path: root/distro/common/html/knife-cookbook.1.html
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+ <title>knife-cookbook(1) - upload and manage chef cookbooks</title>
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+<body id='manpage'>
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+ <div class='man-navigation' style='display:none'>
+ <a href="#NAME">NAME</a>
+ <a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a>
+ <a href="#LIST">LIST</a>
+ <a href="#SHOW">SHOW</a>
+ <a href="#UPLOAD">UPLOAD</a>
+ <a href="#DOWNLOAD">DOWNLOAD</a>
+ <a href="#DELETE">DELETE</a>
+ <a href="#BULK-DELETE">BULK DELETE</a>
+ <a href="#METADATA">METADATA</a>
+ <a href="#TEST">TEST</a>
+ <a href="#RECIPE-LIST">RECIPE LIST</a>
+ <a href="#SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</a>
+ <a href="#AUTHOR">AUTHOR</a>
+ <a href="#CHEF">CHEF</a>
+ </div>
+ <ol class='man-decor man-head man head'>
+ <li class='tl'>knife-cookbook(1)</li>
+ <li class='tc'>Chef Manual</li>
+ <li class='tr'>knife-cookbook(1)</li>
+ </ol>
+ <h2 id="NAME">NAME</h2>
+<p class="man-name">
+ <code>knife-cookbook</code> - <span class="man-whatis">upload and manage chef cookbooks</span>
+<h2 id="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</h2>
+<p><strong>knife</strong> <strong>cookbook</strong> <em>sub-command</em> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<p><code>knife cookbook</code> supports the following sub commands:</p>
+<h2 id="LIST">LIST</h2>
+<p><strong>knife cookbook list</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<dt><code>-a</code>, <code>--all</code></dt><dd>show all versions of a cookbook instead of just the most recent</dd>
+<dt><code>-w</code>, <code>--with-uri</code></dt><dd>show corresponding uris</dd>
+<p>Lists the cookbooks available on the Chef server.</p>
+<h2 id="SHOW">SHOW</h2>
+<p><strong>knife cookbook show cookbook [version] [part] [filename]</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<dt><code>-f</code>, <code>--fqdn fqdn </code></dt><dd>the fqdn of the host to see the file for</dd>
+<dt><code>-p</code>, <code>--platform platform </code></dt><dd>the platform to see the file for</dd>
+<dt><code>-v</code>, <code>--platform-version version</code></dt><dd>the platform version to see the file for</dd>
+<dt><code>-w</code>, <code>--with-uri</code></dt><dd>Show corresponding URIs</dd>
+<p>show a particular part of a <em>cookbook</em> for the specified <em>version</em>. <em>part</em> can be one of:</p>
+<h2 id="UPLOAD">UPLOAD</h2>
+<p><strong>knife cookbook upload [cookbooks...]</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<dt><code>-a</code>, <code>--all</code></dt><dd>upload all cookbooks, rather than just a single cookbook</dd>
+<dt><code>-o</code>, <code>--cookbook-path path:path</code></dt><dd>a colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in</dd>
+<dt><code>-d</code>, <code>--upload-dependencies</code></dt><dd>Uploads additional cookbooks that this cookbook lists in as
+dependencies in its metadata.</dd>
+<dt><code>-E</code>, <code>--environment ENVIRONMENT</code></dt><dd>An <em>ENVIRONMENT</em> to apply the uploaded cookbooks to. Specifying this
+option will cause knife to edit the <em>ENVIRONMENT</em> to place a strict
+version constraint on the cookbook version(s) uploaded.</dd>
+<dt><code>--freeze</code></dt><dd>Sets the frozen flag on the uploaded cookbook(s) Any future attempt
+to modify the cookbook without changing the version number will
+return an error unless --force is specified.</dd>
+<dt class="flush"><code>--force</code></dt><dd>Overrides the frozen flag on a cookbook, allowing you to overwrite a
+cookbook version that has previously been uploaded with the --freeze
+<p>Uploads one or more cookbooks from your local cookbook repository(ies)
+to the Chef Server. Only files that don't yet exist on the server will
+be uploaded.</p>
+<p>As the command parses the name args as 1..n cookbook names:</p>
+<pre><code>`knife cookbook upload COOKBOOK COOKBOOK ...`
+<p>works for one to many cookbooks.</p>
+<h2 id="DOWNLOAD">DOWNLOAD</h2>
+<p><strong>knife cookbook download cookbook [version]</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<dt><code>-d</code>, <code>--dir download_directory</code></dt><dd>the directory to download the cookbook into</dd>
+<dt><code>-f</code>, <code>--force</code></dt><dd>overwrite an existing directory with the download</dd>
+<dt><code>-n</code>, <code>--latest</code></dt><dd>download the latest version of the cookbook</dd>
+<p>download a cookbook from the chef server. if no version is specified and
+only one version exists on the server, that version will be downloaded.
+if no version is specified and multiple versions are available on the
+server, you will be prompted for a version to download.</p>
+<h2 id="DELETE">DELETE</h2>
+<p><strong>knife cookbook delete cookbook [version]</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<dt><code>-a</code>, <code>--all</code></dt><dd>delete all versions</dd>
+<dt><code>-p</code>, <code>--purge</code></dt><dd>purge files from backing store. this will disable any cookbook that contains any of the same files as the cookbook being purged.</dd>
+<p>delete the specified <em>version</em> of the named <em>cookbook</em>. if no version is
+specified, and only one version exists on the server, that version will
+be deleted. if multiple versions are available on the server, you will
+be prompted for a version to delete.</p>
+<p><strong>knife cookbook bulk delete regex</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<dt><code>-p</code>, <code>--purge</code></dt><dd>purge files from backing store. this will disable any cookbook that
+contains any of the same files as the cookbook being purged.</dd>
+<p>delete cookbooks on the chef server based on a regular expression. the
+regular expression (<em>regex</em>) should be in quotes, not in //'s.</p>
+<p><strong>knife cookbook create cookbook</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<dt><code>-o</code>, <code>--cookbook-path path</code></dt><dd>the directory where the cookbook will be created</dd>
+<dt><code>-r</code>, <code>--readme-format format</code></dt><dd>format of the readme file md, mkd, txt, rdoc</dd>
+<dt><code>-c</code>, <code>--copyright copyright</code></dt><dd>name of copyright holder</dd>
+<dt><code>-i</code>, <code>--license license</code></dt><dd>license for cookbook, apachev2 or none</dd>
+<dt><code>-e</code>, <code>--email email</code></dt><dd>email address of cookbook maintainer</dd>
+<p>this is a helper command that creates a new cookbook directory in the
+<code>cookbook_path</code>. the following directories and files are created for the
+named cookbook.</p>
+<p>supported readme formats are 'md' (default), 'mkd', 'txt', 'rdoc'. the
+readme file will be written with the specified extension and a set of
+helpful starting headers.</p>
+<p>specify <code>-c</code> or <code>--copyright</code> with the name of the copyright holder as
+your name or your company/organization name in a quoted string. if this
+value is not specified an all-caps string <code>your_company_name</code> is used
+which can be easily changed with find/replace.</p>
+<p>specify <code>-i</code> or <code>--license</code> with the license that the cookbook is
+distributed under for sharing with other people or posting to the
+opscode cookbooks site. be aware of the licenses of files you put inside
+the cookbook and follow any restrictions they describe. when using
+<code>none</code> (default) or <code>apachev2</code>, comment header text and metadata file
+are pre-filled. the <code>none</code> license will be treated as
+<p>specify <code>-e</code> or <code>--email</code> with the email address of the cookbook's
+maintainer. if this value is not specified, an all-caps string
+<code>your_email</code> is used which can easily be changed with find/replace.</p>
+<p>the cookbook copyright, license, email and readme_format settings can be filled in the
+<code>knife.rb</code>, for example with default values:</p>
+<pre><code>cookbook_copyright "your_company_name"
+cookbook_license "none"
+cookbook_email "your_email"
+readme_format "md"
+<h2 id="METADATA">METADATA</h2>
+<p><strong>knife cookbook metadata cookbook</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<dt><code>-a</code>, <code>--all</code></dt><dd>generate metadata for all cookbooks, rather than just a single cookbook</dd>
+<dt><code>-o</code>, <code>--cookbook-path path:path</code></dt><dd>a colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in</dd>
+<p>generate cookbook metadata for the named <em>cookbook</em>. the <em>path</em> used here specifies where the cookbooks directory is located and corresponds to the <code>cookbook_path</code> configuration option.</p>
+<p><strong>knife cookbook metadata from file</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<p>load the cookbook metadata from a specified file.</p>
+<h2 id="TEST">TEST</h2>
+<p><strong>knife cookbook test [cookbooks...]</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>
+<dt><code>-a</code>, <code>--all</code></dt><dd>test all cookbooks, rather than just a single cookbook</dd>
+<dt><code>-o</code>, <code>--cookbook-path path:path</code></dt><dd>a colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in</dd>
+<p>test the specified cookbooks for syntax errors. this uses the built-in
+ruby syntax checking option for files in the cookbook ending in <code>.rb</code>,
+and the erb syntax check for files ending in <code>.erb</code> (templates).</p>
+<p><strong>knife recipe list [PATTERN]</strong></p>
+<p>List available recipes from the server. Specify <em>PATTERN</em> as a regular
+expression to limit the results.</p>
+<p>Cookbooks are the fundamental unit of distribution in Chef. They
+encapsulate all recipes of resources and assets used to configure a
+particular aspect of the infrastructure. The following sub-commands can
+be used to manipulate the cookbooks stored on the Chef Server.</p>
+<p>On disk, cookbooks are directories with a defined structure. The
+following directories may appear within a cookbook:</p>
+<dt>COOKBOOK/attributes/</dt><dd>Ruby files that define default parameters to be used in recipes</dd>
+<dt>COOKBOOK/definitions/</dt><dd>Ruby files that contain <em>resource definitions</em></dd>
+<dt>COOKBOOK/files/SPECIFICITY</dt><dd>Files of arbitrary type. These files may be downloaded by
+<span class="man-ref">chef-client<span class="s">(8)</span></span> when configuring a host.</dd>
+<dt>COOKBOOK/libraries/</dt><dd>Ruby files that contain library code needed for recipes</dd>
+<dt>COOKBOOK/providers/</dt><dd>Ruby files that contain Lightweight Provider definitions</dd>
+<dt>COOKBOOK/recipes/</dt><dd>Ruby files that use Chef's recipe DSL to describe the desired
+configuration of a system</dd>
+<dt>COOKBOOK/resources/</dt><dd>Ruby files that contain Lightweight Resource definitions</dd>
+<dt>COOKBOOK/templates/SPECIFICITY</dt><dd>ERuby (ERb) template files. These are referenced by <em>recipes</em> and
+evaluated to dynamically generate configuration files.</dd>
+<p><strong>SPECIFICITY</strong> is a feature of <em>files</em> and <em>templates</em> that allow you
+to specify alternate files to be used on a specific OS platform or host.
+The default specificity setting is <em>default</em>, that is files in
+<code>COOKBOOK/files/default</code> will be used when a more specific copy is not
+available. Further documentation for this feature is available on the
+Chef wiki: <a href="" data-bare-link="true"></a></p>
+<p>Cookbooks also contain a metadata file that defines various properties
+of the cookbook. The most important of these are the <em>version</em> and the
+<em>dependencies</em>. The <em>version</em> is used in combination with environments
+to select which copy of a given cookbook is distributed to a node. The
+<em>dependencies</em> are used by the server to determine which additional
+cookbooks must be distributed to a given host when it requires a
+<h2 id="SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</h2>
+<p> <strong><span class="man-ref">knife-environment<span class="s">(1)</span></span></strong> <strong><span class="man-ref">knife-cookbook-site<span class="s">(1)</span></span></strong>
+ <a href="" data-bare-link="true"></a>
+ <a href="" data-bare-link="true"></a></p>
+<h2 id="AUTHOR">AUTHOR</h2>
+<p> Chef was written by Adam Jacob <a href="&#109;&#x61;&#x69;&#108;&#116;&#x6f;&#x3a;&#97;&#x64;&#97;&#109;&#64;&#111;&#112;&#x73;&#99;&#111;&#x64;&#x65;&#46;&#x63;&#111;&#x6d;" data-bare-link="true">&#x61;&#x64;&#97;&#109;&#x40;&#111;&#x70;&#115;&#x63;&#111;&#x64;&#x65;&#x2e;&#x63;&#111;&#x6d;</a> with many contributions from the community.</p>
+<p> This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <a href="&#109;&#x61;&#x69;&#x6c;&#x74;&#x6f;&#58;&#x6a;&#111;&#x73;&#x68;&#117;&#x61;&#x40;&#x6f;&#112;&#115;&#x63;&#111;&#x64;&#101;&#x2e;&#x63;&#x6f;&#109;" data-bare-link="true">&#x6a;&#111;&#x73;&#104;&#x75;&#97;&#64;&#111;&#112;&#x73;&#x63;&#x6f;&#x64;&#101;&#x2e;&#x63;&#x6f;&#109;</a>.
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.</p>
+<h2 id="CHEF">CHEF</h2>
+<p> Knife is distributed with Chef. <a href="" data-bare-link="true"></a></p>
+ <ol class='man-decor man-foot man foot'>
+ <li class='tl'>Chef 11.0.0.alpha</li>
+ <li class='tc'>September 2012</li>
+ <li class='tr'>knife-cookbook(1)</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>