diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 634 deletions
diff --git a/spec/integration/client/client_spec.rb b/spec/integration/client/client_spec.rb
index 7800cf653d..d3c286216d 100644
--- a/spec/integration/client/client_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/integration/client/client_spec.rb
@@ -50,297 +50,6 @@ describe "chef-client" do
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook with a no-op recipe" do
- before { file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", "" }
- it "should complete with success" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- end
- it "should complete successfully with no other environment variables", skip: ( do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- begin
- result = shell_out("env -i #{critical_env_vars} #{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- rescue
- "Bare invocation will have the following load-path."
- shell_out!("env -i #{critical_env_vars} ruby -e 'puts $:'").stdout
- raise
- end
- end
- it "should complete successfully with --no-listen" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} --no-listen -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- end
- it "should be able to with bad utf8 characters in the node data" do
- file "cookbooks/x/attributes/default.rb", 'default["badutf8"] = "Elan Ruusam\xE4e"'
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -z -r 'x::default' --disable-config", cwd: path_to(""))
- result.error!
- end
- context "and no config file" do
- it "should complete with success when cwd is just above cookbooks and paths are not specified" do
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -z -o 'x::default' --disable-config", cwd: path_to(""))
- result.error!
- end
- it "should complete with success when cwd is below cookbooks and paths are not specified" do
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -z -o 'x::default' --disable-config", cwd: path_to("cookbooks/x"))
- result.error!
- end
- it "should fail when cwd is below high above and paths are not specified" do
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -z -o 'x::default' --disable-config", cwd: File.expand_path("..", path_to("")))
- expect(result.exitstatus).to eq(1)
- end
- end
- context "and a config file under .chef/knife.rb" do
- before { file ".chef/knife.rb", "" }
- it "should load .chef/knife.rb when -z is specified" do
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -z -o 'x::default'", cwd: path_to(""))
- # FATAL: Configuration error NoMethodError: undefined method `xxx' for nil:NilClass
- expect(result.stdout).to include("xxx")
- end
- end
- it "should complete with success" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- end
- context "and a private key" do
- before do
- file "mykey.pem", <<~EOM
- 0Xef6OFWVmBE+W442ZjLOe2y6p2nSnaq4y7dg99NFz6X+16mcKiCbj0RCiGqCvCk
- NftHhTgO9/RFvCbmKZ1RKNob1YzLrFpxBHaSh9po+DGWhApcd+I+op+ZzvDgXhNn
- 0nauZu3rZmApI/r7EEAOjFedAXs7VPNXhhtZAiLSAVIrwU3ZajtSzgXOxbNzgj5O
- AAAMmThK+71qPdffAdO4J198H6/MY04qgtFo7vumzCq0UCaGZfmeI1UNE4+xQWwP
- HJ3pDAP61C6Ebx2snI2kAd9QMx9Y78nIedRHPwIDAQABAoIBAHssRtPM1GacWsom
- 8zfeN6ZbI4KDlbetZz0vhnqDk9NVrpijWlcOP5dwZXVNitnB/HaqCqFvyPDY9JNB
- zI/pEFW4QH59FVDP42mVEt0keCTP/1wfiDDGh1vLqVBYl/ZphscDcNgDTzNkuxMx
- k+LFVxKnn3w7rGc59lALSkpeGvbbIDjp3LUMlUeCF8CIFyYZh9ZvXe4OCxYdyjxb
- i8tnMLKvJ4Psbh5jMapsu3rHQkfPdqzztQUz8vs0NYwP5vWge46FUyk+WNm/IhbJ
- G3YM22nwUS8Eu2bmTtADSJolATbCSkOwQ1D+Fybz/4obfYeGaCdOqB05ttubhenV
- ShsAb7ECgYEA20ecRVxw2S7qA7sqJ4NuYOg9TpfGooptYNA1IP971eB6SaGAelEL
- 7jTtFQ/tOMrF+bigEUJh5bP1/7HzqSpuOsPjEUb2aoCTp+tpiRGL7TUCgYEAwtns
- g3ysrSEcTzpSv7fQRJRk1lkBhatgNd0oc+ikzf74DaVLhBg1jvSThDhiDCdB59mr
- Jh41cnR1XqE8jmdQbCDRiFrI1Pq6TPaDZFcovDVE1gue9x86v3FOH2ukPG4d2/Xy
- V14ReTLcxP7fyrWz0xLzEeCqmomzkz3BsIUoouu0DCTSw+rvAwExqcDoDylIVlWO
- fAifz7SeZHbcDxo+3TsXK7zwnLYsx7YNs2+aIv6hzUUbMNmNmXMcZ+IEwx+mRMTN
- lYmZdrA5mr0V83oDFPt/jQKBgC74RVE03pMlZiObFZNtheDiPKSG9Bz6wMh7NWMr
- c37MtZLkg52mEFMTlfPLe6ceV37CM8WOhqe+dwSGrYhOU06dYqUR7VOZ1Qr0aZvo
- fsNPu/Y0+u7rMkgv0fs1AXQnvz7kvKaF0YITVirfeXMafuKEtJoH7owRbur42cpV
- YCAtAoGAP1rHOc+w0RUcBK3sY7aErrih0OPh9U5bvJsrw1C0FIZhCEoDVA+fNIQL
- syHLXYFNy0OxMtH/bBAXBGNHd9gf5uOnqh0pYcbe/uRAxumC7Rl0cL509eURiA2T
- +vFmf54y9YdnLXaqv+FhJT6B6V7WX7IpU9BMqJY1cJYXHuHG2KA=
- end
- it "should complete with success even with a client key" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- client_key #{path_to('mykey.pem').inspect}
- cookbook_path #{path_to('cookbooks').inspect}
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- end
- it "should run recipes specified directly on the command line" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- client_key #{path_to('mykey.pem').inspect}
- cookbook_path #{path_to('cookbooks').inspect}
- file "arbitrary.rb", <<~EOM
- file #{path_to('tempfile.txt').inspect} do
- content '1'
- end
- file "arbitrary2.rb", <<~EOM
- file #{path_to('tempfile2.txt').inspect} do
- content '2'
- end
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" #{path_to('arbitrary.rb')} #{path_to('arbitrary2.rb')}", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- expect("tempfile.txt"))).to eq("1")
- expect("tempfile2.txt"))).to eq("2")
- end
- it "should run recipes specified as relative paths directly on the command line" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- client_key #{path_to('mykey.pem').inspect}
- cookbook_path #{path_to('cookbooks').inspect}
- file "arbitrary.rb", <<~EOM
- file #{path_to('tempfile.txt').inspect} do
- content '1'
- end
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" arbitrary.rb", cwd: path_to(""))
- result.error!
- expect("tempfile.txt"))).to eq("1")
- end
- it "should run recipes specified directly on the command line AFTER recipes in the run list" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- client_key #{path_to('mykey.pem').inspect}
- cookbook_path #{path_to('cookbooks').inspect}
- file "cookbooks/x/recipes/constant_definition.rb", <<~EOM
- class ::Blah
- end
- file "arbitrary.rb", <<~EOM
- file #{path_to('tempfile.txt').inspect} do
- content ::Blah::THECONSTANT
- end
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o x::constant_definition arbitrary.rb", cwd: path_to(""))
- result.error!
- expect("tempfile.txt"))).to eq("1")
- end
- end
- it "should complete with success when passed the -z flag" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- chef_server_url ''
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' -z", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- end
- it "should complete with success when passed the --local-mode flag" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- chef_server_url ''
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --local-mode", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- end
- it "should not print SSL warnings when running in local-mode" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- chef_server_url ''
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --local-mode", cwd: chef_dir)
- expect(result.stdout).not_to include("SSL validation of HTTPS requests is disabled.")
- result.error!
- end
- it "should complete with success when passed -z and --chef-zero-port" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- chef_server_url ''
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' -z", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- end
- it "should complete with success when setting the run list with -r" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- chef_server_url ''
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -r 'x::default' -z -l info", cwd: chef_dir)
- expect(result.stdout).not_to include("Overridden Run List")
- expect(result.stdout).to include("Run List is [recipe[x::default]]")
- result.error!
- end
- it "should complete with success when using --profile-ruby and output a profile file", :not_supported_on_aix do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- result = shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' -z --profile-ruby", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- expect(File.exist?(path_to("config/local-mode-cache/cache/graph_profile.out"))).to be true
- end
- it "doesn't produce a profile when --profile-ruby is not present" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- result = shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' -z", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- expect(File.exist?(path_to("config/local-mode-cache/cache/graph_profile.out"))).to be false
- end
- end
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook that should fail chef_version checks" do
- before do
- file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", ""
- file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", <<~EOM
- name 'x'
- version '0.0.1'
- chef_version '~> 999.99'
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- end
- it "should fail the chef client run" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- expect(command.exitstatus).to eql(1)
- expect(command.stdout).to match(/Chef::Exceptions::CookbookChefVersionMismatch/)
- end
- end
when_the_repository "has a cookbook that uses cheffish resources" do
before do
file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", <<-EOM
@@ -365,347 +74,4 @@ EOM
expect(command.exitstatus).to eql(0)
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook that generates deprecation warnings" do
- before do
- file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", <<-EOM
- Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "Test deprecation")
- Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "Test deprecation")
- end
- def match_indices(regex, str)
- result = []
- pos = 0
- while match = regex.match(str, pos)
- result << match.begin(0)
- pos = match.end(0) + 1
- end
- result
- end
- it "should output each deprecation warning only once, at the end of the run" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- # Mimick what happens when you are on the console
- formatters << :doc
- log_level :warn
- result = shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- expect(result.error?).to be_falsey
- # Search to the end of the client run in the output
- run_complete = result.stdout.index("Running handlers complete")
- expect(run_complete).to be >= 0
- # Make sure there is exactly one result for each, and that it occurs *after* the complete message.
- expect(match_indices(/Test deprecation/, result.stdout)).to match([ be > run_complete ])
- end
- end
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook with only an audit recipe" do
- before do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- audit_mode :enabled
- end
- it "should exit with a zero code when there is not an audit failure" do
- file "cookbooks/audit_test/recipes/succeed.rb", <<~RECIPE
- control_group "control group without top level control" do
- it "should succeed" do
- expect(2 - 2).to eq(0)
- end
- end
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'audit_test::succeed' -l info", cwd: chef_dir)
- expect(result.error?).to be_falsey
- expect(result.stdout).to include("Successfully executed all `control_group` blocks and contained examples")
- end
- it "should exit with a non-zero code when there is an audit failure" do
- file "cookbooks/audit_test/recipes/fail.rb", <<~RECIPE
- control_group "control group without top level control" do
- it "should fail" do
- expect(2 - 2).to eq(1)
- end
- end
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'audit_test::fail'", cwd: chef_dir)
- expect(result.error?).to be_truthy
- expect(result.stdout).to include("Failure/Error: expect(2 - 2).to eq(1)")
- end
- end
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook that deploys a file" do
- before do
- file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", <<~RECIPE
- cookbook_file #{path_to('tempfile.txt').inspect} do
- source "my_file"
- end
- file "cookbooks/x/files/my_file", <<~FILE
- this is my file
- end
- [true, false].each do |lazy|
- context "with no_lazy_load set to #{lazy}" do
- it "should create the file" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- no_lazy_load #{lazy}
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -l debug -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- expect("tempfile.txt")).strip).to eq("this is my file")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook with an ohai plugin" do
- before do
- file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", <<~RECIPE
- file #{path_to('tempfile.txt').inspect} do
- content node["english"]["version"]
- end
- file "cookbooks/x/ohai/english.rb", <<-OHAI
- Ohai.plugin(:English) do
- provides 'english'
- collect_data do
- english
- english[:version] = "2014"
- end
- end
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- end
- it "should run the ohai plugin" do
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -l debug -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- result.error!
- expect("tempfile.txt"))).to eq("2014")
- end
- end
- # Fails on appveyor, but works locally on windows and on windows hosts in Ci.
- context "when using recipe-url", :skip_appveyor do
- before(:each) do
- start_tiny_server
- end
- after(:each) do
- stop_tiny_server
- end
- let(:tmp_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir("recipe-url") }
- it "should complete with success when passed -z and --recipe-url" do
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- chef_repo_path "#{tmp_dir}"
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" --recipe-url=http://localhost:9000/recipes.tgz -o 'x::default' -z", cwd: tmp_dir)
- result.error!
- end
- it "should fail when passed --recipe-url and not passed -z" do
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} --recipe-url=http://localhost:9000/recipes.tgz", cwd: tmp_dir)
- expect(result.exitstatus).not_to eq(0)
- end
- it "should fail when passed --recipe-url with a file that doesn't exist" do
- broken_path = File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "recipes_dont_exist.tgz")
- result = shell_out("#{chef_client} --recipe-url=#{broken_path}", cwd: tmp_dir)
- expect(result.exitstatus).not_to eq(0)
- end
- end
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook with broken metadata.rb, but has metadata.json" do
- before do
- file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", ""
- file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", <<~EOM
- name 'x'
- version '0.0.1'
- raise "TEH SADNESS"
- file "cookbooks/x/metadata.json", <<~EOM
- {
- "name": "x",
- "version": "0.0.1"
- }
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- end
- it "the chef client run should succeed" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- end
- it "a chef-solo run should succeed" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- end
- end
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook that logs at the info level" do
- before do
- file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", <<EOM
- log "info level" do
- level :info
- end
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- end
- it "a chef client run should not log to info by default" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).not_to include("INFO")
- end
- it "a chef client run to a pipe should not log to info by default" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork | tee #{path_to('chefrun.out')}", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).not_to include("INFO")
- end
- it "a chef solo run should not log to info by default" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).not_to include("INFO")
- end
- it "a chef solo run to a pipe should not log to info by default" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork | tee #{path_to('chefrun.out')}", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).not_to include("INFO")
- end
- end
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook that knows if we're running forked" do
- before do
- file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", <<~EOM
- puts Chef::Config[:client_fork] ? "WITHFORK" : "NOFORK"
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- end
- it "chef-client runs by default with no supervisor" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).to include("NOFORK")
- end
- it "chef-solo runs by default with no supervisor" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).to include("NOFORK")
- end
- it "chef-client --no-fork does not fork" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).to include("NOFORK")
- end
- it "chef-solo --no-fork does not fork" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).to include("NOFORK")
- end
- it "chef-client with --fork uses a supervisor" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).to include("WITHFORK")
- end
- it "chef-solo with --fork uses a supervisor" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default' --fork", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).to include("WITHFORK")
- end
- end
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook that knows if we're running forked, and configures forking in config.rb" do
- before do
- file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", <<~EOM
- puts Chef::Config[:client_fork] ? "WITHFORK" : "NOFORK"
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- client_fork true
- end
- it "chef-client uses a supervisor" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).to include("WITHFORK")
- end
- it "chef-solo uses a supervisor" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).to include("WITHFORK")
- end
- end
- when_the_repository "has a cookbook that knows if we're running forked, and configures no-forking in config.rb" do
- before do
- file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", <<~EOM
- puts Chef::Config[:client_fork] ? "WITHFORK" : "NOFORK"
- file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM
- local_mode true
- cookbook_path "#{path_to('cookbooks')}"
- client_fork false
- end
- it "chef-client uses a supervisor" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).to include("NOFORK")
- end
- it "chef-solo uses a supervisor" do
- command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to('config/client.rb')}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir)
- command.error!
- expect(command.stdout).to include("NOFORK")
- end
- end