diff options
authorNoah Kantrowitz <>2015-09-01 18:22:40 -0700
committerNoah Kantrowitz <>2015-09-01 18:24:26 -0700
commitb63f742a826be3b97e9eea34f725fbdbdfc87aa8 (patch)
parentad8fd4d65b48519ac154ad9bf9774322b0c6d902 (diff)
Refactor knife ssh options stuff.
This allows most config options to work with the SSH gateway too. The most important of these is the identity file stuffs.
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/ssh.rb b/lib/chef/knife/ssh.rb
index 68e01cf94f..a34e790c30 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/ssh.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/ssh.rb
@@ -132,15 +132,18 @@ class Chef
if config[:ssh_gateway]
gw_host, gw_user = config[:ssh_gateway].split('@').reverse
gw_host, gw_port = gw_host.split(':')
- gw_opts = gw_port ? { :port => gw_port } : {}
+ gw_opts = session_options(gw_host, gw_port, gw_user)
- session.via(gw_host, gw_user || config[:ssh_user], gw_opts)
+ begin
+ # Try to connect with a key.
+ session.via(gw_host, gw_opts[:user], gw_opts)
+ rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed
+ prompt = "Enter the password for #{user}@#{gw_host}: "
+ gw_opts[:password] = prompt_for_password(prompt)
+ # Try again with a password.
+ session.via(gw_host, user, gw_opts)
+ end
- rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed
- user = gw_user || config[:ssh_user]
- prompt = "Enter the password for #{user}@#{gw_host}: "
- gw_opts.merge!(:password => prompt_for_password(prompt))
- session.via(gw_host, user, gw_opts)
def configure_session
@@ -204,32 +207,45 @@ class Chef
- def session_from_list(list)
- list.each do |item|
- host, ssh_port = item
- Chef::Log.debug("Adding #{host}")
- session_opts = {}
- ssh_config = Net::SSH.configuration_for(host)
+ # Net::SSH session options hash for global options. These should be
+ # options that will apply to the gateway connection in addition to the
+ # main one.
+ #
+ # @since 12.5.0
+ # @param host [String] Hostname for this session.
+ # @param port [String] SSH port for this session.
+ # @param user [String] Optional username for this session.
+ # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>]
+ def session_options(host, port, user=nil)
+ ssh_config = Net::SSH.configuration_for(host)
+ {}.tap do |opts|
# Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_user] is parsed in #configure_user and written to config[:ssh_user]
- user = config[:ssh_user] || ssh_config[:user]
- hostspec = user ? "#{user}@#{host}" : host
- session_opts[:keys] = File.expand_path(config[:identity_file]) if config[:identity_file]
- session_opts[:keys_only] = true if config[:identity_file]
- session_opts[:password] = config[:ssh_password] if config[:ssh_password]
- session_opts[:forward_agent] = config[:forward_agent]
- session_opts[:port] = config[:ssh_port] ||
- ssh_port || # Use cloud port if available
- Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_port] ||
- ssh_config[:port]
- session_opts[:logger] = Chef::Log.logger if Chef::Log.level == :debug
+ opts[:user] = user || config[:ssh_user] || ssh_config[:user]
+ if config[:identity_file]
+ opts[:keys] = File.expand_path(config[:identity_file])
+ opts[:keys_only] = true
+ end
+ opts[:forward_agent] = config[:forward_agent] || ssh_config[:forward_agent]
+ opts[:port] = port || ssh_config[:port]
+ opts[:logger] = Chef::Log.logger if Chef::Log.level == :debug
if !config[:host_key_verify]
- session_opts[:paranoid] = false
- session_opts[:user_known_hosts_file] = "/dev/null"
+ opts[:paranoid] = false
+ opts[:user_known_hosts_file] = '/dev/null'
+ end
+ end
+ def session_from_list(list)
+ list.each do |item|
+ host, ssh_port = item
+ Chef::Log.debug("Adding #{host}")
+ session_opts = session_options(host, ssh_port)
+ # Handle port overrides for the main connection.
+ session_opts[:port] = Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_port] if Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_port]
+ session_opts[:port] = config[:ssh_port] if config[:ssh_port]
+ # Create the hostspec.
+ hostspec = session_opts[:user] ? "#{session_opts[:user]}@#{host}" : host
+ # Connect a new session on the multi.
session.use(hostspec, session_opts)
@longest = host.length if host.length > @longest