path: root/omnibus/files
diff options
authorLamont Granquist <>2017-05-09 09:39:23 -0700
committerLamont Granquist <>2017-05-09 10:16:36 -0700
commit1b1a8b34c872bc55f2acf77e44ac70e6e1efcab7 (patch)
tree3c6789905e64f7f3f9e3343a61bd4f8ce7f5a737 /omnibus/files
parent0ad389f48d43ebfc4347c41a3573ee855993c5f1 (diff)
simplify omnibus config and greenify builds again
this is also necessary for bundler-1.14.x i'm still not entirely clear why we ever needed all the fussy software gem configs or what the build-chef / build-chef-gem infrastructure ever did for us. it seems to have been mostly micro-optimization around building the software gems before bundle installing the project in order to take advantage of git caching. i aggressively don't care about that, this is quite fast enough. we can install nokogiri and libgecode early and that should take care of 98% of the build optimization issue. Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
Diffstat (limited to 'omnibus/files')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 503 deletions
diff --git a/omnibus/files/chef-appbundle/build-chef-appbundle.rb b/omnibus/files/chef-appbundle/build-chef-appbundle.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index eaf4904501..0000000000
--- a/omnibus/files/chef-appbundle/build-chef-appbundle.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-require_relative "../chef-gem/build-chef-gem"
-module BuildChefAppbundle
- include BuildChefGem
- def lockdown_gem(gem_name)
- shared_gemfile = self.shared_gemfile
- # Update the Gemfile to restrict to built versions so that bundle installs
- # will do the right thing
- block "Lock down the #{gem_name} gem" do
- installed_path = shellout!("#{bundle_bin} show #{gem_name}", env: env, cwd: install_dir).stdout.chomp
- installed_gemfile = File.join(installed_path, "Gemfile")
- #
- # Include the main distribution Gemfile in the gem's Gemfile
- #
- # NOTE: if this fails and the build retries, you will see this multiple
- # times in the file.
- #
- distribution_gemfile = Pathname(shared_gemfile).relative_path_from(Pathname(installed_gemfile)).to_s
- gemfile_text = <<-EOM.gsub(/^\s+/, "")
- # Lock gems that are part of the distribution
- distribution_gemfile = File.expand_path(#{distribution_gemfile.inspect}, __FILE__)
- instance_eval(, distribution_gemfile)
- gemfile_text <<
- create_file(installed_gemfile) { gemfile_text }
- # Remove the gemfile.lock
- remove_file("#{installed_gemfile}.lock") if File.exist?("#{installed_gemfile}.lock")
- # If it's frozen, make it not be.
- shellout!("#{bundle_bin} config --delete frozen")
- # This could be changed to `bundle install` if we wanted to actually
- # install extra deps out of their gemfile ...
- shellout!("#{bundle_bin} lock", env: env, cwd: installed_path)
- # bundle lock doesn't always tell us when it fails, so we have to check :/
- unless File.exist?("#{installed_gemfile}.lock")
- raise "bundle lock failed: no #{installed_gemfile}.lock created!"
- end
- # Ensure all the gems we need are actually installed (if the bundle adds
- # something, we need to know about it so we can include it in the main
- # solve).
- # Save bundle config and modify to use --without development before checking
- bundle_config = File.expand_path("../.bundle/config", installed_gemfile)
- orig_config = if File.exist?(bundle_config)
- # "test", "changelog" and "guard" come from berkshelf, "maintenance" comes from chef
- # "tools" and "integration" come from inspec
- shellout!("#{bundle_bin} config --local without #{without_groups.join(":")}", env: env, cwd: installed_path)
- shellout!("#{bundle_bin} config --local frozen 1")
- shellout!("#{bundle_bin} check", env: env, cwd: installed_path)
- # Restore bundle config
- if orig_config
- create_file(bundle_config) { orig_config }
- else
- remove_file bundle_config
- end
- end
- end
- # appbundle the gem, making /opt/chef/bin/<binary> do the superfast pinning
- # thing.
- #
- # To protect the app from loading the wrong versions of things, it uses
- # appbundler against the resulting file.
- #
- # Relocks the Gemfiles inside the specified gems (e.g. berkshelf, test-kitchen,
- # chef) to use the distribution's chosen gems.
- def appbundle_gem(gem_name)
- # First lock the gemfile down.
- lockdown_gem(gem_name)
- shared_gemfile = self.shared_gemfile
- # Ensure the main bin dir exists
- bin_dir = File.join(install_dir, "bin")
- mkdir(bin_dir)
- block "Lock down the #{gem_name} gem" do
- installed_path = shellout!("#{bundle_bin} show #{gem_name}", env: env, cwd: install_dir).stdout.chomp
- # appbundle the gem
- appbundler_args = [ installed_path, bin_dir, gem_name ]
- appbundler_args = { |a| ::Shellwords.escape(a) }
- shellout!("#{appbundler_bin} #{appbundler_args.join(" ")}", env: env, cwd: installed_path)
- end
- end
diff --git a/omnibus/files/chef-gem/build-chef-gem.rb b/omnibus/files/chef-gem/build-chef-gem.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c9aaaada1d..0000000000
--- a/omnibus/files/chef-gem/build-chef-gem.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-require "shellwords"
-require "pathname"
-require "bundler"
-require_relative "../../../version_policy"
-# Common definitions and helpers (like compile environment and binary
-# locations) for all software definitions.
-module BuildChefGem
- "linux" => %w{wrlinux debian fedora rhel suse gentoo slackware arch exherbo alpine},
- "bsd" => %w{dragonflybsd freebsd netbsd openbsd},
- "solaris" => %w{smartos omnios openindiana opensolaris solaris2 nextentacore},
- "aix" => %w{aix},
- "windows" => %w{windows},
- "mac_os_x" => %w{mac_os_x},
- }
- def platform_family_families
- end
- def platform_family_family
- select { |key, families| families.include?(Omnibus::Ohai["platform_family"]) }.
- first[0]
- end
- def embedded_bin(binary)
- windows_safe_path("#{install_dir}/embedded/bin/#{binary}")
- end
- def appbundler_bin
- embedded_bin("appbundler")
- end
- def bundle_bin
- embedded_bin("bundle")
- end
- def gem_bin
- embedded_bin("gem")
- end
- def rake_bin
- embedded_bin("rake")
- end
- def without_groups
- # Add --without for every known OS except the one we're in.
- exclude_os_groups = platform_family_families - [ platform_family_family ]
- (INSTALL_WITHOUT_GROUPS + exclude_os_groups).map { |g| g.to_sym }
- end
- #
- # Get the path to the top level shared Gemfile included by all individual
- # Gemfiles
- #
- def shared_gemfile
- File.join(install_dir, "Gemfile")
- end
- # A common env for building everything including nokogiri and dep-selector-libgecode
- def env
- env = with_standard_compiler_flags(with_embedded_path, bfd_flags: true)
- # From dep-selector-libgecode
- # On some RHEL-based systems, the default GCC that's installed is 4.1. We
- # need to use 4.4, which is provided by the gcc44 and gcc44-c++ packages.
- # These do not use the gcc binaries so we set the flags to point to the
- # correct version here.
- if File.exist?("/usr/bin/gcc44")
- env["CC"] = "gcc44"
- env["CXX"] = "g++44"
- end
- if solaris_11?
- env["CFLAGS"] << " -std=c99"
- env["CPPFLAGS"] << " -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_XPG6"
- end
- # From dep-selector-libgecode
- # Ruby DevKit ships with BSD Tar
- env["PROG_TAR"] = "bsdtar" if windows?
- env["ARFLAGS"] = "rv #{env["ARFLAGS"]}" if env["ARFLAGS"]
- # Set up nokogiri environment and args
- env
- end
- #
- # Install arguments for various gems (to be passed to `gem install` or set in
- # `bundle config build.<gemname>`).
- #
- def all_install_args
- @all_install_args = {
- "nokogiri" => %W{
- --use-system-libraries
- --with-xml2-lib=#{Shellwords.escape("#{install_dir}/embedded/lib")}
- --with-xml2-include=#{Shellwords.escape("#{install_dir}/embedded/include/libxml2")}
- --with-xslt-lib=#{Shellwords.escape("#{install_dir}/embedded/lib")}
- --with-xslt-include=#{Shellwords.escape("#{install_dir}/embedded/include/libxslt")}
- --without-iconv-dir
- --with-zlib-dir=#{Shellwords.escape("#{install_dir}/embedded")}
- }.join(" "),
- }
- end
- # gem install arguments for a particular gem. "" if no special args.
- def install_args_for(gem_name)
- all_install_args[gem_name] || ""
- end
- # Give block all the variables
- def block(*args, &block)
- super do
- extend BuildChefGem
- instance_eval(&block)
- end
- end
- # Give build all the variables
- def build(*args, &block)
- super do
- extend BuildChefGem
- instance_eval(&block)
- end
- end
diff --git a/omnibus/files/chef-gem/build-chef-gem/gem-install-software-def.rb b/omnibus/files/chef-gem/build-chef-gem/gem-install-software-def.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ea6c32e94a..0000000000
--- a/omnibus/files/chef-gem/build-chef-gem/gem-install-software-def.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-require "bundler"
-require "omnibus"
-require_relative "../build-chef-gem"
-require_relative "../../../../tasks/gemfile_util"
-module BuildChefGem
- class GemInstallSoftwareDef
- def self.define(software, software_filename)
- new(software, software_filename).send(:define)
- end
- include BuildChefGem
- include Omnibus::Logging
- protected
- def initialize(software, software_filename)
- @software = software
- @software_filename = software_filename
- end
- attr_reader :software, :software_filename
- # XXX: why are we programmatically defining config that is already expressed as code-as-configuration?
- def define
- # this has to come first because gem_metadata depends on it
- "#{File.basename(software_filename)[0..-4]}"
- if installing_from_git?
- define_git
- else
- define_gem
- end
- end
- def define_git
- software.default_version gem_metadata[:ref]
- # If the source directory for building stuff changes, tell omnibus to de-cache us
- software.source git: gem_metadata[:git]
- # ruby and bundler and friends
- software.dependency "ruby"
- software.dependency "rubygems"
- software.relative_path gem_name
- gem_name = self.gem_name
- do
- extend BuildChefGem
- gem "build #{gem_name}.gemspec", env: env
- gem "install #{gem_name}*.gem --no-ri --no-rdoc", env: env
- end
- end
- def define_gem
- software.default_version gem_version
- # If the source directory for building stuff changes, tell omnibus to
- # de-cache us
- software.source path: File.expand_path("../..", __FILE__)
- # ruby and bundler and friends
- software.dependency "ruby"
- software.dependency "rubygems"
- gem_name = self.gem_name
- gem_version = self.gem_version
- gem_metadata = self.gem_metadata
- lockfile_path = self.lockfile_path
- do
- extend BuildChefGem
- if gem_version == "<skip>"
- if gem_metadata
- block do
- raise "can we just remove this use case? what is it for?"
- { "#{gem_name} has source #{gem_metadata} in #{lockfile_path}. We only cache installs in omnibus to keep things simple. The chef step will build #{gem_name} ..." }
- end
- else
- block do
- { "#{gem_name} is not in the #{lockfile_path}. This can happen if your OS doesn't build it, or if chef no longer depends on it. Skipping ..." }
- end
- end
- else
- block do
- { "Found version #{gem_version} of #{gem_name} in #{lockfile_path}. Building early to take advantage of omnibus caching ..." }
- end
- gem "install #{gem_name} -v #{gem_version} --no-doc --no-ri --ignore-dependencies --verbose -- #{install_args_for(gem_name)}", env: env
- end
- end
- end
- # Path above omnibus (where Gemfile is)
- def root_path
- File.expand_path("../../../../..", __FILE__)
- end
- def gemfile_path
- File.join(root_path, "Gemfile")
- end
- def lockfile_path
- "#{gemfile_path}.lock"
- end
- def gem_name
- @gem_name ||= begin
- # File must be named chef-<gemname>.rb
- # Will look at chef/Gemfile.lock and install that version of the gem using "gem install"
- # (and only that version)
- if File.basename(software_filename) =~ /^chef-gem-(.+)\.rb$/
- $1
- else
- raise "#{software_filename} must be named chef-<gemname>.rb to build a gem automatically"
- end
- end
- end
- def gem_metadata
- @gem_metadata ||= begin
- bundle = GemfileUtil::Bundle.parse(gemfile_path, lockfile_path)
- result = bundle.gems[gem_name]
- if result
- if bundle.select_gems(without_groups: without_groups).include?(gem_name)
- { "Using #{gem_name} version #{result[:version]} from #{gemfile_path}" }
- result
- else
- { "#{gem_name} not loaded from #{gemfile_path} because it was only in groups #{without_groups.join(", ")}. Skipping ..." }
- nil
- end
- else
- { "#{gem_name} was not found in #{lockfile_path}. Skipping ..." }
- nil
- end
- end
- end
- def installing_from_git?
- gem_metadata && gem_metadata[:git] && gem_metadata[:ref]
- end
- def gem_version
- @gem_version ||= begin
- if gem_metadata && URI(gem_metadata[:source]) == URI("")
- gem_metadata[:version]
- else
- "<skip>"
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/omnibus/files/chef/build-chef.rb b/omnibus/files/chef/build-chef.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b8ec78054..0000000000
--- a/omnibus/files/chef/build-chef.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-require "shellwords"
-require "pathname"
-require "bundler"
-require_relative "../chef-gem/build-chef-gem"
-require_relative "../../../version_policy"
-# We use this to break up the `build` method into readable parts
-module BuildChef
- include BuildChefGem
- def create_bundle_config(gemfile, without: without_groups, retries: nil, jobs: nil, frozen: nil)
- bundle_config = File.expand_path("../.bundle/config", gemfile)
- block "Put build config into #{bundle_config}: #{{ without: without, retries: retries, jobs: jobs, frozen: frozen }}" do
- # bundle config build.nokogiri #{nokogiri_build_config} messes up the line,
- # so we write it directly ourselves.
- new_bundle_config = "---\n"
- new_bundle_config << "BUNDLE_WITHOUT: #{Array(without).join(":")}\n" if without
- new_bundle_config << "BUNDLE_RETRY: #{retries}\n" if retries
- new_bundle_config << "BUNDLE_JOBS: #{jobs}\n" if jobs
- new_bundle_config << "BUNDLE_FROZEN: '1'\n" if frozen
- all_install_args.each do |gem_name, install_args|
- new_bundle_config << "BUNDLE_BUILD__#{gem_name.upcase}: #{install_args}\n"
- end
- create_file(bundle_config) { new_bundle_config }
- end
- end
- #
- # Get the (possibly platform-specific) path to the Gemfile.
- #
- def project_gemfile
- File.join(project_dir, "Gemfile")
- end
- #
- # Some gems we installed don't end up in the `gem list` due to the fact that
- # they have git sources (`gem 'chef', github: 'chef/chef'`) or paths (`gemspec`
- # or `gem 'chef-config', path: 'chef-config'`). To get them in there, we need
- # to go through these gems, run `rake install` from their top level, and
- # then delete the git cached versions.
- #
- # Once we finish with all this, we update the Gemfile that will end up in the
- # top-level install so that it doesn't have git or path references anymore.
- #
- def properly_reinstall_git_and_path_sourced_gems
- # Emit blank line to separate different tasks
- block { { "" } }
- project_env = env.dup.merge("BUNDLE_GEMFILE" => project_gemfile)
- # Reinstall git-sourced or path-sourced gems, and delete the originals
- block "Reinstall git-sourced gems properly" do
- # Grab info about the gem environment so we can make decisions
- gemdir = shellout!("#{gem_bin} environment gemdir", env: env).stdout.chomp
- gem_install_dir = File.join(gemdir, "gems")
- # bundle list --paths gets us the list of gem install paths. Get the ones
- # that are installed local (git and path sources like `gem :x, github: 'chef/x'`
- # or `gem :x, path: '.'` or `gemspec`). To do this, we just detect which ones
- # have properly-installed paths (in the `gems` directory that shows up when
- # you run `gem list`).
- locally_installed_gems = shellout!("#{bundle_bin} list --paths", env: project_env, cwd: project_dir).
- { |gem_path| !gem_path.start_with?(gem_install_dir) }
- # Install the gems for real using `rake install` in their directories
- locally_installed_gems.each do |gem_path|
- gem_path = gem_path.chomp
- # We use the already-installed bundle to rake install, because (hopefully)
- # just rake installing doesn't require anything special.
- # Emit blank line to separate different tasks
- { "" }
- { "Properly installing git or path sourced gem #{gem_path} using rake install" }
- shellout!("#{bundle_bin} exec #{rake_bin} install", env: project_env, cwd: gem_path)
- end
- end
- end
- def install_shared_gemfile
- # Emit blank line to separate different tasks
- block { { "" } }
- shared_gemfile = self.shared_gemfile
- project_env = env.dup.merge("BUNDLE_GEMFILE" => project_gemfile)
- # Show the config for good measure
- bundle "config", env: project_env
- # Make `Gemfile` point to these by removing path and git sources and pinning versions.
- block "Rewrite Gemfile using all properly-installed gems" do
- gem_pins = ""
- result = []
- shellout!("#{bundle_bin} list", env: project_env) do |line|
- if line =~ /^\s*\*\s*(\S+)\s+\((\S+).*\)\s*$/
- name, version = $1, $2
- # rubocop is an exception, since different projects disagree
- next if GEMS_ALLOWED_TO_FLOAT.include?(name)
- gem_pins << "gem #{name.inspect}, #{version.inspect}, override: true\n"
- end
- end
- # Find the installed chef gem by looking for lib/chef.rb
- chef_gem = File.expand_path("../..", shellout!("#{gem_bin} which chef", env: project_env).stdout.chomp)
- # Figure out the path to gemfile_util from there
- gemfile_util =, "tasks", "gemfile_util"))
- gemfile_util = gemfile_util.relative_path_from(
- create_file(shared_gemfile) { <<-EOM }
- # Meant to be included in component Gemfiles at the beginning with:
- #
- # instance_eval("#{install_dir}/Gemfile"), "#{install_dir}/Gemfile")
- #
- # Override any existing gems with our own.
- require_relative "#{gemfile_util}"
- extend GemfileUtil
- #{gem_pins}
- end
- shared_gemfile_env = env.dup.merge("BUNDLE_GEMFILE" => shared_gemfile)
- # Create a `Gemfile.lock` at the final location
- bundle "lock", env: shared_gemfile_env
- # Freeze the location's Gemfile.lock.
- create_bundle_config(shared_gemfile, frozen: true)
- end