path: root/lib
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authordanielsdeleo <>2012-11-29 12:55:18 -0800
committerdanielsdeleo <>2012-11-30 14:51:47 -0800
commit8660bf4c410cc60b4028fc1f44a1fe67e71b8648 (patch)
tree44de49a650f8bac0f3271fcaf2cb2eb3aaccf48d /lib
parentdf9d923cc98d77c160b5c55feef8e26153efc9e1 (diff)
[CHEF-3376] Load all filetypes in run_list order
* Extract file loading for non-recipe types to implementation class. * Load libraries, LWRPs, Resource Definitions in approximate run_list order * Should not be a breaking change on chef-client, since the order is essentially random right now. On chef-solo, files from cookbooks that don't appear in the expanded run_list plus dependency graph will not be loaded, which is a change from the previous behavior.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/run_context.rb b/lib/chef/run_context.rb
index 8358f1402b..6d5f001aac 100644
--- a/lib/chef/run_context.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/run_context.rb
@@ -28,6 +28,230 @@ class Chef
# Value object that loads and tracks the context of a Chef run
class RunContext
+ # Implements the compile phase of the chef run by loading/eval-ing files
+ # from cookbooks in the correct order and in the correct context.
+ class CookbookCompiler
+ attr_reader :node
+ attr_reader :events
+ attr_reader :run_list_expansion
+ attr_reader :cookbook_collection
+ # Resource Definitions from the compiled cookbooks. This is populated by
+ # calling #compile_resource_definitions (which is called by #compile)
+ attr_reader :definitions
+ def initialize(node, cookbook_collection, run_list_expansion, events)
+ @node = node
+ @events = events
+ @run_list_expansion = run_list_expansion
+ @cookbook_collection = cookbook_collection
+ # @resource_collection =
+ # @immediate_notification_collection = {|h,k| h[k] = []}
+ # @delayed_notification_collection = {|h,k| h[k] = []}
+ # @loaded_recipes = {}
+ # @loaded_attributes = {}
+ #
+ @definitions =
+ @cookbook_order = nil
+ end
+ # Run the compile phase of the chef run. Loads files in the following order:
+ # * Libraries
+ # * Attributes
+ # * LWRPs
+ # * Resource Definitions
+ # * Recipes
+ #
+ # Recipes are loaded in precisely the order specified by the expanded run_list.
+ #
+ # Other files are loaded in an order derived from the expanded run_list
+ # and the dependencies declared by cookbooks' metadata. See
+ # #cookbook_order for more information.
+ def compile
+ compile_libraries
+ compile_attributes
+ compile_lwrps
+ compile_resource_definitions
+ #compile_recipes
+ end
+ # Extracts the cookbook names from the expanded run list, then iterates
+ # over the list, recursing through dependencies to give a run_list
+ # ordered array of cookbook names with no duplicates. Dependencies appear
+ # before the cookbook they depend on.
+ def cookbook_order
+ @cookbook_order ||= begin
+ ordered_cookbooks = []
+ seen_cookbooks = {}
+ do |recipe|
+ cookbook = Chef::Recipe.parse_recipe_name(recipe).first
+ add_cookbook_with_deps(ordered_cookbooks, seen_cookbooks, cookbook)
+ end
+ ordered_cookbooks
+ end
+ end
+ # Loads library files from cookbooks according to #cookbook_order.
+ def compile_libraries
+ @events.library_load_start(count_files_by_segment(:libraries))
+ cookbook_order.each do |cookbook|
+ load_libraries_from_cookbook(cookbook)
+ end
+ @events.library_load_complete
+ end
+ # Loads attributes files from cookbooks. Attributes files are loaded
+ # according to #cookbook_order; within a cookbook, +default.rb+ is loaded
+ # first, then the remaining attributes files in lexical sort order.
+ def compile_attributes
+ @events.attribute_load_start(count_files_by_segment(:attributes))
+ cookbook_order.each do |cookbook|
+ load_attributes_from_cookbook(cookbook)
+ end
+ @events.attribute_load_complete
+ end
+ # Loads LWRPs according to #cookbook_order. Providers are loaded before
+ # resources on a cookbook-wise basis.
+ def compile_lwrps
+ lwrp_file_count = count_files_by_segment(:providers) + count_files_by_segment(:resources)
+ @events.lwrp_load_start(lwrp_file_count)
+ cookbook_order.each do |cookbook|
+ load_lwrps_from_cookbook(cookbook)
+ end
+ @events.lwrp_load_complete
+ end
+ def compile_resource_definitions
+ @events.definition_load_start(count_files_by_segment(:definitions))
+ cookbook_order.each do |cookbook|
+ load_resource_definitions_from_cookbook(cookbook)
+ end
+ @events.definition_load_complete
+ end
+ private
+ def load_attributes_from_cookbook(cookbook_name)
+ list_of_attr_files = files_in_cookbook_by_segment(cookbook_name, :attributes).dup
+ if default_file = list_of_attr_files.find {|path| File.basename(path) == "default.rb" }
+ list_of_attr_files.delete(default_file)
+ load_attribute_file(cookbook_name.to_s, default_file)
+ end
+ list_of_attr_files.each do |filename|
+ load_attribute_file(cookbook_name.to_s, filename)
+ end
+ end
+ def load_attribute_file(cookbook_name, filename)
+ Chef::Log.debug("Node #{} loading cookbook #{cookbook_name}'s attribute file #{filename}")
+ attr_file_basename = ::File.basename(filename, ".rb")
+ @node.include_attribute("#{cookbook_name}::#{attr_file_basename}")
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @events.attribute_file_load_failed(filename, e)
+ raise
+ end
+ def load_libraries_from_cookbook(cookbook_name)
+ files_in_cookbook_by_segment(cookbook_name, :libraries).each do |filename|
+ begin
+ Chef::Log.debug("Loading cookbook #{cookbook_name}'s library file: #{filename}")
+ Kernel.load(filename)
+ @events.library_file_loaded(filename)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @events.library_file_load_failed(filename, e)
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def load_lwrps_from_cookbook(cookbook_name)
+ files_in_cookbook_by_segment(cookbook_name, :providers).each do |filename|
+ load_lwrp_provider(cookbook_name, filename)
+ end
+ files_in_cookbook_by_segment(cookbook_name, :resources).each do |filename|
+ load_lwrp_resource(cookbook_name, filename)
+ end
+ end
+ def load_lwrp_provider(cookbook_name, filename)
+ Chef::Log.debug("Loading cookbook #{cookbook_name}'s providers from #{filename}")
+ Chef::Provider.build_from_file(cookbook_name, filename, self)
+ @events.lwrp_file_loaded(filename)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @events.lwrp_file_load_failed(filename, e)
+ raise
+ end
+ def load_lwrp_resource(cookbook_name, filename)
+ Chef::Log.debug("Loading cookbook #{cookbook_name}'s resources from #{filename}")
+ Chef::Resource.build_from_file(cookbook_name, filename, self)
+ @events.lwrp_file_loaded(filename)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @events.lwrp_file_load_failed(filename, e)
+ raise
+ end
+ def load_resource_definitions_from_cookbook(cookbook_name)
+ files_in_cookbook_by_segment(cookbook_name, :definitions).each do |filename|
+ begin
+ Chef::Log.debug("Loading cookbook #{cookbook_name}'s definitions from #{filename}")
+ resourcelist =
+ resourcelist.from_file(filename)
+ definitions.merge!(resourcelist.defines) do |key, oldval, newval|
+"Overriding duplicate definition #{key}, new definition found in #{filename}")
+ newval
+ end
+ @events.definition_file_loaded(filename)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @events.definition_file_load_failed(filename, e)
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Builds up the list of +ordered_cookbooks+ by first recursing through the
+ # dependencies of +cookbook+, and then adding +cookbook+ to the list of
+ # +ordered_cookbooks+. A cookbook is skipped if it appears in
+ # +seen_cookbooks+, otherwise it is added to the set of +seen_cookbooks+
+ # before its dependencies are processed.
+ def add_cookbook_with_deps(ordered_cookbooks, seen_cookbooks, cookbook)
+ return false if seen_cookbooks.key?(cookbook)
+ seen_cookbooks[cookbook] = true
+ each_cookbook_dep(cookbook) do |dependency|
+ add_cookbook_with_deps(ordered_cookbooks, seen_cookbooks, dependency)
+ end
+ ordered_cookbooks << cookbook
+ end
+ def count_files_by_segment(segment)
+ cookbook_collection.inject(0) do |count, ( cookbook_name, cookbook )|
+ count + cookbook.segment_filenames(segment).size
+ end
+ end
+ # Lists the local paths to files in +cookbook+ of type +segment+
+ # (attribute, recipe, etc.), sorted lexically.
+ def files_in_cookbook_by_segment(cookbook, segment)
+ cookbook_collection[cookbook].segment_filenames(segment).sort
+ end
+ # Yields the name of each cookbook depended on by +cookbook_name+ in
+ # lexical sort order.
+ def each_cookbook_dep(cookbook_name, &block)
+ cookbook = cookbook_collection[cookbook_name]
+ cookbook.metadata.dependencies.keys.sort.each(&block)
+ end
+ end
attr_reader :node, :cookbook_collection, :definitions
# Needs to be settable so deploy can run a resource_collection independent
@@ -55,21 +279,16 @@ class Chef
@loaded_attributes = {}
@events = events
- @loaded_cookbooks_by_segment = {}
- CookbookVersion::COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.each do |segment|
- @loaded_cookbooks_by_segment[segment] = {}
- end
@node.run_context = self
def load(run_list_expansion)
- load_libraries
+ load_libraries_in_run_list_order(run_list_expansion)
- load_lwrps
+ load_lwrps_in_run_list_order(run_list_expansion)
- load_resource_definitions
+ load_resource_definitions_in_run_list_order(run_list_expansion)
@events.recipe_load_start( do |recipe|
@@ -93,6 +312,8 @@ class Chef
+ # Looks up an attribute file given the +cookbook_name+ and
+ # +attr_file_name+. Used by DSL::IncludeAttribute
def resolve_attribute(cookbook_name, attr_file_name)
cookbook = cookbook_collection[cookbook_name]
raise Chef::Exceptions::CookbookNotFound, "could not find cookbook #{cookbook_name} while loading attribute #{name}" unless cookbook
@@ -179,149 +400,32 @@ class Chef
@loaded_attributes["#{cookbook}::#{attribute_file}"] = true
- def load_attributes_in_run_list_order(run_list_expansion)
- @events.attribute_load_start(count_files_by_segment(:attributes))
- each_cookbook_in_run_list_order(run_list_expansion) do |cookbook|
- load_attributes_from_cookbook(cookbook)
- end
- @events.attribute_load_complete
+ def load_libraries_in_run_list_order(run_list_expansion)
+ @compiler =, cookbook_collection, run_list_expansion, events)
+ @compiler.compile_libraries
- def load_attributes_from_cookbook(cookbook_name)
- # avoid loading a cookbook again if it's been loaded.
- return false if @loaded_cookbooks_by_segment[:attributes].key?(cookbook_name)
- @loaded_cookbooks_by_segment[:attributes][cookbook_name] = true
- each_cookbook_dep(cookbook_name) do |cookbook_dep|
- load_attributes_from_cookbook(cookbook_dep)
- end
- list_of_attr_files = files_in_cookbook_by_segment(cookbook_name, :attributes).dup
- if default_file = list_of_attr_files.find {|path| File.basename(path) == "default.rb" }
- list_of_attr_files.delete(default_file)
- load_attribute_file(cookbook_name.to_s, default_file)
- end
- list_of_attr_files.sort.each do |filename|
- load_attribute_file(cookbook_name.to_s, filename)
- end
+ def load_attributes_in_run_list_order(run_list_expansion)
+ @compiler =, cookbook_collection, run_list_expansion, events)
+ @compiler.compile_attributes
- private
- def each_cookbook_dep(cookbook_name, &block)
- cookbook = cookbook_collection[cookbook_name]
- cookbook.metadata.dependencies.keys.sort.each(&block)
+ def load_lwrps_in_run_list_order(run_list_expansion)
+ @compiler =, cookbook_collection, run_list_expansion, events)
+ @compiler.compile_lwrps
- def each_cookbook_in_run_list_order(run_list_expansion, &block)
- cookbook_order = do |recipe|
- Chef::Recipe.parse_recipe_name(recipe).first
- end
- cookbook_order.uniq.each(&block)
+ def load_resource_definitions_in_run_list_order(run_list_expansion)
+ @compiler =, cookbook_collection, run_list_expansion, events)
+ @compiler.compile_resource_definitions
+ @definitions = @compiler.definitions
+ private
def loaded_recipe(cookbook, recipe)
@loaded_recipes["#{cookbook}::#{recipe}"] = true
- def load_libraries
- @events.library_load_start(count_files_by_segment(:libraries))
- foreach_cookbook_load_segment(:libraries) do |cookbook_name, filename|
- begin
- Chef::Log.debug("Loading cookbook #{cookbook_name}'s library file: #{filename}")
- Kernel.load(filename)
- @events.library_file_loaded(filename)
- rescue Exception => e
- # TODO wrap/munge exception to highlight syntax/name/no method errors.
- @events.library_file_load_failed(filename, e)
- raise
- end
- end
- @events.library_load_complete
- end
- def load_lwrps
- lwrp_file_count = count_files_by_segment(:providers) + count_files_by_segment(:resources)
- @events.lwrp_load_start(lwrp_file_count)
- load_lwrp_providers
- load_lwrp_resources
- @events.lwrp_load_complete
- end
- def load_lwrp_providers
- foreach_cookbook_load_segment(:providers) do |cookbook_name, filename|
- begin
- Chef::Log.debug("Loading cookbook #{cookbook_name}'s providers from #{filename}")
- Chef::Provider.build_from_file(cookbook_name, filename, self)
- @events.lwrp_file_loaded(filename)
- rescue Exception => e
- # TODO: wrap exception with helpful info
- @events.lwrp_file_load_failed(filename, e)
- raise
- end
- end
- end
- def load_lwrp_resources
- foreach_cookbook_load_segment(:resources) do |cookbook_name, filename|
- begin
- Chef::Log.debug("Loading cookbook #{cookbook_name}'s resources from #{filename}")
- Chef::Resource.build_from_file(cookbook_name, filename, self)
- @events.lwrp_file_loaded(filename)
- rescue Exception => e
- @events.lwrp_file_load_failed(filename, e)
- raise
- end
- end
- end
- def load_attribute_file(cookbook_name, filename)
- Chef::Log.debug("Node #{} loading cookbook #{cookbook_name}'s attribute file #{filename}")
- attr_file_basename = ::File.basename(filename, ".rb")
- @node.include_attribute("#{cookbook_name}::#{attr_file_basename}")
- rescue Exception => e
- @events.attribute_file_load_failed(filename, e)
- raise
- end
- def load_resource_definitions
- @events.definition_load_start(count_files_by_segment(:definitions))
- foreach_cookbook_load_segment(:definitions) do |cookbook_name, filename|
- begin
- Chef::Log.debug("Loading cookbook #{cookbook_name}'s definitions from #{filename}")
- resourcelist =
- resourcelist.from_file(filename)
- definitions.merge!(resourcelist.defines) do |key, oldval, newval|
-"Overriding duplicate definition #{key}, new definition found in #{filename}")
- newval
- end
- @events.definition_file_loaded(filename)
- rescue Exception => e
- @events.definition_file_load_failed(filename, e)
- end
- end
- @events.definition_load_complete
- end
- def count_files_by_segment(segment)
- cookbook_collection.inject(0) do |count, ( cookbook_name, cookbook )|
- count + cookbook.segment_filenames(segment).size
- end
- end
- def files_in_cookbook_by_segment(cookbook, segment)
- cookbook_collection[cookbook].segment_filenames(segment)
- end
- def foreach_cookbook_load_segment(segment, &block)
- cookbook_collection.each do |cookbook_name, cookbook|
- segment_filenames = cookbook.segment_filenames(segment)
- segment_filenames.each do |segment_filename|
-, segment_filename)
- end
- end
- end