path: root/lib
diff options
authorTim Smith <>2018-07-13 21:29:36 -0700
committerGitHub <>2018-07-13 21:29:36 -0700
commit189a3d1b364ac816b735348d338b57986ee480be (patch)
tree8e0cc04b7362754bfb1a134ea79b05a2d4966e90 /lib
parentc94c5f4ec939aa18e15564f72a089d2a06b4d5e1 (diff)
parent5b90d09398021b0c6f6dac2081c1d884c8270f51 (diff)
Merge pull request #7466 from chef/knife_supermarket
Move all knife cookbook site plugin logic into knife supermarket
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
14 files changed, 585 insertions, 575 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_download.rb b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_download.rb
index ad4a2a83a2..8e9022ce53 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_download.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_download.rb
@@ -17,106 +17,18 @@
require "chef/knife"
+require "chef/knife/supermarket_download"
class Chef
class Knife
- class CookbookSiteDownload < Knife
+ class CookbookSiteDownload < Knife::SupermarketDownload
- deps do
- require "fileutils"
- end
+ # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
+ dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
+ options.merge!(superclass.options)
banner "knife cookbook site download COOKBOOK [VERSION] (options)"
category "cookbook site"
- option :file,
- short: "-f FILE",
- long: "--file FILE",
- description: "The filename to write to"
- option :force,
- long: "--force",
- description: "Force download deprecated version"
- option :supermarket_site,
- short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- description: "Supermarket Site",
- default: "",
- proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
- def run
- if current_cookbook_deprecated?
- message = "DEPRECATION: This cookbook has been deprecated. "
- replacement = replacement_cookbook
- if !replacement.to_s.strip.empty?
- message << "It has been replaced by #{replacement}."
- else
- message << "No replacement has been defined."
- end
- ui.warn message
- unless config[:force]
- ui.warn "Use --force to force download deprecated cookbook."
- return
- end
- end
- download_cookbook
- end
- def version
- @version = desired_cookbook_data["version"]
- end
- private
- def cookbooks_api_url
- "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks"
- end
- def current_cookbook_data
- @current_cookbook_data ||= begin
- noauth_rest.get "#{cookbooks_api_url}/#{@name_args[0]}"
- end
- end
- def current_cookbook_deprecated?
- current_cookbook_data["deprecated"] == true
- end
- def desired_cookbook_data
- @desired_cookbook_data ||= begin
- uri = if @name_args.length == 1
- current_cookbook_data["latest_version"]
- else
- specific_cookbook_version_url
- end
- noauth_rest.get uri
- end
- end
- def download_cookbook
- "Downloading #{@name_args[0]} from Supermarket at version #{version} to #{download_location}"
- tf = noauth_rest.streaming_request(desired_cookbook_data["file"])
- ::FileUtils.cp tf.path, download_location
- "Cookbook saved: #{download_location}"
- end
- def download_location
- config[:file] ||= File.join Dir.pwd, "#{@name_args[0]}-#{version}.tar.gz"
- config[:file]
- end
- def replacement_cookbook
- File.basename(current_cookbook_data["replacement"] || "")
- end
- def specific_cookbook_version_url
- "#{cookbooks_api_url}/#{@name_args[0]}/versions/#{@name_args[1].tr('.', '_')}"
- end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_install.rb b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_install.rb
index 18cddb19f4..18e75442ca 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_install.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_install.rb
@@ -17,180 +17,19 @@
require "chef/knife"
-require "chef/exceptions"
-require "shellwords"
-require "mixlib/archive"
+require "chef/knife/supermarket_install"
class Chef
class Knife
- class CookbookSiteInstall < Knife
+ class CookbookSiteInstall < Knife::SupermarketInstall
- deps do
- require "chef/mixin/shell_out"
- require "chef/knife/core/cookbook_scm_repo"
- require "chef/cookbook/metadata"
- end
+ # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
+ dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
+ options.merge!(superclass.options)
banner "knife cookbook site install COOKBOOK [VERSION] (options)"
category "cookbook site"
- option :no_deps,
- short: "-D",
- long: "--skip-dependencies",
- boolean: true,
- default: false,
- description: "Skips automatic dependency installation."
- option :cookbook_path,
- short: "-o PATH:PATH",
- long: "--cookbook-path PATH:PATH",
- description: "A colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in",
- proc: lambda { |o| o.split(":") }
- option :default_branch,
- short: "-B BRANCH",
- long: "--branch BRANCH",
- description: "Default branch to work with",
- default: "master"
- option :use_current_branch,
- short: "-b",
- long: "--use-current-branch",
- description: "Use the current branch",
- boolean: true,
- default: false
- option :supermarket_site,
- short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- description: "Supermarket Site",
- default: "",
- proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
- attr_reader :cookbook_name
- attr_reader :vendor_path
- def run
- extend Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
- if config[:cookbook_path]
- Chef::Config[:cookbook_path] = config[:cookbook_path]
- else
- config[:cookbook_path] = Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]
- end
- @cookbook_name = parse_name_args!
- # Check to ensure we have a valid source of cookbooks before continuing
- #
- @install_path = File.expand_path(Array(config[:cookbook_path]).first)
- "Installing #{@cookbook_name} to #{@install_path}"
- @repo =, ui, config)
- # cookbook_path = File.join(vendor_path, name_args[0])
- upstream_file = File.join(@install_path, "#{@cookbook_name}.tar.gz")
- @repo.sanity_check
- unless config[:use_current_branch]
- @repo.reset_to_default_state
- @repo.prepare_to_import(@cookbook_name)
- end
- downloader = download_cookbook_to(upstream_file)
- clear_existing_files(File.join(@install_path, @cookbook_name))
- extract_cookbook(upstream_file, downloader.version)
- # TODO: it'd be better to store these outside the cookbook repo and
- # keep them around, e.g., in ~/Library/Caches on OS X.
-"Removing downloaded tarball")
- File.unlink(upstream_file)
- if @repo.finalize_updates_to(@cookbook_name, downloader.version)
- unless config[:use_current_branch]
- @repo.reset_to_default_state
- end
- @repo.merge_updates_from(@cookbook_name, downloader.version)
- else
- unless config[:use_current_branch]
- @repo.reset_to_default_state
- end
- end
- unless config[:no_deps]
- preferred_metadata.dependencies.each_key do |cookbook|
- # Doesn't do versions.. yet
- nv =
- nv.config = config
- nv.name_args = [ cookbook ]
- end
- end
- end
- def parse_name_args!
- if name_args.empty?
- ui.error("Please specify a cookbook to download and install.")
- exit 1
- elsif name_args.size >= 2
- unless name_args.last.match(/^(\d+)(\.\d+){1,2}$/) && name_args.size == 2
- ui.error("Installing multiple cookbooks at once is not supported.")
- exit 1
- end
- end
- name_args.first
- end
- def download_cookbook_to(download_path)
- downloader =
- downloader.config[:file] = download_path
- downloader.config[:supermarket_site] = config[:supermarket_site]
- downloader.name_args = name_args
- downloader
- end
- def extract_cookbook(upstream_file, version)
-"Uncompressing #{@cookbook_name} version #{version}.")
-, perms: false)
- end
- def clear_existing_files(cookbook_path)
-"Removing pre-existing version.")
- FileUtils.rmtree(cookbook_path) if
- end
- def convert_path(upstream_file)
- # converts a Windows path (C:\foo) to a mingw path (/c/foo)
- if ENV["MSYSTEM"] == "MINGW32"
- upstream_file.sub(/^([[:alpha:]]):/, '/\1')
- else
- Shellwords.escape upstream_file
- end
- end
- # Get the preferred metadata path on disk. Chef prefers the metadata.rb
- # over the metadata.json.
- #
- # @raise if there is no metadata in the cookbook
- #
- # @return [Chef::Cookbook::Metadata]
- def preferred_metadata
- md =
- rb = File.join(@install_path, @cookbook_name, "metadata.rb")
- if File.exist?(rb)
- md.from_file(rb)
- return md
- end
- json = File.join(@install_path, @cookbook_name, "metadata.json")
- if File.exist?(json)
- json =
- md.from_json(json)
- return md
- end
- raise, @cookbook_name)
- end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_list.rb b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_list.rb
index 3b0b20a4df..b0ec22ac1e 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_list.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_list.rb
@@ -17,49 +17,19 @@
require "chef/knife"
+require "chef/knife/supermarket_list"
class Chef
class Knife
- class CookbookSiteList < Knife
+ class CookbookSiteList < Knife::SupermarketList
+ # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
+ dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
+ options.merge!(superclass.options)
banner "knife cookbook site list (options)"
category "cookbook site"
- option :with_uri,
- short: "-w",
- long: "--with-uri",
- description: "Show corresponding URIs"
- option :supermarket_site,
- short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- description: "Supermarket Site",
- default: "",
- proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
- def run
- if config[:with_uri]
- cookbooks =
- get_cookbook_list.each { |k, v| cookbooks[k] = v["cookbook"] }
- ui.output(format_for_display(cookbooks))
- else
- ui.msg(ui.list(get_cookbook_list.keys.sort, :columns_down))
- end
- end
- def get_cookbook_list(items = 10, start = 0, cookbook_collection = {})
- cookbooks_url = "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks?items=#{items}&start=#{start}"
- cr = noauth_rest.get(cookbooks_url)
- cr["items"].each do |cookbook|
- cookbook_collection[cookbook["cookbook_name"]] = cookbook
- end
- new_start = start + cr["items"].length
- if new_start < cr["total"]
- get_cookbook_list(items, new_start, cookbook_collection)
- else
- cookbook_collection
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_search.rb b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_search.rb
index 6a598bd22b..b5e375913f 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_search.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_search.rb
@@ -17,38 +17,19 @@
require "chef/knife"
+require "chef/knife/supermarket_search"
class Chef
class Knife
- class CookbookSiteSearch < Knife
+ class CookbookSiteSearch < Knife::SupermarketSearch
+ # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
+ dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
+ options.merge!(superclass.options)
banner "knife cookbook site search QUERY (options)"
category "cookbook site"
- option :supermarket_site,
- short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- description: "Supermarket Site",
- default: "",
- proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
- def run
- output(search_cookbook(name_args[0]))
- end
- def search_cookbook(query, items = 10, start = 0, cookbook_collection = {})
- cookbooks_url = "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/search?q=#{query}&items=#{items}&start=#{start}"
- cr = noauth_rest.get(cookbooks_url)
- cr["items"].each do |cookbook|
- cookbook_collection[cookbook["cookbook_name"]] = cookbook
- end
- new_start = start + cr["items"].length
- if new_start < cr["total"]
- search_cookbook(query, items, new_start, cookbook_collection)
- else
- cookbook_collection
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_share.rb b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_share.rb
index dcfd224295..6e14337ff5 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_share.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_share.rb
@@ -18,154 +18,19 @@
require "chef/knife"
-require "chef/mixin/shell_out"
+require "chef/knife/supermarket_share"
class Chef
class Knife
- class CookbookSiteShare < Knife
+ class CookbookSiteShare < Knife::SupermarketShare
- include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
- deps do
- require "chef/cookbook_loader"
- require "chef/cookbook_uploader"
- require "chef/cookbook_site_streaming_uploader"
- require "mixlib/shellout"
- end
- include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
+ # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
+ dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
+ options.merge!(superclass.options)
banner "knife cookbook site share COOKBOOK [CATEGORY] (options)"
category "cookbook site"
- option :cookbook_path,
- short: "-o PATH:PATH",
- long: "--cookbook-path PATH:PATH",
- description: "A colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in",
- proc: lambda { |o| Chef::Config.cookbook_path = o.split(":") }
- option :dry_run,
- long: "--dry-run",
- short: "-n",
- boolean: true,
- default: false,
- description: "Don't take action, only print what files will be uploaded to Supermarket."
- option :supermarket_site,
- short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- description: "Supermarket Site",
- default: "",
- proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
- def run
- config[:cookbook_path] ||= Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]
- if @name_args.length < 1
- show_usage
- ui.fatal("You must specify the cookbook name.")
- exit(1)
- elsif @name_args.length < 2
- cookbook_name = @name_args[0]
- category = get_category(cookbook_name)
- else
- cookbook_name = @name_args[0]
- category = @name_args[1]
- end
- cl =[:cookbook_path])
- if cl.cookbook_exists?(cookbook_name)
- cookbook = cl[cookbook_name]
- tmp_cookbook_dir = Chef::CookbookSiteStreamingUploader.create_build_dir(cookbook)
- begin
- Chef::Log.trace("Temp cookbook directory is #{tmp_cookbook_dir.inspect}")
-"Making tarball #{cookbook_name}.tgz")
- shell_out!("#{tar_cmd} -czf #{cookbook_name}.tgz #{cookbook_name}", cwd: tmp_cookbook_dir)
- rescue => e
- ui.error("Error making tarball #{cookbook_name}.tgz: #{e.message}. Increase log verbosity (-VV) for more information.")
- Chef::Log.trace("\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}")
- exit(1)
- end
- if config[:dry_run]
-"Not uploading #{cookbook_name}.tgz due to --dry-run flag.")
- result = shell_out!("#{tar_cmd} -tzf #{cookbook_name}.tgz", cwd: tmp_cookbook_dir)
- FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_cookbook_dir
- return
- end
- begin
- do_upload("#{tmp_cookbook_dir}/#{cookbook_name}.tgz", category, Chef::Config[:node_name], Chef::Config[:client_key])
-"Upload complete")
- Chef::Log.trace("Removing local staging directory at #{tmp_cookbook_dir}")
- FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_cookbook_dir
- rescue => e
- ui.error("Error uploading cookbook #{cookbook_name} to Supermarket: #{e.message}. Increase log verbosity (-VV) for more information.")
- Chef::Log.trace("\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}")
- exit(1)
- end
- else
- ui.error("Could not find cookbook #{cookbook_name} in your cookbook path.")
- exit(1)
- end
- end
- def get_category(cookbook_name)
- data = noauth_rest.get("#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks/#{@name_args[0]}")
- data["category"]
- rescue => e
- return "Other" if e.kind_of?(Net::HTTPServerException) && e.response.code == "404"
- ui.fatal("Unable to reach Supermarket: #{e.message}. Increase log verbosity (-VV) for more information.")
- Chef::Log.trace("\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}")
- exit(1)
- end
- def do_upload(cookbook_filename, cookbook_category, user_id, user_secret_filename)
- uri = "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks"
- category_string = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json({ "category" => cookbook_category })
- http_resp =, user_id, user_secret_filename, {
- tarball:,
- cookbook: category_string,
- })
- res = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(http_resp.body)
- if http_resp.code.to_i != 201
- if res["error_messages"]
- if res["error_messages"][0] =~ /Version already exists/
- ui.error "The same version of this cookbook already exists on Supermarket."
- exit(1)
- else
- ui.error (res["error_messages"][0]).to_s
- exit(1)
- end
- else
- ui.error "Unknown error while sharing cookbook"
- ui.error "Server response: #{http_resp.body}"
- exit(1)
- end
- end
- res
- end
- def tar_cmd
- if !@tar_cmd
- @tar_cmd = "tar"
- begin
- # Unix and Mac only - prefer gnutar
- if shell_out("which gnutar").exitstatus.equal?(0)
- @tar_cmd = "gnutar"
- end
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- end
- end
- @tar_cmd
- end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_show.rb b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_show.rb
index 1ae242d051..f365ed1fe0 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_show.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_show.rb
@@ -17,51 +17,19 @@
require "chef/knife"
+require "chef/knife/supermarket_show"
class Chef
class Knife
- class CookbookSiteShow < Knife
+ class CookbookSiteShow < Knife::SupermarketShow
+ # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
+ dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
+ options.merge!(superclass.options)
banner "knife cookbook site show COOKBOOK [VERSION] (options)"
category "cookbook site"
- option :supermarket_site,
- short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- description: "Supermarket Site",
- default: "",
- proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
- def run
- output(format_for_display(get_cookbook_data))
- end
- def supermarket_uri
- "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1"
- end
- def get_cookbook_data
- case @name_args.length
- when 1
- noauth_rest.get("#{supermarket_uri}/cookbooks/#{@name_args[0]}")
- when 2
- noauth_rest.get("#{supermarket_uri}/cookbooks/#{@name_args[0]}/versions/#{name_args[1].tr('.', '_')}")
- end
- end
- def get_cookbook_list(items = 10, start = 0, cookbook_collection = {})
- cookbooks_url = "#{supermarket_uri}/cookbooks?items=#{items}&start=#{start}"
- cr = noauth_rest.get(cookbooks_url)
- cr["items"].each do |cookbook|
- cookbook_collection[cookbook["cookbook_name"]] = cookbook
- end
- new_start = start + cr["items"].length
- if new_start < cr["total"]
- get_cookbook_list(items, new_start, cookbook_collection)
- else
- cookbook_collection
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_unshare.rb b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_unshare.rb
index 5f24781f38..8f24df8b0f 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_unshare.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_site_unshare.rb
@@ -18,46 +18,19 @@
require "chef/knife"
+require "chef/knife/supermarket_unshare"
class Chef
class Knife
- class CookbookSiteUnshare < Knife
+ class CookbookSiteUnshare < Knife::SupermarketUnshare
- deps do
- require "chef/json_compat"
- end
+ # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
+ dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
+ options.merge!(superclass.options)
- banner "knife cookbook site unshare COOKBOOK"
+ banner "knife cookbook site unshare COOKBOOK (options)"
category "cookbook site"
- option :supermarket_site,
- short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
- description: "Supermarket Site",
- default: "",
- proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
- def run
- @cookbook_name = @name_args[0]
- if @cookbook_name.nil?
- show_usage
- ui.fatal "You must provide the name of the cookbook to unshare"
- exit 1
- end
- confirm "Do you really want to unshare all versions of the cookbook #{@cookbook_name}"
- begin
- rest.delete "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks/#{@name_args[0]}"
- rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e
- raise e unless e.message =~ /Forbidden/
- ui.error "Forbidden: You must be the maintainer of #{@cookbook_name} to unshare it."
- exit 1
- end
- "Unshared all versions of the cookbook #{@cookbook_name}"
- end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_download.rb b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_download.rb
index 5657558591..a912f18d85 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_download.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_download.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Author:: Christopher Webber (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Chef Software, Inc.
# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -17,17 +17,106 @@
require "chef/knife"
-require "chef/knife/cookbook_site_download"
class Chef
class Knife
- class SupermarketDownload < Knife::CookbookSiteDownload
- # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
- dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
- options.merge!(superclass.options)
+ class SupermarketDownload < Knife
banner "knife supermarket download COOKBOOK [VERSION] (options)"
category "supermarket"
+ deps do
+ require "fileutils"
+ end
+ option :file,
+ short: "-f FILE",
+ long: "--file FILE",
+ description: "The filename to write to"
+ option :force,
+ long: "--force",
+ description: "Force download deprecated version"
+ option :supermarket_site,
+ short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ description: "Supermarket Site",
+ default: "",
+ proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
+ def run
+ if current_cookbook_deprecated?
+ message = "DEPRECATION: This cookbook has been deprecated. "
+ replacement = replacement_cookbook
+ if !replacement.to_s.strip.empty?
+ message << "It has been replaced by #{replacement}."
+ else
+ message << "No replacement has been defined."
+ end
+ ui.warn message
+ unless config[:force]
+ ui.warn "Use --force to force download deprecated cookbook."
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ download_cookbook
+ end
+ def version
+ @version = desired_cookbook_data["version"]
+ end
+ private
+ def cookbooks_api_url
+ "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks"
+ end
+ def current_cookbook_data
+ @current_cookbook_data ||= begin
+ noauth_rest.get "#{cookbooks_api_url}/#{@name_args[0]}"
+ end
+ end
+ def current_cookbook_deprecated?
+ current_cookbook_data["deprecated"] == true
+ end
+ def desired_cookbook_data
+ @desired_cookbook_data ||= begin
+ uri = if @name_args.length == 1
+ current_cookbook_data["latest_version"]
+ else
+ specific_cookbook_version_url
+ end
+ noauth_rest.get uri
+ end
+ end
+ def download_cookbook
+ "Downloading #{@name_args[0]} from Supermarket at version #{version} to #{download_location}"
+ tf = noauth_rest.streaming_request(desired_cookbook_data["file"])
+ ::FileUtils.cp tf.path, download_location
+ "Cookbook saved: #{download_location}"
+ end
+ def download_location
+ config[:file] ||= File.join Dir.pwd, "#{@name_args[0]}-#{version}.tar.gz"
+ config[:file]
+ end
+ def replacement_cookbook
+ File.basename(current_cookbook_data["replacement"] || "")
+ end
+ def specific_cookbook_version_url
+ "#{cookbooks_api_url}/#{@name_args[0]}/versions/#{@name_args[1].tr('.', '_')}"
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_install.rb b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_install.rb
index 7642e68181..97a761e69b 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_install.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_install.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Author:: Christopher Webber (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Chef Software, Inc.
# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -17,17 +17,180 @@
require "chef/knife"
-require "chef/knife/cookbook_site_install"
+require "chef/exceptions"
+require "shellwords"
+require "mixlib/archive"
class Chef
class Knife
- class SupermarketInstall < Knife::CookbookSiteInstall
- # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
- dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
- options.merge!(superclass.options)
+ class SupermarketInstall < Knife
+ deps do
+ require "chef/mixin/shell_out"
+ require "chef/knife/core/cookbook_scm_repo"
+ require "chef/cookbook/metadata"
+ end
banner "knife supermarket install COOKBOOK [VERSION] (options)"
category "supermarket"
+ option :no_deps,
+ short: "-D",
+ long: "--skip-dependencies",
+ boolean: true,
+ default: false,
+ description: "Skips automatic dependency installation."
+ option :cookbook_path,
+ short: "-o PATH:PATH",
+ long: "--cookbook-path PATH:PATH",
+ description: "A colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in",
+ proc: lambda { |o| o.split(":") }
+ option :default_branch,
+ short: "-B BRANCH",
+ long: "--branch BRANCH",
+ description: "Default branch to work with",
+ default: "master"
+ option :use_current_branch,
+ short: "-b",
+ long: "--use-current-branch",
+ description: "Use the current branch",
+ boolean: true,
+ default: false
+ option :supermarket_site,
+ short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ description: "Supermarket Site",
+ default: "",
+ proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
+ attr_reader :cookbook_name
+ attr_reader :vendor_path
+ def run
+ extend Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
+ if config[:cookbook_path]
+ Chef::Config[:cookbook_path] = config[:cookbook_path]
+ else
+ config[:cookbook_path] = Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]
+ end
+ @cookbook_name = parse_name_args!
+ # Check to ensure we have a valid source of cookbooks before continuing
+ #
+ @install_path = File.expand_path(Array(config[:cookbook_path]).first)
+ "Installing #{@cookbook_name} to #{@install_path}"
+ @repo =, ui, config)
+ # cookbook_path = File.join(vendor_path, name_args[0])
+ upstream_file = File.join(@install_path, "#{@cookbook_name}.tar.gz")
+ @repo.sanity_check
+ unless config[:use_current_branch]
+ @repo.reset_to_default_state
+ @repo.prepare_to_import(@cookbook_name)
+ end
+ downloader = download_cookbook_to(upstream_file)
+ clear_existing_files(File.join(@install_path, @cookbook_name))
+ extract_cookbook(upstream_file, downloader.version)
+ # TODO: it'd be better to store these outside the cookbook repo and
+ # keep them around, e.g., in ~/Library/Caches on OS X.
+"Removing downloaded tarball")
+ File.unlink(upstream_file)
+ if @repo.finalize_updates_to(@cookbook_name, downloader.version)
+ unless config[:use_current_branch]
+ @repo.reset_to_default_state
+ end
+ @repo.merge_updates_from(@cookbook_name, downloader.version)
+ else
+ unless config[:use_current_branch]
+ @repo.reset_to_default_state
+ end
+ end
+ unless config[:no_deps]
+ preferred_metadata.dependencies.each_key do |cookbook|
+ # Doesn't do versions.. yet
+ nv =
+ nv.config = config
+ nv.name_args = [ cookbook ]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def parse_name_args!
+ if name_args.empty?
+ ui.error("Please specify a cookbook to download and install.")
+ exit 1
+ elsif name_args.size >= 2
+ unless name_args.last.match(/^(\d+)(\.\d+){1,2}$/) && name_args.size == 2
+ ui.error("Installing multiple cookbooks at once is not supported.")
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+ name_args.first
+ end
+ def download_cookbook_to(download_path)
+ downloader =
+ downloader.config[:file] = download_path
+ downloader.config[:supermarket_site] = config[:supermarket_site]
+ downloader.name_args = name_args
+ downloader
+ end
+ def extract_cookbook(upstream_file, version)
+"Uncompressing #{@cookbook_name} version #{version}.")
+, perms: false)
+ end
+ def clear_existing_files(cookbook_path)
+"Removing pre-existing version.")
+ FileUtils.rmtree(cookbook_path) if
+ end
+ def convert_path(upstream_file)
+ # converts a Windows path (C:\foo) to a mingw path (/c/foo)
+ if ENV["MSYSTEM"] == "MINGW32"
+ upstream_file.sub(/^([[:alpha:]]):/, '/\1')
+ else
+ Shellwords.escape upstream_file
+ end
+ end
+ # Get the preferred metadata path on disk. Chef prefers the metadata.rb
+ # over the metadata.json.
+ #
+ # @raise if there is no metadata in the cookbook
+ #
+ # @return [Chef::Cookbook::Metadata]
+ def preferred_metadata
+ md =
+ rb = File.join(@install_path, @cookbook_name, "metadata.rb")
+ if File.exist?(rb)
+ md.from_file(rb)
+ return md
+ end
+ json = File.join(@install_path, @cookbook_name, "metadata.json")
+ if File.exist?(json)
+ json =
+ md.from_json(json)
+ return md
+ end
+ raise, @cookbook_name)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_list.rb b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_list.rb
index f2bc98bd0e..a7274714c6 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_list.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_list.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Author:: Christopher Webber (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Chef Software, Inc.
# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -17,17 +17,49 @@
require "chef/knife"
-require "chef/knife/cookbook_site_list"
class Chef
class Knife
- class SupermarketList < Knife::CookbookSiteList
- # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
- dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
- options.merge!(superclass.options)
+ class SupermarketList < Knife
banner "knife supermarket list (options)"
category "supermarket"
+ option :with_uri,
+ short: "-w",
+ long: "--with-uri",
+ description: "Show corresponding URIs"
+ option :supermarket_site,
+ short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ description: "Supermarket Site",
+ default: "",
+ proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
+ def run
+ if config[:with_uri]
+ cookbooks =
+ get_cookbook_list.each { |k, v| cookbooks[k] = v["cookbook"] }
+ ui.output(format_for_display(cookbooks))
+ else
+ ui.msg(ui.list(get_cookbook_list.keys.sort, :columns_down))
+ end
+ end
+ def get_cookbook_list(items = 10, start = 0, cookbook_collection = {})
+ cookbooks_url = "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks?items=#{items}&start=#{start}"
+ cr = noauth_rest.get(cookbooks_url)
+ cr["items"].each do |cookbook|
+ cookbook_collection[cookbook["cookbook_name"]] = cookbook
+ end
+ new_start = start + cr["items"].length
+ if new_start < cr["total"]
+ get_cookbook_list(items, new_start, cookbook_collection)
+ else
+ cookbook_collection
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_search.rb b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_search.rb
index 3206b0cb80..6613b1244b 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_search.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_search.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Author:: Christopher Webber (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Chef Software, Inc.
# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -17,17 +17,37 @@
require "chef/knife"
-require "chef/knife/cookbook_site_search"
class Chef
class Knife
- class SupermarketSearch < Knife::CookbookSiteSearch
- # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
- dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
- options.merge!(superclass.options)
+ class SupermarketSearch < Knife
banner "knife supermarket search QUERY (options)"
category "supermarket"
+ option :supermarket_site,
+ short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ description: "Supermarket Site",
+ default: "",
+ proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
+ def run
+ output(search_cookbook(name_args[0]))
+ end
+ def search_cookbook(query, items = 10, start = 0, cookbook_collection = {})
+ cookbooks_url = "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/search?q=#{query}&items=#{items}&start=#{start}"
+ cr = noauth_rest.get(cookbooks_url)
+ cr["items"].each do |cookbook|
+ cookbook_collection[cookbook["cookbook_name"]] = cookbook
+ end
+ new_start = start + cr["items"].length
+ if new_start < cr["total"]
+ search_cookbook(query, items, new_start, cookbook_collection)
+ else
+ cookbook_collection
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_share.rb b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_share.rb
index 3109b9e794..27d2293679 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_share.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_share.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Author:: Christopher Webber (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Chef Software, Inc.
# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -17,17 +17,153 @@
require "chef/knife"
-require "chef/knife/cookbook_site_share"
+require "chef/mixin/shell_out"
class Chef
class Knife
- class SupermarketShare < Knife::CookbookSiteShare
- # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
- dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
- options.merge!(superclass.options)
+ class SupermarketShare < Knife
+ include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
+ deps do
+ require "chef/cookbook_loader"
+ require "chef/cookbook_uploader"
+ require "chef/cookbook_site_streaming_uploader"
+ require "mixlib/shellout"
+ end
+ include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
banner "knife supermarket share COOKBOOK [CATEGORY] (options)"
category "supermarket"
+ option :cookbook_path,
+ short: "-o PATH:PATH",
+ long: "--cookbook-path PATH:PATH",
+ description: "A colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in",
+ proc: lambda { |o| Chef::Config.cookbook_path = o.split(":") }
+ option :dry_run,
+ long: "--dry-run",
+ short: "-n",
+ boolean: true,
+ default: false,
+ description: "Don't take action, only print what files will be uploaded to Supermarket."
+ option :supermarket_site,
+ short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ description: "Supermarket Site",
+ default: "",
+ proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
+ def run
+ config[:cookbook_path] ||= Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]
+ if @name_args.length < 1
+ show_usage
+ ui.fatal("You must specify the cookbook name.")
+ exit(1)
+ elsif @name_args.length < 2
+ cookbook_name = @name_args[0]
+ category = get_category(cookbook_name)
+ else
+ cookbook_name = @name_args[0]
+ category = @name_args[1]
+ end
+ cl =[:cookbook_path])
+ if cl.cookbook_exists?(cookbook_name)
+ cookbook = cl[cookbook_name]
+ tmp_cookbook_dir = Chef::CookbookSiteStreamingUploader.create_build_dir(cookbook)
+ begin
+ Chef::Log.trace("Temp cookbook directory is #{tmp_cookbook_dir.inspect}")
+"Making tarball #{cookbook_name}.tgz")
+ shell_out!("#{tar_cmd} -czf #{cookbook_name}.tgz #{cookbook_name}", cwd: tmp_cookbook_dir)
+ rescue => e
+ ui.error("Error making tarball #{cookbook_name}.tgz: #{e.message}. Increase log verbosity (-VV) for more information.")
+ Chef::Log.trace("\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}")
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ if config[:dry_run]
+"Not uploading #{cookbook_name}.tgz due to --dry-run flag.")
+ result = shell_out!("#{tar_cmd} -tzf #{cookbook_name}.tgz", cwd: tmp_cookbook_dir)
+ FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_cookbook_dir
+ return
+ end
+ begin
+ do_upload("#{tmp_cookbook_dir}/#{cookbook_name}.tgz", category, Chef::Config[:node_name], Chef::Config[:client_key])
+"Upload complete")
+ Chef::Log.trace("Removing local staging directory at #{tmp_cookbook_dir}")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_cookbook_dir
+ rescue => e
+ ui.error("Error uploading cookbook #{cookbook_name} to Supermarket: #{e.message}. Increase log verbosity (-VV) for more information.")
+ Chef::Log.trace("\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}")
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ else
+ ui.error("Could not find cookbook #{cookbook_name} in your cookbook path.")
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ end
+ def get_category(cookbook_name)
+ data = noauth_rest.get("#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks/#{@name_args[0]}")
+ data["category"]
+ rescue => e
+ return "Other" if e.kind_of?(Net::HTTPServerException) && e.response.code == "404"
+ ui.fatal("Unable to reach Supermarket: #{e.message}. Increase log verbosity (-VV) for more information.")
+ Chef::Log.trace("\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}")
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ def do_upload(cookbook_filename, cookbook_category, user_id, user_secret_filename)
+ uri = "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks"
+ category_string = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json({ "category" => cookbook_category })
+ http_resp =, user_id, user_secret_filename, {
+ tarball:,
+ cookbook: category_string,
+ })
+ res = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(http_resp.body)
+ if http_resp.code.to_i != 201
+ if res["error_messages"]
+ if res["error_messages"][0] =~ /Version already exists/
+ ui.error "The same version of this cookbook already exists on Supermarket."
+ exit(1)
+ else
+ ui.error (res["error_messages"][0]).to_s
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ else
+ ui.error "Unknown error while sharing cookbook"
+ ui.error "Server response: #{http_resp.body}"
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def tar_cmd
+ if !@tar_cmd
+ @tar_cmd = "tar"
+ begin
+ # Unix and Mac only - prefer gnutar
+ if shell_out("which gnutar").exitstatus.equal?(0)
+ @tar_cmd = "gnutar"
+ end
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ end
+ end
+ @tar_cmd
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_show.rb b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_show.rb
index 2ad122143f..f32639dfc3 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_show.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_show.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Author:: Christopher Webber (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Chef Software, Inc.
# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -17,17 +17,51 @@
require "chef/knife"
-require "chef/knife/cookbook_site_show"
class Chef
class Knife
- class SupermarketShow < Knife::CookbookSiteShow
- # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
- dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
- options.merge!(superclass.options)
+ class SupermarketShow < Knife
banner "knife supermarket show COOKBOOK [VERSION] (options)"
category "supermarket"
+ option :supermarket_site,
+ short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ description: "Supermarket Site",
+ default: "",
+ proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
+ def run
+ output(format_for_display(get_cookbook_data))
+ end
+ def supermarket_uri
+ "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1"
+ end
+ def get_cookbook_data
+ case @name_args.length
+ when 1
+ noauth_rest.get("#{supermarket_uri}/cookbooks/#{@name_args[0]}")
+ when 2
+ noauth_rest.get("#{supermarket_uri}/cookbooks/#{@name_args[0]}/versions/#{name_args[1].tr('.', '_')}")
+ end
+ end
+ def get_cookbook_list(items = 10, start = 0, cookbook_collection = {})
+ cookbooks_url = "#{supermarket_uri}/cookbooks?items=#{items}&start=#{start}"
+ cr = noauth_rest.get(cookbooks_url)
+ cr["items"].each do |cookbook|
+ cookbook_collection[cookbook["cookbook_name"]] = cookbook
+ end
+ new_start = start + cr["items"].length
+ if new_start < cr["total"]
+ get_cookbook_list(items, new_start, cookbook_collection)
+ else
+ cookbook_collection
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_unshare.rb b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_unshare.rb
index fd48e172ce..eb17fc6bd4 100644
--- a/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_unshare.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/knife/supermarket_unshare.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Author:: Christopher Webber (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Chef Software, Inc.
# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -17,17 +17,45 @@
require "chef/knife"
-require "chef/knife/cookbook_site_unshare"
class Chef
class Knife
- class SupermarketUnshare < Knife::CookbookSiteUnshare
- # Handle the subclassing (knife doesn't do this :()
- dependency_loaders.concat(superclass.dependency_loaders)
- options.merge!(superclass.options)
+ class SupermarketUnshare < Knife
- banner "knife supermarket unshare COOKBOOK (options)"
+ deps do
+ require "chef/json_compat"
+ end
+ banner "knife supermarket unshare COOKBOOK"
category "supermarket"
+ option :supermarket_site,
+ short: "-m SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ long: "--supermarket-site SUPERMARKET_SITE",
+ description: "Supermarket Site",
+ default: "",
+ proc: { |supermarket| Chef::Config[:knife][:supermarket_site] = supermarket }
+ def run
+ @cookbook_name = @name_args[0]
+ if @cookbook_name.nil?
+ show_usage
+ ui.fatal "You must provide the name of the cookbook to unshare"
+ exit 1
+ end
+ confirm "Do you really want to unshare all versions of the cookbook #{@cookbook_name}"
+ begin
+ rest.delete "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks/#{@name_args[0]}"
+ rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e
+ raise e unless e.message =~ /Forbidden/
+ ui.error "Forbidden: You must be the maintainer of #{@cookbook_name} to unshare it."
+ exit 1
+ end
+ "Unshared all versions of the cookbook #{@cookbook_name}"
+ end