path: root/lib/chef/resource/deploy.rb
diff options
authorTim Smith <>2018-01-18 16:16:55 -0800
committerTim Smith <>2018-01-20 11:12:44 -0800
commit4db12430ba0c6c021b114c143aaea94f1f754d66 (patch)
tree56d4ba781ddec52dde6961c1c003405278f60d49 /lib/chef/resource/deploy.rb
parent083ab943462e5b14503a67cfecd6b16e6d6be0ef (diff)
Remove erl_call and deploy resourcesdeprecated_resources
We deprecated these for removal in Chef 14. Signed-off-by: Tim Smith <>
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chef/resource/deploy.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 449 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/deploy.rb b/lib/chef/resource/deploy.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f74fe86c12..0000000000
--- a/lib/chef/resource/deploy.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Daniel DeLeo (<>)
-# Author:: Tyler Cloke (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2016, Chef Software Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# EX:
-# deploy "/my/deploy/dir" do
-# repo ""
-# revision "abc123" # or "HEAD" or "TAG_for_1.0" or (subversion) "1234"
-# user "deploy_ninja"
-# enable_submodules true
-# migrate true
-# migration_command "rake db:migrate"
-# environment "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "OTHER_ENV" => "foo"
-# shallow_clone true
-# depth 1
-# action :deploy # or :rollback
-# restart_command "touch tmp/restart.txt"
-# git_ssh_wrapper ""
-# scm_provider Chef::Provider::Git # is the default, for svn: Chef::Provider::Subversion
-# svn_username "whoami"
-# svn_password "supersecret"
-# end
-require "chef/resource/scm"
-class Chef
- class Resource
- # Deploy: Deploy apps from a source control repository.
- #
- # Callbacks:
- # Callbacks can be a block or a string. If given a block, the code
- # is evaluated as an embedded recipe, and run at the specified
- # point in the deploy process. If given a string, the string is taken as
- # a path to a callback file/recipe. Paths are evaluated relative to the
- # release directory. Callback files can contain chef code (resources, etc.)
- #
- class Deploy < Chef::Resource
- identity_attr :repository
- state_attrs :deploy_to, :revision
- default_action :deploy
- allowed_actions :force_deploy, :deploy, :rollback
- def initialize(name, run_context = nil)
- super
- @deploy_to = name
- @environment = nil
- @repository_cache = "cached-copy"
- @copy_exclude = []
- @purge_before_symlink = %w{log tmp/pids public/system}
- @create_dirs_before_symlink = %w{tmp public config}
- @symlink_before_migrate = { "config/database.yml" => "config/database.yml" }
- @symlinks = { "system" => "public/system", "pids" => "tmp/pids", "log" => "log" }
- @revision = "HEAD"
- @migrate = false
- @rollback_on_error = false
- @remote = "origin"
- @enable_submodules = false
- @shallow_clone = false
- @depth = nil
- @scm_provider = Chef::Provider::Git
- @svn_force_export = false
- @additional_remotes = Hash[]
- @keep_releases = 5
- @enable_checkout = true
- @checkout_branch = "deploy"
- end
- # This resource is deprecated.
- def after_created
- Chef.deprecated(:deploy_resource, "The #{resource_name} resource (#{source_line}) is deprecated and will be removed from Chef core in 14.0 (April 2018). " \
- "A migration cookbook will be available in the future, see the deprecation documentation for more information.")
- end
- # where the checked out/cloned code goes
- def destination
- @destination ||= shared_path + "/#{@repository_cache}"
- end
- # where shared stuff goes, i.e., logs, tmp, etc. goes here
- def shared_path
- @shared_path ||= @deploy_to + "/shared"
- end
- # where the deployed version of your code goes
- def current_path
- @current_path ||= @deploy_to + "/current"
- end
- def depth(arg = @shallow_clone ? 5 : nil)
- set_or_return(
- :depth,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ Integer ]
- )
- end
- # note: deploy_to is your application "meta-root."
- def deploy_to(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :deploy_to,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def repo(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :repo,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- alias :repository :repo
- def remote(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :remote,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def role(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :role,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def restart_command(arg = nil, &block)
- arg ||= block
- set_or_return(
- :restart_command,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String, Proc ]
- )
- end
- alias :restart :restart_command
- def migrate(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :migrate,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ TrueClass, FalseClass ]
- )
- end
- def migration_command(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :migration_command,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def rollback_on_error(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :rollback_on_error,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ TrueClass, FalseClass ]
- )
- end
- def user(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :user,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def group(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :group,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def enable_submodules(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :enable_submodules,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ TrueClass, FalseClass ]
- )
- end
- def shallow_clone(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :shallow_clone,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ TrueClass, FalseClass ]
- )
- end
- def repository_cache(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :repository_cache,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def copy_exclude(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :copy_exclude,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def revision(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :revision,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- alias :branch :revision
- def git_ssh_wrapper(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :git_ssh_wrapper,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- alias :ssh_wrapper :git_ssh_wrapper
- def svn_username(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :svn_username,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def svn_password(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :svn_password,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def svn_arguments(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :svn_arguments,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ]
- )
- end
- def svn_info_args(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :svn_arguments,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ String ])
- end
- def scm_provider(arg = nil)
- klass = if arg.kind_of?(String) || arg.kind_of?(Symbol)
- lookup_provider_constant(arg)
- else
- arg
- end
- set_or_return(
- :scm_provider,
- klass,
- :kind_of => [ Class ]
- )
- end
- # This is to support "provider :revision" without deprecation warnings.
- # Do NOT copy this.
- def self.provider_base
- Chef::Provider::Deploy
- end
- def svn_force_export(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :svn_force_export,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ TrueClass, FalseClass ]
- )
- end
- def environment(arg = nil)
- if arg.is_a?(String)
- Chef::Log.debug "Setting RAILS_ENV, RACK_ENV, and MERB_ENV to `#{arg}'"
- Chef::Log.warn "[DEPRECATED] please modify your deploy recipe or attributes to set the environment using a hash"
- arg = { "RAILS_ENV" => arg, "MERB_ENV" => arg, "RACK_ENV" => arg }
- end
- set_or_return(
- :environment,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ Hash ]
- )
- end
- # The number of old release directories to keep around after cleanup
- def keep_releases(arg = nil)
- [set_or_return(
- :keep_releases,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ Integer ]), 1].max
- end
- # An array of paths, relative to your app's root, to be purged from a
- # SCM clone/checkout before symlinking. Use this to get rid of files and
- # directories you want to be shared between releases.
- # Default: ["log", "tmp/pids", "public/system"]
- def purge_before_symlink(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :purge_before_symlink,
- arg,
- :kind_of => Array
- )
- end
- # An array of paths, relative to your app's root, where you expect dirs to
- # exist before symlinking. This runs after #purge_before_symlink, so you
- # can use this to recreate dirs that you had previously purged.
- # For example, if you plan to use a shared directory for pids, and you
- # want it to be located in $APP_ROOT/tmp/pids, you could purge tmp,
- # then specify tmp here so that the tmp directory will exist when you
- # symlink the pids directory in to the current release.
- # Default: ["tmp", "public", "config"]
- def create_dirs_before_symlink(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :create_dirs_before_symlink,
- arg,
- :kind_of => Array
- )
- end
- # A Hash of shared/dir/path => release/dir/path. This attribute determines
- # which files and dirs in the shared directory get symlinked to the current
- # release directory, and where they go. If you have a directory
- # $shared/pids that you would like to symlink as $current_release/tmp/pids
- # you specify it as "pids" => "tmp/pids"
- # Default {"system" => "public/system", "pids" => "tmp/pids", "log" => "log"}
- def symlinks(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :symlinks,
- arg,
- :kind_of => Hash
- )
- end
- # A Hash of shared/dir/path => release/dir/path. This attribute determines
- # which files in the shared directory get symlinked to the current release
- # directory and where they go. Unlike map_shared_files, these are symlinked
- # *before* any migration is run.
- # For a rails/merb app, this is used to link in a known good database.yml
- # (with the production db password) before running migrate.
- # Default {"config/database.yml" => "config/database.yml"}
- def symlink_before_migrate(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :symlink_before_migrate,
- arg,
- :kind_of => Hash
- )
- end
- # Callback fires before migration is run.
- def before_migrate(arg = nil, &block)
- arg ||= block
- set_or_return(:before_migrate, arg, :kind_of => [Proc, String])
- end
- # Callback fires before symlinking
- def before_symlink(arg = nil, &block)
- arg ||= block
- set_or_return(:before_symlink, arg, :kind_of => [Proc, String])
- end
- # Callback fires before restart
- def before_restart(arg = nil, &block)
- arg ||= block
- set_or_return(:before_restart, arg, :kind_of => [Proc, String])
- end
- # Callback fires after restart
- def after_restart(arg = nil, &block)
- arg ||= block
- set_or_return(:after_restart, arg, :kind_of => [Proc, String])
- end
- def additional_remotes(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :additional_remotes,
- arg,
- :kind_of => Hash
- )
- end
- def enable_checkout(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :enable_checkout,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- )
- end
- def checkout_branch(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :checkout_branch,
- arg,
- :kind_of => String
- )
- end
- # FIXME The Deploy resource may be passed to an SCM provider as its
- # resource. The SCM provider knows that SCM resources can specify a
- # timeout for SCM operations. The deploy resource must therefore support
- # a timeout method, but the timeout it describes is for SCM operations,
- # not the overall deployment. This is potentially confusing.
- def timeout(arg = nil)
- set_or_return(
- :timeout,
- arg,
- :kind_of => Integer
- )
- end
- end
- end