diff options
authorNoah Kantrowitz <>2018-06-23 21:57:37 -0700
committerNoah Kantrowitz <>2018-06-23 21:57:37 -0700
commite47ea80c9ef408e9bf8d4efef851899fceff7b6c (patch)
parentc3bda57fcef745b1c570a654e9a633dcf842b96f (diff)
Fill in some default config values for workstation commands.
node_name defaults to the current username. client_key defaults to either $node_name.pem or user.pem. validation_key to either $validation_client_name.pem, validator.pem, or validation.pem. Signed-off-by: Noah Kantrowitz <>
2 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chef-config/lib/chef-config/workstation_config_loader.rb b/chef-config/lib/chef-config/workstation_config_loader.rb
index 13187d9975..2afe8de547 100644
--- a/chef-config/lib/chef-config/workstation_config_loader.rb
+++ b/chef-config/lib/chef-config/workstation_config_loader.rb
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ module ChefConfig
load_dot_d(Config[:config_d_dir]) if Config[:config_d_dir]
+ apply_defaults
# (Private API, public for test purposes)
@@ -210,6 +212,54 @@ module ChefConfig
raise ChefConfig::ConfigurationError, message
+ # Apply default configuration values for workstation-style tools.
+ #
+ # Global defaults should go in {ChefConfig::Config} instead, this is only
+ # for things like `knife` and `chef`.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @since 14.3
+ # @return [void]
+ def apply_defaults
+ # If we don't have a better guess use the username.
+ Config[:node_name] ||= Etc.getlogin
+ # If we don't have a key (path or inline) check user.pem and $node_name.pem.
+ unless Config.has_key?(:client_key) || Config.has_key?(:client_key_contents)
+ Config[:client_key] = find_default_key(["#{Config[:node_name]}.pem", "user.pem"])
+ end
+ # Similarly look for a validation key file, though this should be less
+ # common these days.
+ unless Config.has_key?(:validation_key) || Config.has_key?(:validation_key_contents)
+ Config[:validation_key] = find_default_key(["#{Config[:validation_client_name]}.pem", "validator.pem", "validation.pem"])
+ end
+ end
+ # Look for a default key file.
+ #
+ # This searches for any of a list of possible default keys, checking both
+ # the local `.chef/` folder and the home directory `~/.chef/`. Returns `nil`
+ # if no matching file is found.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @since 14.3
+ # @param key_names [Array<String>] A list of possible filenames to check for.
+ # The first one found will be returned.
+ # @return [String, nil]
+ def find_default_key(key_names)
+ key_names.each do |filename|
+ path =
+ # If we have a config location (like ./.chef/), look there first.
+ if config_location
+ local_path = path.expand_path(File.dirname(config_location))
+ return local_path.to_s if local_path.exist?
+ end
+ # Then check ~/.chef.
+ home_path = path.expand_path(home_chef_dir)
+ return home_path.to_s if home_path.exist?
+ end
+ nil
+ end
def highlight_config_error(file, line)
config_file_lines = []
IO.readlines(file).each_with_index { |l, i| config_file_lines << "#{(i + 1).to_s.rjust(3)}: #{l.chomp}" }
diff --git a/chef-config/spec/unit/workstation_config_loader_spec.rb b/chef-config/spec/unit/workstation_config_loader_spec.rb
index f02b1c5016..024cb3e928 100644
--- a/chef-config/spec/unit/workstation_config_loader_spec.rb
+++ b/chef-config/spec/unit/workstation_config_loader_spec.rb
@@ -271,6 +271,70 @@ RSpec.describe ChefConfig::WorkstationConfigLoader do
expect(ChefConfig::Config.config_file).to eq(explicit_config_location)
+ it "loads a default value for node_name" do
+ allow(Etc).to receive(:getlogin).and_return("notauser")
+ config_loader.load
+ expect(ChefConfig::Config.node_name).to eq("notauser")
+ end
+ context "with a user.pem" do
+ before do
+ allow(Etc).to receive(:getlogin).and_return("notauser")
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path("../notauser.pem", explicit_config_location)).and_return(false)
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path("../user.pem", explicit_config_location)).and_return(true)
+ end
+ it "loads a default value for client_key" do
+ config_loader.load
+ expect(ChefConfig::Config.client_key).to eq(File.expand_path("../user.pem", explicit_config_location))
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a notauser.pem" do
+ before do
+ allow(Etc).to receive(:getlogin).and_return("notauser")
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path("../notauser.pem", explicit_config_location)).and_return(true)
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path("../user.pem", explicit_config_location)).and_return(false)
+ end
+ it "loads a default value for client_key" do
+ config_loader.load
+ expect(ChefConfig::Config.client_key).to eq(File.expand_path("../notauser.pem", explicit_config_location))
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a valclient.pem" do
+ before do
+ ChefConfig::Config.validation_client_name = "valclient"
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path("../valclient.pem", explicit_config_location)).and_return(true)
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path("../validator.pem", explicit_config_location)).and_return(false)
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path("../validation.pem", explicit_config_location)).and_return(false)
+ end
+ it "loads a default value for validation_key" do
+ config_loader.load
+ expect(ChefConfig::Config.validation_key).to eq(File.expand_path("../valclient.pem", explicit_config_location))
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a validator.pem" do
+ before do
+ ChefConfig::Config.validation_client_name = "valclient"
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path("../valclient.pem", explicit_config_location)).and_return(false)
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path("../validator.pem", explicit_config_location)).and_return(true)
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path("../validation.pem", explicit_config_location)).and_return(false)
+ end
+ it "loads a default value for validation_key" do
+ config_loader.load
+ expect(ChefConfig::Config.validation_key).to eq(File.expand_path("../validator.pem", explicit_config_location))
+ end
+ end
context "and has a syntax error" do