path: root/lib/chef/provider/package/openbsd.rb
diff options
authorScott Bonds <>2014-10-27 09:21:29 -0700
committerLamont Granquist <>2014-11-13 13:09:16 -0800
commit6bc96348553458e7c6e2b9aea28c2a368d43d0d3 (patch)
treebd3d3c4a03f26c49f5c554e68903d22b1e4232fb /lib/chef/provider/package/openbsd.rb
parent9d7178b4ae849c1b155ac2bbb0a50a1518c525ac (diff)
simplify openbsd package provider
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chef/provider/package/openbsd.rb')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/provider/package/openbsd.rb b/lib/chef/provider/package/openbsd.rb
index 83c0683d66..da711b364f 100644
--- a/lib/chef/provider/package/openbsd.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/provider/package/openbsd.rb
@@ -41,185 +41,50 @@ class Chef
@new_resource.source("#{mirror}/pub/#{}/#{node.kernel.release}/packages/#{node.kernel.machine}/") if !@new_resource.source
+ def load_current_resource
+ @current_resource.package_name(@new_resource.package_name)
+ @current_resource.version(installed_version)
+ @candidate_version = candidate_version
+ @current_resource
+ end
def install_package(name, version)
unless @current_resource.version
version_string = ''
version_string += "-#{version}" if version && version != '0.0.0'
- case @new_resource.source
- when /^http/, /^ftp/
- if @new_resource.source =~ /\/$/
- shell_out!("pkg_add -r #{short_package_name}#{version_string}", :env => { "PACKAGESITE" => @new_resource.source, 'LC_ALL' => nil }).status
- else
- shell_out!("pkg_add -r #{short_package_name}#{version_string}", :env => { "PACKAGEROOT" => @new_resource.source, 'LC_ALL' => nil }).status
- end
- Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} installed from: #{@new_resource.source}")
- when /^\//
- shell_out!("pkg_add #{file_candidate_version_path}", :env => { "PKG_PATH" => @new_resource.source , 'LC_ALL'=>nil}).status
- Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} installed from: #{@new_resource.source}")
+ if @new_resource.source =~ /\/$/
+ shell_out!("pkg_add -r #{name}#{version_string}", :env => { "PACKAGESITE" => @new_resource.source, 'LC_ALL' => nil }).status
- shell_out!("pkg_add -r #{latest_link_name}", :env => nil).status
+ shell_out!("pkg_add -r #{name}#{version_string}", :env => { "PACKAGEROOT" => @new_resource.source, 'LC_ALL' => nil }).status
+ Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} installed from: #{@new_resource.source}")
def remove_package(name, version)
version_string = ''
version_string += "-#{version}" if version && version != '0.0.0'
- shell_out!("pkg_delete #{short_package_name}#{version_string}", :env => nil).status
+ shell_out!("pkg_delete #{name}#{version_string}", :env => nil).status
- # The name of the package (without the version number) as understood
- # by pkg_add and pkg_info.
- def short_package_name
- result = ''
- info = find_package(@new_resource.package_name)
- result += info[:short_name]
- if info[:version]
- subpackage = info[:version].match /(.*)-\d.*/
- result += '-' + subpackage[1] if subpackage
- end
+ private
- result
- end
- def current_installed_version
- pkg_info = shell_out!("pkg_info -e \"#{short_package_name}->0\"", :env => nil, :returns => [0,1])
- result = pkg_info.stdout[/^inst:#{Regexp.escape(short_package_name)}-(.+)/, 1]
- Chef::Log.debug("current_installed_version of '#{short_package_name}' is '#{result}'")
+ def installed_version
+ pkg_info = shell_out!("pkg_info -e \"#{@new_resource.package_name}->0\"", :env => nil, :returns => [0,1])
+ result = pkg_info.stdout[/^inst:#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.package_name)}-(.+)/, 1]
def candidate_version
- case @new_resource.source
- when /^http/, /^ftp/
- repo_candidate_version
- when /^\//
- file_candidate_version
- else
- port_candidate_version
- end
- end
- def file_candidate_version_path
- Dir["#{@new_resource.source}/#{@current_resource.package_name}*"][-1].to_s
- end
- def file_candidate_version
- file_candidate_version_path.split(/-/).last.split(/.tbz/).first
- end
- def repo_candidate_version(options={})
- return '0.0.0' if @new_resource.package_name == 'sqlports'
- info = find_package(@new_resource.package_name)
- info[:fullpkgname].sub(/^#{info[:short_name]}-/,'')
- end
- def port_candidate_version
- name = makefile_variable_value("DISTNAME", port_path) ||
- makefile_variable_value("PKGNAME", port_path)
- name.match(/.*?-(\d.*)/)[1]
- end
- # does NOT include port options, i.e. flavors and subpackages
- # i.e. /usr/ports/meta/gnome,-extra ... does NOT include the ',-extra'
- def port_path
- '/usr/ports/' + find_package(@new_resource.package_name)[:fullpkgpath].split(',').first
- end
- def find_package(name)
- return {short_name: 'sqlports'} if name == 'sqlports'
- result = nil
- query = "SELECT fullpkgname, fullpkgpath, pkgspec, pkgname FROM ports WHERE"
- if name.include? '/'
- rows = sqlports.execute "#{query} fullpkgpath = '#{name}'"
- rows = sqlports.execute "#{query} fullpkgpath = '#{name},-main'" if rows.empty?
- else
- rows = sqlports.execute "#{query} fullpkgname = '#{name}'"
- rows = sqlports.execute "#{query} pkgname = '#{name}'" if rows.empty?
- rows = sqlports.execute "#{query} pkgspec = '#{name}-*'" if rows.empty?
- end
- if rows.size > 0
- row = rows.first
- result = {
- short_name: row[2].sub(/-[\*><=].*/,''),
- short_version: row[3].sub(row[2].sub(/[\*><=].*/,''), ''),
- pkgspec: row[2],
- fullpkgname: row[0],
- fullpkgpath: row[1],
- }
- else
- raise Chef::Exceptions::Package, "Could not find a package that matches: #{name}"
- end
- result
+ pkg_info = shell_out!("pkg_info -I \"#{@new_resource.package_name}\"", :env => nil, :returns => [0,1])
+ result = pkg_info.stdout[/^#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.package_name)}-(.+)/, 1]
+ Chef::Log.debug("candidate_version of '#{@new_resource.package_name}' is '#{result}'")
def mirror
- def sqlports(options={})
- # install the DB that maps ports paths to package names, assume it
- # will stay installed during this chef run, we won't bother to check
- # it on every call to this method
- if !@@sqlports
- Chef::Log.debug("Initializing sqlports")
- shell_out!("pkg_add sqlports") unless ::File.exists?('/usr/local/share/sqlports')
- shell_out!("gem install sqlite3", :returns => [0,1]) unless shell_out!("gem list | grep sqlite3").stdout.include?('sqlite3')
- require 'sqlite3'
- @@sqlports = '/usr/local/share/sqlports'
- end
- @@sqlports
- end
- def port_dir(port)
- case port
- # When the package name starts with a '/' treat it as the full path to the ports directory.
- when /^\//
- port
- # Otherwise if the package name contains a '/' not at the start (like 'www/wordpress') treat
- # as a relative path from /usr/ports.
- when /\//
- "/usr/ports/#{port}"
- else
- rows = sqlports.execute "SELECT fullpkgpath FROM ports WHERE pkgspec = '#{port}-*';"
- if rows.size > 0
- "/usr/ports/#{rows.first.first.split(',').first}"
- else
- raise Chef::Exceptions::Package, "Could not find port: #{port}"
- end
- end
- end
- def makefile_variable_value(variable, dir = nil)
- options = dir ? { :cwd => dir } : {}
- make_v = shell_out!("make -V #{variable}", options.merge!(:env => nil, :returns => [0,1]))
- # $\ is the line separator, i.e. newline.
- result = ? make_v.stdout.strip.split($\).first : nil
- # some make variables reference other variables, recurse to resolve
- result = result.gsub(/\${?[A-Z0-9_]*}?/) {|match| makefile_variable_value(match[1..-1].gsub(/[\{\}]/,''), dir)} if result
- result
- end
- def load_current_resource
- @current_resource.package_name(@new_resource.package_name)
- @current_resource.version(current_installed_version)
- Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} current version is #{@current_resource.version}") if @current_resource.version
- @candidate_version = candidate_version
- Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} candidate version is #{@candidate_version}") if @candidate_version
- @current_resource
- end