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authorTim Smith <>2018-03-27 15:42:39 -0700
committerTim Smith <>2018-03-27 15:42:39 -0700
commitee2d1c41844d5d28b17e0a749141a5ca9d3e6c8c (patch)
parent7a6bf1531f91d121a21493924905cde37592a48b (diff)
windows_feature_dism: Be case insensitive with feature names
We took what they user gave us and compared it to the list of available packages from dism.exe. In doing so we were case sensitive, but the CLI doesn't actually care. This just downcases what the user gives us and what dism gives us so it doesn't matter. Signed-off-by: Tim Smith <>
2 files changed, 12 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb b/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
index 03cb5019ad..0f81352dd3 100644
--- a/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class Chef
property :feature_name, [Array, String],
description: "The name of the feature/role(s) to install if it differs from the resource name.",
- coerce: proc { |x| x.is_a?(String) ? x.split(/\s*,\s*/) : x },
+ coerce: proc { |x| to_lowercase_array(x) },
name_property: true
property :source, String,
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ class Chef
description: "Specifies a timeout (in seconds) for feature install.",
default: 600
+ def to_lowercase_array(x)
+ x = x.split(/\s*,\s*/) if x.is_a?(String) # split multiple forms of a comma separated list
+ end
action :install do
description "Install a Windows role/feature using DISM"
@@ -188,7 +193,7 @@ class Chef
# @return [void]
def add_to_feature_mash(feature_type, feature_string)
feature_details = feature_string.strip.split(/\s+[|]\s+/)
- node.override["dism_features_cache"][feature_type] << feature_details.first
+ node.override["dism_features_cache"][feature_type] << feature_details.first.downcase # lowercase so we can compare properly
# Fail if any of the packages are in a removed state
diff --git a/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb b/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
index 1004b75ba9..53f3d73347 100644
--- a/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/resource/windows_feature_dism.rb
@@ -29,17 +29,17 @@ describe Chef::Resource::WindowsFeatureDism do
it "sets the feature_name property as its name property" do
- expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{SNMP DHCP})
+ expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{snmp dhcp})
- it "coerces comma separated lists of features to arrays" do
+ it "coerces comma separated lists of features to a lowercase arrays" do
resource.feature_name "SNMP, DHCP"
- expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{SNMP DHCP})
+ expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(%w{snmp dhcp})
- it "coerces a single feature as a String into an array" do
+ it "coerces a single feature as a String to a lowercase array" do
resource.feature_name "SNMP"
- expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(["SNMP"])
+ expect(resource.feature_name).to eql(["snmp"])
it "supports :install, :remove, and :delete actions" do