path: root/distro/common/markdown/man1/knife.mkd
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+knife(1) -- Chef Server API client utility
+__knife__ _sub-command_ [_argument_...] _(options)_
+Knife is a command-line utility used to manage data on a Chef server
+through the HTTP(S) API. Knife is organized into groups of subcommands
+centered around the various object types in Chef. Each category of
+subcommand is documented in its own manual page. Available topics are:
+ * bootstrap
+ * client
+ * configure
+ * cookbook-site
+ * cookbook
+ * data-bag
+ * environment
+ * exec
+ * index
+ * node
+ * recipe
+ * role
+ * search
+ * ssh
+ * status
+ * tag
+If the knife manuals are in your `MANPATH`, you can access help for the
+above topics using `man knife-TOPIC`; otherwise, you can view the
+documentation using `knife help TOPIC`.
+ * `-s`, `--server-url` URL:
+ Chef Server URL, corresponds to `Chef::Config` `chef_server_url`.
+ * `-k`, `--key` KEY:
+ API Client Key, corresponds to `Chef::Config` `client_key`.
+ * `-c`, `--config` CONFIG:
+ The configuration file to use
+ * `-E`, `--environment ENVIRONMENT`:
+ Set the Chef environment
+ * `-e`, `--editor` EDITOR:
+ Set the editor to use for interactive commands
+ * `-F`, `--format` FORMAT:
+ Which format to use for output. See FORMATS for details.
+ * `-d`, `--disable-editing`:
+ Do not open EDITOR, just accept the data as is
+ * `-u`, `--user` USER:
+ API Client Username, corresponds to `Chef::Config` `node_name`.
+ * `-p`, `--print-after`:
+ Show the data after a destructive operation
+ * `-v`, `--version`:
+ Show chef version
+ * `-V`, `--verbose`:
+ More verbose output. Use twice for max verbosity.
+ * `-y`, `--yes`:
+ Say yes to all prompts for confirmation
+ * `--defaults`:
+ Accept default values for all questions
+ * `--[no-]color`:
+ Use colored output. Color enabled by default.
+ * `-h`, `--help`:
+ Show the available options for a command.
+Sub-commands that operate on the basic Chef data types are structured as
+_NOUN verb NOUN (options)_. For all data types, the following commands
+are available:
+* create (create)
+* list and show (read)
+* edit (update)
+* delete (destroy)
+Knife also includes commands that take actions other than displaying or
+modifying data on the Chef Server, such as __knife-ssh(1)__.
+The knife configuration file is a Ruby DSL to set configuration
+parameters for Knife's __GENERAL OPTIONS__. The default location for the
+config file is `~/.chef/knife.rb`. If managing multiple Chef
+repositories, per-repository config files can be created. The file must
+be `.chef/knife.rb` in the current directory of the repository.
+If the config file exists, knife uses these settings for __GENERAL OPTIONS__ defaults.
+ * `node_name`:
+ User or client identity (i.e., _name_) to use for authenticating
+ requests to the Chef Server.
+ * `client_key`:
+ Private key file to authenticate to the Chef server. Corresponds to the
+ `-k` or `--key` option.
+ * `chef_server_url`:
+ URL of the Chef server. Corresponds to the `-s` or `--server-url`
+ option. This is requested from the user when running this sub-command.
+ * `cache_type`:
+ The type of cache to use. Default is BasicFile. This can be any type of
+ Cache that moneta supports: BasicFile, Berkeley, Couch, DataMapper,
+ File, LMC, Memcache, Memory, MongoDB, Redis, Rufus, S3, SDBM, Tyrant,
+ Xattr, YAML.
+ * `cache_options`:
+ Specifies various options to use for caching. These options are
+ dependent on the `cache_type`.
+ * `validation_client_name`:
+ Specifies the name of the client used to validate new clients.
+ * `validation_key`:
+ Specifies the private key file to use when bootstrapping new hosts.
+ See knife-client(1) for more information about the validation
+ client.
+ * `cookbook_copyright`, `cookbook_email`, `cookbook_license`, `readme_format`
+ Used by `knife cookbook create` sub-command to specify the copyright
+ holder, maintainer email, license and readme format (respectively) for new cookbooks.
+ The copyright holder is listed as the maintainer in the cookbook's
+ metadata and as the Copyright in the comments of the default recipe. The
+ maintainer email is used in the cookbook metadata. The license
+ determines what preamble to put in the comment of the default recipe,
+ and is listed as the license in the cookbook metadata. Currently
+ supported licenses are "apachev2" and "none". Any other values will
+ result in an empty license in the metadata (needs to be filled in by the
+ author), and no comment preamble in the default recipe. Currently supported
+ readme formats are "md", "mkd", "txt", and "rdoc". Any other value will
+ result in an unformatted README.
+Ruby DSL configuration file for knife. See __CONFIGURATION__.
+The amount of content displayed and the output format are
+modified by the `--format` option. If no alternate format is selected,
+the default is summary.
+Valid formats are:
+ * `summary`:
+ displays the node in a custom, summarized format (default)
+ * `text`:
+ displays the node data in its entirety using the colorized tree display
+ * `json`:
+ displays the node in JSON format
+ * `yaml`:
+ displays the node in YAML format
+ * `pp`:
+ displays the node using Ruby's pretty printer.
+For brevity, only the first character of the format is required, for
+example, -Fj will produce JSON format output.
+When working with Chef and Knife in the local repository, the recommended workflow outline looks like:
+* Create repository. A skeleton sample is provided at _
+* Configure knife, see __CONFIGURATION__.
+* Download cookbooks from the Opscode cookbooks site, see __COOKBOOK SITE SUB-COMMANDS__.
+* Or, create new cookbooks, see `cookbook create` sub-command.
+* Commit changes to the version control system. See your tool's documentation.
+* Upload cookbooks to the Chef Server, see __COOKBOOK SUB-COMMANDS__.
+* Launch instances in the Cloud, OR provision new hosts; see __CLOUD COMPUTING SUB-COMMANDS__ and __BOOTSTRAP SUB-COMMANDS__.
+* Watch Chef configure systems!
+A note about git: Opscode and many folks in the Chef community use git,
+but it is not required, except in the case of the `cookbook site vendor`
+sub-command, as it uses git directly. Version control is strongly
+recommended though, and git fits with a lot of the workflow paradigms.
+ * `EDITOR`:
+ The text editor to use for editing data. The --editor option takes
+ precedence over this value, and the --disable-editing option supresses
+ data editing entirely.
+ __chef-client(8)__ __chef-server(8)__ __chef-shell(1)__
+ __knife-bootstrap(1)__ __knife-client(1)__ __knife-configure(1)__
+ __knife-cookbook-site(1)__ __knife-cookbook(1)__ __knife-data-bag(1)__
+ __knife-environment(1)__ __knife-exec(1)__ __knife-index(1)__
+ __knife-node(1)__ __knife-recipe(1)__ __knife-role(1)__
+ __knife-search(1)__ __knife-ssh(1)__ __knife-tag(1)__
+ Complete Chef documentation is available online: <>
+ JSON is JavaScript Object Notation <>
+ SOLR is an open source search engine. <>
+ __git(1)__ is a version control system <>
+ This manual page was generated from Markdown with __ronn(1)__ <>
+ Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> of Opscode
+ (<>), with contributions from the community.
+ This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
+ Both Chef and this documentation are released under the terms of the
+ Apache 2.0 License. You may view the license online: <>
+ On some systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License may be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0`.
+## CHEF
+ Knife is distributed with Chef. <>