path: root/distro/common/markdown/man1/knife-node.mkd
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+knife-node(1) -- Manage the hosts in your infrastructure
+__knife__ __node__ _sub-command_ _(options)_
+Nodes are data structures that represent hosts configured with Chef.
+Nodes have a __name__, a String that uniquely identifies the node,
+__attributes__, a nested Hash of properties that describe how the host
+should be configured, a __chef\_environment__, a String representing the
+environment to which the node belongs, and a __run\_list__, an ordered
+list of __recipes__ or __roles__ that chef-client should apply when
+configuring a host.
+When a host communicates with a Chef Server, it authenticates using its
+__node\_name__ for identification and signs its reqests with a private
+key. The Server validates the request by looking up a __client__ object
+with a name identical to the __node\_name__ submitted with the request
+and verifes the signature using the public key for that __client__
+object. __NOTE__ that the __client__ is a different object in the
+system. It is associated with a node by virtue of having a matching
+By default __chef-client__(8) will create a node using the FQDN of the
+host for the node name, though this may be overridden by configuration
+The following `node` subcommands are available:
+__knife node bulk delete__ _regex_ _(options)_
+Deletes nodes for which the name matches the regular expression _regex_
+on the Chef Server. The regular expression should be given in quotes,
+and should not be surrounded with forward slashes (as is typical of
+regular expression literals in scripting languages).
+__knife node create__ _name_ _(options)_
+Create a new node. Unless the --disable-editing option is given, an empty node
+object will be created and displayed in your text editor. If the editor
+exits with a successful exit status, the node data will be posted to the
+Chef Server to create the node.
+__knife node delete__ _name_ _(options)_
+Deletes the node identified by _name_ on the Chef Server.
+## EDIT
+__knife node edit__ _name_ _(options)_
+ * `-a`, `--all`:
+ Display all node data in the editor. By default, default, override,
+ and automatic attributes are not shown.
+Edit the node identified by _name_. Like __knife node create__, the node
+will be displayed in your text editor unless the -n option is present.
+__knife node from file__ _file_ _(options)_
+Create a node from a JSON format _file_.
+## LIST
+__knife node list__ _(options)_
+ * `-w`, `--with-uri`:
+ Show corresponding URIs
+List all nodes.
+__knife node run_list add__ _name_ _run list item_ _(options)_
+ * `-a`, `--after ITEM`:
+ Place the ENTRY in the run list after ITEM
+Add the _run list item_ to the node's `run_list`. See Run list
+__knife node run_list remove__ _node name_ _run list item_ _(options)_
+Remove the _run list item_ from the node's `run_list`.
+## SHOW
+__knife node show__ _node name_ _(options)_
+ * `-a`, `--attribute [ATTR]`:
+ Show only one attribute
+ * `-r`, `--run-list `:
+ Show only the run list
+ * `-F`, `--format FORMAT`:
+ Display the node in a different format.
+ * `-m`, `--medium`:
+ Display more, but not all, of the node's data when using the default
+ _summary_ format
+Displays the node identified by _node name_ on stdout.
+Run list items may be either roles or recipes. When adding a role to a
+run list, the correct syntax is "role[ROLE\_NAME]"
+When adding a recipe to a run list, there are several valid formats:
+ * Fully Qualified Format:
+ "recipe[COOKBOOK::RECIPE\_NAME]", for example, "recipe[chef::client]"
+ * Cookbook Recipe Format:
+ For brevity, the recipe part of the fully qualified format may be omitted, and recipes specified as "COOKBOOK::RECIPE\_NAME", e.g., "chef::client"
+ * Default Recipe Format:
+ When adding the default recipe of a cookbook to a run list, the recipe name may be omitted as well, e.g., "chef::default" may be written as just "chef"
+ __knife-client__(1) __knife-search__(1) __knife-role__(1)
+ Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
+ This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
+## CHEF
+ Knife is distributed with Chef. <>