path: root/chef/lib/chef/client.rb
diff options
authorEzra Zygmuntowicz <>2008-10-08 14:19:52 -0700
committerEzra Zygmuntowicz <>2008-10-08 14:19:52 -0700
commitc5d33c1298834ce40b8fbf344f281045771b5371 (patch)
tree1f0d4c7eab1eb379b544282a7ce48052acf719a5 /chef/lib/chef/client.rb
parent3d14601aea23dee3899d097324875274da419d84 (diff)
big refactor of the repo layout. move to a chef gem and a chef-server gem all with proper deps
Diffstat (limited to 'chef/lib/chef/client.rb')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chef/lib/chef/client.rb b/chef/lib/chef/client.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd7e263ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef/lib/chef/client.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# Author:: Adam Jacob (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 HJK Solutions, LLC
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "mixin", "params_validate")
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "mixin", "generate_url")
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "mixin", "checksum")
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'facter'
+class Chef
+ class Client
+ include Chef::Mixin::GenerateURL
+ include Chef::Mixin::Checksum
+ attr_accessor :node, :registration, :safe_name
+ # Creates a new Chef::Client.
+ def initialize()
+ @node = nil
+ @safe_name = nil
+ @registration = nil
+ @rest =[:registration_url])
+ end
+ # Do a full run for this Chef::Client. Calls:
+ #
+ # * build_node - Get the last known state, merge with local changes
+ # * register - Make sure we have an openid
+ # * authenticate - Authenticate with our openid
+ # * sync_definitions - Populate the local cache with all the definitions
+ # * sync_recipes - Populate the local cache with all the recipes
+ # * do_attribute_files - Populate the local cache with all attributes, and execute them
+ # * save_node - Store the new node configuration
+ # * converge - Bring this system up to date, based on the local cache
+ # * save_node - Store the node again, in case convergence altered future state
+ #
+ # === Returns
+ # true:: Always returns true.
+ def run
+ build_node
+ register
+ authenticate
+ sync_definitions
+ sync_recipes
+ do_attribute_files
+ save_node
+ converge
+ save_node
+ true
+ end
+ # Builds a new node object for this client. Starts with querying for the FQDN of the current
+ # host (unless it is supplied), then merges in the facts from Facter.
+ #
+ # === Parameters
+ # node_name<String>:: The name of the node to build - defaults to nil
+ #
+ # === Returns
+ # node:: Returns the created node object, also stored in @node
+ def build_node(node_name=nil)
+ node_name ||= Facter["fqdn"].value ? Facter["fqdn"].value : Facter["hostname"].value
+ @safe_name = node_name.gsub(/\./, '_')
+ Chef::Log.debug("Building node object for #{@safe_name}")
+ begin
+ @node = @rest.get_rest("nodes/#{@safe_name}")
+ rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e
+ unless e.message =~ /^404/
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ unless @node
+ @node ||=
+ end
+ Facter.each do |field, value|
+ @node[field] = value
+ end
+ @node
+ end
+ # If this node has been registered before, this method will fetch the current registration
+ # data.
+ #
+ # If it has not, we register it by calling create_registration.
+ #
+ # === Returns
+ # true:: Always returns true
+ def register
+ Chef::Log.debug("Registering #{@safe_name} for an openid")
+ @registration = nil
+ begin
+ @registration = @rest.get_rest("registrations/#{@safe_name}")
+ rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e
+ unless e.message =~ /^404/
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ if @registration
+ reg = Chef::FileStore.load("registration", @safe_name)
+ @secret = reg["secret"]
+ else
+ create_registration
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ # Generates a random secret, stores it in the Chef::Filestore with the "registration" key,
+ # and posts our nodes registration information to the server.
+ #
+ # === Returns
+ # true:: Always returns true
+ def create_registration
+ @secret = random_password(500)
+"registration", @safe_name, { "secret" => @secret })
+ @rest.post_rest("registrations", { :id => @safe_name, :password => @secret })
+ true
+ end
+ # Authenticates the node via OpenID.
+ #
+ # === Returns
+ # true:: Always returns true
+ def authenticate
+ Chef::Log.debug("Authenticating #{@safe_name} via openid")
+ response = @rest.post_rest('openid/consumer/start', {
+ "openid_identifier" => "#{Chef::Config[:openid_url]}/openid/server/node/#{@safe_name}",
+ "submit" => "Verify"
+ })
+ @rest.post_rest(
+ "#{Chef::Config[:openid_url]}#{response["action"]}",
+ { "password" => @secret }
+ )
+ end
+ # Update the file caches for a given cache segment. Takes a segment name
+ # and a hash that matches one of the cookbooks/_attribute_files style
+ # remote file listings.
+ #
+ # === Parameters
+ # segment<String>:: The cache segment to update
+ # remote_list<Hash>:: A cookbooks/_attribute_files style remote file listing
+ def update_file_cache(segment, remote_list)
+ # We need the list of known good attribute files, so we can delete any that are
+ # just laying about.
+ file_canonical =
+ remote_list.each do |rf|
+ cache_file = File.join("cookbooks", rf['cookbook'], segment, rf['name'])
+ file_canonical[cache_file] = true
+ current_checksum = nil
+ if Chef::FileCache.has_key?(cache_file)
+ current_checksum = checksum(Chef::FileCache.load(cache_file, false))
+ end
+ rf_url = generate_cookbook_url(
+ rf['name'],
+ rf['cookbook'],
+ segment,
+ @node,
+ current_checksum ? { 'checksum' => current_checksum } : nil
+ )
+ Chef::Log.debug(rf_url)
+ changed = true
+ begin
+ raw_file = @rest.get_rest(rf_url, true)
+ rescue Net::HTTPRetriableError => e
+ if e.response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPNotModified)
+ changed = false
+ Chef::Log.debug("Cache file #{cache_file} is unchanged")
+ else
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ if changed
+"Storing updated #{cache_file} in the cache.")
+ Chef::FileCache.move_to(raw_file.path, cache_file)
+ end
+ end
+ Chef::FileCache.list.each do |cache_file|
+ if cache_file.match("cookbooks/.+?/#{segment}")
+ unless file_canonical[cache_file]
+"Removing #{cache_file} from the cache; it is no longer on the server.")
+ Chef::FileCache.delete(cache_file)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Gets all the attribute files included in all the cookbooks available on the server,
+ # and executes them.
+ #
+ # === Returns
+ # true:: Always returns true
+ def do_attribute_files
+ Chef::Log.debug("Synchronizing attributes")
+ update_file_cache("attributes", @rest.get_rest('cookbooks/_attribute_files'))
+ Chef::FileCache.list.each do |cache_file|
+ if cache_file.match("cookbooks/.+?/attributes")
+ Chef::Log.debug("Executing #{cache_file}")
+ @node.from_file(Chef::FileCache.load(cache_file, false))
+ end
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def sync_definitions
+ Chef::Log.debug("Synchronizing definitions")
+ update_file_cache("definitions", @rest.get_rest('cookbooks/_definition_files'))
+ end
+ def sync_recipes
+ Chef::Log.debug("Synchronizing attributes")
+ update_file_cache("recipes", @rest.get_rest('cookbooks/_recipe_files'))
+ end
+ # Updates the current node configuration on the server.
+ #
+ # === Returns
+ # true:: Always returns true
+ def save_node
+ Chef::Log.debug("Saving the current state of node #{@safe_name}")
+ @node = @rest.put_rest("nodes/#{@safe_name}", @node)
+ true
+ end
+ # Compiles the full list of recipes for the server, and passes it to an instance of
+ # Chef::Runner.converge.
+ #
+ # === Returns
+ # true:: Always returns true
+ def converge
+ Chef::Log.debug("Compiling recipes for node #{@safe_name}")
+ Chef::Config[:cookbook_path] = File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], "cookbooks")
+ compile =
+ compile.node = @node
+ compile.load_definitions
+ compile.load_recipes
+ Chef::Log.debug("Executing recipes for node #{@safe_name}")
+ cr =, compile.collection)
+ cr.converge
+ true
+ end
+ protected
+ # Generates a random password of "len" length.
+ def random_password(len)
+ chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a
+ newpass = ""
+ 1.upto(len) { |i| newpass << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] }
+ newpass
+ end
+ end