diff options
authorJohn McCrae <>2022-05-26 13:13:02 +0600
committerJohn McCrae <>2022-05-26 13:40:30 +0600
commit59168b16a85df0921852795bd61b28fd10185dad (patch)
parenta13b6526c8de1e3fef40d1d100f7edc5a7e49faa (diff)
refactored authenticator.rb to remove a redundant block that was causing tests to fail
Signed-off-by: John McCrae <>
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/http/authenticator_spec.rb b/spec/unit/http/authenticator_spec.rb
index b9d768be56..bbd952b436 100644
--- a/spec/unit/http/authenticator_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/http/authenticator_spec.rb
@@ -83,112 +83,112 @@ describe Chef::HTTP::Authenticator, :windows_only do
-# describe Chef::HTTP::Authenticator do
-# let(:class_instance) { "test") }
-# let(:method) { "GET" }
-# let(:url) { URI("") }
-# let(:headers) { {} }
-# let(:data) { "" }
-# before do
-# ::Chef::Config[:node_name] = "foo"
-# end
-# context "when handle_request is called" do
-# shared_examples_for "merging the server API version into the headers" do
-# before do
-# allow(class_instance).to receive(:authentication_headers).and_return({})
-# end
-# it "merges the default version of X-Ops-Server-API-Version into the headers" do
-# # headers returned
-# expect(class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)[2])
-# .to include({ "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => Chef::HTTP::Authenticator::DEFAULT_SERVER_API_VERSION })
-# end
-# context "when version_class is provided" do
-# class V0Class; extend Chef::Mixin::VersionedAPI; minimum_api_version 0; end
-# class V2Class; extend Chef::Mixin::VersionedAPI; minimum_api_version 2; end
-# class AuthFactoryClass
-# extend Chef::Mixin::VersionedAPIFactory
-# add_versioned_api_class V0Class
-# add_versioned_api_class V2Class
-# end
-# let(:class_instance) {{ version_class: AuthFactoryClass }) }
-# it "uses it to select the correct http version" do
-# Chef::ServerAPIVersions.instance.reset!
-# expect(AuthFactoryClass).to receive(:best_request_version).and_call_original
-# expect(class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)[2])
-# .to include({ "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => "2" })
-# end
-# end
-# context "when api_version is set to something other than the default" do
-# let(:class_instance) {{ api_version: "-10" }) }
-# it "merges the requested version of X-Ops-Server-API-Version into the headers" do
-# expect(class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)[2])
-# .to include({ "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => "-10" })
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# context "when !sign_requests?" do
-# before do
-# allow(class_instance).to receive(:sign_requests?).and_return(false)
-# end
-# it_behaves_like "merging the server API version into the headers"
-# it "authentication_headers is not called" do
-# expect(class_instance).to_not receive(:authentication_headers)
-# class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)
-# end
-# end
-# context "when sign_requests?" do
-# before do
-# allow(class_instance).to receive(:sign_requests?).and_return(true)
-# end
-# it_behaves_like "merging the server API version into the headers"
-# it "calls authentication_headers with the proper input" do
-# expect(class_instance).to receive(:authentication_headers).with(
-# method, url, data,
-# { "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => Chef::HTTP::Authenticator::DEFAULT_SERVER_API_VERSION }
-# ).and_return({})
-# class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)
-# end
-# end
-# context "when ssh_agent_signing" do
-# let(:public_key) { <<~EOH }
-# -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-# 4/c4IeR5yVyQFpX3JpxO4TquwnRh8VSUhrw8kkTLmB3cS39Db+3HadvhoqCEbqPE
-# 6915kXSuk/cWIcNozujLK7tkuPEyYVsyTioQAddSdfe+8EhQVf3oHxaKmUd6waXr
-# WqYCnhxgOjxocenREYNhZ/OETIeiPbOku47vB4nJK/0GhKBytL2XnsRgfKgDxf42
-# BqAi1jglIdeq8lAWZNF9TbNBU21AO1iuT7Pm6LyQujhggPznR5FJhXKRUARXBJZa
-# wxpGV4dGtdcahwXNE4601aXPra+xPcRd2puCNoEDBzgVuTSsLYeKBDMSfs173W1Q
-# -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
-# EOH
-# let(:class_instance) { "test", raw_key: public_key, ssh_agent_signing: true) }
-# it "sets use_ssh_agent if needed" do
-# expect(Mixlib::Authentication::SignedHeaderAuth).to receive(:signing_object).and_wrap_original { |m, *args|
-#*args).tap do |signing_obj|
-# expect(signing_obj).to receive(:sign).with(instance_of(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA), use_ssh_agent: true).and_return({})
-# end
-# }
-# class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# end
+describe Chef::HTTP::Authenticator do
+ let(:class_instance) { "test") }
+ let(:method) { "GET" }
+ let(:url) { URI("") }
+ let(:headers) { {} }
+ let(:data) { "" }
+ before do
+ ::Chef::Config[:node_name] = "foo"
+ end
+ context "when handle_request is called" do
+ shared_examples_for "merging the server API version into the headers" do
+ before do
+ allow(class_instance).to receive(:authentication_headers).and_return({})
+ end
+ it "merges the default version of X-Ops-Server-API-Version into the headers" do
+ # headers returned
+ expect(class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)[2])
+ .to include({ "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => Chef::HTTP::Authenticator::DEFAULT_SERVER_API_VERSION })
+ end
+ context "when version_class is provided" do
+ class V0Class; extend Chef::Mixin::VersionedAPI; minimum_api_version 0; end
+ class V2Class; extend Chef::Mixin::VersionedAPI; minimum_api_version 2; end
+ class AuthFactoryClass
+ extend Chef::Mixin::VersionedAPIFactory
+ add_versioned_api_class V0Class
+ add_versioned_api_class V2Class
+ end
+ let(:class_instance) {{ version_class: AuthFactoryClass }) }
+ it "uses it to select the correct http version" do
+ Chef::ServerAPIVersions.instance.reset!
+ expect(AuthFactoryClass).to receive(:best_request_version).and_call_original
+ expect(class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)[2])
+ .to include({ "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => "2" })
+ end
+ end
+ context "when api_version is set to something other than the default" do
+ let(:class_instance) {{ api_version: "-10" }) }
+ it "merges the requested version of X-Ops-Server-API-Version into the headers" do
+ expect(class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)[2])
+ .to include({ "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => "-10" })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when !sign_requests?" do
+ before do
+ allow(class_instance).to receive(:sign_requests?).and_return(false)
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "merging the server API version into the headers"
+ it "authentication_headers is not called" do
+ expect(class_instance).to_not receive(:authentication_headers)
+ class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when sign_requests?" do
+ before do
+ allow(class_instance).to receive(:sign_requests?).and_return(true)
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "merging the server API version into the headers"
+ it "calls authentication_headers with the proper input" do
+ expect(class_instance).to receive(:authentication_headers).with(
+ method, url, data,
+ { "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => Chef::HTTP::Authenticator::DEFAULT_SERVER_API_VERSION }
+ ).and_return({})
+ class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when ssh_agent_signing" do
+ let(:public_key) { <<~EOH }
+ -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
+ 4/c4IeR5yVyQFpX3JpxO4TquwnRh8VSUhrw8kkTLmB3cS39Db+3HadvhoqCEbqPE
+ 6915kXSuk/cWIcNozujLK7tkuPEyYVsyTioQAddSdfe+8EhQVf3oHxaKmUd6waXr
+ WqYCnhxgOjxocenREYNhZ/OETIeiPbOku47vB4nJK/0GhKBytL2XnsRgfKgDxf42
+ BqAi1jglIdeq8lAWZNF9TbNBU21AO1iuT7Pm6LyQujhggPznR5FJhXKRUARXBJZa
+ wxpGV4dGtdcahwXNE4601aXPra+xPcRd2puCNoEDBzgVuTSsLYeKBDMSfs173W1Q
+ -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
+ let(:class_instance) { "test", raw_key: public_key, ssh_agent_signing: true) }
+ it "sets use_ssh_agent if needed" do
+ expect(Mixlib::Authentication::SignedHeaderAuth).to receive(:signing_object).and_wrap_original { |m, *args|
+*args).tap do |signing_obj|
+ expect(signing_obj).to receive(:sign).with(instance_of(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA), use_ssh_agent: true).and_return({})
+ end
+ }
+ class_instance.handle_request(method, url, headers, data)
+ end
+ end
+ end