path: root/spec
diff options
authorLamont Granquist <>2018-11-26 23:25:04 -0800
committerTim Smith <>2018-11-27 17:15:27 -0800
commit537982312e1034f33e4bc3967f36d8f49bbafb4c (patch)
treec56d2e1e7c0de8601bb3be059eaa53e475bbce78 /spec
parent852b6eb69e9d11acd32c6d756dfbb9473d97a4ac (diff)
gem_package provider supports --no-document and rubygems 3.xgem_14
should still maintain backcompat for rubygems < 2.0 for RHEL6 and other old platforms. Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
Diffstat (limited to 'spec')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/rubygems_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/rubygems_spec.rb
index 2e9888fb78..1bafefe5e8 100644
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/rubygems_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/rubygems_spec.rb
@@ -396,6 +396,10 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
allow(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with("arch").and_call_original
allow(File).to receive(:executable?).and_return false
allow(File).to receive(:executable?).with("#{bindir}/gem").and_return true
+ # XXX: we can't stub the provider object directly here because referencing it will create it and that
+ # will break later tests that want to test the initialize method, so we stub any instance
+ # (yet more evidence that initialize methods should be thin and do very little work)
+ allow_any_instance_of(Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems).to receive(:needs_nodocument?).and_return true
describe "when new_resource version is nil" do
@@ -696,7 +700,25 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
let(:options) { "-i /alt/install/location" }
it "installs the gem by shelling out when options are provided as a String" do
+ expected = "gem install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source= #{options}"
+ expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(expected, env: nil, timeout: 900)
+ provider.run_action(:install)
+ expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
+ end
+ it "unmockening needs_nodocument?" do
+ expected = "gem install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source= #{options}"
+ expect(provider).to receive(:needs_nodocument?).and_call_original
+ stub_const("Gem::VERSION", "3.0.0")
+ expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(expected, env: nil, timeout: 900)
+ provider.run_action(:install)
+ expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
+ end
+ it "when the rubygems_version is old it uses the old flags" do
expected = "gem install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\" --source= #{options}"
+ expect(provider).to receive(:needs_nodocument?).and_call_original
+ stub_const("Gem::VERSION", "2.8.0")
expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(expected, env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
@@ -709,7 +731,7 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
it "installs the gem with as an added source" do
Chef::Config[:rubygems_url] = "https://mirror1"
expect(provider.gem_env).to receive(:candidate_version_from_remote).with(gem_dep, Chef::Config[:rubygems_url]).and_return(version)
- expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=https://mirror1"
+ expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=https://mirror1"
expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(expected, env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
@@ -721,7 +743,7 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
let(:gem_binary) { "/foo/bar" }
it "installs the gem with as an added source" do
- expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=#{source} --source="
+ expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=#{source} --source="
expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(expected, env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
@@ -732,7 +754,7 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
it "ignores the Chef::Config setting" do
Chef::Config[:rubygems_url] = "https://ignored"
- expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=#{source}"
+ expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=#{source}"
expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(expected, env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
@@ -745,7 +767,7 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
let(:gem_binary) { "/foo/bar" }
it "installs the gem with an array as an added source" do
- expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=https://mirror1 --source=https://mirror2 --source="
+ expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=https://mirror1 --source=https://mirror2 --source="
expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(expected, env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
@@ -756,7 +778,7 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
it "ignores the Chef::Config setting" do
Chef::Config[:rubygems_url] = "https://ignored"
- expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=https://mirror1 --source=https://mirror2"
+ expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=https://mirror1 --source=https://mirror2"
expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(expected, env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
@@ -770,7 +792,7 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
it "installs the gem" do
- expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\" --clear-sources --source=#{source} --source="
+ expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --clear-sources --source=#{source} --source="
expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(expected, env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
@@ -782,7 +804,7 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
let(:options) { "-i /alt/install/location" }
it "installs the gem by shelling out when options are provided but no version is given" do
- expected = "gem install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{candidate_version}\" --source= #{options}"
+ expected = "gem install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{candidate_version}\" --source= #{options}"
expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(expected, env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
@@ -846,6 +868,22 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
let(:gem_binary) { "/usr/weird/bin/gem" }
it "installs the gem by shelling out to gem install" do
+ expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=", env: nil, timeout: 900)
+ provider.run_action(:install)
+ expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
+ end
+ it "unmockening needs_nodocument?" do
+ expect(provider).to receive(:needs_nodocument?).and_call_original
+ expect(provider.gem_env).to receive(:shell_out!).with("#{gem_binary} --version").and_return(instance_double(Mixlib::ShellOut, stdout: "3.0.0\n"))
+ expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=", env: nil, timeout: 900)
+ provider.run_action(:install)
+ expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
+ end
+ it "when the rubygems_version is old it uses the old flags" do
+ expect(provider).to receive(:needs_nodocument?).and_call_original
+ expect(provider.gem_env).to receive(:shell_out!).with("#{gem_binary} --version").and_return(instance_double(Mixlib::ShellOut, stdout: "2.8.0\n"))
expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=", env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
@@ -856,7 +894,7 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
let(:target_version) { ">= 0" }
it "installs the gem by shelling out to gem install" do
- expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("#{gem_binary} install #{source} -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\"", env: nil, timeout: 900)
+ expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("#{gem_binary} install #{source} -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\"", env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action
@@ -868,7 +906,7 @@ describe Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems do
it "installs the gem from file by shelling out to gem install when the package is a path and the source is nil" do
expect(new_resource.source).to eq(gem_name)
- expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("#{gem_binary} install #{gem_name} -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\"", env: nil, timeout: 900)
+ expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("#{gem_binary} install #{gem_name} -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\"", env: nil, timeout: 900)
expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action