diff options
authorMarc A. Paradise <>2019-04-26 15:14:41 -0400
committerMarc A. Paradise <>2019-04-29 18:11:28 -0400
commite583616cd435be79142b5dfb676cfc9003198474 (patch)
parent79e3ca77e0bcd11ffa670d042aef50fcc25c9b65 (diff)
Add tests, and make connector more testable
Signed-off-by: Marc A. Paradise <>
2 files changed, 153 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/train_connector.rb b/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/train_connector.rb
index 40e0c565ee..5230d6638c 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/train_connector.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/train_connector.rb
@@ -36,16 +36,12 @@ class Chef
MKTEMP_NIX_COMMAND = "bash -c 'd=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/chef_XXXXXX); echo $d'".freeze
def initialize(host_url, default_transport, opts)
uri_opts = opts_from_uri(host_url)
uri_opts[:backend] ||= @default_transport
@transport_type = uri_opts[:backend]
# opts in the URI will override user-provided options
@config = transport_config(host_url, opts.merge(uri_opts))
- Train.validate_backend(@config)
- @train = Train.create(@transport_type, @config)
# Because creating a valid train connection for testing is a two-step process in which
@@ -59,25 +55,19 @@ class Chef
# Specifying sudo: false ensures that attempted operations
# don't fail because the mock platform doesn't support sudo
tc =, protocol, { sudo: false }.merge(opts))
- # Don't pull in the platform-specific mixins automatically during connect
- # Otherwise, it will raise since it can't resolve the OS without the mock.
- # We need to provide this mock before invoking mix_in_target_platform,
- # otherwise it will fail with an unknown OS (since we don't have a real connection).
- tc.backend.mock_os(
+ tc.connection.mock_os(
family: family,
name: name,
release: release,
arch: arch
def connect!
- # Force connection to establish:
- backend.wait_until_ready
+ # Force connection to establish
+ connection.wait_until_ready
@@ -91,7 +81,7 @@ class Chef
# True if we're connected to a linux host
def linux?
- backend.platform.linux?
+ connection.platform.linux?
# True if we're connected to a unix host.
@@ -99,12 +89,12 @@ class Chef
# for a linux host because train classifies
# linux as a unix
def unix?
- backend.platform.unix?
+ connection.platform.unix?
# True if we're connected to a windows host
def windows?
def winrm?
@@ -118,13 +108,17 @@ class Chef
# Creates a temporary directory on the remote host if it
# hasn't already. Caches directory location.
- # Returns the path.
+ # Returns the path on the remote host.
def temp_dir
@tmpdir ||= begin
res = run_command!(cmd)
dir = res.stdout.chomp.strip
unless windows?
+ # Ensure that dir has the correct owner. We are possibly
+ # running with sudo right now - so this directory would be owned by root.
+ # File upload is performed over SCP as the current logged-in user,
+ # so we'll set ownership to ensure that works.
run_command!("chown #{@config[:user]} '#{dir}'")
@@ -132,7 +126,7 @@ class Chef
def upload_file!(local_path, remote_path)
- backend.upload(local_path, remote_path)
+ connection.upload(local_path, remote_path)
def upload_file_content!(content, remote_path)
@@ -159,7 +153,7 @@ class Chef
def run_command(command, &data_handler)
- backend.run_command(command, &data_handler)
+ connection.run_command(command, &data_handler)
def run_command!(command, &data_handler)
@@ -170,12 +164,12 @@ class Chef
- # Should be private, but we use them for test validation/mocking
- def train
- @train
- end
- def backend
- @train.connection
+ def connection
+ @connection ||= begin
+ Train.validate_backend(@config)
+ train = Train.create(@transport_type, @config)
+ train.connection
+ end
@@ -185,7 +179,6 @@ class Chef
def transport_config(host_url, opts_in)
opts = { target: host_url,
sudo: opts_in[:sudo] === false ? false : true,
- # TODO - we should be always encoding password
www_form_encoded_password: true,
key_files: opts_in[:key_files],
non_interactive: true, # Prevent password prompts
@@ -234,8 +227,8 @@ class Chef
# to the transport type we're using.
valid_opts = Train.options(config[:backend]) do |key, _v|
- valid_opts.key?(key) &&
- !config.key?(key) end
+ valid_opts.key?(key) && !config.key?(key)
+ end
# Extract any of username/password/host/port/transport
diff --git a/spec/unit/knife/bootstrap/train_connector_spec.rb b/spec/unit/knife/bootstrap/train_connector_spec.rb
index 872bf5481d..08bf21dd42 100644
--- a/spec/unit/knife/bootstrap/train_connector_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/knife/bootstrap/train_connector_spec.rb
@@ -20,5 +20,136 @@ require "ostruct"
require "chef/knife/bootstrap/train_connector"
describe Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::TrainConnector do
- # Tests in flight, will be pushed up
+ let(:protocol) { "mock" }
+ let(:family) { "unknown" }
+ let(:release) { "unknown" } # version
+ let(:name) { "unknown" }
+ let(:arch) { "x86_64" }
+ let(:host_url) { "mock://" }
+ let(:opts) { {} }
+ subject do
+ # Create a valid TargetHost with the backend stubbed out.
+ Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::TrainConnector.test_instance(host_url,
+ protocol: protocol,
+ family: family,
+ name: name,
+ release: release,
+ arch: arch,
+ opts: opts)
+ end
+ context "connect!" do
+ end
+ describe "platform helpers" do
+ context "on linux" do
+ let(:family) { "debian" }
+ let(:name) { "ubuntu" }
+ it "reports that it is linux and unix, because that is how train classifies it" do
+ expect(subject.unix?).to eq true
+ expect(subject.linux?).to eq true
+ expect( eq false
+ end
+ end
+ context "on unix" do
+ let(:family) { "os" }
+ let(:name) { "mac_os_x" }
+ it "reports only a unix OS" do
+ expect(subject.unix?).to eq true
+ expect(subject.linux?).to eq false
+ expect( eq false
+ end
+ end
+ context "on windows" do
+ let(:family) { "windows" }
+ let(:name) { "windows" }
+ it "reports only a windows OS" do
+ expect(subject.unix?).to eq false
+ expect(subject.linux?).to eq false
+ expect( eq true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#connect!" do
+ it "establishes the connection to the remote host by waiting for it" do
+ expect(subject.connection).to receive(:wait_until_ready)
+ subject.connect!
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#temp_dir" do
+ context "under windows" do
+ let(:family) { "windows" }
+ let(:name) { "windows" }
+ it "uses the windows command to create the temp dir" do
+ expected_command = Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::TrainConnector::MKTEMP_WIN_COMMAND
+ expect(subject).to receive(:run_command!).with(expected_command)
+ .and_return double("result", stdout: "C:/a/path")
+ expect(subject.temp_dir).to eq "C:/a/path"
+ end
+ end
+ context "under linux and unix-like" do
+ let(:family) { "debian" }
+ let(:name) { "ubuntu" }
+ it "uses the *nix command to create the temp dir and sets ownership to logged-in user" do
+ expected_command = Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::TrainConnector::MKTEMP_NIX_COMMAND
+ expect(subject).to receive(:run_command!).with(expected_command)
+ .and_return double("result", stdout: "/a/path")
+ expect(subject).to receive(:run_command!).with("chown user1 '/a/path'")
+ expect(subject.temp_dir).to eq "/a/path"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "#upload_file_content!" do
+ it "creates a local file with expected content and uploads it" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:upload_file!) do |local_path, remote_path|
+ expect( eq "test data"
+ expect(remote_path).to eq "/target/path"
+ end
+ subject.upload_file_content!("test data", "/target/path")
+ end
+ end
+ context "del_file" do
+ context "on windows" do
+ let(:family) { "windows" }
+ let(:name) { "windows" }
+ it "deletes the file with a windows command" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:run_command!) do |cmd, &_handler|
+ expect(cmd).to match(/Test-Path "deleteme\.txt".*/)
+ end
+ subject.del_file!("deleteme.txt")
+ end
+ end
+ context "on unix-like" do
+ let(:family) { "debian" }
+ let(:name) { "ubuntu" }
+ it "deletes the file with a windows command" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:run_command!) do |cmd, &_handler|
+ expect(cmd).to match(/rm -f "deleteme\.txt".*/)
+ end
+ subject.del_file!("deleteme.txt")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "#run_command!" do
+ it "raises a RemoteExecutionFailed when the remote execution failed" do
+ command_result = double("results", stdout: "", stderr: "failed", exit_status: 1)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:run_command).and_return command_result
+ expect { subject.run_command!("test") }.to raise_error do |e|
+ expect(e.hostname).to eq subject.hostname
+ expect(e.class).to eq Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::RemoteExecutionFailed
+ expect(e.stderr).to eq "failed"
+ expect(e.stdout).to eq ""
+ expect(e.exit_status).to eq 1
+ end
+ end
+ end