diff options
authorRyan Cragun <>2019-07-24 17:12:57 -0600
committerRyan Cragun <>2019-07-24 17:18:53 -0600
commitfae44333ff79f116c266507cd2377c211c4d1f8e (patch)
parent6bbf42b0ff11eabdb72067e78e4101ad93820b71 (diff)
Add mac_user resource that is compatible with macOS >= 10.14
Provide a user resource that is compatible with default TCC restrictions that were introduced in macOS 10.14. Changes: * This resource and the corresponding provider have been modified to work with default macOS TCC policies. Direct access to user binary plists are no longer permitted by default, thus we've chosen to use use newer methods of creating, modifying and removing users. * Due to the tooling required by the provider this provider is only suitable for use on macOS >= 10.14. Support for older platforms has been removed. New Features: * Primary group management is now included. * 'admin' is now a boolean property that configures a user to an admin. * 'admin_username' and 'admin_password' are new properties that define the admin user credentials required for toggling SecureToken for an exiting user. The 'admin_username' must correspond to a system admin with SecureToken enabled in order to toggle SecureToken. * 'secure_token' is a boolean property that sets the desired state for SecureToken. SecureToken token is required for FileVault full disk encryption. Signed-off-by: Ryan Cragun <>
9 files changed, 757 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/provider/user/dscl.rb b/lib/chef/provider/user/dscl.rb
index b8f85618da..027f9eba38 100644
--- a/lib/chef/provider/user/dscl.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/provider/user/dscl.rb
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Chef
# => shadow binary length 128 bytes
# => Salt / Iterations are stored separately in the same file
- # This provider only supports Mac OSX versions 10.7 and above
+ # This provider only supports macOS versions 10.7 to 10.13
class Dscl < Chef::Provider::User
attr_accessor :user_info
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class Chef
attr_accessor :password_shadow_conversion_algorithm
provides :dscl_user
- provides :user, os: "darwin"
+ provides :user, os: "darwin", platform_version: "<= 10.13"
# Just-in-case a recipe calls the user dscl provider without specifying
# a gid property. Avoids chown issues in move_home when the manage_home
diff --git a/lib/chef/provider/user/mac.rb b/lib/chef/provider/user/mac.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..826b862251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef/provider/user/mac.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+# Author:: Ryan Cragun (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2019, Chef Software Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require_relative "../../resource"
+require_relative "../../dsl/declare_resource"
+require_relative "../../mixin/shell_out"
+require_relative "../../mixin/which"
+require_relative "../user"
+require_relative "../../resource/user/mac_user"
+class Chef
+ class Provider
+ class User
+ # A macOS user provider that is compatible with default TCC restrictions
+ # in macOS >= 10.14. See resource/user/mac_user.rb for complete description
+ # of the mac_user resource and how it differs from the dscl resource used
+ # on previous platforms.
+ class MacUser < Chef::Provider::User
+ include Chef::Mixin::Which
+ provides :mac_user
+ provides :user, os: "darwin", platform_version: ">= 10.14"
+ attr_accessor :auth_authority, :guid, :user_plist
+ uid: "dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID",
+ guid: "dsAttrTypeStandard:GeneratedUID",
+ gid: "dsAttrTypeStandard:PrimaryGroupID",
+ home: "dsAttrTypeStandard:NFSHomeDirectory",
+ shell: "dsAttrTypeStandard:UserShell",
+ comment: "dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName",
+ password: "dsAttrTypeStandard:Password",
+ auth_authority: "dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthenticationAuthority",
+ shadow_hash: "dsAttrTypeNative:ShadowHashData",
+ group_members: "dsAttrTypeStandard:GroupMembers",
+ }.freeze
+ def define_resource_requirements
+ super
+ %w{dscl sysadminctl plutil dsimport}.each do |bin|
+ requirements.assert(:all_actions) do |a|
+ a.assertion { which(bin) }
+ a.failure_message(Chef::Exceptions::User, "Cannot find binary '#{bin}' on the system for #{new_resource}!")
+ end
+ end
+ requirements.assert(:all_actions) do |a|
+ a.assertion do
+ if new_resource.property_is_set?(:salt)
+ new_resource.property_is_set?(:iterations) && new_resource.password =~ /^[[:xdigit:]]{256}$/
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ a.failure_message(Chef::Exceptions::User, "Password must be a SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2 shadow hash entropy when a shadow hash salt is given")
+ end
+ end
+ def load_current_resource
+ convert_group_name if new_resource.property_is_set?(:gid)
+ @current_resource =
+ current_resource.username(new_resource.username)
+ @user_plist = load_user
+ if user_plist
+ reload_with_user_plist
+ else
+ @user_exists = false
+ logger.trace("#{new_resource} user does not exist")
+ end
+ current_resource
+ end
+ def load_user
+ # Load the user information.
+ user_xml = run_dscl("read", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}")
+ # User doesn't exist yet so there's not info
+ return nil if user_xml.nil? || user_xml == ""
+ user_plist = Plist.parse_xml(user_xml)
+ # The password infomation is stored in the ShadowHashData key in the
+ # plist. However, parsing it is a bit tricky as the value is itself
+ # another encoded binary plist. We have to extract the encoded plist,
+ # decode it from hex to a binary plist and then convert the binary
+ # into XML plist. From there we can extract the hash data.
+ #
+ # NOTE: `dscl -read` and `plutil -convert` return different values for ShadowHashData.
+ #
+ # `dscl` returns the value encoded as an octal hex string and stored as a <string>
+ # `plutil` returns the value encoded as a base64 string stored as <data>
+ #
+ # eg:
+ #
+ # <array>
+ # <string>77687920 63616e27 74206170 706c6520 6275696c 6420636f 6e736973 74656e74 20746f6f 6c696e67</string>
+ # </array>
+ #
+ # vs
+ #
+ # <array>
+ # </array>
+ #
+ shadow_hash_hex = dscl_get(user_plist, :shadow_hash)[0]
+ return user_plist unless shadow_hash_hex && shadow_hash_hex != ""
+ shadow_binary_plist = [shadow_hash_hex.delete(" ")].pack("H*")
+ shadow_xml_plist = shell_out("plutil", "-convert", "xml1", "-o", "-", "-", input: shadow_binary_plist).stdout
+ dscl_set(user_plist, :shadow_hash, Plist.parse_xml(shadow_xml_plist))
+ user_plist
+ rescue Chef::Exceptions::PlistUtilCommandFailed, Chef::Exceptions::DsclCommandFailed
+ nil
+ end
+ # Map updated user information from the user_plist onto the current resource
+ # and instance variables.
+ def reload_with_user_plist
+ current_resource.uid(dscl_get(user_plist, :uid)[0])
+ current_resource.gid(dscl_get(user_plist, :gid)[0])
+ current_resource.home(dscl_get(user_plist, :home)[0])
+, :shell)[0])
+ current_resource.comment(dscl_get(user_plist, :comment)[0])
+ shadow_hash = dscl_get(user_plist, :shadow_hash)
+ if shadow_hash
+ current_resource.password(shadow_hash[0]["SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2"]["entropy"].string.unpack("H*")[0])
+ current_resource.salt(shadow_hash[0]["SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2"]["salt"].string.unpack("H*")[0])
+ current_resource.iterations(shadow_hash[0]["SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2"]["iterations"].to_i)
+ end
+ @auth_authority = dscl_get(user_plist, :auth_authority)
+ @guid = dscl_get(user_plist, :guid)
+ @admin_group_info = nil
+ current_resource.secure_token(secure_token_enabled?)
+ current_resource.admin(admin_user?)
+ end
+ #
+ # User Provider Callbacks
+ #
+ def create_user
+ cmd = [-"-addUser", new_resource.username]
+ cmd += ["-fullName", new_resource.comment] if new_resource.property_is_set?(:comment)
+ cmd += ["-UID", new_resource.uid] if new_resource.property_is_set?(:uid)
+ cmd += ["-shell",] if new_resource.property_is_set?(:shell)
+ cmd += ["-home", new_resource.home] if new_resource.property_is_set?(:home)
+ cmd += ["-admin"] if new_resource.admin
+ # We can technically create a new user without the admin credentials
+ # but without them the user cannot enable SecureToken, thus they cannot
+ # create other secure users or enable FileVault full disk encryption.
+ if new_resource.property_is_set?(:admin_username) && new_resource.property_is_set?(:admin_password)
+ cmd += ["-adminUser", new_resource.admin_username]
+ cmd += ["-adminPassword", new_resource.admin_password]
+ end
+ # sysadminctl doesn't exit with a non-zero exit code if it encounters
+ # a problem. We'll check stderr and make sure we see that it finished
+ # correctly.
+ res = run_sysadminctl(cmd)
+ unless res.downcase =~ /creating user/
+ raise Chef::Exceptions::User, "error when creating user: #{res}"
+ end
+ # Wait for the user to be created and for dscl to flush everything
+ sleep 3
+ # Reload with up-to-date user information
+ @user_plist = load_user
+ reload_with_user_plist
+ converge_by("set password") { set_password } if new_resource.property_is_set?(:password)
+ if new_resource.manage_home
+ # "sydadminctl -addUser" will create the home directory if it's
+ # the default /Users/<username>, otherwise it sets it in plist
+ # but does not create it. Here we'll ensure that it gets created
+ # if we've been given a directory that is not the default.
+ unless && ::File.exist?(new_resource.home)
+ converge_by("create home directory") do
+ shell_out!("createhomedir -c -u #{new_resource.username}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if new_resource.property_is_set?(:gid)
+ # NOTE: Here we're managing the primary group of the user which is
+ # a departure from previous behavior. We could just set the
+ # PrimaryGroupID for the user and move on if we decide that actual
+ # group magement should be done outside of the core resource.
+ group_name, group_id, group_action = user_group_info
+ declare_resource(:group, group_name) do
+ members new_resource.username
+ gid group_id if group_id
+ action group_action
+ append true
+ end
+ converge_by("create primary group ID") do
+ run_dscl("create", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}", "PrimaryGroupID", new_resource.gid)
+ end
+ end
+ converge_by("alter SecureToken") { toggle_secure_token } if diverged?(:secure_token)
+ @user_exists = true
+ end
+ def compare_user
+ %i{comment shell uid gid salt password admin secure_token}.each do |m|
+ return true if diverged?(m)
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ def manage_user
+ %i{uid home}.each do |prop|
+ raise Chef::Exceptions::User, "cannot modify #{prop} on macOS >= 10.14" if diverged?(prop)
+ end
+ converge_by("alter password") { set_password } if diverged?(:password)
+ if diverged?(:comment)
+ converge_by("alter comment") do
+ run_dscl("create", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}", "RealName", new_resource.comment)
+ end
+ end
+ if diverged?(:shell)
+ converge_by("alter shell") do
+ run_dscl("create", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}", "UserShell",
+ end
+ end
+ converge_by("alter SecureToken") { toggle_secure_token } if diverged?(:secure_token)
+ if diverged?(:admin)
+ converge_by("alter admin group membership") do
+ declare_resource(:group, "admin") do
+ if new_resource.admin
+ members new_resource.username
+ else
+ excluded_members new_resource.username
+ end
+ action :create
+ append true
+ end
+ admins = dscl_get(admin_group_info, :group_members)
+ if new_resource.admin
+ admins << guid[0]
+ else
+ admins.reject! { |m| m == guid[0] }
+ end
+ run_dscl("create", "/Groups/admin", "GroupMembers", admins)
+ @admin_group_info = nil
+ end
+ end
+ group_name, group_id, group_action = user_group_info
+ declare_resource(:group, group_name) do
+ gid group_id if group_id
+ members new_resource.username
+ action group_action
+ append true
+ end
+ if diverged?(:gid)
+ converge_by("alter group membership") do
+ run_dscl("create", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}", "PrimaryGroupID", new_resource.gid)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_user
+ cmd = ["-deleteUser", new_resource.username]
+ cmd << new_resource.manage_home ? "-secure" : "-keepHome"
+ if new_resource.property_is_set?(:admin_username) && new_resource.property_is_set?(:admin_password)
+ cmd += ["-adminUser", new_resource.admin_username]
+ cmd += ["-adminPassword", new_resource.admin_password]
+ end
+ # sysadminctl doesn't exit with a non-zero exit code if it encounters
+ # a problem. We'll check stdout and make sure we see that it finished
+ res = run_sysadminctl(cmd)
+ unless res.downcase =~ /deleting record|not found/
+ raise Chef::Exceptions::User, "error deleting user: #{res}"
+ end
+ @user_exists = false
+ end
+ def lock_user
+ run_dscl("append", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}", "AuthenticationAuthority", ";DisabledUser;")
+ end
+ def unlock_user
+ auth_string = auth_authority.reject! { |tag| tag == ";DisabledUser;" }.join.strip
+ run_dscl("create", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}", "AuthenticationAuthority", auth_string)
+ end
+ def locked?
+ if auth_authority
+ auth_authority.any? { |tag| tag == ";DisabledUser;" }
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def check_lock
+ @locked = locked?
+ end
+ #
+ # Methods
+ #
+ def diverged?(prop)
+ prop = prop.to_sym
+ if prop == :password
+ return password_diverged?
+ elsif prop == :gid
+ return user_group_diverged?
+ end
+ # Other fields are have been set on current resource so just compare
+ # them.
+ new_resource.property_is_set?(prop) && (new_resource.send(prop) != current_resource.send(prop))
+ end
+ def user_group_info
+ @user_group_info ||= begin
+ if new_resource.gid.is_a?(String)
+ begin
+ g = Etc.getgrnam(new_resource.gid)
+ [, g.gid.to_s, :modify]
+ rescue
+ [new_resource.gid, nil, :create]
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ g = Etc.getgrgid(new_resource.gid)
+ [, g.gid.to_s, :modify]
+ rescue
+ [g.username, nil, :create]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def secure_token_enabled?
+ if auth_authority
+ auth_authority.any? { |tag| tag == ";SecureToken;" }
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def toggle_secure_token
+ # Check for this lazily as we only need to validate for these credentials
+ # if we're toggling secure token.
+ unless new_resource.property_is_set?(:admin_username) &&
+ new_resource.property_is_set?(:admin_password) &&
+ # property_is_set? can't handle a default inherited from password
+ # when not using shadow hash data. Hence, we'll just have to
+ # make sure some valid string is there.
+ new_resource.secure_token_password &&
+ new_resource.secure_token_password != ""
+ raise Chef::Exceptions::User, "secure_token_password, admin_user and admin_password properties are required to modify SecureToken"
+ end
+ cmd = (new_resource.secure_token ? %w{-secureTokenOn} : %w{-secureTokenOff})
+ cmd += [new_resource.username, "-password", new_resource.secure_token_password]
+ cmd += ["-adminUser", new_resource.admin_username]
+ cmd += ["-adminPassword", new_resource.admin_password]
+ # sysadminctl doesn't exit with a non-zero exit code if it encounters
+ # a problem. We'll check stdout and make sure we see that it finished
+ res = run_sysadminctl(cmd)
+ unless res.downcase =~ /done/
+ raise Chef::Exceptions::User, "error when modifying SecureToken: #{res}"
+ end
+ # HACK: When SecureToken is enabled or disabled it requires the user
+ # password in plaintext, which it verifies and uses as a key. It also
+ # takes the liberty of _rehashing_ the password with a random salt and
+ # iterations count and saves it back into the user ShadowHashData.
+ #
+ # Therefore, if we're configuring a user based upon an existing shadow
+ # hash data we'll have to set the password again so that future runs
+ # of the client don't show password drift.
+ set_password if new_resource.property_is_set?(:salt)
+ end
+ def user_group_diverged?
+ return false unless new_resource.property_is_set?(:gid)
+ _, group_id = user_group_info
+ current_resource.gid != group_id
+ end
+ def password_diverged?
+ # There are three options for configuring the password:
+ # * ShadowHashData which includes the hash data as:
+ # * hashed entropy as the "password"
+ # * salt
+ # * iterations
+ # * Plaintext password
+ # * Not configuring it
+ # Check for no desired password configuration
+ return false unless new_resource.property_is_set?(:password)
+ # Check for ShadowHashData divergence by comparing the entropy,
+ # salt, and iterations.
+ if new_resource.property_is_set?(:salt)
+ return true if %i{salt iterations}.any? { |prop| diverged?(prop) }
+ return new_resource.password != current_resource.password
+ end
+ # Check for plaintext password divergence. We don't actually know
+ # what the stored password is but we can hash the given password with
+ # stored salt and iterations, and compare the resulting entropy with
+ # the saved entropy.
+ OpenSSL::PKCS5.pbkdf2_hmac(
+ new_resource.password,
+ convert_to_binary(current_resource.salt),
+ current_resource.iterations.to_i,
+ 128,
+ ).unpack("H*")[0] != current_resource.password
+ end
+ def admin_user?
+ return false unless admin_group_info
+ dscl_get(admin_group_info, :group_members).any? { |mem| mem == guid[0] }
+ end
+ def admin_group_info
+ @admin_group_info ||= begin
+ admin_group_xml = run_dscl("read", "/Groups/admin")
+ return nil unless admin_group_xml && admin_group_xml != ""
+ Plist.parse_xml(admin_group_xml)
+ end
+ end
+ def convert_to_binary(string)
+ string.unpack("a2" * (string.size / 2)).collect { |i| i.hex.chr }.join
+ end
+ def set_password
+ if new_resource.property_is_set?(:salt)
+ entropy =
+ salt =
+ else
+ salt =
+ entropy =
+ OpenSSL::PKCS5.pbkdf2_hmac(
+ new_resource.password,
+ salt.string,
+ new_resource.iterations,
+ 128,
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ shadow_hash = dscl_get(user_plist, :shadow_hash)[0]
+ shadow_hash["SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2"] = {
+ "entropy" => entropy,
+ "salt" => salt,
+ "iterations" => new_resource.iterations,
+ }
+ shadow_hash_binary =
+ shell_out("plutil", "-convert", "binary1", "-o", "-", "-",
+ input: shadow_hash.to_plist,
+ live_stream: shadow_hash_binary)
+ # Apple seem to have killed their dsimport documentation about the
+ # dsimport record format. Perhaps that means our days of being able to
+ # use dsimport without an admin password or perhaps at all could be
+ # numbered. Here is the record format for posterity:
+ #
+ # End of record character
+ # Escape character
+ # Field separator
+ # Value separator
+ # Record type (Users, Groups, Computers, ComputerGroups, ComputerLists)
+ # Number of properties
+ # Property 1
+ # ...
+ # Property N
+ #
+ # The user password shadow data format breaks down as:
+ #
+ # 0x0A End of record denoted by \n
+ # 0x5C Escaping is denoted by \
+ # 0x3A Fields are separated by :
+ # 0x2C Values are seperated by ,
+ # dsRecTypeStandard:Users The record type we're configuring
+ # 2 How many properties we're going to set
+ # dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName Property 1: our users record name
+ # base64:dsAttrTypeNative:ShadowHashData Property 2: our shadow hash data
+ import_file = ::File.join(Chef::Config["file_cache_path"], "#{new_resource.username}_password_dsimport")
+, "w+", 0600) do |f|
+ f.write <<~DSIMPORT
+ 0x0A 0x5C 0x3A 0x2C dsRecTypeStandard:Users 2 dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName base64:dsAttrTypeNative:ShadowHashData
+ #{new_resource.username}:#{::Base64.strict_encode64(shadow_hash_binary.string)}
+ end
+ run_dscl("delete", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}", "ShadowHashData")
+ run_dsimport(import_file, "/Local/Default", "M")
+ run_dscl("create", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}", "Password", "********")
+ ensure
+ ::File.delete(import_file) if defined?(import_file) && ::File.exist?(import_file)
+ end
+ def run_dsimport(*args)
+ shell_out!("dsimport", *(args.compact))
+ end
+ # Gets a value from user information hash using Chef attributes as keys.
+ #
+ def dscl_get(user_hash, key)
+ raise "Unknown dscl key #{key}" unless DSCL_PROPERTY_MAP.keys.include?(key)
+ user_hash[DSCL_PROPERTY_MAP[key]]
+ end
+ #
+ # Sets a value in user information hash using Chef attributes as keys.
+ #
+ def dscl_set(user_hash, key, value)
+ raise "Unknown dscl key #{key}" unless DSCL_PROPERTY_MAP.keys.include?(key)
+ user_hash[DSCL_PROPERTY_MAP[key]] = [ value ]
+ user_hash
+ end
+ def run_sysadminctl(args)
+ # sysadminctl doesn't exit with a non-zero code when errors are encountered
+ # and ouputs everything to STDERR instead of STDOUT and STDERR. Therefore we'll
+ # return the STDERR and let the caller handle it.
+ shell_out("sysadminctl", args).stderr
+ end
+ def run_dscl(*args)
+ result = shell_out("dscl", "-plist", ".", "-#{args[0]}", args[1..-1])
+ return "" if ( args.first =~ /^delete/ ) && ( result.exitstatus != 0 )
+ raise(Chef::Exceptions::DsclCommandFailed, "dscl error: #{result.inspect}") unless result.exitstatus == 0
+ raise(Chef::Exceptions::DsclCommandFailed, "dscl error: #{result.inspect}") if result.stdout =~ /No such key: /
+ result.stdout
+ end
+ def run_plutil(*args)
+ result = shell_out("plutil", "-#{args[0]}", args[1..-1])
+ raise(Chef::Exceptions::PlistUtilCommandFailed, "plutil error: #{result.inspect}") unless result.exitstatus == 0
+ if result.stdout.encoding == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
+ result.stdout.encode("utf-8", "binary", undef: :replace, invalid: :replace, replace: "?")
+ else
+ result.stdout
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/providers.rb b/lib/chef/providers.rb
index 85f2cddaf9..1e45ca13ed 100644
--- a/lib/chef/providers.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/providers.rb
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ require_relative "provider/service/aix"
require_relative "provider/user/aix"
require_relative "provider/user/dscl"
require_relative "provider/user/linux"
+require_relative "provider/user/mac"
require_relative "provider/user/pw"
require_relative "provider/user/solaris"
require_relative "provider/user/windows"
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/user.rb b/lib/chef/resource/user.rb
index 19ae2d8dc8..6ade20082f 100644
--- a/lib/chef/resource/user.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/resource/user.rb
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class Chef
property :password, String,
description: "The password shadow hash",
+ sensitive: true,
desired_state: false
property :non_unique, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ],
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/user/dscl_user.rb b/lib/chef/resource/user/dscl_user.rb
index 54d78d20a0..a3f6661c22 100644
--- a/lib/chef/resource/user/dscl_user.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/resource/user/dscl_user.rb
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Chef
resource_name :dscl_user
provides :dscl_user
- provides :user, os: "darwin"
+ provides :user, os: "darwin", platform_version: "<= 10.13"
property :iterations, Integer,
description: "macOS platform only. The number of iterations for a password with a SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2 shadow hash.",
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/user/mac_user.rb b/lib/chef/resource/user/mac_user.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29f52b9ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef/resource/user/mac_user.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Author:: Ryan Cragun (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright 2019, Chef Software Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require_relative "../user"
+class Chef
+ class Resource
+ class User
+ # Provide a user resource that is compatible with default TCC restrictions
+ # that were introduced in macOS 10.14.
+ #
+ # Changes:
+ #
+ # * This resource and the corresponding provider have been modified to
+ # work with default macOS TCC policies. Direct access to user binary
+ # plists are no longer permitted by default, thus we've chosen to use
+ # use newer methods of creating, modifying and removing users.
+ #
+ # * Due to the tooling required by the provider this provider is only
+ # suitable for use on macOS >= 10.14. Support for older platforms has
+ # been removed.
+ #
+ # New Features:
+ #
+ # * Primary group management is now included.
+ #
+ # * 'admin' is now a boolean property that configures a user to an admin.
+ #
+ # * 'admin_username' and 'admin_password' are new properties that define the
+ # admin user credentials required for toggling SecureToken for an
+ # exiting user.
+ #
+ # The 'admin_username' must correspond to a system admin with SecureToken
+ # enabled in order to toggle SecureToken.
+ #
+ # * 'secure_token' is a boolean property that sets the desired state
+ # for SecureToken. SecureToken token is required for FileVault full
+ # disk encryption.
+ class MacUser < Chef::Resource::User
+ resource_name :mac_user
+ provides :mac_user
+ provides :user, os: "darwin", platform_version: ">= 10.14"
+ property :iterations, Integer,
+ description: "macOS platform only. The number of iterations for a password with a SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2 shadow hash.",
+ default: 57803, desired_state: false
+ # Overload gid so we can set our default. NilClass is for backwards compat
+ # and 20 is the macOS "staff" group.
+ property :gid, [String, Integer, NilClass], description: "The numeric group identifier.", default: 20, coerce: ->(gid) do
+ begin
+ return 20 if gid.nil?
+ return Etc.getgrnam(gid).gid if gid.is_a?(String)
+ Integer(gid)
+ rescue
+ gid
+ end
+ end
+ # Overload the password so we can set a length requirements and update the
+ # description.
+ property :password, String, description: "The plain text user password", sensitive: true, callbacks: {
+ "Password length must be >= 4" => ->(password) { password.size >= 4 },
+ }
+ # Overload home so we set our default.
+ property :home, String, description: "The user home directory", default: lazy { "/Users/#{name}" }
+ property :admin, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Create the user as an admin", default: false
+ # TCC on macOS >= 10.14 requires admin credentials of an Admin user that
+ # has SecureToken enabled in order to toggle SecureToken.
+ property :admin_username, String, description: "Admin username for superuser actions"
+ property :admin_password, String, description: "Admin password for superuser actions", sensitive: true
+ property :secure_token, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Enable SecureToken for the user", default: false
+ # In order to enable SecureToken for a user we require the plaintext password.
+ property :secure_token_password, String, description: "The plaintext password for enabling SecureToken", sensitive: true, default: lazy {
+ # In some cases the user can pass the plaintext value to "password" instead of
+ # SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2 entropy. In those cases we'll default to the
+ # same value.
+ (salt.nil? && password) ? password : nil
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/resources.rb b/lib/chef/resources.rb
index d76f1bbf06..235c1e41a1 100644
--- a/lib/chef/resources.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/resources.rb
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ require_relative "resource/user"
require_relative "resource/user/aix_user"
require_relative "resource/user/dscl_user"
require_relative "resource/user/linux_user"
+require_relative "resource/user/mac_user"
require_relative "resource/user/pw_user"
require_relative "resource/user/solaris_user"
require_relative "resource/user/windows_user"
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/user/dscl_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/user/dscl_spec.rb
index b12ea78977..e20873dc92 100644
--- a/spec/unit/provider/user/dscl_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/user/dscl_spec.rb
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ describe Chef::Provider::User::Dscl do
let(:node) do do |node|
node.automatic["os"] = "darwin"
+ node.automatic["platform_version"] = "10.13.0"
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/user/mac_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/user/mac_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7024f45c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/user/mac_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Author:: Ryan Cragun (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2019 Chef Software, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require "spec_helper"
+describe Chef::Provider::User::MacUser do
+ before do
+ allow(ChefConfig).to receive(:windows?) { false }
+ end
+ let(:new_resource) {"jane") }
+ let(:provider) do
+ node =
+ events =
+ run_context =, {}, events)
+, run_context)
+ end
+ it "responds to load_current_resource" do
+ expect(provider).to respond_to(:load_current_resource)
+ end