ Chef::Resource::RedhatService, Chef::Provider::Service::Redhat ],
+ "rhel" => {
+ # service: [ Chef::Resource::SystemdService, Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd ],
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::YumPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Yum ],
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig::Redhat ],
+ %w(amazon xcp xenserver ibm_powerkvm cloudlinux parallels) => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ # service: [ Chef::Resource::RedhatService, Chef::Provider::Service::Redhat ],
+ },
+ },
+ %w(redhat centos scientific oracle) => {
+ "7.0" => {
+ },
+ "6.0" => {
+ # service: [ Chef::Resource::RedhatService, Chef::Provider::Service::Redhat ],
+ },
+ },
+ "fedora" => {
+ "15.0" => {
+ },
+ "14.0" => {
+ # service: [ Chef::Resource::RedhatService, Chef::Provider::Service::Redhat ],
+ },
- },
- },
+ },
- "darwin" => {
- %w(mac_os_x mac_os_x_server) => {
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Dscl ],
- package: [ Chef::Resource::HomebrewPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Homebrew ],
- user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Dscl ],
+ "darwin" => {
+ %w(mac_os_x mac_os_x_server) => {
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Dscl ],
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::HomebrewPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Homebrew ],
+ user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Dscl ],
- "mac_os_x" => {
- "10.9.2" => {
+ "mac_os_x" => {
+ "10.9.2" => {
+ },
- },
- "windows" => {
- batch: [ Chef::Resource::Batch, Chef::Provider::Batch ],
- dsc_script: [ Chef::Resource::DscScript, Chef::Provider::DscScript ],
- env: [ Chef::Resource::Env, Chef::Provider::Env::Windows ],
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Windows ],
- mount: [ Chef::Resource::Mount, Chef::Provider::Mount::Windows ],
- package: [ Chef::Resource::WindowsPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Windows ],
- powershell_script: [ Chef::Resource::PowershellScript, Chef::Provider::PowershellScript ],
- service: [ Chef::Resource::WindowsService, Chef::Provider::Service::Windows ],
- user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Windows ],
- windows_package: [ Chef::Resource::WindowsPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Windows ],
- windows_service: [ Chef::Resource::WindowsService, Chef::Provider::Service::Windows ],
"windows" => {
- %w(mswin mingw32 windows) => {
- "10.9.2" => {
+ batch: [ Chef::Resource::Batch, Chef::Provider::Batch ],
+ dsc_script: [ Chef::Resource::DscScript, Chef::Provider::DscScript ],
+ env: [ Chef::Resource::Env, Chef::Provider::Env::Windows ],
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Windows ],
+ mount: [ Chef::Resource::Mount, Chef::Provider::Mount::Windows ],
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::WindowsPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Windows ],
+ powershell_script: [ Chef::Resource::PowershellScript, Chef::Provider::PowershellScript ],
+ service: [ Chef::Resource::WindowsService, Chef::Provider::Service::Windows ],
+ user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Windows ],
+ windows_package: [ Chef::Resource::WindowsPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Windows ],
+ windows_service: [ Chef::Resource::WindowsService, Chef::Provider::Service::Windows ],
+ "windows" => {
+ %w(mswin mingw32 windows) => {
+ "10.9.2" => {
+ },
- },
- "aix" => {
- bff_package: [ Chef::Resource::BffPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Aix ],
- cron: [ Chef::Resource::Cron, Chef::Provider::Cron::Aix ],
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Aix ],
- ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig::Aix ],
- mount: [ Chef::Resource::Mount, Chef::Provider::Mount::Aix ],
- # TODO should be Chef::Resource::BffPackage
- package: [ Chef::Resource::Package, Chef::Provider::Package::Aix ],
- rpm_package: [ Chef::Resource::RpmPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Rpm ],
- user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Aix ],
-# service: [ Chef::Resource::AixService, Chef::Provider::Service::Aix ],
"aix" => {
+ bff_package: [ Chef::Resource::BffPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Aix ],
+ cron: [ Chef::Resource::Cron, Chef::Provider::Cron::Aix ],
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Aix ],
+ ifconfig: [ Chef::Resource::Ifconfig, Chef::Provider::Ifconfig::Aix ],
+ mount: [ Chef::Resource::Mount, Chef::Provider::Mount::Aix ],
+ # TODO should be Chef::Resource::BffPackage
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::Package, Chef::Provider::Package::Aix ],
+ rpm_package: [ Chef::Resource::RpmPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Rpm ],
+ user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Aix ],
+ # service: [ Chef::Resource::AixService, Chef::Provider::Service::Aix ],
"aix" => {
- "5.6" => {
+ "aix" => {
+ "5.6" => {
+ },
- },
- "hpux" => {
"hpux" => {
"hpux" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Usermod ]
+ "hpux" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Usermod ]
+ }
- }
- },
+ },
- "netbsd" => {
"netbsd" => {
"netbsd" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Groupmod ],
+ "netbsd" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Groupmod ],
+ },
- },
- "openbsd" => {
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Usermod ],
- package: [ Chef::Resource::OpenbsdPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Openbsd ],
"openbsd" => {
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Usermod ],
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::OpenbsdPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Openbsd ],
"openbsd" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
+ "openbsd" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ },
- },
- "solaris2" => {
- group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Usermod ],
- ips_package: [ Chef::Resource::IpsPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Ips ],
- package: [ Chef::Resource::SolarisPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Solaris ],
- mount: [ Chef::Resource::Mount, Chef::Provider::Mount::Solaris ],
- solaris_package: [ Chef::Resource::SolarisPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Solaris ],
- "smartos" => {
- smartos_package: [ Chef::Resource::SmartosPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::SmartOS ],
- package: [ Chef::Resource::SmartosPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::SmartOS ],
+ "solaris2" => {
+ group: [ Chef::Resource::Group, Chef::Provider::Group::Usermod ],
+ ips_package: [ Chef::Resource::IpsPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Ips ],
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::SolarisPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Solaris ],
+ mount: [ Chef::Resource::Mount, Chef::Provider::Mount::Solaris ],
+ solaris_package: [ Chef::Resource::SolarisPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Solaris ],
"smartos" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
+ smartos_package: [ Chef::Resource::SmartosPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::SmartOS ],
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::SmartosPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::SmartOS ],
+ "smartos" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ },
- },
- "solaris2" => {
- "nexentacore" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
+ "solaris2" => {
+ "nexentacore" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ },
- },
- "omnios" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
- user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Solaris ],
- }
- },
- "openindiana" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
+ "omnios" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Solaris ],
+ }
- },
- "opensolaris" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
+ "openindiana" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ },
- },
- "solaris2" => {
- user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Solaris ],
- "5.11" => {
- package: [ Chef::Resource::IpsPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Ips ],
+ "opensolaris" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ },
- "5.9" => {
+ "solaris2" => {
+ user: [ Chef::Resource::User, Chef::Provider::User::Solaris ],
+ "5.11" => {
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::IpsPackage, Chef::Provider::Package::Ips ],
+ },
+ "5.9" => {
+ },
- },
- },
+ },
- "solaris" => {
"solaris" => {
"solaris" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
+ "solaris" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ },
- },
- "exherbo" => {
"exherbo" => {
"exherbo" => {
- "3.1.4" => {
- # TODO should be Chef::Resource::PaludisPackage
- package: [ Chef::Resource::Package, Chef::Provider::Package::Paludis ]
+ "exherbo" => {
+ "3.1.4" => {
+ # TODO should be Chef::Resource::PaludisPackage
+ package: [ Chef::Resource::Package, Chef::Provider::Package::Paludis ]
+ }
- }
- def self.create_provider_tests(providers, test, expected, filter)
- expected = expected.merge( { |key, value| key.is_a?(Symbol) })
- providers.each do |key, value|
- if !key.is_a?(Symbol)
- next_test = test.merge({ filter => key })
- next_filter =
- case filter
- when :os
- :platform_family
- when :platform_family
- :platform
- when :platform
- :platform_version
- when :platform_version
- nil
- else
- raise "Hash too deep; only os, platform_family, platform and platform_version supported"
- end
- create_provider_tests(value, next_test, expected, next_filter)
+ def self.create_provider_tests(providers, test, expected, filter)
+ expected = expected.merge( { |key, value| key.is_a?(Symbol) })
+ providers.each do |key, value|
+ if !key.is_a?(Symbol)
+ next_test = test.merge({ filter => key })
+ next_filter =
+ case filter
+ when :os
+ :platform_family
+ when :platform_family
+ :platform
+ when :platform
+ :platform_version
+ when :platform_version
+ nil
+ else
+ raise "Hash too deep; only os, platform_family, platform and platform_version supported"
+ end
+ create_provider_tests(value, next_test, expected, next_filter)
+ end
- end
- # If there is no filter, we're as deep as we need to go
- if !filter
- on_platform test.delete(:platform), test do
- expect_providers(expected)
+ # If there is no filter, we're as deep as we need to go
+ if !filter
+ on_platform test.delete(:platform), test do
+ expect_providers(expected)
+ end
- end
- create_provider_tests(PROVIDERS, {}, {}, :os)
+ create_provider_tests(PROVIDERS, {}, {}, :os)
+ end