path: root/tasks
diff options
authorLamont Granquist <>2017-05-09 09:39:23 -0700
committerLamont Granquist <>2017-05-09 10:16:36 -0700
commit1b1a8b34c872bc55f2acf77e44ac70e6e1efcab7 (patch)
tree3c6789905e64f7f3f9e3343a61bd4f8ce7f5a737 /tasks
parent0ad389f48d43ebfc4347c41a3573ee855993c5f1 (diff)
simplify omnibus config and greenify builds again
this is also necessary for bundler-1.14.x i'm still not entirely clear why we ever needed all the fussy software gem configs or what the build-chef / build-chef-gem infrastructure ever did for us. it seems to have been mostly micro-optimization around building the software gems before bundle installing the project in order to take advantage of git caching. i aggressively don't care about that, this is quite fast enough. we can install nokogiri and libgecode early and that should take care of 98% of the build optimization issue. Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tasks')
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 500 deletions
diff --git a/tasks/bin/create-override-gemfile b/tasks/bin/create-override-gemfile
deleted file mode 100755
index b67da025d2..0000000000
--- a/tasks/bin/create-override-gemfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require "rubygems"
-require "bundler"
-Bundler.with_clean_env do
- require_relative "../gemfile_util"
- options = {}
- opts = do |opts|
- opts.banner = "Usage: create-override-gemfile [OPTIONS]"
- opts.on("--gemfile GEMFILE", "The Gemfile to read (default: Gemfile).") { |path| options[:gemfile_path] = path }
- opts.on("--lockfile GEMFILE", "The lockfile to read (default: <gemfile>.lock).") { |path| options[:lockfile_path] = path }
- opts.on("--group GROUP", "Groups to include (whitelist).") do |group|
- options[:groups] ||= []
- options[:groups] << group.to_sym
- end
- opts.on("--without GROUP", "Groups to exclude.") do |group|
- options[:without_groups] ||= []
- options[:without_groups] << group.to_sym
- end
- opts.on("--gem GEM", "Gems to include regardless of groups.") do |name|
- options[:gems] ||= []
- options[:gems] << name
- end
- opts.on("--relative-to PATH", "A path to prepend to any relative paths in the Gemfile.") do |path|
- unless
- puts opts
- raise "--relative-to #{path} was not an absolute path!"
- end
- options[:relative_to] = path
- end
- opts.on("--[no-]copy-groups", "Whether to copy groups over from the original Gemfile or not (default: false).") { |val| options[:copy_groups] = val }
- opts.on("--[no-]override", "Whether to emit override: true on each gem line (default: false).") { |val| options[:override] = val }
- opts.on("-h", "--help", "Print this message.") do
- puts opts
- exit(0)
- end
- end
- args = opts.parse(ARGV)
- if args.size > 0
- puts opts
- raise "Invalid arguments #{args}"
- end
- def create_override_gemfile(gemfile_path: "Gemfile", lockfile_path: "#{gemfile_path}.lock", groups: nil, without_groups: nil, gems: [], copy_groups: false, relative_to: ".", override: false)
- relative_to =
- # Select the gems we want
- bundle = GemfileUtil::Bundle.parse(gemfile_path, lockfile_path)
- gems_to_include = bundle.select_gems(groups: groups, without_groups: without_groups)
- gems.each do |name|
- raise "Requested gem #{name} is not in #{gemfile_path}.lock!" if !bundle.gems[name]
- gems_to_include[name] ||= bundle.gems[name]
- gems_to_include[name][:dependencies].each do |dep|
- gems_to_include[name] ||= bundle.gems[dep]
- end
- end
- # Add the gems to the Gemfile
- gem_root =
- gems_to_include.sort_by { |name, options| options[:declared_groups].empty? ? 1 : 0 }.each do |name, options|
- comment = nil
- options = options.dup
- version = options.delete(:version)
- if copy_groups
- # Some dependencies have no groups (are not in the Gemfile--just runtime
- # dependencies). If we actually record that they have no groups, they
- # will *always* be installed (or perhaps never). We only want them to
- # install if their other deps do, so we mark them with the groups of the
- # things that brought them in (the gems that depended on them). To do
- # this, we just leave :groups intact.
- if options[:declared_groups].empty?
- options.delete(:declared_groups)
- comment = " # Transitive dependency, not actually in original Gemfile"
- else
- # For other things, we want to copy the actual declared_groups--the
- # ones that were in the Gemfile. We want the same --with and --without
- # options to include and exclude them as worked with the original
- # Gemfile.
- options[:groups] = options.delete(:declared_groups)
- end
- else
- options.delete(:groups)
- options.delete(:declared_groups)
- end
- options.delete(:dependencies)
- options.delete(:development_dependencies)
- options[:override] = true if override
- options[:path] =[:path]).expand_path(gem_root).relative_path_from(relative_to).to_s if options[:path]
- line = "gem #{name.inspect}, #{version.inspect}"
- options.each do |name, value|
- line << ", #{name}: #{value.inspect}"
- end
- line << comment if comment
- puts line
- end
- end
- create_override_gemfile(options)
diff --git a/tasks/dependencies.rb b/tasks/dependencies.rb
index e6e11c0235..62c62149de 100644
--- a/tasks/dependencies.rb
+++ b/tasks/dependencies.rb
@@ -25,11 +25,13 @@ namespace :dependencies do
# dependencies locally is by running the dependency update script.
desc "Update all dependencies. dependencies:update to update as little as possible."
task :update do |t, rake_args|
+ # FIXME: probably broken, and needs less indirection
system("#{File.join(Dir.pwd, "ci", "")}")
desc "Force update (when adding new gems to Gemfiles)"
task :force_update do |t, rake_args|
+ # FIXME: probably broken, and needs less indirection
FileUtils.rm_f(File.join(Dir.pwd, ".bundle", "config"))
system("#{File.join(Dir.pwd, "ci", "")}")
diff --git a/tasks/gemfile_util.rb b/tasks/gemfile_util.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 03a729148a..0000000000
--- a/tasks/gemfile_util.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-require "rubygems"
-require "bundler"
-require "shellwords"
-require "set"
-module GemfileUtil
- #
- # Adds `override: true`, which allows your statement to override any other
- # gem statement about the same gem in the Gemfile.
- #
- def gem(name, *args)
- options = args[-1].is_a?(Hash) ? args[-1] : {}
- # Unless we're finished with everything, ignore gems that are being overridden
- unless overridden_gems == :finished
- # If it's a path or override gem, it overrides whatever else is there.
- if options[:path] || options[:override]
- options.delete(:override)
- warn_if_replacing(name, overridden_gems[name], args)
- overridden_gems[name] = args
- return
- # If there's an override gem, and we're *not* an override gem, don't do anything
- elsif overridden_gems[name]
- warn_if_replacing(name, args, overridden_gems[name])
- return
- end
- end
- # Otherwise, add the gem normally
- super
- rescue
- puts $!.backtrace
- raise
- end
- def overridden_gems
- @overridden_gems ||= {}
- end
- #
- # Just before we finish the Gemfile, finish up the override gems
- #
- def to_definition(*args)
- complete_overrides
- super
- end
- def complete_overrides
- to_override = overridden_gems
- unless to_override == :finished
- @overridden_gems = :finished
- to_override.each do |name, args|
- gem name, *args
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # Include all gems in the locked gemfile.
- #
- # @param gemfile_path Path to the Gemfile to load (relative to your Gemfile)
- # @param lockfile_path Path to the Gemfile to load (relative to your Gemfile).
- # Defaults to <gemfile_path>.lock.
- # @param groups A list of groups to include (whitelist). If not passed (or set
- # to nil), all gems will be selected.
- # @param without_groups A list of groups to ignore. Gems will be excluded from
- # the results if all groups they belong to are ignored. This matches
- # bundler's `without` behavior.
- # @param gems A list of gems to include above and beyond the given groups.
- # Gems in this list must be explicitly included in the Gemfile
- # with a `gem "gem_name", ...` line or they will be silently
- # ignored.
- # @param copy_groups Whether to copy the groups over from the old lockfile to
- # the new. Use this when the new lockfile has the same convention for
- # groups as the old. Defaults to `false`.
- #
- def include_locked_gemfile(gemfile_path, lockfile_path = "#{gemfile_path}.lock", groups: nil, without_groups: nil, gems: [], copy_groups: false)
- # Parse the desired lockfile
- gemfile_path =
- lockfile_path =
- # Calculate relative_to
- relative_to = Bundler.default_gemfile.dirname.realpath
- # Call out to create-override-gemfile to read the Gemfile+Gemfile.lock (bundler does not work well if you do two things in one process)
- create_override_gemfile_bin = File.expand_path("../bin/create-override-gemfile", __FILE__)
- arguments = [
- "--gemfile", gemfile_path,
- "--lockfile", lockfile_path,
- "--override"
- ]
- arguments += [ "--relative-to", relative_to ] if relative_to != "."
- arguments += Array(groups).flat_map { |group| [ "--group", group ] }
- arguments += Array(without_groups).flat_map { |without| [ "--without", without ] }
- arguments += Array(gems).flat_map { |name| [ "--gem", name ] }
- arguments << "--copy-groups" if copy_groups
- cmd = Shellwords.join([ Gem.ruby, "-S", create_override_gemfile_bin, *arguments ])
- output = nil
-"> #{cmd}")
- Bundler.with_clean_env do
- output = `#{cmd}`
- end
- instance_eval(output, cmd, 1)
- end
- #
- # Include all gems in the locked gemfile.
- #
- # @param current_gemfile The Gemfile you are currently loading (`self`).
- # @param gemfile_path Path to the Gemfile to load (relative to your Gemfile)
- # @param lockfile_path Path to the Gemfile to load (relative to your Gemfile).
- # Defaults to <gemfile_path>.lock.
- # @param groups A list of groups to include (whitelist). If not passed (or set
- # to nil), all gems will be selected.
- # @param without_groups A list of groups to ignore. Gems will be excluded from
- # the results if all groups they belong to are ignored. This matches
- # bundler's `without` behavior.
- # @param gems A list of gems to include above and beyond the given groups.
- # Gems in this list must be explicitly included in the Gemfile
- # with a `gem "gem_name", ...` line or they will be silently
- # ignored.
- # @param copy_groups Whether to copy the groups over from the old lockfile to
- # the new. Use this when the new lockfile has the same convention for
- # groups as the old. Defaults to `false`.
- #
- def self.include_locked_gemfile(current_gemfile, gemfile_path, lockfile_path = "#{gemfile_path}.lock", groups: nil, without_groups: nil, gems: [], copy_groups: false)
- current_gemfile.instance_eval do
- extend GemfileUtil
- include_locked_gemfile(gemfile_path, lockfile_path, groups: groups, without_groups: without_groups, gems: gems, copy_groups: copy_groups)
- end
- end
- def warn_if_replacing(name, old_args, new_args)
- return if !old_args || !new_args
- if args_to_dep(name, *old_args) =~ args_to_dep(name, *new_args)
- Bundler.ui.debug "Replaced Gemfile dependency #{name} (#{old_args}) with (#{new_args})"
- else
- Bundler.ui.warn "Replaced Gemfile dependency #{name} (#{old_args}) with (#{new_args})"
- end
- end
- def args_to_dep(name, *version, **options)
- version = [">= 0"] if version.empty?
-, version, options)
- end
- #
- # Reads a bundle, including a gemfile and lockfile.
- #
- # Does no validation, does not update the lockfile or its gems in any way.
- #
- class Bundle
- #
- # Parse the given gemfile/lockfile pair.
- #
- # @return [Bundle] The parsed bundle.
- #
- def self.parse(gemfile_path, lockfile_path = "#{gemfile_path}.lock")
- result = new(gemfile_path, lockfile_path)
- result.gems
- result
- end
- #
- # Create a new Bundle to parse the given gemfile/lockfile pair.
- #
- def initialize(gemfile_path, lockfile_path = "#{gemfile_path}.lock")
- @gemfile_path = gemfile_path
- @lockfile_path = lockfile_path
- end
- #
- # The path to the Gemfile
- #
- attr_reader :gemfile_path
- #
- # The path to the Lockfile
- #
- attr_reader :lockfile_path
- #
- # The list of gems.
- #
- # @return [Hash<String, Hash>] The resulting gems, where key = gem_name, and the
- # hash has:
- # - version: version of the gem.
- # - source info (:source/:git/:ref/:path) from the lockfile
- # - dependencies: A list of gem names this gem has a runtime
- # dependency on. Dependencies are transitive: if A depends on B,
- # and B depends on C, then A has C in its :dependencies list.
- # - development_dependencies: - A list of gem names this gem has a
- # development dependency on. Dependencies are transitive: if A
- # depends on B, and B depends on C, then A has C in its
- # :development_dependencies list. development dependencies *include*
- # runtime dependencies.
- # - groups: The list of groups (symbols) this gem is in. Groups
- # are transitive: if A has a runtime dependency on B, and A is
- # in group X, then B is also in group X.
- # - declared_groups: The list of groups (symbols) this gem was
- # declared in the Gemfile.
- #
- def gems
- @gems ||= begin
- gems = locks.dup
- gems.each do |name, g|
- if gem_declarations.has_key?(name)
- g[:declared_groups] = gem_declarations[name][:groups]
- else
- g[:declared_groups] = []
- end
- g[:groups] = g[:declared_groups].dup
- end
- # Transitivize groups (since dependencies are already transitive, this is easy)
- gems.each do |name, g|
- g[:dependencies].each do |dep|
- gems[dep][:groups] |= gems[name][:declared_groups].dup
- end
- end
- gems
- end
- end
- #
- # Get the gems (and their deps) in the given group.
- #
- # @param groups A list of groups to include (whitelist). If not passed (or set
- # to nil), all gems will be selected.
- # @param without_groups A list of groups to ignore. Gems will be excluded from
- # the results if all groups they belong to are ignored.
- # This matches bundler's `without` behavior.
- # @param gems A list of gems to include regardless of what groups are included.
- #
- # @return Hash[String, Hash] The resulting gems, where key = gem_name, and the
- # hash has:
- # - version: version of the gem.
- # - source info (:source/:git/:ref/:path) from the lockfile
- # - dependencies: A list of gem names this gem has a runtime
- # dependency on. Dependencies are transitive: if A depends on B,
- # and B depends on C, then A has C in its :dependencies list.
- # - development_dependencies: - A list of gem names this gem has a
- # development dependency on. Dependencies are transitive: if A
- # depends on B, and B depends on C, then A has C in its
- # :development_dependencies list. development dependencies
- # *include* runtime dependencies.
- # - groups: The list of groups (symbols) this gem is in. Groups
- # are transitive: if A has a runtime dependency on B, and A is
- # in group X, then B is also in group X.
- # - declared_groups: The list of groups (symbols) this gem was
- # declared in the Gemfile.
- #
- def select_gems(groups: nil, without_groups: nil)
- # First, select the gems that match
- result = {}
- gems.each do |name, g|
- dep_groups = g[:declared_groups] - [ :only_a_runtime_dependency_of_other_gems ]
- dep_groups &= groups if groups
- dep_groups -= without_groups if without_groups
- if dep_groups.any?
- result[name] ||= g
- g[:dependencies].each do |dep|
- result[dep] ||= gems[dep]
- end
- end
- end
- result
- end
- #
- # Get all locks from the given lockfile.
- #
- # @return Hash[String, Hash] The resulting gems, where key = gem_name, and the
- # hash has:
- # - version: version of the gem.
- # - source info (:source/:git/:ref/:path)
- # - dependencies: A list of gem names this gem has a runtime
- # dependency on. Dependencies are transitive: if A depends on B,
- # and B depends on C, then A has C in its :dependencies list.
- # - development_dependencies: - A list of gem names this gem has a
- # development dependency on. Dependencies are transitive: if A
- # depends on B, and B depends on C, then A has C in its
- # :development_dependencies list. development dependencies *include*
- # runtime dependencies.
- #
- def locks
- @locks ||= begin
- # Grab all the specs from the lockfile
- locks = {}
- parsed_lockfile =
- parsed_lockfile.specs.each do |spec|
- # Never include bundler, it can't be bundled and doesn't put itself in
- # the lockfile correctly anyway
- next if == "bundler"
- # Only the platform-specific locks for now (TODO make it possible to emit all locks)
- next if spec.platform && spec.platform != Gem::Platform::RUBY
- lock = lock_source_metadata(spec)
- lock[:version] = spec.version.to_s
- runtime = { |dep| dep.type == :runtime }
- lock[:dependencies] = { |dep| })
- lock[:development_dependencies] = { |dep| })
- lock[:dependencies].delete("bundler")
- lock[:development_dependencies].delete("bundler")
- locks[] = lock
- end
- # Transitivize the deps.
- locks.each do |name, lock|
- # Not all deps were brought over (platform-specific ones) so weed them out
- lock[:dependencies] &= locks.keys
- lock[:development_dependencies] &= locks.keys
- lock[:dependencies] = transitive_dependencies(locks, name, :dependencies)
- lock[:development_dependencies] = transitive_dependencies(locks, name, :development_dependencies)
- end
- locks
- end
- end
- #
- # Get all desired gems, sans dependencies, from the gemfile.
- #
- # @param gemfile Path to the Gemfile to load
- #
- # @return Hash<String, Hash> An array of hashes where key = gem name and value
- # has :groups (an array of symbols representing the groups the gem
- # is in). :groups are not transitive, since we don't know the
- # dependency tree yet.
- #
- def gem_declarations
- @gem_declarations ||= begin
- Bundler.with_clean_env do
- # Set BUNDLE_GEMFILE to the new gemfile temporarily so all bundler's things work
- # This works around some issues in bundler 1.11.2.
- ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = gemfile_path
- parsed_gemfile =
- parsed_gemfile.eval_gemfile(gemfile_path)
- parsed_gemfile.complete_overrides if parsed_gemfile.respond_to?(:complete_overrides)
- result = {}
- parsed_gemfile.dependencies.each do |dep|
- groups = dep.groups.empty? ? [:default] : dep.groups
- result[] = { groups: groups, platforms: dep.platforms }
- end
- result
- end
- end
- end
- private
- #
- # Given a bunch of locks (name -> { dependencies: [name,name] }) and a
- # dependency name, add its dependencies to the result transitively.
- #
- def transitive_dependencies(locks, name, dep_key, result =
- locks[name][dep_key].each do |dep|
- # Only ever add a dep once, so we don't infinitely recurse
- if result.add?(dep)
- transitive_dependencies(locks, dep, dep_key, result)
- end
- end
- result
- end
- #
- # Get source and version metadata for the given Bundler spec (coming from a lockfile).
- #
- # @return Hash { version: <version>, git: <git>, path: <path>, source: <source>, ref: <ref> }
- #
- def lock_source_metadata(spec)
- # Copy source information from included Gemfile
- result = {}
- case spec.source
- when Bundler::Source::Rubygems
- result[:source] = spec.source.remotes.first.to_s
- when Bundler::Source::Git
- result[:git] = spec.source.uri.to_s
- result[:ref] = spec.source.revision
- when Bundler::Source::Path
- result[:path] = spec.source.path.to_s
- else
- raise "Unknown source #{spec.source} for gem #{}"
- end
- result
- end
- end