diff options
3 files changed, 40 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/habitat/plan.ps1 b/habitat/plan.ps1
index 719f5e7a5a..5462ff56ff 100644
--- a/habitat/plan.ps1
+++ b/habitat/plan.ps1
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ $pkg_bin_dirs=@(
+ "chef/chef-powershell-shim"
function Invoke-Begin {
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ function Invoke-Download() {
try {
Push-Location (Resolve-Path "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../").Path
git archive --format=zip --output="${HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH}/${pkg_filename}" HEAD
+ if (-not $?) { throw "unable to create archive of source" }
} finally {
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ function Invoke-Prepare {
Write-BuildLine " ** Configuring bundler for this build environment"
bundle config --local without server docgen maintenance pry travis integration ci chefstyle
+ if (-not $?) { throw "unable to configure bundler to restrict gems to be installed" }
bundle config --local jobs 4
bundle config --local retry 5
bundle config --local silence_root_warning 1
@@ -74,20 +77,29 @@ function Invoke-Build {
try {
Push-Location "${HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH}/${pkg_dirname}"
Write-BuildLine " ** Using bundler to retrieve the Ruby dependencies"
- bundle install
- Write-BuildLine " ** Running the chef project's 'rake install' to install the path-based gems so they look like any other installed gem."
- bundle exec rake install # this needs to be 'bundle exec'd because a Rakefile makes reference to Bundler
- Write-BuildLine " ** Also 'rake install' any gem sourced as a git reference."
+ bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3
+ if (-not $?) { throw "unable to install gem dependencies" }
+ Write-BuildLine " ** 'rake install' any gem sourced as a git reference so they'll look like regular gems."
foreach($git_gem in (Get-ChildItem "$env:GEM_HOME/bundler/gems")) {
try {
Push-Location $git_gem
- Write-BuildLine " -- and $git_gem too"
+ Write-BuildLine " -- installing $git_gem"
rake install # this needs to NOT be 'bundle exec'd else bundler complains about dev deps not being installed
+ if (-not $?) { throw "unable to install $git_gem as a plain old gem" }
} finally {
+ Write-BuildLine " ** Running the chef project's 'rake install' to install the path-based gems so they look like any other installed gem."
+ bundle exec rake install # this needs to be 'bundle exec'd because a Rakefile makes reference to Bundler
+ if (-not $?) {
+ Write-Warning " -- That didn't work. Let's try again."
+ bundle exec rake install # this needs to be 'bundle exec'd because a Rakefile makes reference to Bundler
+ if (-not $?) { throw "unable to install the gems that live in directories within this repo" }
+ }
} finally {
diff --git a/habitat/tests/spec.ps1 b/habitat/tests/spec.ps1
index ab1656b221..6cbdd406c2 100644
--- a/habitat/tests/spec.ps1
+++ b/habitat/tests/spec.ps1
@@ -10,8 +10,15 @@ $chef_gem_root = (hab pkg exec $PackageIdentifier gem.cmd which chef | Split-Pat
try {
Push-Location $chef_gem_root
$env:PATH = "C:\hab\bin;$env:PATH"
+ # Put chef's GEM_PATH in the machine environment so that the windows service
+ # tests will be able to consume the win32-service gem
+ $pkgEnv = hab pkg env $PackageIdentifier
+ $gemPath = $pkgEnv | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("`$env:GEM_PATH=") }
+ SETX GEM_PATH $($gemPath.Split("=")[1]) /m
hab pkg binlink --force $PackageIdentifier
- /hab/bin/rspec --format progress --tag ~executables --tag ~choco_installed spec/functional
+ /hab/bin/rspec --format documentation --tag ~executables --tag ~choco_installed spec/functional
if (-not $?) { throw "functional testing failed"}
} finally {
diff --git a/habitat/tests/test.pester.ps1 b/habitat/tests/test.pester.ps1
index a5f665c9de..56f31e9a2f 100644
--- a/habitat/tests/test.pester.ps1
+++ b/habitat/tests/test.pester.ps1
@@ -12,8 +12,21 @@ Describe "chef-infra-client" {
$? | Should be $true
+ <#
+ At some point hab's argument parsing changed and it started interpreting the trailing `--version` as being
+ an argument passed to hab instead of an argument to the command passed to `hab pkg exec`.
+ Powershell 5.1 and 7 appear to differ in how they treat following arguments as well, such that these two
+ versions of the command fail in powershell 5.1 (which is currently what is running in the windows machines
+ in Buildkite) but pass in powershell 7 (which is currently what is running in a stock Windows 10 VM).
+ $the_version = (hab pkg exec $PackageIdentifier chef-client.bat '--version' | Out-String).split(':')[1].Trim()
+ $the_version = (hab pkg exec $PackageIdentifier chef-client.bat --version | Out-String).split(':')[1].Trim()
+ This version of the command passes in powershell 5.1 but fails in powershell 7.
+ #>
It "is the expected version" {
- $the_version = (hab pkg exec $PackageIdentifier chef-client.bat --version | Out-String).split(':')[1].Trim()
+ $the_version = (hab pkg exec $PackageIdentifier chef-client.bat -- --version | Out-String).split(':')[1].Trim()
$the_version | Should be $PackageVersion
@@ -52,4 +65,4 @@ Describe "chef-infra-client" {
$? | Should be $true
-} \ No newline at end of file