diff options
7 files changed, 248 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index b8eb285561..74b7d393ee 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -11,11 +11,15 @@ before_install:
- gem update --system 2.1.11
- gem --version
- - 1.8.7
- - 1.9.3
- - 2.0.0
- - 2.1.0
+ include:
+ - rvm: 1.8.7
+ - rvm: 1.9.3
+ - rvm: 2.0.0
+ - rvm: 2.1.0
+ - rvm: 2.1.0
+ gemfile: pedant.gemfile
+ script: bundle exec pedant
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 2e0c203b49..b55ed8321b 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ task :ship => :gem do
+task :pedant do
+ require File.expand_path('spec/support/pedant/run_pedant')
require 'yard'
DOC_FILES = [ "README.rdoc", "LICENSE", "spec/tiny_server.rb", "lib/**/*.rb" ]
@@ -63,5 +67,3 @@ begin
rescue LoadError
puts "yard is not available. (sudo) gem install yard to generate yard documentation."
diff --git a/pedant.gemfile b/pedant.gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb11eb8aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pedant.gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+source ""
+gemspec :name => "chef"
+gem 'rest-client', :github => 'opscode/rest-client'
+gem 'chef-pedant', :github => 'opscode/chef-pedant', :ref => '4744d7f318b629ff60a0d22cf02296df36936397'
+gem 'chef-zero', :github => 'opscode/chef-zero', :ref => 'c0c95d690e1bb7c17c2d141b4937a36c2072d800'
+# TODO figure out how to grab this stuff from the main Gemfile
+gem "activesupport", "< 4.0.0", :group => :compat_testing, :platform => "ruby"
+group(:docgen) do
+ gem "yard"
+group(:development, :test) do
+ gem "simplecov"
+ gem 'rack', "~> 1.5.1"
+ gem 'ruby-shadow', :platforms => :ruby unless RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.match(/(aix|cygwin)/)
+# If you want to load debugging tools into the bundle exec sandbox,
+# add these additional dependencies into chef/Gemfile.local
+eval( + '.local'), binding) if File.exists?(__FILE__ + '.local')
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index 2de0cae0ed..09e7642d98 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ require 'spec/support/platform_helpers'
# Do not change the gsub.
reject { |f| f =~ %r{^spec/support/platforms} }.
+ reject { |f| f =~ %r{^spec/support/pedant} }.
map { |f| f.gsub(%r{.rb$}, '') }.
map { |f| f.gsub(%r[spec/], '')}.
each { |f| require f }
diff --git a/spec/support/pedant/pedant_config.rb b/spec/support/pedant/pedant_config.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c9ddd73f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/pedant/pedant_config.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Copyright: Copyright (c) 2012 Opscode, Inc.
+# License: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This annotated Pedant configuration file details the various
+# configuration settings available to you. It is separate from the
+# actual Pedant::Config class because not all settings have sane
+# defaults, and not all settings are appropriate in all settings.
+# You MUST specify the address of the server the API requests will be
+# sent to. Only specify protocol, hostname, and port.
+chef_server ''
+# If you are doing development testing, you can specify the address of
+# the Solr server. The presence of this parameter will enable tests
+# to force commits to Solr, greatly decreasing the amout of time
+# needed for testing the search endpoint. This is only an
+# optimization for development! If you are testing a "live" Chef
+# Server, or otherwise do not have access to the Solr server from your
+# testing location, you should not specify a value for this parameter.
+# The tests will still run, albeit slower, as they will now need to
+# poll for a period to ensure they are querying committed results.
+#search_server "http://localhost:8983"
+# Related to the 'search_server' parameter, this specifies the maximum
+# amout of time (in seconds) that search endpoint requests should be
+# retried before giving up. If not explicitly set, it will default to
+# 65 seconds; only set it if you know that your Solr commit interval
+# differs significantly from this.
+maximum_search_time 0
+# OSC sends erchef a host header with a port, so this option needs
+# # to be enabled for Pedant tests to work correctly
+explicit_port_url true
+# We're starting to break tests up into groups based on different
+# criteria. The proper API tests (the results of which are viewable
+# to OPC customers) should be the only ones run by Pedant embedded in
+# OPC installs. There are other specs that help us keep track of API
+# cruft that we want to come back and fix later; these shouldn't be
+# viewable to customers, but we should be able to run them in
+# development and CI environments. If this parameter is missing or
+# explicitly `false` only the customer-friendly tests will be run.
+# This is mainly here for documentation purposes, since the
+# command-line `opscode-pedant` utility ultimately determines this
+# value.
+include_internal false
+# Test users. The five users specified below are required; their
+# names (:user, :non_org_user, etc.) are indicative of their role
+# within the tests. All users must have a ':name' key. If they have
+# a ':create_me' key, Pedant will create these users for you. If you
+# are using pre-existing users, you must supply a ':key_file' key,
+# which should be the fully-qualified path /on the machine Pedant is
+# running on/ to a private key for that user.
+key = 'spec/support/pedant/stickywicket.pem'
+superuser_name 'admin'
+superuser_key key
+webui_key key
+# Set the platform_class
+platform_class Pedant::OpenSourcePlatform
+ :clients => {
+ # The the admin user, for the purposes of getting things rolling
+ :admin => {
+ :name => "pedant_admin_client",
+ :create_me => true,
+ :create_knife => true,
+ :admin => true
+ },
+ :non_admin => {
+ :name => 'pedant_client',
+ :create_me => true,
+ :create_knife => true
+ },
+ :bad => {
+ :name => 'bad_client',
+ :bogus => true
+ }
+ },
+ :users => {
+ :admin => {
+ :name => "admin",
+ :key_file => key,
+ :create_me => false,
+ :create_knife => false,
+ :admin => true
+ },
+ :non_admin => {
+ :name => "pedant_non_admin_user",
+ :create_me => true,
+ :create_knife => true,
+ :admin => false
+ },
+ # A user for Knife tests. A knife.rb and key files will be set up
+ # for this user
+ :knife_user => {
+ :name => "knifey",
+ :create_me => true,
+ :create_knife => true
+ }
+ }
+self[:tags] = [:validation, :authentication, :authorization]
+verify_error_messages false
diff --git a/spec/support/pedant/run_pedant.rb b/spec/support/pedant/run_pedant.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c24cf59f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/pedant/run_pedant.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'bundler'
+require 'bundler/setup'
+require 'chef_zero/server'
+require 'rspec/core'
+require 'chef/chef_fs/chef_fs_data_store'
+require 'chef/chef_fs/config'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'chef/version'
+def start_server(chef_repo_path)
+ Dir.mkdir(chef_repo_path) if !File.exists?(chef_repo_path)
+ # 11.6 and below had a bug where it couldn't create the repo children automatically
+ if Chef::VERSION.to_f < 11.8
+ %w(clients cookbooks data_bags environments nodes roles users).each do |child|
+ Dir.mkdir("#{chef_repo_path}/#{child}") if !File.exists?("#{chef_repo_path}/#{child}")
+ end
+ end
+ # Start the new server
+ Chef::Config.repo_mode = 'everything'
+ Chef::Config.chef_repo_path = chef_repo_path
+ Chef::Config.versioned_cookbooks = true
+ chef_fs =
+ data_store =
+ server = => 8889, :data_store => data_store)#, :log_level => :debug)
+ server.start_background
+ server
+tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir
+ # Create chef repository
+ chef_repo_path = "#{tmpdir}/repo"
+ # Capture setup data into master_chef_repo_path
+ server = start_server(chef_repo_path)
+ require 'pedant'
+ require 'pedant/opensource'
+ #Pedant::Config.rerun = true
+ Pedant.config.suite = 'api'
+ Pedant.config[:config_file] = 'spec/support/pedant/pedant_config.rb'
+ Pedant.setup([
+ '--skip-knife',
+ '--skip-validation',
+ '--skip-authentication',
+ '--skip-authorization',
+ '--skip-omnibus'
+ ])
+ result =
+ server.stop if server.running?
+ FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(tmpdir) if tmpdir
diff --git a/spec/support/pedant/stickywicket.pem b/spec/support/pedant/stickywicket.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff09e73903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/pedant/stickywicket.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@