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authorAdam Jacob <>2009-12-10 15:32:30 -0800
committerAdam Jacob <>2009-12-10 15:32:30 -0800
commitae9138fb72e8edd6933d3dd41dc595bd05504a47 (patch)
parent0ece26905ee05357be17b23adf4dfd08d6298009 (diff)
Flipping these tests to be testing the right response, not green for the broken one
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/features/api/cookbooks/manage_cookbooks.feature b/features/api/cookbooks/manage_cookbooks.feature
index cb9102ab28..0d44e534f2 100644
--- a/features/api/cookbooks/manage_cookbooks.feature
+++ b/features/api/cookbooks/manage_cookbooks.feature
@@ -38,34 +38,28 @@ Feature: CRUD cookbook tarballs
Then the response code should be '400'
And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'cookbook already exists'
- # TODO: when CHEF-780 is resolved, uncomment the 400 response expectation and remove the 401 expectation. Note: when authenticate_every is commented out and the 400 is expected, it behaves properly
Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook without a file parameter
Given a 'registration' named 'bobo' exists
And a 'hash' named 'nothing'
When I create a cookbook named 'test_cookbook' with 'nothing'
-# Then the response code should be '400'
-# And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'missing required parameter: file'
- Then the response code should be '401'
+ Then the response code should be '400'
+ And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'missing required parameter: file'
- # TODO: when CHEF-780 is resolved, uncomment the 400 response expectation and remove the 401 expectation. Note: when authenticate_every is commented out and the 400 is expected, it behaves properly
Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook with a blank file parameter
Given a 'registration' named 'bobo' exists
And a 'file' named 'blank file parameter'
When I create a cookbook named 'test_cookbook' with 'blank file parameter'
-# Then the response code should be '400'
-# And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'invalid parameter: file must be a File'
- Then the response code should be '401'
+ Then the response code should be '400'
+ And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'invalid parameter: file must be a File'
- # TODO: when CHEF-780 is resolved, uncomment the 400 response expectation and remove the 401 expectation. Note: when authenticate_every is commented out and the 400 is expected, it behaves properly
Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook with a string file parameter
Given a 'registration' named 'bobo' exists
And a 'file' named 'string file parameter'
When I create a cookbook named 'test_cookbook' with 'string file parameter'
-# Then the response code should be '400'
-# And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'invalid parameter: file must be a File'
- Then the response code should be '401'
+ Then the response code should be '400'
+ And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'invalid parameter: file must be a File'
Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook with an invalid tarball
Given a 'registration' named 'bobo' exists
@@ -137,27 +131,23 @@ Feature: CRUD cookbook tarballs
Then the response code should be '400'
And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'missing required parameter: file'
- # TODO: when CHEF-780 is resolved, uncomment the 400 response expectation and remove the 401 expectation. Note: when authenticate_every is commented out and the 400 is expected, it behaves properly
Scenario: Should not be able to update a cookbook with a blank file parameter
Given a 'registration' named 'bobo' exists
And a 'file' named 'original cookbook tarball'
And a 'file' named 'blank file parameter'
And a cookbook named 'test_cookbook' is created with 'original cookbook tarball'
When I upload 'blank file parameter' to cookbook 'test_cookbook'
-# Then the response code should be '400'
-# And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'invalid parameter: file must be a File'
- Then the response code should be '401'
+ Then the response code should be '400'
+ And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'invalid parameter: file must be a File'
- # TODO: when CHEF-780 is resolved, uncomment the 400 response expectation and remove the 401 expectation. Note: when authenticate_every is commented out and the 400 is expected, it behaves properly
Scenario: Should not be able to update a cookbook with a string file parameter
Given a 'registration' named 'bobo' exists
And a 'file' named 'original cookbook tarball'
And a 'file' named 'string file parameter'
And a cookbook named 'test_cookbook' is created with 'original cookbook tarball'
When I upload 'string file parameter' to cookbook 'test_cookbook'
-# Then the response code should be '400'
-# And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'invalid parameter: file must be a File'
- Then the response code should be '401'
+ Then the response code should be '400'
+ And the inflated responses key 'error' should include 'invalid parameter: file must be a File'
Scenario: Should not be able to update a cookbook with an invalid tarball
Given a 'registration' named 'bobo' exists