diff options
authorTim Smith <>2020-10-13 16:23:48 -0700
committerTim Smith <>2020-10-13 16:23:48 -0700
commit3f30ac7daf6e535809fc6294ef8989f86052b6d0 (patch)
parent7ea5d629ed94da45ef41f98f102fb0bb7da95749 (diff)
Add 16.6 release notes
We may have some additional things to add, but this gets it started. Signed-off-by: Tim Smith <>
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ffc972bde6..157df16871 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,124 @@
This file holds "in progress" release notes for the current release under development and is intended for consumption by the Chef Documentation team. Please see <> for the official Chef release notes.
+# What's New in 16.6
+## pwsh Support
+We've updated multiple parts of the Chef Infra Client to fully support Microsoft's `pwsh` in addition to our previous support for `PowerShell`.
+### powershell_script resource
+The `powershell_script` resource includes a new `interpreter` property that accepts either `powershell` or `pwsh`.
+powershell_script 'check version table' do
+ code '$PSVersionTable'
+ interpreter 'pwsh'
+### powershell_out / powershell_exec helpers
+The `powershell_out` and `powershell_exec` helpers for use in custom resources have been updated to support `pwsh` with a new argument that accepts either `:pwsh` or `:powershell`
+powershell_exec('$PSVersionTable', :pwsh)
+## Enhanced 32bit Windows Support
+The `powershell_exec` helper now supports 32bit Windows. This ensures many of the newer PowerShell based resources in Chef Infra Client will function as expected on 32bit systems.
+## New Resources
+### chef_client_config
+The `chef_client_config` resource allows you to manage Chef Infra Client's `client.rb` file without the need for the `chef-client` cookbook.
+#### Example
+chef_client_config 'Create client.rb' do
+ chef_server_url 'https://chef.example.dmz'
+#### chef-client Cookbook Future
+With the inclusion of the `chef_client_config` resource in Chef Infra Client 16.6, it is now possible to fully manage the Chef Infra Client without the need for the `chef-client` cookbook. We highly recommend using the `chef_client_config`, `chef_client_trusted_certicate`, and `chef_client_*` service resources to manage your clients instead of the `chef-client` cookbook. In the future we will mark that cookbook as deprecated, at which time it will no longer receive updates.
+Here's a sample of fully managing Linux hosts with the built-in resources
+chef_client_config 'Create client.rb' do
+ chef_server_url 'https://chef.example.dmz'
+chef_client_trusted_certificate "chef.example.dmz" do
+ certificate <<~CERT
+ hyefdOsKnRFSJiFzbIRMeVXk0WvoBj1IFVKtsyjbqv9u/2CVSndrOfEk0TG23U3A
+ xPxTuW1CrbV8/q71FdIzSOciccfCFHpsKOo3St/qbLVytH5aohbcabFXRNsKEqve
+ ww9HdFxBIuGa+RuT5q0iBikusbpJHAwnnqP7i/dAcgCskgjZjFeEU4EFy+b+a1SY
+ QCeFxxC7c3DvaRhBB0VVfPlkPz0sw6l865MaTIbRyoUCAwEAAaMyMDAwCQYDVR0T
+ hvcNAQELBQADggEBAGlwCdbPxflZfYOaukZGCaxYK6gpincX4Lla4Ui2WdeQxE95
+ w7fChXvP3YkE3UYUE7mupZ0eg4ZILr/A0e7JQDsgIu/SRTUE0domCKgPZ8v99k3A
+ vka4LpLK51jHJJK7EFgo3ca2nldd97GM0MU41xHFk8qaK1tWJkfrrfcGwDJ4GQPI
+ iLlm6i0yHq1Qg1RypAXJy5dTlRXlCLd8ufWhhiwW0W75Va5AEnJuqpQrKwl3KQVe
+ wGj67WWRgLfSr+4QG1mNvCZb2CkjZWmxkGPuoP40/y7Yu5OFqxP5tAjj4YixCYTW
+ EVA0pmzIzgBg+JIe3PdRy27T0asgQW/F4TY61Yk=
+chef_client_systemd_timer "Run chef-client as a systemd timer" do
+ interval "1hr"
+ cpu_quota 50
+## Updated Resources
+### ifconfig
+The `ifconfig` resource has been updated to no longer add empty blank lines to the configuration files. Thanks for this improvement [@jmherbst](!
+### windows_audit_policy
+The `windows_audit_policy` resource has been updated to fix a bug on failure-only auditing
+## Ohai Improvements
+### Passwd Plugin For Windows
+The optional Ohai `Passwd` plugin now supports Windows hosts in addition to Unix-like systems. To collect user/group data on Windows hosts you can use the `ohai_optional_plugins` property in the new `chef_client_config` resource to enable this plugin.
+chef_client_config 'Create client.rb' do
+ chef_server_url 'https://chef.example.dmz'
+ ohai_optional_plugins [:Passwd]
+Thanks for adding Windows support to this plugin [@jaymzh](!
+### Improved Azure Detection
+The `Azure` plugin has been improved to better detect Windows hosts running on Azure. The plugin will now look for DHCP with the domain of ``. Thanks for this improvement [@jasonwbarnett](!
+## Security
+Ruby has been updated to 2.7.2 which includes a fix for [CVE-2020-25613](
# Whats New in 16.5.77
* Added missing requires to prevent errors when loading `chef/policy_builder/dynamic`.