path: root/spec/unit/rest_spec.rb
diff options
authorEzra Zygmuntowicz <>2008-10-08 14:19:52 -0700
committerEzra Zygmuntowicz <>2008-10-08 14:19:52 -0700
commitc5d33c1298834ce40b8fbf344f281045771b5371 (patch)
tree1f0d4c7eab1eb379b544282a7ce48052acf719a5 /spec/unit/rest_spec.rb
parent3d14601aea23dee3899d097324875274da419d84 (diff)
big refactor of the repo layout. move to a chef gem and a chef-server gem all with proper deps
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/rest_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/rest_spec.rb b/spec/unit/rest_spec.rb
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index 56c2954a1a..0000000000
--- a/spec/unit/rest_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Adam Jacob (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 HJK Solutions, LLC
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper"))
-require 'uri'
-require 'net/https'
-describe Chef::REST, "initialize method" do
- it "should create a new Chef::REST" do
-"url").should be_kind_of(Chef::REST)
- end
-describe Chef::REST, "get_rest method" do
- it "should create a url from the path and base url" do
- URI.should_receive(:parse).with("url/monkey")
- r ="url")
- r.stub!(:run_request)
- r.get_rest("monkey")
- end
- it "should call run_request :GET with the composed url object" do
- URI.stub!(:parse).and_return(true)
- r ="url")
- r.should_receive(:run_request).with(:GET, true, false, 10, false).and_return(true)
- r.get_rest("monkey")
- end
-describe Chef::REST, "delete_rest method" do
- it "should create a url from the path and base url" do
- URI.should_receive(:parse).with("url/monkey")
- r ="url")
- r.stub!(:run_request)
- r.delete_rest("monkey")
- end
- it "should call run_request :DELETE with the composed url object" do
- URI.stub!(:parse).and_return(true)
- r ="url")
- r.should_receive(:run_request).with(:DELETE, true).and_return(true)
- r.delete_rest("monkey")
- end
-describe Chef::REST, "post_rest method" do
- it "should create a url from the path and base url" do
- URI.should_receive(:parse).with("url/monkey")
- r ="url")
- r.stub!(:run_request)
- r.post_rest("monkey", "data")
- end
- it "should call run_request :POST with the composed url object and data" do
- URI.stub!(:parse).and_return(true)
- r ="url")
- r.should_receive(:run_request).with(:POST, true, "data").and_return(true)
- r.post_rest("monkey", "data")
- end
-describe Chef::REST, "put_rest method" do
- it "should create a url from the path and base url" do
- URI.should_receive(:parse).with("url/monkey")
- r ="url")
- r.stub!(:run_request)
- r.put_rest("monkey", "data")
- end
- it "should call run_request :PUT with the composed url object and data" do
- URI.stub!(:parse).and_return(true)
- r ="url")
- r.should_receive(:run_request).with(:PUT, true, "data").and_return(true)
- r.put_rest("monkey", "data")
- end
-describe Chef::REST, "run_request method" do
- before(:each) do
- @r ="url")
- @url_mock = mock("URI", :null_object => true)
- @url_mock.stub!(:host).and_return("one")
- @url_mock.stub!(:port).and_return("80")
- @url_mock.stub!(:path).and_return("/")
- @url_mock.stub!(:query).and_return("foo=bar")
- @url_mock.stub!(:scheme).and_return("https")
- @url_mock.stub!(:to_s).and_return("https://one:80/?foo=bar")
- @http_response_mock = mock("Net::HTTPSuccess", :null_object => true)
- @http_response_mock.stub!(:kind_of?).with(Net::HTTPSuccess).and_return(true)
- @http_response_mock.stub!(:body).and_return("ninja")
- @http_mock = mock("Net::HTTP", :null_object => true)
- @http_mock.stub!(:verify_mode=).and_return(true)
- @http_mock.stub!(:read_timeout=).and_return(true)
- @http_mock.stub!(:use_ssl=).with(true).and_return(true)
- @data_mock = mock("Data", :null_object => true)
- @data_mock.stub!(:to_json).and_return('{ "one": "two" }')
- @request_mock = mock("Request", :null_object => true)
- @request_mock.stub!(:body=).and_return(true)
- @request_mock.stub!(:method).and_return(true)
- @request_mock.stub!(:path).and_return(true)
- @http_mock.stub!(:request).and_return(@http_response_mock)
- @tf_mock = mock(Tempfile, { :print => true, :close => true })
- Tempfile.stub!(:new).with("chef-rest").and_return(@tf_mock)
- end
- def do_run_request(method=:GET, data=false, limit=10, raw=false)
- Net::HTTP.stub!(:new).and_return(@http_mock)
- @r.run_request(method, @url_mock, data, limit, raw)
- end
- it "should raise an exception if the redirect limit is 0" do
- lambda { @r.run_request(:GET, "/", false, 0)}.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it "should use SSL if the url starts with https" do
- @url_mock.should_receive(:scheme).and_return("https")
- @http_mock.should_receive(:use_ssl=).with(true).and_return(true)
- do_run_request
- end
- it "should set the OpenSSL Verify Mode to verify_none if requested" do
- @http_mock.should_receive(:verify_mode=).and_return(true)
- do_run_request
- end
- it "should set a read timeout based on the rest_timeout config option" do
- Chef::Config[:rest_timeout] = 10
- @http_mock.should_receive(:read_timeout=).with(10).and_return(true)
- do_run_request
- end
- it "should build a new HTTP GET request" do
- Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar",
- { 'Accept' => 'application/json' }
- ).and_return(@request_mock)
- do_run_request
- end
- it "should build a new HTTP POST request" do
- Net::HTTP::Post.should_receive(:new).with("/",
- { 'Accept' => 'application/json', "Content-Type" => 'application/json' }
- ).and_return(@request_mock)
- do_run_request(:POST, @data_mock)
- end
- it "should build a new HTTP PUT request" do
- Net::HTTP::Put.should_receive(:new).with("/",
- { 'Accept' => 'application/json', "Content-Type" => 'application/json' }
- ).and_return(@request_mock)
- do_run_request(:PUT, @data_mock)
- end
- it "should build a new HTTP DELETE request" do
- Net::HTTP::Delete.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar",
- { 'Accept' => 'application/json' }
- ).and_return(@request_mock)
- do_run_request(:DELETE)
- end
- it "should raise an error if the method is not GET/PUT/POST/DELETE" do
- lambda { do_run_request(:MONKEY) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it "should run an http request" do
- @http_mock.should_receive(:request).and_return(@http_response_mock)
- do_run_request
- end
- it "should return the body of the response on success" do
- do_run_request.should eql("ninja")
- end
- it "should inflate the body as to an object if JSON is returned" do
- @http_response_mock.stub!(:[]).with('content-type').and_return("application/json")
- JSON.should_receive(:parse).with("ninja").and_return(true)
- do_run_request
- end
- it "should call run_request again on a Redirect response" do
- @http_response_mock.stub!(:kind_of?).with(Net::HTTPSuccess).and_return(false)
- @http_response_mock.stub!(:kind_of?).with(Net::HTTPFound).and_return(true)
- @http_response_mock.stub!(:[]).with('location').and_return(@url_mock.path)
- lambda { do_run_request(method=:GET, data=false, limit=1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it "should raise an exception on an unsuccessful request" do
- @http_response_mock.stub!(:kind_of?).with(Net::HTTPSuccess).and_return(false)
- @http_response_mock.stub!(:kind_of?).with(Net::HTTPFound).and_return(false)
- @http_response_mock.should_receive(:error!)
- do_run_request
- end
- it "should build a new HTTP GET request without the application/json accept header for raw reqs" do
- Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", {}).and_return(@request_mock)
- do_run_request(:GET, false, 10, true)
- end
- it "should create a tempfile for the output of a raw request" do
- Tempfile.should_receive(:new).with("chef-rest").and_return(@tf_mock)
- do_run_request(:GET, false, 10, true).should eql(@tf_mock)
- end
- it "should populate the tempfile with the value of the raw request" do
- @tf_mock.should_receive(:print, "ninja").once.and_return(true)
- do_run_request(:GET, false, 10, true)
- end
- it "should close the tempfile if we're doing a raw request" do
- @tf_mock.should_receive(:close).once.and_return(true)
- do_run_request(:GET, false, 10, true)
- end