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1 files changed, 34 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_launchd.rb b/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_launchd.rb
index a2b024c030..03aa012832 100644
--- a/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_launchd.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_launchd.rb
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class Chef
- launchd "com.chef.chef-client" do
+ launchd "com.#{Chef::Dist::SHORT}.#{Chef::Dist::CLIENT}" do
username new_resource.user
working_directory new_resource.working_directory
start_interval new_resource.interval * 60
@@ -118,13 +118,43 @@ class Chef
environment_variables new_resource.environment unless new_resource.environment.empty?
nice new_resource.nice
low_priority_io true
- action :enable
+ notifies :sleep, "chef_sleep[Sleep before client restart]", :immediately
+ action :create # create only creates the file. No service restart triggering
+ end
+ # Launchd doesn't have the concept of a reload aka restart. Instead to update a daemon config you have
+ # to unload it and then reload the new plist. That's usually fine, but not if chef-client is trying
+ # to restart itself. If the chef-client process uses launchd or macosx_service resources to restart itself
+ # we'll end up with a stopped service that will never get started back up. Instead we use this daemon
+ # that triggers when the chef-client plist file is updated, and handles the restart outside the run.
+ launchd "com.#{Chef::Dist::SHORT}.restarter" do
+ username "root"
+ watch_paths ["/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.#{Chef::Dist::SHORT}.#{Chef::Dist::CLIENT}.plist"]
+ standard_out_path "#{::File.join(new_resource.log_directory, new_resource.log_file_name)}"
+ standard_error_path "#{::File.join(new_resource.log_directory, new_resource.log_file_name)}"
+ program_arguments ["/bin/bash",
+ "-c",
+ "echo; echo #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} launchd daemon config has been updated. Manually unloading and reloading the daemon; echo Now unloading the daemon; launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.#{Chef::Dist::SHORT}.#{Chef::Dist::CLIENT}.plist; sleep 2; echo Now loading the daemon; launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.#{Chef::Dist::SHORT}.#{Chef::Dist::CLIENT}.plist"]
+ action :enable # enable creates the plist & triggers service restarts on change
+ end
+ # We want to make sure that after we update the chef-client launchd config that we don't move on to another recipe
+ # before the restarter daemon can do its thing. This sleep avoids killing the client while it's doing something like
+ # installing a package, which could be problematic. It also makes it a bit more clear in the log that the killed process
+ # was intentional.
+ chef_sleep "Sleep before client restart" do
+ seconds 10
+ action :nothing
action :disable do
- service "chef-client" do
- service_name "com.chef.chef-client"
+ service "#{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT}" do
+ service_name "com.#{Chef::Dist::SHORT}.#{Chef::Dist::CLIENT}"
+ action :disable
+ end
+ service "com.#{Chef::Dist::SHORT}.restarter" do
action :disable