path: root/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap.rb
diff options
authorMarc A. Paradise <>2019-04-08 08:59:57 -0400
committerMarc A. Paradise <>2019-04-24 13:25:58 -0400
commit4f70574dc592ff29a36e836ddfe5010632d06d11 (patch)
tree403b8f5d5b67f293e578c21f7245140bf8a09c0d /lib/chef/knife/bootstrap.rb
parentc5e4e79d1415d6521d210088172e8ed9ad2cc066 (diff)
Move bootstrap CLI options back into Bootstrap
Signed-off-by: Marc A. Paradise <>
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chef/knife/bootstrap.rb')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap.rb b/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap.rb
index 643e22174c..90b6e5c3c5 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap.rb
@@ -22,17 +22,321 @@ require "erubis"
require "chef/knife/bootstrap/chef_vault_handler"
require "chef/knife/bootstrap/client_builder"
require "chef/util/path_helper"
-require "chef/knife/bootstrap/options"
class Chef
class Knife
class Bootstrap < Knife
include DataBagSecretOptions
- # Command line flags and options for bootstrap - there's a large number of them
- # so we'll keep this file a little smaller by splitting them out.
- include Bootstrap::Options
+ WINRM_AUTH_PROTOCOL_LIST = %w{plaintext kerberos ssl negotiate}.freeze
+ # Common connectivity options
+ option :connection_user,
+ short: "-U USERNAME",
+ long: "--connection-user USERNAME",
+ description: "Authenticate to the target host with this user account"
+ option :password,
+ short: "-P PASSWORD",
+ long: "--connection-password PASSWORD",
+ description: "Authenticate to the target host with this password"
+ option :connection_port,
+ short: "-p PORT",
+ long: "--connection-port PORT",
+ description: "The port on the target node to connect to."
+ option :connection_protocol,
+ short: "-o PROTOCOL",
+ long: "--connection-protocol PROTOCOL",
+ description: "The protocol to use to connect to the target node. Supports: #{SUPPORTED_CONNECTION_PROTOCOLS.join(" ")}"
+ option :max_wait,
+ short: "-W SECONDS",
+ long: "--max-wait SECONDS",
+ description: "The maximum time to wait for the initial connection to be established."
+ # WinRM Authentication
+ option :winrm_ssl_peer_fingerprint,
+ long: "--winrm-ssl-peer-fingerprint FINGERPRINT",
+ description: "SSL certificate fingerprint expected from the target."
+ option :ca_trust_file,
+ short: "-f CA_TRUST_PATH",
+ long: "--ca-trust-file CA_TRUST_PATH",
+ description: "The Certificate Authority (CA) trust file used for SSL transport"
+ option :winrm_no_verify_cert,
+ long: "--winrm-no-verify-cert",
+ description: "Do not verify the SSL certificate of the target node for WinRM."
+ option :winrm_ssl,
+ long: "--winrm-ssl",
+ description: "Connect to WinRM using SSL"
+ option :winrm_auth_method,
+ short: "-w AUTH-METHOD",
+ long: "--winrm-auth-method AUTH-METHOD",
+ description: "The WinRM authentication method to use. Valid choices are #{WINRM_AUTH_PROTOCOL_LIST}",
+ proc: { |protocol| Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_auth_method] = protocol }
+ option :winrm_basic_auth_only,
+ long: "--winrm-basic-auth-only",
+ description: "For WinRM basic authentication when using the 'ssl' auth method",
+ boolean: true
+ # This option was provided in knife bootstrap windows winrm,
+ # but it is ignored in knife-windows/WinrmSession, and so remains unimplemeneted here.
+ # option :kerberos_keytab_file,
+ # :short => "-T KEYTAB_FILE",
+ # :long => "--keytab-file KEYTAB_FILE",
+ # :description => "The Kerberos keytab file used for authentication",
+ # :proc => { |keytab| Chef::Config[:knife][:kerberos_keytab_file] = keytab }
+ option :kerberos_realm,
+ short: "-R KERBEROS_REALM",
+ long: "--kerberos-realm KERBEROS_REALM",
+ description: "The Kerberos realm used for authentication",
+ proc: { |protocol| Chef::Config[:knife][:kerberos_realm] = protocol }
+ option :kerberos_service,
+ long: "--kerberos-service KERBEROS_SERVICE",
+ description: "The Kerberos service used for authentication",
+ proc: { |protocol| Chef::Config[:knife][:kerberos_service] = protocol }
+ option :winrm_session_timeout,
+ long: "--winrm-session-timeout SECONDS",
+ description: "The number of seconds to wait for each WinRM operation to be acknowledged while running bootstrap",
+ proc: { |protocol| Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_session_timeout] = protocol }
+ ## SSH Authentication
+ option :ssh_gateway,
+ short: "-G GATEWAY",
+ long: "--ssh-gateway GATEWAY",
+ description: "The ssh gateway",
+ proc: { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_gateway] = key }
+ option :ssh_gateway_identity,
+ long: "--ssh-gateway-identity SSH_GATEWAY_IDENTITY",
+ description: "The SSH identity file used for gateway authentication",
+ proc: { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_gateway_identity] = key }
+ option :ssh_forward_agent,
+ short: "-A",
+ long: "--ssh-forward-agent",
+ description: "Enable SSH agent forwarding",
+ boolean: true
+ option :ssh_identity_file,
+ short: "-i IDENTITY_FILE",
+ long: "--ssh-identity-file IDENTITY_FILE",
+ description: "The SSH identity file used for authentication"
+ option :ssh_verify_host_key,
+ long: "--ssh-[no-]verify-host-key",
+ description: "Verify host key, enabled by default.",
+ boolean: true
+ #
+ # bootstrap options
+ #
+ # client.rb content via chef-full/bootstrap_context
+ option :bootstrap_version,
+ long: "--bootstrap-version VERSION",
+ description: "The version of Chef to install",
+ proc: lambda { |v| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_version] = v }
+ # client.rb content via chef-full/bootstrap_context
+ option :bootstrap_proxy,
+ long: "--bootstrap-proxy PROXY_URL",
+ description: "The proxy server for the node being bootstrapped",
+ proc: { |p| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_proxy] = p }
+ # client.rb content via bootstrap_context
+ option :bootstrap_proxy_user,
+ long: "--bootstrap-proxy-user PROXY_USER",
+ description: "The proxy authentication username for the node being bootstrapped"
+ # client.rb content via bootstrap_context
+ option :bootstrap_proxy_pass,
+ long: "--bootstrap-proxy-pass PROXY_PASS",
+ description: "The proxy authentication password for the node being bootstrapped"
+ # client.rb content via bootstrap_context
+ option :bootstrap_no_proxy,
+ long: "--bootstrap-no-proxy [NO_PROXY_URL|NO_PROXY_IP]",
+ description: "Do not proxy locations for the node being bootstrapped; this option is used internally by Chef",
+ proc: { |np| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_no_proxy] = np }
+ # client.rb content via bootstrap_context
+ option :bootstrap_template,
+ short: "-t TEMPLATE",
+ long: "--bootstrap-template TEMPLATE",
+ description: "Bootstrap Chef using a built-in or custom template. Set to the full path of an erb template or use one of the built-in templates."
+ # client.rb content via bootstrap_context
+ option :node_ssl_verify_mode,
+ long: "--node-ssl-verify-mode [peer|none]",
+ description: "Whether or not to verify the SSL cert for all HTTPS requests.",
+ proc: { |v|
+ valid_values = %w{none peer}
+ unless valid_values.include?(v)
+ raise "Invalid value '#{v}' for --node-ssl-verify-mode. Valid values are: #{valid_values.join(", ")}"
+ end
+ v
+ }
+ # bootstrap_context - client.rb
+ option :node_verify_api_cert,
+ long: "--[no-]node-verify-api-cert",
+ description: "Verify the SSL cert for HTTPS requests to the Chef server API.",
+ boolean: true
+ # runtime - sudo settings (train handles sudo)
+ option :use_sudo,
+ long: "--sudo",
+ description: "Execute the bootstrap via sudo",
+ boolean: true
+ # runtime - sudo settings (train handles sudo)
+ option :preserve_home,
+ long: "--sudo-preserve-home",
+ description: "Preserve non-root user HOME environment variable with sudo",
+ boolean: true
+ # runtime - sudo settings (train handles sudo)
+ option :use_sudo_password,
+ long: "--use-sudo-password",
+ description: "Execute the bootstrap via sudo with password",
+ boolean: false
+ # runtime - client_builder
+ option :chef_node_name,
+ short: "-N NAME",
+ long: "--node-name NAME",
+ description: "The Chef node name for your new node"
+ # runtime - client_builder - set runlist when creating node
+ option :run_list,
+ short: "-r RUN_LIST",
+ long: "--run-list RUN_LIST",
+ description: "Comma separated list of roles/recipes to apply",
+ proc: lambda { |o| o.split(/[\s,]+/) },
+ default: []
+ # runtime - client_builder - set policy name when creating node
+ option :policy_name,
+ long: "--policy-name POLICY_NAME",
+ description: "Policyfile name to use (--policy-group must also be given)",
+ default: nil
+ # runtime - client_builder - set policy group when creating node
+ option :policy_group,
+ long: "--policy-group POLICY_GROUP",
+ description: "Policy group name to use (--policy-name must also be given)",
+ default: nil
+ # runtime - client_builder - node tags
+ option :tags,
+ long: "--tags TAGS",
+ description: "Comma separated list of tags to apply to the node",
+ proc: lambda { |o| o.split(/[\s,]+/) },
+ default: []
+ # bootstrap template
+ option :first_boot_attributes,
+ short: "-j JSON_ATTRIBS",
+ long: "--json-attributes",
+ description: "A JSON string to be added to the first run of chef-client",
+ proc: lambda { |o| Chef::JSONCompat.parse(o) },
+ default: nil
+ # bootstrap template
+ option :first_boot_attributes_from_file,
+ long: "--json-attribute-file FILE",
+ description: "A JSON file to be used to the first run of chef-client",
+ proc: lambda { |o| Chef::JSONCompat.parse( },
+ default: nil
+ # Note that several of the below options are used by bootstrap template,
+ # but only from the passed-in knife config; it does not use the
+ # config from the CLI for those values. We cannot always used the merged
+ # config, because in some cases the knife keys thIn those cases, the option
+ # will have a proc that assigns the value into Chef::Config[:knife]
+ # bootstrap template
+ # Create ohai hints in /etc/chef/ohai/hints, fname=hintname, content=value
+ option :hint,
+ long: "--hint HINT_NAME[=HINT_FILE]",
+ description: "Specify Ohai Hint to be set on the bootstrap target. Use multiple --hint options to specify multiple hints.",
+ proc: { |h|
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:hints] ||=
+ name, path = h.split("=")
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:hints][name] = path ? Chef::JSONCompat.parse( :
+ }
+ # bootstrap override: url of a an installer shell script touse in place of omnitruck
+ # Note that the bootstrap template _only_ references this out of Chef::Config, and not from
+ # the provided options to knife bootstrap, so we set the Chef::Config option here.
+ option :bootstrap_url,
+ long: "--bootstrap-url URL",
+ description: "URL to a custom installation script",
+ proc: { |u| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_url] = u }
+ option :msi_url, # Windows target only
+ short: "-m URL",
+ long: "--msi-url URL",
+ description: "Location of the Chef Client MSI. The default templates will prefer to download from this location. The MSI will be downloaded from if not provided (windows).",
+ default: ""
+ # bootstrap override: Do this instead of our own from omnitruck. Causes bootstrap_url to be ignored.
+ option :bootstrap_install_command,
+ long: "--bootstrap-install-command COMMANDS",
+ description: "Custom command to install chef-client",
+ proc: { |ic| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_install_command] = ic }
+ # bootstrap template: Run this command first in the bootstrap script
+ option :bootstrap_preinstall_command,
+ long: "--bootstrap-preinstall-command COMMANDS",
+ description: "Custom commands to run before installing chef-client",
+ proc: { |preic| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_preinstall_command] = preic }
+ # bootstrap template
+ option :bootstrap_wget_options,
+ long: "--bootstrap-wget-options OPTIONS",
+ description: "Add options to wget when installing chef-client",
+ proc: { |wo| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_wget_options] = wo }
+ # bootstrap template
+ option :bootstrap_curl_options,
+ long: "--bootstrap-curl-options OPTIONS",
+ description: "Add options to curl when install chef-client",
+ proc: { |co| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_curl_options] = co }
+ # chef_vault_handler
+ option :bootstrap_vault_file,
+ long: "--bootstrap-vault-file VAULT_FILE",
+ description: "A JSON file with a list of vault(s) and item(s) to be updated"
+ # chef_vault_handler
+ option :bootstrap_vault_json,
+ long: "--bootstrap-vault-json VAULT_JSON",
+ description: "A JSON string with the vault(s) and item(s) to be updated"
+ # chef_vault_handler
+ option :bootstrap_vault_item,
+ long: "--bootstrap-vault-item VAULT_ITEM",
+ description: 'A single vault and item to update as "vault:item"',
+ proc: { |i|
+ (vault, item) = i.split(/:/)
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_vault_item] ||= {}
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_vault_item][vault] ||= []
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_vault_item][vault].push(item)
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_vault_item]
+ }
attr_accessor :client_builder
attr_accessor :chef_vault_handler