path: root/distro/common/markdown
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-This directory contains markdown documentation that is used in other places.
-For example, markdown (.mkd) documents that are generated as man pages
-with ronn.
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-chef-shell(1) -- Interactive Chef Console
-__chef-shell__ [_named configuration_] _(options)_
- * `-S`, `--server CHEF_SERVER_URL`:
- The chef server URL
- * `-z`, `--client`:
- chef-client mode
- * `-c`, `--config CONFIG`:
- The configuration file to use
- * `-j`, `--json-attributes JSON_ATTRIBS`:
- Load attributes from a JSON file or URL
- * `-l`, `--log-level LOG_LEVEL`:
- Set the logging level
- * `-s`, `--solo`:
- chef-solo session
- * `-a`, `--standalone`:
- standalone session
- * `-v`, `--version`:
- Show chef version
- * `-h`, `--help`:
- Show command options
-When no --config option is specified, chef-shell attempts to load a
-default configuration file:
-* If a _named configuration_ is given, chef-shell will load ~/.chef/_named
- configuration_/chef_shell.rb
-* If no _named configuration_ is given chef-shell will load
- ~/.chef/chef_shell.rb if it exists
-* chef-shell falls back to loading /etc/chef/client.rb or
-/etc/chef/solo.rb if -z or -s options are given and no chef_shell.rb
-can be found.
-* The --config option takes precedence over implicit configuration
- paths.
-`chef-shell` is an irb(1) (interactive ruby) session customized for Chef.
-`chef-shell` serves two primary functions: it provides a means to
-interact with a Chef Server interactively using a convenient DSL; it
-allows you to define and run Chef recipes interactively.
-chef-shell uses irb's subsession feature to provide multiple modes of
-interaction. In addition to the primary mode which is entered on start,
-`recipe` and `attributes` modes are available.
-The following commands are available in the primary
- * `help`:
- Prints a list of available commands
- * `version`:
- Prints the Chef version
- * `recipe`:
- Switches to `recipe` mode
- * `attributes`:
- Switches to `attributes` mode
- * `run_chef`:
- Initiates a chef run
- * `reset`:
- reinitializes chef-shell session
- * `echo :on|:off`:
- Turns irb's echo function on or off. Echo is _on_ by default.
- * `tracing :on|:off`:
- Turns irb's function tracing feature on or off. Tracing is extremely
- verbose and expected to be of interest primarily to developers.
- * `node`:
- Returns the _node_ object for the current host. See knife-node(1)
- for more information about nodes.
- * `ohai`:
- Prints the attributes of _node_
-In addition to these commands, chef-shell provides a DSL for accessing
-data on the Chef Server. When working with remote data in chef-shell, you
-chain method calls in the form _object type_._operation_, where
-_object type_ is in plural form. The following object types are
- * `nodes`
- * `roles`
- * `data_bags`
- * `clients`
- * `cookbooks`
-For each _object type_ the following operations are available:
- * _object type_.all(_&block_):
- Loads all items from the server. If the optional code _block_ is
- given, each item will be passed to the block and the results
- returned, similar to ruby's `Enumerable#map` method.
- * _object name_):
- Aliased as _object type_.load
- Loads the singular item identified by _object name_.
- * _object, _&block_):
- Aliased as _object type_.find
- Runs a search against the server and returns the matching items. If
- the optional code _block_ is given each item will be passed to the
- block and the results returned.
- The _query_ may be a Solr/Lucene format query given as a String, or
- a Hash of conditions. If a Hash is given, the options will be ANDed
- together. To join conditions with OR, use negative queries, or any
- advanced search syntax, you must provide give the query in String
- form.
- * _object type_.transform(:all|_query_, _&block_):
- Aliased as _object type_.bulk_edit
- Bulk edit objects by processing them with the (required) code _block_.
- You can edit all objects of the given type by passing the Symbol
- `:all` as the argument, or only a subset by passing a _query_ as the
- argument. The _query_ is evaluated in the same way as with
- __search__.
- The return value of the code _block_ is used to alter the behavior
- of `transform`. If the value returned from the block is `nil` or
- `false`, the object will not be saved. Otherwise, the object is
- saved after being passed to the block. This behavior can be
- exploited to create a dry run to test a data transformation.
-Recipe mode implements Chef's recipe DSL. Exhaustively documenting this
-DSL is outside the scope of this document. See the following pages in
-the Chef documentation for more information:
- * <>
- * <>
-Once you have defined resources in the recipe, you can trigger a
-convergence run via `run_chef`
-* A "Hello World" interactive recipe
- chef > recipe
- chef:recipe > echo :off
- chef:recipe > file "/tmp/hello\_world"
- chef:recipe > run\_chef
- [Sat, 09 Apr 2011 08:56:56 -0700] INFO: Processing file[/tmp/hello\_world] action create ((irb#1) line 2)
- [Sat, 09 Apr 2011 08:56:56 -0700] INFO: file[/tmp/hello\_world] created file /tmp/hello\_world
- chef:recipe > pp ls '/tmp'
- [".",
- "..",
- "hello\_world"]
-* Search for _nodes_ by role, and print their IP addresses
- chef > nodes.find(:roles => 'monitoring-server') {|n| n[:ipaddress] }
- => [""]
-* Remove the role _obsolete_ from every node in the system
- chef > nodes.transform(:all) {|n|\_list.delete('role[obsolete]') }
- => [node[], node[ree-woot], node[graphite-dev], node[fluke.localdomain], node[ghost.local], node[kallistec]]
-## BUGS
-`chef-shell` often does not perfectly replicate the context in which
-chef-client(8) configures a host, which may lead to discrepancies in
-observed behavior.
-`chef-shell` has to duplicate much code from chef-client's internal
-libraries and may become out of sync with the behavior of those
- chef-client(8) knife(1)
- <>
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many
- contributions from the community. chef-shell was written by Daniel
- DeLeo.
- This manual page was written by Daniel DeLeo <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this
- document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- chef-shell is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-bootstrap(1) -- Install Chef Client on a remote host
-__knife__ __bootstrap__ _(options)_
- * `-i`, `--identity-file IDENTITY_FILE`:
- The SSH identity file used for authentication
- * `-N`, `--node-name NAME`:
- The Chef node name for your new node
- * `-P`, `--ssh-password PASSWORD`:
- The ssh password
- * `-x`, `--ssh-user USERNAME`:
- The ssh username
- * `-p`, `--ssh-port PORT`:
- The ssh port
- * `--bootstrap-version VERSION`:
- The version of Chef to install
- * `--bootstrap-proxy PROXY_URL`:
- `The proxy server for the node being bootstrapped`
- * `--prerelease`:
- Install pre-release Chef gems
- * `-r`, `--run-list RUN_LIST`:
- Comma separated list of roles/recipes to apply
- * `--template-file TEMPLATE`:
- Full path to location of template to use
- * `--sudo`:
- Execute the bootstrap via sudo
- * `-d`, `--distro DISTRO`:
- Bootstrap a distro using a template
- * `--[no-]host-key-verify`:
- Enable host key verification, which is the default behavior.
- * `--hint HINT_NAME[=HINT_FILE]`:
- Provide the name of a hint (with option JSON file) to set for use by
- Ohai plugins.
-Performs a Chef Bootstrap on the target node. The goal of the bootstrap
-is to get Chef installed on the target system so it can run Chef Client
-with a Chef Server. The main assumption is a baseline OS installation
-exists. This sub-command is used internally by some cloud computing
-The bootstrap sub-command supports supplying a template to perform the
-bootstrap steps. If the distro is not specified (via `-d` or `--distro`
-option), an Ubuntu 10.04 host bootstrapped with RubyGems is assumed. The
-__DISTRO__ value corresponds to the base filename of the template, in
-other words `DISTRO`.erb. A template file can be specified with the
-`--template-file` option in which case the __DISTRO__ is not used. The
-sub-command looks in the following locations for the template to use:
-* `bootstrap` directory in the installed Chef Knife library.
-* `bootstrap` directory in the `$PWD/.chef`.
-* `bootstrap` directory in the users `$HOME/.chef`.
-The default bootstrap templates are scripts that get copied to the
-target node (FQDN). The following distros are supported:
-* centos5-gems
-* fedora13-gems
-* ubuntu10.04-gems
-* ubuntu10.04-apt
-The gems installations will use RubyGems 1.3.6 and Chef installed as a
-gem. The apt installation will use the Opscode APT repository.
-In addition to handling the software installation, these bootstrap
-templates do the following:
- - Write the validation.pem per the local knife configuration.
- - Write a default config file for Chef (`/etc/chef/client.rb`) using values from the `knife.rb`.
- - Create a JSON attributes file containing the specified run list and run Chef.
-In the case of the RubyGems, the `client.rb` will be written from
-scratch with a minimal set of values; see __EXAMPLES__. In the case of
-APT Package installation, `client.rb` will have the
-`validation_client_name` appended if it is not set to `chef-validator`
-(default config value), and the `node_name` will be added if
-`chef_node_name` option is specified.
-When this is complete, the bootstrapped node will have:
- - Latest Chef version installed from RubyGems or APT Packages from Opscode. This may be a later version than the local system.
- - Be validated with the configured Chef Server.
- - Have run Chef with its default run list if one is specified.
-Additional custom bootstrap templates can be created and stored in
-`.chef/bootstrap/DISTRO.erb`, replacing __DISTRO__ with the value passed
-with the `-d` or `--distro` option. See __EXAMPLES__ for more
-Setting up a custom bootstrap is fairly straightforward. Create a
-`.chef/bootstrap` directory in your Chef Repository or in
-`$HOME/.chef/bootstrap`. Then create the ERB template file.
- mkdir ~/.chef/bootstrap
- vi ~/.chef/bootstrap/debian5.0-apt.erb
-For example, to create a new bootstrap template that should be used when
-setting up a new Debian node. Edit the template to run the commands, set
-up the validation certificate and the client configuration file, and
-finally to run chef-client on completion. The bootstrap template can be
-called with:
- knife bootstrap --template-file ~/.chef/bootstrap/debian5.0-apt.erb
- knife bootstrap --distro debian5.0-apt
-The `--distro` parameter will automatically look in the
-`~/.chef/bootstrap` directory for a file named `debian5.0-apt.erb`.
-Templates provided by the Chef installation are located in
-`BASEDIR/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/*.erb`, where _BASEDIR_ is the
-location where the package or Gem installed the Chef client libraries.
-## BUGS
-`knife bootstrap` is not capable of bootstrapping multiple hosts in
-The bootstrap script is passed as an argument to sh(1) on the remote
-system, so sensitive information contained in the script will be visible
-to other users via the process list using tools such as ps(1).
- __knife-ssh__(1)
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-client(1) -- Manage Chef API Clients
-__knife__ __client__ _sub-command_ _(options)_
-Client subcommands follow a basic create, read, update, delete (CRUD)
-pattern. The Following subcommands are available:
-__knife client bulk delete__ _regex_ _(options)_
-Delete clients where the client name matches the regular expression
-_regex_ on the Chef Server. The regular expression should be given as a
-quoted string, and not surrounded by forward slashes.
-__knife client create__ _client name_ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--admin `:
- Create the client as an admin
- * `-f`, `--file FILE`:
- Write the key to a file
-Create a new client. This generates an RSA keypair. The private key will
-be displayed on _STDOUT_ or written to the named file. The public half
-will be stored on the Server. For _chef-client_ systems, the private key
-should be copied to the system as `/etc/chef/client.pem`.
-Admin clients should be created for users that will use _knife_ to
-access the API as an administrator. The private key will generally be
-copied to `~/.chef/client\_name.pem` and referenced in the `knife.rb`
-configuration file.
-__knife client delete__ _client name_ _(options)_
-Deletes a registered client.
-## EDIT
-__client edit__ _client name_ _(options)_
-Edit a registered client.
-## LIST
-__client list__ _(options)_
- * `-w`, `--with-uri`:
- Show corresponding URIs
-List all registered clients.
-__client reregister__ _client name_ _(options)_
- * `-f`, `--file FILE`:
- Write the key to a file
-Regenerate the RSA keypair for a client. The public half will be stored
-on the server and the private key displayed on _STDOUT_ or written to
-the named file. This operation will invalidate the previous keypair used
-by the client, preventing it from authenticating with the Chef Server.
-Use care when reregistering the validator client.
-## SHOW
-__client show__ _client name_ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--attribute ATTR`:
- Show only one attribute
-Show a client. Output format is determined by the --format option.
-Clients are identities used for communication with the Chef Server API,
-roughly equivalent to user accounts on the Chef Server, except that
-clients only communicate with the Chef Server API and are authenticated
-via request signatures.
-In the typical case, there will be one client object on the server for
-each node, and the corresponding client and node will have identical
-In the Chef authorization model, there is one special client, the
-"validator", which is authorized to create new non-administrative
-clients but has minimal privileges otherwise. This identity is used as a
-sort of "guest account" to create a client identity when initially
-setting up a host for management with Chef.
- __knife-node__(1)
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-configure(1) -- Generate configuration files for knife or Chef Client
-__knife__ __configure__ [client] _(options)_
-Generates a knife.rb configuration file interactively. When given the
---initial option, also creates a new administrative user.
-__knife configure__ _(options)_
- * `-i`, `--initial`:
- Create an initial API Client
- * `-r`, `--repository REPO`:
- The path to your chef-repo
-Create a configuration file for knife. This will prompt for values to
-enter into the file. Default values are listed in square brackets if no
-other entry is typed. See __knife__(1) for a description of
-configuration options.
-__knife configure client__ _directory_
-Read the _knife.rb_ config file and generate a config file suitable for
-use in _/etc/chef/client.rb_ and copy the validation certificate into
-the specified _directory_.
- * On a freshly installed Chef Server, use _knife configure -i_ to
- create an administrator and knife configuration file. Leave the
- field blank to accept the default value. On most systems, the
- default values are acceptable (except for the chef server URL,
- there you must add your organization name)
- user@host$ knife configure -i
- Please enter the chef server URL: [http://localhost/organizations/myorg]
- Please enter a clientname for the new client: [username]
- Please enter the existing admin clientname: [chef-webui]
- Please enter the location of the existing admin client's private key: [/etc/chef/webui.pem]
- Please enter the validation clientname: [chef-validator]
- Please enter the location of the validation key: [/etc/chef/validation.pem]
- Please enter the path to a chef repository (or leave blank):
- Creating initial API user...
- Created (or updated) client[username]
- Configuration file written to /home/username/.chef/knife.rb
- This creates a new administrator client named _username_, writes
- a configuration file to _/home/username/.chef/knife.rb_, and the
- private key to _/home/username/.chef/username.pem_. The
- configuration file and private key may be copied to another system
- to facilitate administration of the Chef Server from a remote
- system. Depending on the value given for the Chef Server URL, you
- may need to modify that setting after copying to a remote host.
- __knife__(1) __knife-client__(1)
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
diff --git a/distro/common/markdown/man1/knife-cookbook-site.mkd b/distro/common/markdown/man1/knife-cookbook-site.mkd
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-knife-cookbook-site(1) -- Install and update open source cookbooks
-__knife__ __cookbook site__ _sub-command_ _(options)_
-`knife cookbook site` provides the following subcommands:
-__cookbook site install COOKBOOK [VERSION]__ _(options)_
- * `-D`, `--skip-dependencies `:
- Skip automatic installation of dependencies.
- * `-o`, `--cookbook-path PATH`:
- Install cookbooks to PATH
- * `-B`, `--branch BRANCH`:
- Default branch to work with [defaults to master]
-Uses git(1) version control in conjunction with the cookbook site to
-install community contributed cookbooks to your local cookbook
-repository. Running `knife cookbook site install` does the following:
-1. A new "pristine copy" branch is created in git for tracking the
- upstream;
-2. All existing cookbooks are removed from the branch;
-3. The cookbook is downloaded from the cookbook site in tarball form;
-4. The downloaded cookbook is untarred, and its contents committed via git;
-5. The pristine copy branch is merged into the master branch.
-By installing cookbook with this process, you can locally modify the
-upstream cookbook in your master branch and let git maintain your
-changes as a separate patch. When an updated upstream version becomes
-available, you will be able to merge the upstream changes while
-maintaining your local modifications.
-Unless _--skip-dependencies_ is specified, the process is applied recursively to all the
-cookbooks _COOKBOOK_ depends on (via metadata _dependencies_).
-__knife cookbook site download COOKBOOK [VERSION]__ _(options)_
- * `-f`, `--file FILE`:
- The filename to write to
- * `--force`:
- Force download deprecated cookbook
-Downloads a specific cookbook from the Community site, optionally
-specifying a certain version.
-## LIST
-__knife cookbook site list__ _(options)_
- * `-w`, `--with-uri`:
- Show corresponding URIs
-Lists available cookbooks from the Community site.
-__knife cookbook site search QUERY__ _(options)_
-Searches for available cookbooks matching the specified query.
-__knife cookbook site share COOKBOOK CATEGORY__ _(options)_
- * `-k`, `--key KEY`:
- API Client Key
- * `-u`, `--user USER`:
- API Client Username
- * `-o`, `--cookbook-path PATH:PATH`:
- A colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in
-Uploads the specified cookbook using the given category to the Opscode
-cookbooks site. Requires a login user and certificate for the Opscode
-Cookbooks site. By default, knife will use the username and API key
-you've configured in your configuration file; otherwise you must
-explicitly set these values on the command line or use an alternate
-configuration file.
-__knife cookbook site unshare COOKBOOK__
-Stops sharing the specified cookbook on the Opscode cookbooks site.
-## SHOW
-__knife cookbook site show COOKBOOK [VERSION]__ _(options)_
-Shows information from the site about a particular cookbook.
-The cookbook site, <>, is a cookbook
-distribution service operated by Opscode. This service provides users
-with a central location to publish cookbooks for sharing with other
-community members.
-`knife cookbook site` commands provide an interface to the cookbook
-site's HTTP API. For commands that read data from the API, no account is
-required. In order to upload cookbooks using the `knife cookbook site
-share` command, you must create an account on the cookbook site and
-configure your credentials via command line option or in your knife
-configuration file.
-Uploading cookbooks to the Opscode cookbooks site:
- knife cookbook site share example Other -k ~/.chef/USERNAME.pem -u USERNAME
- __knife-cookbook(1)__
- <>
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-cookbook(1) -- upload and manage chef cookbooks
-__knife__ __cookbook__ _sub-command_ _(options)_
-`knife cookbook` supports the following sub commands:
-## LIST
-__knife cookbook list__ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--all`:
- show all versions of a cookbook instead of just the most recent
- * `-w`, `--with-uri`:
- show corresponding uris
-Lists the cookbooks available on the Chef server.
-## SHOW
-__knife cookbook show cookbook [version] [part] [filename]__ _(options)_
- * `-f`, `--fqdn fqdn `:
- the fqdn of the host to see the file for
- * `-p`, `--platform platform `:
- the platform to see the file for
- * `-v`, `--platform-version version`:
- the platform version to see the file for
- * `-w`, `--with-uri`:
- Show corresponding URIs
-show a particular part of a _cookbook_ for the specified _version_. _part_ can be one of:
- * _attributes_
- * _definitions_
- * _files_
- * _libraries_
- * _providers_
- * _recipes_
- * _resources_
- * _templates_
-__knife cookbook upload [cookbooks...]__ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--all`:
- upload all cookbooks, rather than just a single cookbook
- * `-o`, `--cookbook-path path:path`:
- a colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in
- * `-d`, `--upload-dependencies`:
- Uploads additional cookbooks that this cookbook lists in as
- dependencies in its metadata.
- * `-E`, `--environment ENVIRONMENT`:
- An _ENVIRONMENT_ to apply the uploaded cookbooks to. Specifying this
- option will cause knife to edit the _ENVIRONMENT_ to place a strict
- version constraint on the cookbook version(s) uploaded.
- * `--freeze`:
- Sets the frozen flag on the uploaded cookbook(s) Any future attempt
- to modify the cookbook without changing the version number will
- return an error unless --force is specified.
- * `--force`:
- Overrides the frozen flag on a cookbook, allowing you to overwrite a
- cookbook version that has previously been uploaded with the --freeze
- option.
-Uploads one or more cookbooks from your local cookbook repository(ies)
-to the Chef Server. Only files that don't yet exist on the server will
-be uploaded.
-As the command parses the name args as 1..n cookbook names:
- `knife cookbook upload COOKBOOK COOKBOOK ...`
-works for one to many cookbooks.
-__knife cookbook download cookbook [version]__ _(options)_
- * `-d`, `--dir download_directory`:
- the directory to download the cookbook into
- * `-f`, `--force`:
- overwrite an existing directory with the download
- * `-n`, `--latest`:
- download the latest version of the cookbook
-download a cookbook from the chef server. if no version is specified and
-only one version exists on the server, that version will be downloaded.
-if no version is specified and multiple versions are available on the
-server, you will be prompted for a version to download.
-__knife cookbook delete cookbook [version]__ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--all`:
- delete all versions
- * `-p`, `--purge`:
- purge files from backing store. this will disable any cookbook that contains any of the same files as the cookbook being purged.
-delete the specified _version_ of the named _cookbook_. if no version is
-specified, and only one version exists on the server, that version will
-be deleted. if multiple versions are available on the server, you will
-be prompted for a version to delete.
-__knife cookbook bulk delete regex__ _(options)_
- * `-p`, `--purge`:
- purge files from backing store. this will disable any cookbook that
- contains any of the same files as the cookbook being purged.
-delete cookbooks on the chef server based on a regular expression. the
-regular expression (_regex_) should be in quotes, not in //'s.
-__knife cookbook create cookbook__ _(options)_
- * `-o`, `--cookbook-path path`:
- the directory where the cookbook will be created
- * `-r`, `--readme-format format`:
- format of the readme file md, mkd, txt, rdoc
- * `-C`, `--copyright copyright`:
- name of copyright holder
- * `-i`, `--license license`:
- license for cookbook, apachev2 or none
- * `-m`, `--email email`:
- email address of cookbook maintainer
-this is a helper command that creates a new cookbook directory in the
-`cookbook_path`. the following directories and files are created for the
-named cookbook.
-* cookbook/attributes
-* cookbook/definitions
-* cookbook/files/default
-* cookbook/libraries
-* cookbook/metadata.rb
-* cookbook/providers
-* cookbook/
-* cookbook/recipes/default.rb
-* cookbook/resources
-* cookbook/templates/default
-supported readme formats are 'md' (default), 'mkd', 'txt', 'rdoc'. the
-readme file will be written with the specified extension and a set of
-helpful starting headers.
-specify `-C` or `--copyright` with the name of the copyright holder as
-your name or your company/organization name in a quoted string. if this
-value is not specified an all-caps string `your_company_name` is used
-which can be easily changed with find/replace.
-specify `-i` or `--license` with the license that the cookbook is
-distributed under for sharing with other people or posting to the
-opscode cookbooks site. be aware of the licenses of files you put inside
-the cookbook and follow any restrictions they describe. when using
-`none` (default) or `apachev2`, comment header text and metadata file
-are pre-filled. the `none` license will be treated as
-specify `-m` or `--email` with the email address of the cookbook's
-maintainer. if this value is not specified, an all-caps string
-`your_email` is used which can easily be changed with find/replace.
-the cookbook copyright, license, email and readme_format settings can be filled in the
-`knife.rb`, for example with default values:
- cookbook_copyright "your_company_name"
- cookbook_license "none"
- cookbook_email "your_email"
- readme_format "md"
-__knife cookbook metadata cookbook__ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--all`:
- generate metadata for all cookbooks, rather than just a single cookbook
- * `-o`, `--cookbook-path path:path`:
- a colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in
-generate cookbook metadata for the named _cookbook_. the _path_ used here specifies where the cookbooks directory is located and corresponds to the `cookbook_path` configuration option.
-__knife cookbook metadata from file__ _(options)_
-load the cookbook metadata from a specified file.
-## TEST
-__knife cookbook test [cookbooks...]__ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--all`:
- test all cookbooks, rather than just a single cookbook
- * `-o`, `--cookbook-path path:path`:
- a colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in
-test the specified cookbooks for syntax errors. this uses the built-in
-ruby syntax checking option for files in the cookbook ending in `.rb`,
-and the erb syntax check for files ending in `.erb` (templates).
-__knife recipe list [PATTERN]__
-List available recipes from the server. Specify _PATTERN_ as a regular
-expression to limit the results.
-Cookbooks are the fundamental unit of distribution in Chef. They
-encapsulate all recipes of resources and assets used to configure a
-particular aspect of the infrastructure. The following sub-commands can
-be used to manipulate the cookbooks stored on the Chef Server.
-On disk, cookbooks are directories with a defined structure. The
-following directories may appear within a cookbook:
- * COOKBOOK/attributes/:
- Ruby files that define default parameters to be used in recipes
- * COOKBOOK/definitions/:
- Ruby files that contain _resource definitions_
- Files of arbitrary type. These files may be downloaded by
- chef-client(8) when configuring a host.
- * COOKBOOK/libraries/:
- Ruby files that contain library code needed for recipes
- * COOKBOOK/providers/:
- Ruby files that contain Lightweight Provider definitions
- * COOKBOOK/recipes/:
- Ruby files that use Chef's recipe DSL to describe the desired
- configuration of a system
- * COOKBOOK/resources/:
- Ruby files that contain Lightweight Resource definitions
- ERuby (ERb) template files. These are referenced by _recipes_ and
- evaluated to dynamically generate configuration files.
-__SPECIFICITY__ is a feature of _files_ and _templates_ that allow you
-to specify alternate files to be used on a specific OS platform or host.
-The default specificity setting is _default_, that is files in
-`COOKBOOK/files/default` will be used when a more specific copy is not
-available. Further documentation for this feature is available on the
-Chef wiki: <>
-Cookbooks also contain a metadata file that defines various properties
-of the cookbook. The most important of these are the _version_ and the
-_dependencies_. The _version_ is used in combination with environments
-to select which copy of a given cookbook is distributed to a node. The
-_dependencies_ are used by the server to determine which additional
-cookbooks must be distributed to a given host when it requires a
- __knife-environment(1)__ __knife-cookbook-site(1)__
- <>
- <>
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-data-bag(1) -- Store arbitrary data on a Chef Server
-__knife__ __data bag__ _sub-command_ _(options)_
-Data bags are stores of arbitrary JSON data. Each data bag is a
-collection that may contain many items. Data Bag Items are indexed by
-the Chef Server and can be searched via __knife-search__(1).
-Data bags are available to all nodes configured by __chef-client__(8),
-and are therefore a convenient mechanism to store global information,
-such as lists of administrative accounts that should be configured on
-all hosts.
-__knife data bag create__ _bag name_ [item id] _(options)_
- * `-s`, `--secret SECRET`:
- A secret key used to encrypt the data bag item. See __encryption support__ below.
- * `--secret-file SECRET_FILE`:
- The path to a file containing the secret key to be used to encrypt
- the data bag item.
-If _item id_ is given, creates a new, empty data bag item and opens it for
-editing in your editor. The data bag will be created if it does not
-If _item id_ is not given, the data bag will be created.
-__knife data bag delete__ _bag name_ [item id] _(options)_
-Delete a data bag, or an item from a data bag.
-## EDIT
-__knife data bag edit__ _bag name_ _item id_ _(options)_
- * `-s`, `--secret SECRET`:
- A secret key used to encrypt the data bag item. See __encryption support__ below.
- * `--secret-file SECRET_FILE`:
- The path to a file containing the secret key to be used to encrypt
- the data bag item.
-Edit an item in a data bag.
-__knife data bag from file__ _bag name_ _file_ _(options)_
-__knife data bag from file__ _bag name_ _file1_ _file2_ _file3_ _(options)_
-__knife data bag from file__ _bag name_ _folder_ _(options)_
- * `-s`, `--secret SECRET`:
- A secret key used to encrypt the data bag item. See __encryption support__ below.
- * `--secret-file SECRET_FILE`:
- The path to a file containing the secret key to be used to encrypt
- the data bag item.
-Load a data bag item from a JSON file. If _file_ is a relative or
-absolute path to the file, that file will be used. Otherwise, the _file_
-parameter is treated as the base name of a data bag file in a Chef
-repository, and `knife` will search for the file in
-`./data_bags/bag_name/file`. For example `knife data bag from file users
-dan.json` would attempt to load the file `./data_bags/users/dan.json`.
-## LIST
-__knife data bag list__ _(options)_
- * `-w`, `--with-uri`:
- Show corresponding URIs
-Lists the data bags that exist on the Chef Server.
-## SHOW
-__knife data bag show BAG [ITEM]__ _(options)_
- * `-s`, `--secret SECRET`:
- A secret key used to encrypt the data bag item. See __encryption support__ below.
- * `--secret-file SECRET_FILE`:
- The path to a file containing the secret key to be used to encrypt
- the data bag item.
-Show a specific data bag or an item in a data bag. The output will be
-formatted according to the --format option.
-Data Bag Items may be encrypted to keep their contents secret. This may
-be desirable when storing sensitive information such as database
-passwords, API keys, etc.
-Data Bag Item encryption uses the AES-256 CBC symmetric key algorithm.
-__CAVEATS:__ Keys are not encrypted; only values are encrypted. The "id"
-of a Data Bag Item is not encrypted, since it is used by Chef Server to
-store the item in its database. For example, given the following data bag item:
- {"id": "important_passwords", "secret_password": "opensesame"}
-The key "secret\_password" will be visible to an evesdropper, but the
-value "opensesame" will be protected. Both the key "id" and its value
-"important\_passwords" will be visible to an evesdropper.
-Chef Server does not provide a secure mechanism for distributing
-encryption keys.
- __knife-search__(1)
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef.
diff --git a/distro/common/markdown/man1/knife-environment.mkd b/distro/common/markdown/man1/knife-environment.mkd
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-knife-environment(1) -- Define cookbook policies for the environments in your infrastructure
-__knife__ __environment__ _sub-command_ _(options)_
-Environment subcommands follow a basic create, read, update, delete
-(CRUD) pattern. The following subcommands are available:
-__knife environment create__ _environment_ _(options)_
- * `-d`, `--description DESCRIPTION`:
- The value of the description field.
-Create a new environment object on the Chef Server. The envrionment will
-be opened in the text editor for editing prior to creation if the -n
-option is not present.
-__knife environment delete__ _environment_ _(options)_
-Destroy an environment on the Chef Server. A prompt for confirmation
-will be displayed if the -y options is not given.
-## EDIT
-__knife environment edit__ _environment_ _(options)_
-Fetch _environment_ and display it in the text editor for editing. The
-environment will be saved to the Chef Server when the editing session
-__knife environment from file__ _file_ _(options)_
-Create or update an environment from the JSON or Ruby format _file_. See
-__format__ for the proper format of this file.
-## LIST
-__knife environment list__ _(options)_
- * `-w`, `--with-uri`:
- Show the resource URI for each environment
-## SHOW
-__knife environment show__ _environment_ _(options)_
-Environments provide a means to apply policies to hosts in your
-infrastructure based on business function. For example, you may have a
-separate copy of your infrastructure called "dev" that runs the latest
-version of your application and should use the newest versions of your
-cookbooks when configuring systems, and a production instance of your
-infrastructure where you wish to update code and cookbooks in a more
-controlled fashion. In Chef, this function is implemented with
-Environments contain two major components: a set of cookbook version
-constraints and environment attributes.
-A cookbook version constraint is comprised of a _cookbook name_ and a
-_version constraint_. The _cookbook name_ is the name of a cookbook in
-your system, and the _version constraint_ is a String describing the
-version(s) of that cookbook allowed in the environment. Only one
-_version constraint_ is supported for a given _cookbook name_.
-The exact syntax used to define a cookbook version constraint varies
-depending on whether you use the JSON format or the Ruby format. In the
-JSON format, the cookbook version constraints for an environment are
-represented as a single JSON object, like this:
- {"apache2": ">= 1.5.0"}
-In the Ruby format, the cookbook version constraints for an environment
-are represented as a Ruby Hash, like this:
- {"apache2" => ">= 1.5.0"}
-A _version number_ is a String comprised of two or three digits
-separated by a dot (.) character, or in other words, strings of the form
-"major.minor" or "major.minor.patch". "1.2" and "1.2.3" are examples of
-valid version numbers. Version numbers containing more than three digits
-or alphabetic characters are not supported.
-A _version constraint_ String is composed of an _operator_ and a
-_version number_. The following operators are available:
- * `= VERSION`:
- Equality. Only the exact version specified may be used.
- * `> VERSION`:
- Greater than. Only versions greater than `VERSION` may be used.
- * `>= VERSION`:
- Greater than or equal to. Only versions equal to VERSION or greater
- may be used.
- * `< VERSION`:
- Less than. Only versions less than VERSION may be used.
- * `<= VERSION`:
- Less than or equal to. Only versions lesser or equal to VERSION may
- be used.
- * `~> VERSION`:
- Pessimistic greater than. Depending on the number of components in
- the given VERSION, the constraint will be optimistic about future
- minor or patch revisions only. For example, `~> 1.1` will match any
- version less than `2.0` and greater than or equal to `1.1.0`,
- whereas `~> 2.0.5` will match any version less than `2.1.0` and
- greater than or equal to `2.0.5`.
-The JSON format of an envioronment is as follows:
- {
- "name": "dev",
- "description": "The development environment",
- "cookbook_versions": {
- "couchdb": "= 11.0.0"
- },
- "json_class": "Chef::Environment",
- "chef_type": "environment",
- "default_attributes": {
- "apache2": { "listen_ports": [ "80", "443" ] }
- },
- "override_attributes": {
- "aws_s3_bucket": "production"
- }
- }
-The Ruby format of an environment is as follows:
- name "dev"
- description "The development environment"
- cookbook_versions "couchdb" => "= 11.0.0"
- default_attributes "apache2" => { "listen_ports" => [ "80", "443" ] }
- override_attributes "aws_s3_bucket" => "production"
- __knife-node(1)__ __knife-cookbook(1)__ __knife-role(1)__
- <>
- <>
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Daniel DeLeo <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-exec(1) -- Run user scripts using the Chef API DSL
-__knife__ __exec__ _(options)_
- * `-E`, `--exec CODE`:
- Provide a snippet of code to evaluate on the command line
-`knife exec` runs arbitrary ruby scripts in a context similar to that
-of the chef-shell(1) DSL. See the chef-shell documentation for a
-description of the commands available.
- * Make an API call against an arbitrary endpoint:
- knife exec -E 'api.get("nodes/fluke.localdomain/cookbooks")'
- => list of cookbooks for the node _fluke.localdomain_
- * Remove the role _obsolete_ from all nodes:
- knife exec -E 'nodes.transform(:all){|n|\_list.delete("role[obsolete]")}'
- * Generate the expanded run list for hosts in the `webserver` role:
- knife exec -E 'nodes.find(:roles => "webserver") {|n| n.expand!; n[:recipes]}'
- __chef-shell(1)__
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-index(1) -- Rebuild the search index on a Chef Server
-__knife__ __index rebuild__ _(options)_
- * `-y`, `--yes`:
- don't bother to ask if I'm sure
-Rebuilds all the search indexes on the server. This is accomplished by
-deleting all objects from the search index, and then forwarding each
-item in the database to __chef-expander__(8) via __rabbitmq-server__(1).
-Depending on the number of objects in the database, it may take some
-time for all objects to be indexed and available for search.
- __knife-search__(1)
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
diff --git a/distro/common/markdown/man1/knife-node.mkd b/distro/common/markdown/man1/knife-node.mkd
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-knife-node(1) -- Manage the hosts in your infrastructure
-__knife__ __node__ _sub-command_ _(options)_
-Nodes are data structures that represent hosts configured with Chef.
-Nodes have a __name__, a String that uniquely identifies the node,
-__attributes__, a nested Hash of properties that describe how the host
-should be configured, a __chef\_environment__, a String representing the
-environment to which the node belongs, and a __run\_list__, an ordered
-list of __recipes__ or __roles__ that chef-client should apply when
-configuring a host.
-When a host communicates with a Chef Server, it authenticates using its
-__node\_name__ for identification and signs its reqests with a private
-key. The Server validates the request by looking up a __client__ object
-with a name identical to the __node\_name__ submitted with the request
-and verifes the signature using the public key for that __client__
-object. __NOTE__ that the __client__ is a different object in the
-system. It is associated with a node by virtue of having a matching
-By default __chef-client__(8) will create a node using the FQDN of the
-host for the node name, though this may be overridden by configuration
-The following `node` subcommands are available:
-__knife node bulk delete__ _regex_ _(options)_
-Deletes nodes for which the name matches the regular expression _regex_
-on the Chef Server. The regular expression should be given in quotes,
-and should not be surrounded with forward slashes (as is typical of
-regular expression literals in scripting languages).
-__knife node create__ _name_ _(options)_
-Create a new node. Unless the --disable-editing option is given, an empty node
-object will be created and displayed in your text editor. If the editor
-exits with a successful exit status, the node data will be posted to the
-Chef Server to create the node.
-__knife node delete__ _name_ _(options)_
-Deletes the node identified by _name_ on the Chef Server.
-## EDIT
-__knife node edit__ _name_ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--all`:
- Display all node data in the editor. By default, default, override,
- and automatic attributes are not shown.
-Edit the node identified by _name_. Like __knife node create__, the node
-will be displayed in your text editor unless the -n option is present.
-__knife node from file__ _file_ _(options)_
-Create a node from a JSON format _file_.
-## LIST
-__knife node list__ _(options)_
- * `-w`, `--with-uri`:
- Show corresponding URIs
-List all nodes.
-__knife node run_list add__ _name_ _run list item_ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--after ITEM`:
- Place the ENTRY in the run list after ITEM
-Add the _run list item_ to the node's `run_list`. See Run list
-__knife node run_list remove__ _node name_ _run list item_ _(options)_
-Remove the _run list item_ from the node's `run_list`.
-## SHOW
-__knife node show__ _node name_ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--attribute [ATTR]`:
- Show only one attribute
- * `-r`, `--run-list `:
- Show only the run list
- * `-F`, `--format FORMAT`:
- Display the node in a different format.
- * `-m`, `--medium`:
- Display more, but not all, of the node's data when using the default
- _summary_ format
-Displays the node identified by _node name_ on stdout.
-Run list items may be either roles or recipes. When adding a role to a
-run list, the correct syntax is "role[ROLE\_NAME]"
-When adding a recipe to a run list, there are several valid formats:
- * Fully Qualified Format:
- "recipe[COOKBOOK::RECIPE\_NAME]", for example, "recipe[chef::client]"
- * Cookbook Recipe Format:
- For brevity, the recipe part of the fully qualified format may be omitted, and recipes specified as "COOKBOOK::RECIPE\_NAME", e.g., "chef::client"
- * Default Recipe Format:
- When adding the default recipe of a cookbook to a run list, the recipe name may be omitted as well, e.g., "chef::default" may be written as just "chef"
- __knife-client__(1) __knife-search__(1) __knife-role__(1)
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-role(1) -- Group common configuration settings
-__knife__ __role__ _sub-command_ _(options)_
-The following `role` subcommands are available:
-## LIST
-__knife role list__ _(options)_
- * `-w`, `--with-uri`:
- Show corresponding URIs
-List roles.
-## SHOW
-__knife role show ROLE__ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--attribute ATTR`:
- Show only one attribute
-Show a specific role.
-__knife role create ROLE__ _(options)_
- * `-d`, `--description`:
- The role description
-Create a new role.
-## EDIT
-__knife role edit ROLE__ _(options)_
-Edit a role.
-__knife role from file FILE__ _(options)_
-Create or update a role from a role Ruby DSL (`.rb`) or JSON file.
-__knife role delete ROLE__ _(options)_
-Delete a role.
-__knife role bulk delete REGEX__ _(options)_
-Delete roles on the Chef Server based on a regular expression. The regular expression (_REGEX_) should be in quotes, not in //'s.
-Roles provide a mechanism to group repeated configuration settings.
-Roles are data structures that contain __default\_attributes__, and
-__override_attributes__, which are nested hashes of configuration
-settings, and a __run_list__, which is an ordered list of recipes and
-roles that should be applied to a host by chef-client.
-__default_attributes__ will be overridden if they conflict with a value
-on a node that includes the role. Conversely, __override_attributes__
-will override any values set on nodes that apply them.
-When __chef-client__(8) configures a host, it will "expand" the
-__run_list__ included in that host's node data. The expansion process
-will recursively replace any roles in the run\_list with that role's
- __knife-node(1)__ __knife-environment(1)__
- <>
- <>
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
diff --git a/distro/common/markdown/man1/knife-search.mkd b/distro/common/markdown/man1/knife-search.mkd
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-knife-search(1) -- Find objects on a Chef Server by query
-__knife__ __search INDEX QUERY__ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--attribute ATTR`:
- Show only one attribute
- * `-i`, `--id-only`:
- Show only the ID of matching objects
- * `-q`, `--query QUERY`:
- The search query; useful to protect queries starting with -
- * `-R`, `--rows INT`:
- The number of rows to return
- * `-r`, `--run-list`:
- Show only the run list
- * `-o`, `--sort SORT`:
- The order to sort the results in
- * `-b`, `--start ROW`:
- The row to start returning results at
- * `-m`, `--medium`:
- Display medium sized output when searching nodes using the default
- summary format
- * `-l`, `--long`:
- Display long output when searching nodes using the default summary
- format
-Search is a feature of the Chef Server that allows you to use a
-full-text search engine to query information about your infrastructure
-and applications. You can utilize this service via search calls in a
-recipe or the knife search command. The search syntax is based on
-Search indexes are a feature of the Chef Server and the search
-sub-command allows querying any of the available indexes using SOLR
-query syntax. The following data types are indexed for search:
- * _node_
- * _role_
- * _environment_
- * _clients_
- * _data bag_
-Data bags are indexed by the data bag's name. For example, to search a
-data bag named "admins":
- knife search admins 'field:search_pattern'
-Queries have the form `field:search_pattern` where `field` is a key in
-the JSON description of the relevant objects (nodes, roles,
-environments, or data bags). Both `field` and `search_pattern` are
-case-sensitive. `search_pattern` can be an exact, wildcard,
-range, or fuzzy match (see below). The `field` supports exact
-matching and limited wildcard matching.
-Searches will return the relevant objects (nodes, roles, environments,
-or data bags) where the `search_pattern` matches the object's value of
-Field names are the keys within the JSON description of the object
-being searched. Nested Keys can be searched by placing an underscore
-("_") between key names.
-The field name also has limited support for wildcard matching. Both
-the "*" and "?" wildcards (see below) can be used within a field name;
-however, they cannot be the first character of the field name.
-Without any search modifiers, a search returns those fields for which
-the `search_pattern` exactly matches the value of `field` in the JSON
-description of the object.
-Search support both single- and multi-character wildcard searches
-within a search pattern.
-'?' matches exactly one character.
-'*' matches zero or more characters.
-Range searches allows one to match values between two given values. To
-match values between X and Y, inclusively, use square brackets:
- knife search INDEX 'field:[X TO Y]'
-To match values between X and Y, exclusively, use curly brackets:
- knife search INDEX 'field:{X TO Y}'
-Values are sorted in lexicographic order.
-Fuzzy searches allows one to match values based on the Levenshtein
-Distance algorithm. To perform a fuzzy match, append a tilda (~) to
-the search term:
- knife search INDEX 'field:term~'
-This search would return nodes whose `field` was 'perm' or 'germ'.
-The boolean operators NOT, AND, and OR are supported. To find values
-of `field` that are not X:
- knife search INDEX 'field:(NOT X)'
-To find records where `field1` is X and `field2` is Y:
- knife search INDEX 'field1:X AND field2:Y'
-To find records where `field` is X or Y:
- knife search INDEX 'field:X OR field:Y'
-In order to avoid having special characters and escape sequences
-within your search term interpreted by either Ruby or the shell,
-enclose them in single quotes.
-Search terms that include spaces should be enclosed in double-quotes:
- knife search INDEX 'field:"term with spaces"'
-The following characters must be escaped:
- + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \
-Find the nodes with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN)
- knife search node ''
-Find the nodes running a version of Ubuntu:
- knife search node 'platform:ubuntu*'
-Find all nodes running CentOS in the production environment:
- knife search node 'chef_environment:production AND platform:centos'
- * Searches against the client index return no results in most cases. (CHEF-2477)
- * Searches using the fuzzy match operator (~) produce an error. (CHEF-2478)
- __knife-ssh__(1)
- <>
- [Lucene Query Parser Syntax](
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-ssh(1) -- Run a command or interactive session on multiple remote hosts
-__knife__ __ssh QUERY COMMAND__ _(options)_
- * `-a`, `--attribute ATTR `:
- The attribute to use for opening the connection - default is fqdn
- * `-C`, `--concurrency NUM `:
- The number of concurrent connections
- * `-m`, `--manual-list `:
- QUERY is a space separated list of servers
- * `-P`, `--ssh-password PASSWORD`:
- The ssh password
- * `-x`, `--ssh-user USERNAME `:
- The ssh username
- * `-i`, `--identity-file IDENTITY_FILE`:
- The SSH identity file used for authentication
- * `-p`, `--ssh-port PORT`:
- The ssh port
- * `--[no-]host-key-verify`:
- Verify host key, enabled by default.
-The _ssh_ sub-command opens an ssh session to each of the nodes in the
-search results of the _QUERY_. This sub-command requires that the
-net-ssh-multi and highline Ruby libraries are installed. On Debian
-systems, these are the libnet-ssh-multi-ruby and libhighline-ruby
-packages. They can also be installed as RubyGems (net-ssh-multi and
-highline, respectively).
-`knife ssh` integrates with several terminal multiplexer programs to
-provide a more convenient means of managing multiple ssh sessions. When
-the _COMMAND_ option matches one of these, `knife ssh` will create
-multiple interactive ssh sessions running locally in the terminal
-multiplexer instead of invoking the command on the remote host.
-The available multiplexers are:
- * `interactive`:
- A built-in multiplexer. `interactive` supports running commands on a
- subset of the connected hosts in parallel
- * __screen__(1):
- Runs ssh interactively inside `screen`. ~/.screenrc will be sourced
- if it exists.
- * __tmux__(1):
- Runs ssh interactively inside tmux.
- * `macterm` (Mac OS X only):
- Opens a window and creates a tab for each ssh session.
- You must install the rb-appscript gem before you can use this
- option.
- __knife-search__(1)
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-status(1) -- Display status information for the nodes in your infrastructure
-__knife__ __status__ _(options)_
- * `-r`, `--run-list RUN_LIST`:
- Show the run list
-The _status_ sub-command searches the Chef Server for all nodes and
-displays information about the last time the node checked into the
-server and executed a ``. The fields displayed are the relative
-checkin time, the node name, it's operating system platform and version,
-the fully-qualified domain name and the default IP address. If the `-r`
-option is given, the node's run list will also be displayed. Note that
-depending on the configuration of the nodes, the FQDN and IP displayed
-may not be publicly reachable.
- __knife-search__(1)
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife-tag(1) -- Apply tags to nodes on a Chef Server
-__knife__ __tag__ _subcommand_ _(options)_
-The following `tag` subcommands are available:
-__knife tag create__ _node_ _tag_ [_..._]
-Adds one or more tags to _node_
-__knife tag delete__ _node_ _tag_ [_..._]
-Removes one or more tags from _node_
-## LIST
-__knife tag list__ _node_
-Lists the tags applied to _node_
- __knife-node(1)__
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> with many contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Daniel DeLeo <>.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-knife(1) -- Chef Server API client utility
-__knife__ _sub-command_ [_argument_...] _(options)_
-Knife is a command-line utility used to manage data on a Chef server
-through the HTTP(S) API. Knife is organized into groups of subcommands
-centered around the various object types in Chef. Each category of
-subcommand is documented in its own manual page. Available topics are:
- * bootstrap
- * client
- * configure
- * cookbook-site
- * cookbook
- * data-bag
- * environment
- * exec
- * index
- * node
- * recipe
- * role
- * search
- * ssh
- * status
- * tag
-If the knife manuals are in your `MANPATH`, you can access help for the
-above topics using `man knife-TOPIC`; otherwise, you can view the
-documentation using `knife help TOPIC`.
- * `-s`, `--server-url` URL:
- Chef Server URL, corresponds to `Chef::Config` `chef_server_url`.
- * `-k`, `--key` KEY:
- API Client Key, corresponds to `Chef::Config` `client_key`.
- * `-c`, `--config` CONFIG:
- The configuration file to use
- * `-E`, `--environment ENVIRONMENT`:
- Set the Chef environment (except for in searches, where this will be flagrantly ignored)
- * `-e`, `--editor` EDITOR:
- Set the editor to use for interactive commands
- * `-F`, `--format` FORMAT:
- Which format to use for output. See FORMATS for details.
- * `-d`, `--disable-editing`:
- Do not open EDITOR, just accept the data as is
- * `-u`, `--user` USER:
- API Client Username, corresponds to `Chef::Config` `node_name`.
- * `-p`, `--print-after`:
- Show the data after a destructive operation
- * `-v`, `--version`:
- Show chef version
- * `-V`, `--verbose`:
- More verbose output. Use twice for max verbosity.
- * `-y`, `--yes`:
- Say yes to all prompts for confirmation
- * `--defaults`:
- Accept default values for all questions
- * `--[no-]color`:
- Use colored output. Color enabled by default.
- * `-h`, `--help`:
- Show the available options for a command.
-Sub-commands that operate on the basic Chef data types are structured as
-_NOUN verb NOUN (options)_. For all data types, the following commands
-are available:
-* create (create)
-* list and show (read)
-* edit (update)
-* delete (destroy)
-Knife also includes commands that take actions other than displaying or
-modifying data on the Chef Server, such as __knife-ssh(1)__.
-The knife configuration file is a Ruby DSL to set configuration
-parameters for Knife's __GENERAL OPTIONS__. The default location for the
-config file is `~/.chef/knife.rb`. If managing multiple Chef
-repositories, per-repository config files can be created. The file must
-be `.chef/knife.rb` in the current directory of the repository.
-If the config file exists, knife uses these settings for __GENERAL OPTIONS__ defaults.
- * `node_name`:
- User or client identity (i.e., _name_) to use for authenticating
- requests to the Chef Server.
- * `client_key`:
- Private key file to authenticate to the Chef server. Corresponds to the
- `-k` or `--key` option.
- * `chef_server_url`:
- URL of the Chef server. Corresponds to the `-s` or `--server-url`
- option. This is requested from the user when running this sub-command.
- * `syntax_check_cache_path`:
- Specifies the path to a directory where knife caches information
- about files that it has syntax checked.
- * `validation_client_name`:
- Specifies the name of the client used to validate new clients.
- * `validation_key`:
- Specifies the private key file to use when bootstrapping new hosts.
- See knife-client(1) for more information about the validation
- client.
- * `cookbook_copyright`, `cookbook_email`, `cookbook_license`, `readme_format`
- Used by `knife cookbook create` sub-command to specify the copyright
- holder, maintainer email, license and readme format (respectively) for new cookbooks.
- The copyright holder is listed as the maintainer in the cookbook's
- metadata and as the Copyright in the comments of the default recipe. The
- maintainer email is used in the cookbook metadata. The license
- determines what preamble to put in the comment of the default recipe,
- and is listed as the license in the cookbook metadata. Currently
- supported licenses are "apachev2" and "none". Any other values will
- result in an empty license in the metadata (needs to be filled in by the
- author), and no comment preamble in the default recipe. Currently supported
- readme formats are "md", "mkd", "txt", and "rdoc". Any other value will
- result in an unformatted README.
-Ruby DSL configuration file for knife. See __CONFIGURATION__.
-The amount of content displayed and the output format are
-modified by the `--format` option. If no alternate format is selected,
-the default is summary.
-Valid formats are:
- * `summary`:
- displays the node in a custom, summarized format (default)
- * `text`:
- displays the node data in its entirety using the colorized tree display
- * `json`:
- displays the node in JSON format
- * `yaml`:
- displays the node in YAML format
- * `pp`:
- displays the node using Ruby's pretty printer.
-For brevity, only the first character of the format is required, for
-example, -Fj will produce JSON format output.
-When working with Chef and Knife in the local repository, the recommended workflow outline looks like:
-* Create repository. A skeleton sample is provided at _
-* Configure knife, see __CONFIGURATION__.
-* Download cookbooks from the Opscode cookbooks site, see __COOKBOOK SITE SUB-COMMANDS__.
-* Or, create new cookbooks, see `cookbook create` sub-command.
-* Commit changes to the version control system. See your tool's documentation.
-* Upload cookbooks to the Chef Server, see __COOKBOOK SUB-COMMANDS__.
-* Launch instances in the Cloud, OR provision new hosts; see __CLOUD COMPUTING SUB-COMMANDS__ and __BOOTSTRAP SUB-COMMANDS__.
-* Watch Chef configure systems!
-A note about git: Opscode and many folks in the Chef community use git,
-but it is not required, except in the case of the `cookbook site vendor`
-sub-command, as it uses git directly. Version control is strongly
-recommended though, and git fits with a lot of the workflow paradigms.
- * `EDITOR`:
- The text editor to use for editing data. The --editor option takes
- precedence over this value, and the --disable-editing option suppresses
- data editing entirely.
- __chef-client(8)__ __chef-server(8)__ __chef-shell(1)__
- __knife-bootstrap(1)__ __knife-client(1)__ __knife-configure(1)__
- __knife-cookbook-site(1)__ __knife-cookbook(1)__ __knife-data-bag(1)__
- __knife-environment(1)__ __knife-exec(1)__ __knife-index(1)__
- __knife-node(1)__ __knife-recipe(1)__ __knife-role(1)__
- __knife-search(1)__ __knife-ssh(1)__ __knife-tag(1)__
- Complete Chef documentation is available online: <>
- JSON is JavaScript Object Notation <>
- SOLR is an open source search engine. <>
- __git(1)__ is a version control system <>
- This manual page was generated from Markdown with __ronn(1)__ <>
- Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> of Opscode
- (<>), with contributions from the community.
- This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <>.
- Both Chef and this documentation are released under the terms of the
- Apache 2.0 License. You may view the license online: <>
- On some systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License may be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0`.
-## CHEF
- Knife is distributed with Chef. <>
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-chef-client(8) -- Runs a client node connecting to a chef-server.
-__chef-client__ _(options)_
- * `-S`, `--server CHEFSERVERURL`:
- The chef server URL
- * `-c`, `--config CONFIG`:
- The configuration file to use
- * `-d`, `--daemonize`:
- Daemonize the process
- * `-g`, `--group GROUP`:
- Group to set privilege to
- * `-i`, `--interval SECONDS`:
- Run chef-client periodically, in seconds
- * `-j`, `--json-attributes JSON_ATTRIBS`:
- Load attributes from a JSON file or URL
- * `-E`, `--environment ENVIRONMENT`:
- Set the Chef Environment on the node
- * `-l`, `--log_level LEVEL`:
- Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
- * `-L`, `--logfile LOGLOCATION`:
- Set the log file location, defaults to STDOUT - recommended for
- daemonizing
- * `-N`, `--node-name NODE_NAME`:
- The node name for this client
- * `-o`, `--override-runlist`:
- Replace current run list with specified items
- * `-K`, `--validation_key KEY_FILE`:
- Set the validation key file location, used for registering new clients
- * `-k`, `--client_key KEY_FILE`:
- Set the client key file location
- * `-s`, `--splay SECONDS`:
- The splay time for running at intervals, in seconds
- * `-u`, `--user USER`:
- User to set privilege to
- * `-P`, `--pid PIDFILE`:
- Set the PID file location, defaults to /tmp/
- * `--once`:
- Cancel any interval or splay options, run chef once and exit
- * `--skip-cookbook-sync`:
- Skip cookbook synchronization
- * `-v`, `--version`:
- Show chef version
- * `-h`, `--help`:
- Show this message
-The Chef Client is where almost all of the work in Chef is done. It
-communicates with the Chef Server via REST, authenticates via Signed
-Header Authentication, and compiles and executes Cookbooks.
-A Chef Client does work on behalf of a Node. A single Chef Client can
-run recipes for multiple Nodes.
-Clients are where all the action happens - the Chef Server and Chef Expander
-are largely services that exist only to provide the Client with information.
-Full documentation for Chef and chef-client is located on docs site,
-Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> of Opscode
-(, with contributions from the community. This
-manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <> with
-help2man. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify
-this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License can be
-found in /usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0.
diff --git a/distro/common/markdown/man8/chef-expander.mkd b/distro/common/markdown/man8/chef-expander.mkd
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-chef-expander(8) -- fetches messages from RabbitMQ, processes, and loads into chef-solr
-__chef-expander__ _(options)_
- * `-c`, `--config CONFIG_FILE`:
- a configuration file to use
- * `-i`, `--index INDEX`:
- the slot this node will occupy in the ring
- * `-n`, `--node-count NUMBER`:
- the number of nodes in the ring
- * `-l`, `--log-level LOG_LEVEL`:
- set the log level
- * `-L`, `--logfile LOG_LOCATION`:
- Logfile to use
- * `-d`, `--daemonize`:
- fork into the background
- * `-P`, `--pid PIDFILE`:
- PID file
- * `-h`, `--help`:
- show help message
- * `-v`, `--version`:
- show the version and exit
-Chef Expander fetches messages from RabbitMQ, processes them into the
-correct format to be loaded into Solr and loads them into Solr.
-__Running Chef Expander__
-Chef Expander is designed for clustered operation, though small
-installations will only need one worker process. To run Chef
-Expander with one worker process, run chef-expander -n 1.
-You will then have a master and worker process, which looks like
-this in ps:
- your-shell> ps aux|grep expander
- you 52110 0.1 0.7 2515476 62748 s003 S+ 3:49PM 0:00.80 chef-expander worker #1 (vnodes 0-1023)
- you 52108 0.1 0.5 2492880 41696 s003 S+ 3:49PM 0:00.91 ruby bin/chef-expander -n 1
-Workers are single threaded and therefore cannot use more than 100%
-of a single CPU. If you find that your queues are getting backlogged,
-increase the number of workers
-Chef Expander uses 1024 queues (called vnodes in some places) to allow
-you to scale the number of Chef Expander workers to meet the needs of
-your infrastructure. When objects are saved in the API server, they are
-added to queues based on their database IDs. These queues can be assigned
-to different Chef Expander workers to distribute the load of processing
-the index updates.
-__Chef Expander Operation and Troubleshooting__
-Chef Expander includes chef-expanderctl, a management program that allows
-you to get status information or change the logging verbosity (without
-See __chef-expanderctl__(8) for details.
-Full documentation for Chef and chef-server is located on docs site,
-Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> of Opscode
-(, with contributions from the community. This
-manual page was created by Nuo Yan <>. Permission is
-granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the
-terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License can be
-found in /usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0.
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-chef-expanderctl(8) -- management program for chef-expander
-__chef-expanderctl__ _COMMAND_
- * `help`:
- Show help message
- * `queue-depth`:
- display the aggregate queue backlog
- * `queue-status`:
- show the backlog and consumer count for each vnode queue
- * `node-status`:
- show the status of the nodes in the cluster
- * `log-level`:
- sets the log level of all nodes in the cluster
-Chef-expanderctl is a management program that allows
-you to get status information or change the logging
-verbosity (without restarting). chef-expanderctl has
-the following commands:
-* __chef-expanderctl help__
-prints usage.
-* __chef-expanderctl queue-depth__
-Shows the total number of messages in the queues.
-* __chef-expanderctl queue-status__
-Show the number of messages in each queue. This is mainly of use when
-debugging a Chef Expander cluster.
-* __chef-expanderctl log-level LEVEL__
-Sets the log level on a running Chef Expander or cluster.
-If you suspect that a worker process is stuck, as long as you are using
-clustered operation, you can simply kill the worker process and it will
-be restarted by the master process.
-Full documentation for Chef and chef-server is located on docs site,
-Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> of Opscode
-(, with contributions from the community. This
-manual page was created by Nuo Yan <>. Permission is
-granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the
-terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License can be
-found in /usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0.
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-chef-server-webui(8) -- Start the Chef Server merb application slice providing Web User Interface (Management Console).
-__chef-server-webui__ _(options)_
- * `-u`, `--user USER`:
- This flag is for having chef-server-webui run as a user other than the
- one currently logged in. Note: if you set this you must also provide a
- --group option for it to take effect.
- * `-G`, `--group GROUP`:
- This flag is for having chef-server-webui run as a group other than the
- one currently logged in. Note: if you set this you must also provide a
- --user option for it to take effect.
- * `-d`, `--daemonize`:
- This will run a single chef-server-webui in the background.
- * `-N`, `--no-daemonize`:
- This will allow you to run a cluster in console mode.
- * `-c`, `--cluster-nodes NUM_MERBS`:
- Number of merb daemons to run for chef-server-webui.
- * `-I`, `--init-file FILE`:
- File to use for initialization on load, defaults to config/init.rb.
- * `-p`, `--port PORTNUM`:
- Port to run chef-server-webui on, defaults to 4040. Additional nodes (-c)
- listen on incrementing port numbers.
- * `-o`, `--socket-file FILE`:
- Socket file to run chef-server-webui on, defaults to
- [Merb.root]/log/merb.sock. This is for web servers, like thin, that use
- sockets. Specify this *only* if you *must*.
- * `-s`, `--socket SOCKNUM`:
- Socket number to run chef-server-webui on, defaults to 0.
- * `-n`, `--name NAME`:
- Set the name of the application. This is used in the process title and
- log file names.
- * `-P`, `--pid PIDFILE`:
- PID file, defaults to [Merb.root]/log/ for the master
- process and[Merb.root]/log/merb.[port number].pid for worker processes.
- For clusters, use %s to specify where in the file chef-server-webui
- should place the port number. For instance: -P
- * `-h`, `--host HOSTNAME`:
- Host to bind to (default is
- * `-m`, `--merb-root PATH_TO_APP_ROOT`:
- The path to the Merb.root for the app you want to run
- (default is current working directory).
- * `-a`, `--adapter ADAPTER`:
- The rack adapter to use to run chef-server-webui (default is mongrel)
- [mongrel, emongrel, thin, ebb, fastcgi, webrick].
- * `-R`, `--rackup FILE`:
- Load an alternate Rack config file (default is config/rack.rb).
- * `-i`, `--irb-console`:
- This flag will start chef-server-webui in irb console mode. All your models
- and other classes will be available for you in an irb session.
- * `-S`, `--sandbox`:
- This flag will enable a sandboxed irb console. If your ORM supports
- transactions, all edits will be rolled back on exit.
- * `-l`, `--log-level LEVEL`:
- Log levels can be set to any of these options:
- debug < info < warn < error < fatal (default is info).
- * `-L`, `--log LOGFILE`:
- A string representing the logfile to use. Defaults to
- [Merb.root]/log/merb.[main].log for the master process and
- [Merb.root]/log/merb[port number].logfor worker processes.
- * `-e`, `--environment STRING`:
- Environment to run Merb under [development, production, testing]
- (default is development).
- * `-r`, `--script-runner ['RUBY CODE'| FULL_SCRIPT_PATH]`:
- Command-line option to run scripts and/or code in the chef-server-webui
- app.
- * `-K`, `-graceful PORT or all`:
- Gracefully kill chef-server-webui proceses by port number.
- Use chef-server -K all to gracefully kill all merbs.
- * `-k`, `--kill PORT`:
- Force kill one merb worker by port number. This will cause the worker
- to be respawned.
- * `--fast-deploy`:
- Reload the code, but not yourinit.rb or gems.
- * `-X`, `--mutex on/off`:
- This flag is for turning the mutex lock on and off.
- * `-D`, `--debugger`:
- Run chef-server-webui using rDebug.
- * `-V`, `--verbose`:
- Print extra information.
- * `-C`, `--console-trap`:
- Enter an irb console on ^C.
- * `-?`, `-H`, `--help`:
- Show this help message.
-The Chef Server WebUI (Management Console) is a Merb application slice.
-The default listen port is 4040.
-The Management Console is Chef Server's web interface. Nodes, roles,
-cookbooks, data bags, and API clients can be managed through the Management
-Console. Search can also be done on the console.
-In order to start using the Management Console, you need to first create
-a user or change the default password on the "admin" user.
-The default credentials are:
-- `Username`: admin
-- `Password`: p@ssw0rd1
-Full documentation for Chef and chef-server-webui (Management Console)
-is located on the Chef docs site,
-Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> of Opscode
-(, with contributions from the community. This
-manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <> with
-help2man for the Debian project (but may be used by others). Permission
-is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the
-terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License can be
-found in /usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0.
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-chef-server(8) - Start the Chef Server merb application slice.
-__chef-server__ _(options)_
- * `-u`, `--user USER`:
- This flag is for having chef-server-webui run as a user other than the
- one currently logged in. Note: if you set this you must also provide a
- --group option for it to take effect.
- * `-G`, `--group GROUP`:
- This flag is for having chef-server-webui run as a group other than the
- one currently logged in. Note: if you set this you must also provide a
- --user option for it to take effect.
- * `-d`, `--daemonize`:
- This will run a single chef-server-webui in the background.
- * `-N`, `--no-daemonize`:
- This will allow you to run a cluster in console mode.
- * `-c`, `--cluster-nodes NUM_MERBS`:
- Number of merb daemons to run for chef-server-webui.
- * `-I`, `--init-file FILE`:
- File to use for initialization on load, defaults to config/init.rb.
- * `-p`, `--port PORTNUM`:
- Port to run chef-server-webui on, defaults to 4040. Additional nodes (-c)
- listen on incrementing port numbers.
- * `-o`, `--socket-file FILE`:
- Socket file to run chef-server-webui on, defaults to
- [Merb.root]/log/merb.sock. This is for web servers, like thin, that use
- sockets. Specify this *only* if you *must*.
- * `-s`, `--socket SOCKNUM`:
- Socket number to run chef-server-webui on, defaults to 0.
- * `-n`, `--name NAME`:
- Set the name of the application. This is used in the process title and
- log file names.
- * `-P`, `--pid PIDFILE`:
- PID file, defaults to [Merb.root]/log/ for the master
- process and[Merb.root]/log/merb.[port number].pid for worker processes.
- For clusters, use %s to specify where in the file chef-server-webui
- should place the port number. For instance: -P
- * `-h`, `--host HOSTNAME`:
- Host to bind to (default is
- * `-m`, `--merb-root PATH_TO_APP_ROOT`:
- The path to the Merb.root for the app you want to run
- (default is current working directory).
- * `-a`, `--adapter ADAPTER`:
- The rack adapter to use to run chef-server-webui (default is mongrel)
- [mongrel, emongrel, thin, ebb, fastcgi, webrick].
- * `-R`, `--rackup FILE`:
- Load an alternate Rack config file (default is config/rack.rb).
- * `-i`, `--irb-console`:
- This flag will start chef-server-webui in irb console mode. All your models
- and other classes will be available for you in an irb session.
- * `-S`, `--sandbox`:
- This flag will enable a sandboxed irb console. If your ORM supports
- transactions, all edits will be rolled back on exit.
- * `-l`, `--log-level LEVEL`:
- Log levels can be set to any of these options:
- debug < info < warn < error < fatal (default is info).
- * `-L`, `--log LOGFILE`:
- A string representing the logfile to use. Defaults to
- [Merb.root]/log/merb.[main].log for the master process and
- [Merb.root]/log/merb[port number].logfor worker processes.
- * `-e`, `--environment STRING`:
- Environment to run Merb under [development, production, testing]
- (default is development).
- * `-r`, `--script-runner ['RUBY CODE'| FULL_SCRIPT_PATH]`:
- Command-line option to run scripts and/or code in the chef-server-webui
- app.
- * `-K`, `-graceful PORT or all`:
- Gracefully kill chef-server-webui proceses by port number.
- Use chef-server -K all to gracefully kill all merbs.
- * `-k`, `--kill PORT`:
- Force kill one merb worker by port number. This will cause the worker
- to be respawned.
- * `--fast-deploy`:
- Reload the code, but not yourinit.rb or gems.
- * `-X`, `--mutex on/off`:
- This flag is for turning the mutex lock on and off.
- * `-D`, `--debugger`:
- Run chef-server-webui using rDebug.
- * `-V`, `--verbose`:
- Print extra information.
- * `-C`, `--console-trap`:
- Enter an irb console on ^C.
- * `-?`, `-H`, `--help`:
- Show this help message.
-The Chef Server provides a central point for the distribution of Cookbooks,
-management and authentication of Nodes, and the use of Search. It provides
-The API service is what clients use to interact with the server to manage
-node configuration in Chef. By default, the service is started on port 4000
-as a Merb application slice running with the thin server adapter.
-The two methods of interaction with the API for humans are the command-line
-tool Knife and the Management Console. The Chef Client library is used for
-interacting with the API for client nodes.
-Full documentation for Chef and chef-server is located on docs site,
-Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> of Opscode
-(, with contributions from the community. This
-manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <> with
-help2man. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify
-this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License can be
-found in /usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0.
diff --git a/distro/common/markdown/man8/chef-solo.mkd b/distro/common/markdown/man8/chef-solo.mkd
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-chef-solo(8) -- Runs chef in solo mode against a specified cookbook location.
-__chef-solo__ _(options)_
- * `-c`, `--config CONFIG`:
- The configuration file to use
- * `-d`, `--daemonize`:
- Daemonize the process
- * `-g`, `--group GROUP`:
- Group to set privilege to
- * `-i`, `--interval SECONDS`:
- Run chef-client periodically, in seconds
- * `-j`, `--json-attributes JSON_ATTRIBS`:
- Load attributes from a JSON file or URL
- * `-l`, `--log_level LEVEL`:
- Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
- * `-L`, `--logfile LOGLOCATION`:
- Set the log file location, defaults to STDOUT - recommended for
- daemonizing
- * `-N`, `--node-name NODE_NAME`:
- The node name for this client
- * `-r`, `--recipe-url RECIPE_URL`:
- Pull down a remote gzipped tarball of recipes and untar it to the
- cookbook cache.
- * `-s`, `--splay SECONDS`:
- The splay time for running at intervals, in seconds
- * `-u`, `--user USER`:
- User to set privilege to
- * `-v`, `--version`:
- Show chef version
- * `-h`, `--help`:
- Show this message
-Chef Solo allows you to run Chef Cookbooks in the absence of a Chef Server.
-To do this, the complete cookbook needs to be present on disk.
-By default Chef Solo will look in /etc/chef/solo.rb for its configuration.
-This configuration file has two required variables: file_cache_path and
-For example:
- file_cache_path "/var/chef-solo"
- cookbook_path "/var/chef-solo/cookbooks"
-For your own systems, you can change this to reflect any directory you like,
-but you'll need to specify absolute paths and the cookbook_path directory
-should be a subdirectory of the file_cache_path.
-You can also specify cookbook_path as an array, passing multiple locations
-to search for cookbooks.
-For example:
- file_cache_path "/var/chef-solo"
- cookbook_path ["/var/chef-solo/cookbooks", "/var/chef-solo/site-cookbooks"]
-Note that earlier entries are now overridden by later ones.
-Since chef-solo doesn't have any interaction with a Chef Server, you'll need
-to specify node-specifc attributes in a JSON file. This can be located on the
-target system itself, or it can be stored on a remote server such as S3, or a
-web server on your network.
-Within the JSON file, you'll also specify the recipes that Chef should run in
-the "run_list". An example JSON file, which sets a resolv.conf:
- {
- "resolver": {
- "nameservers": [ "" ],
- "search":""
- },
- "run_list": [ "recipe[resolver]" ]
- }
-Then you can run chef-solo with -j to specify the JSON file. It will look for
-cookbooks in the cookbook_path configured in the configuration file, and apply
-attributes and use the run_list from the JSON file specified.
-You can use -c to specify the path to the configuration file (if you don't want
-chef-solo to use the default). You can also specify -r for a cookbook tarball.
-For example:
- chef-solo -c ~/solo.rb -j ~/node.json -r
-In the above case, chef-solo would extract the tarball to your specified
-cookbook_path, use ~/solo.rb as the configuration file, and apply attributes
-and use the run_list from ~/node.json.
-Full documentation for Chef and chef-solo is located on the Chef docs site,
-Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> of Opscode
-(, with contributions from the community. This
-manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <> with
-help2man. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify
-this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License can be
-found in /usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0.
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-chef-solr(8) -- Runs as Chef's search server
-__chef-solr__ _(options)_
- * `-c`, `--config CONFIG`:
- The configuration file to use
- * `-d`, `--daemonize`:
- Daemonize the process
- * `-g`, `--group GROUP`:
- Group to set privilege to
- * `-l`, `--log_level LEVEL`:
- Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
- * `-L`, `--logfile LOGLOCATION`:
- Set the log file location, defaults to STDOUT - recommended for daemonizing
- * `-P`, `--pid PIDFILE`:
- Set the PID file location, defaults to /tmp/
- * `-D`, `--solr-data-dir PATH`:
- Where the Solr data lives
- * `-x`, `--solor-heap-size SIZE`:
- Set the size of the Java Heap
- * `-H`, `--solr-home-dir PATH`:
- Solr home directory
- * `-j`, `--java-opts OPTS`:
- Raw options passed to Java
- * `-x`, `--solor-heap-size`:
- Set the size of the Java Heap
- * `-W`, `--solr-jetty-dir PATH`:
- Where to place the Solr Jetty instance
- * `-u`, `--user USER`:
- User to set privilege to
- * `-v`, `--version`:
- Show chef-solr version
- * `-h`, `--help`:
- Show this message
-Chef-solr provides search service for Chef. You need to have both
-chef-solr and chef-expander-cluster running in order for search to work.
-Make sure you backed up your data if you are upgrading from a previous version.
-Run chef-solr-installer to upgrade your Chef Solr installation. Answer "yes"
-when prompted for confirmation. The process should look like this:
- yourshell> chef-solr-installer
- Configuration setting solr_heap_size is unknown and will be ignored
- Chef Solr is already installed in /var/chef/solr
- Do you want to overwrite the current install? All existing Solr data will be lost. [y/n] y
- Removing the existing Chef Solr installation
- rm -rf /var/chef/solr
- rm -rf /var/chef/solr-jetty
- rm -rf /var/chef/solr/data
- Creating Solr Home Directory
- mkdir -p /var/chef/solr
- entering /var/chef/solr
- tar zxvf /Users/ddeleo/opscode/chef/chef-solr/solr/solr-home.tar.gz
- Creating Solr Data Directory
- mkdir -p /var/chef/solr/data
- Unpacking Solr Jetty
- mkdir -p /var/chef/solr-jetty
- entering /var/chef/solr-jetty
- tar zxvf /Users/ddeleo/opscode/chef/chef-solr/solr/solr-jetty.tar.gz
- Successfully installed Chef Solr.
- You can restore your search index using `knife index rebuild`
-Full documentation for Chef and chef-server is located on the Chef
-Docs site,
-Chef was written by Adam Jacob <> of Opscode
-(, with contributions from the community. This
-manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <> with
-help2man. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify
-this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
-On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License can be
-found in /usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0.