diff options
authorLamont Granquist <>2016-10-10 17:17:20 -0700
committerLamont Granquist <>2016-10-10 17:17:20 -0700
commitcdb5aab98351bc8674cba761d760c28179faa907 (patch)
parenteb372fb68fb96c4d59ac7c78ad98e40b6dbb4a8c (diff)
add some integration testing around accumulators
probably also our best documentation on how to write accumulators right now Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/integration/recipes/accumulator_spec.rb b/spec/integration/recipes/accumulator_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2107b2c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/integration/recipes/accumulator_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+require "support/shared/integration/integration_helper"
+require "chef/mixin/shell_out"
+describe "Accumulators" do
+ include IntegrationSupport
+ include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
+ let(:chef_dir) { File.expand_path("../../../../bin", __FILE__) }
+ # Invoke `chef-client` as `ruby PATH/TO/chef-client`. This ensures the
+ # following constraints are satisfied:
+ # * Windows: windows can only run batch scripts as bare executables. Rubygems
+ # creates batch wrappers for installed gems, but we don't have batch wrappers
+ # in the source tree.
+ # * Other `chef-client` in PATH: A common case is running the tests on a
+ # machine that has omnibus chef installed. In that case we need to ensure
+ # we're running `chef-client` from the source tree and not the external one.
+ # cf. CHEF-4914
+ let(:chef_client) { "ruby '#{chef_dir}/chef-client' --minimal-ohai" }
+ let(:aliases_temppath) do
+ t ="chef_accumulator_test")
+ path = t.path
+ t.close
+ t.unlink
+ path
+ end
+ when_the_repository "edit_resource-based delayed accumulators work" do
+ before do
+ directory "cookbooks/x" do
+ file "resources/email_alias.rb", <<-EOM
+ provides :email_alias
+ resource_name :email_alias
+ property :address, String, name_property: true, identity: true
+ property :recipients, Array
+ default_action :create
+ action :create do
+ with_run_context :root do
+ edit_resource(:template, "#{aliases_temppath}") do |new_resource|
+ source "aliases.erb"
+ variables[:aliases] ||= {}
+ variables[:aliases][new_resource.address] ||= []
+ variables[:aliases][new_resource.address] += new_resource.recipients
+ action :nothing
+ end
+ end
+ log "force delayed notification" do
+ notifies :create, "template[#{aliases_temppath}]", :delayed
+ end
+ end
+ file "resources/nested.rb", <<-EOM
+ provides :nested
+ resource_name :nested
+ property :address, String, name_property: true, identity: true
+ property :recipients, Array
+ default_action :create
+ action :create do
+ email_alias address do
+ recipients new_resource.recipients
+ end
+ end
+ file "resources/doubly_nested.rb", <<-EOM
+ provides :doubly_nested
+ resource_name :doubly_nested
+ property :address, String, name_property: true, identity: true
+ property :recipients, Array
+ default_action :create
+ action :create do
+ nested address do
+ recipients new_resource.recipients
+ end
+ end
+ file "recipes/default.rb", <<-EOM
+ email_alias "outer1" do
+ recipients [ "out1a", "out1b" ]
+ end
+ nested "nested1" do
+ recipients [ "nested1a", "nested1b" ]
+ end
+ email_alias "outer2" do
+ recipients [ "out2a", "out2b" ]
+ end
+ doubly_nested "nested2" do
+ recipients [ "nested2a", "nested2b" ]
+ end
+ email_alias "outer3" do
+ recipients [ "out3a", "out3b" ]
+ end
+ file "templates/aliases.erb", <<-EOM.gsub(/^\s+/, "")
+ <%= pp @aliases %>
+ end # directory 'cookbooks/x'
+ end
+ it "should complete with success" do
+ file "config/client.rb", <<-EOM
+ local_mode true
+ cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
+ log_level :warn
+ result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" --no-color -F doc -o 'x::default'", :cwd => chef_dir)
+ result.error!
+ # runs only a single template resource (in the outer run context, as a delayed resource)
+ expect(result.stdout.scan(/template\S+ action create/).size).to eql(1)
+ # hash order is insertion order in ruby >= 1.9, so this next line does test that all calls were in the correct order
+ expect( eql('{"outer1"=>["out1a", "out1b"], "nested1"=>["nested1a", "nested1b"], "outer2"=>["out2a", "out2b"], "nested2"=>["nested2a", "nested2b"], "outer3"=>["out3a", "out3b"]}')
+ end
+ end
+ when_the_repository "find_resource-based delayed accumulators work" do
+ before do
+ directory "cookbooks/x" do
+ file "resources/email_alias.rb", <<-EOM
+ provides :email_alias
+ resource_name :email_alias
+ property :address, String, name_property: true, identity: true
+ property :recipients, Array
+ default_action :create
+ action :create do
+ r = with_run_context :root do
+ find_resource(:template, "#{aliases_temppath}") do
+ source "aliases.erb"
+ variables[:aliases] = {}
+ action :nothing
+ end
+ end
+ r.variables[:aliases][address] ||= []
+ r.variables[:aliases][address] += new_resource.recipients
+ log "force delayed notification" do
+ notifies :create, "template[#{aliases_temppath}]", :delayed
+ end
+ end
+ file "resources/nested.rb", <<-EOM
+ provides :nested
+ resource_name :nested
+ property :address, String, name_property: true, identity: true
+ property :recipients, Array
+ default_action :create
+ action :create do
+ email_alias address do
+ recipients new_resource.recipients
+ end
+ end
+ file "resources/doubly_nested.rb", <<-EOM
+ provides :doubly_nested
+ resource_name :doubly_nested
+ property :address, String, name_property: true, identity: true
+ property :recipients, Array
+ default_action :create
+ action :create do
+ nested address do
+ recipients new_resource.recipients
+ end
+ end
+ file "recipes/default.rb", <<-EOM
+ email_alias "outer1" do
+ recipients [ "out1a", "out1b" ]
+ end
+ nested "nested1" do
+ recipients [ "nested1a", "nested1b" ]
+ end
+ email_alias "outer2" do
+ recipients [ "out2a", "out2b" ]
+ end
+ doubly_nested "nested2" do
+ recipients [ "nested2a", "nested2b" ]
+ end
+ email_alias "outer3" do
+ recipients [ "out3a", "out3b" ]
+ end
+ file "templates/aliases.erb", <<-EOM.gsub(/^\s+/, "")
+ <%= pp @aliases %>
+ end # directory 'cookbooks/x'
+ end
+ it "should complete with success" do
+ file "config/client.rb", <<-EOM
+ local_mode true
+ cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
+ log_level :warn
+ result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" --no-color -F doc -o 'x::default'", :cwd => chef_dir)
+ result.error!
+ # runs only a single template resource (in the outer run context, as a delayed resource)
+ expect(result.stdout.scan(/template\S+ action create/).size).to eql(1)
+ # hash order is insertion order in ruby >= 1.9, so this next line does test that all calls were in the correct order
+ expect( eql('{"outer1"=>["out1a", "out1b"], "nested1"=>["nested1a", "nested1b"], "outer2"=>["out2a", "out2b"], "nested2"=>["nested2a", "nested2b"], "outer3"=>["out3a", "out3b"]}')
+ end
+ end