path: root/distro/common
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/distro/common/man/man1/ohai.1 b/distro/common/man/man1/ohai.1
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index 1a06bb74ff..0000000000
--- a/distro/common/man/man1/ohai.1
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-.TH "OHAI" "1" "Ohai 6.20.0" "" "ohai"
-ohai \- The man page for the ohai command line tool.
-. rst2man-indent-level 0
-.de1 rstReportMargin
-\\$1 \\n[an-margin]
-level \\n[rst2man-indent-level]
-level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
-.de1 INDENT
-.\" .rstReportMargin pre:
-. RS \\$1
-. nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin]
-. nr rst2man-indent-level +1
-.\" .rstReportMargin post:
-. RE
-.\" indent \\n[an-margin]
-.\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] rst2man-indent-level -1
-.\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u
-.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
-Ohai is a tool that is used to detect attributes on a node, and then provide these attributes to the chef\-client at the start of every chef\-client run. Ohai is required by the chef\-client and must be present on a node. The types of attributes Ohai collects include:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-Platform details
-.IP \(bu 2
-Networking usage
-.IP \(bu 2
-Memory usage
-.IP \(bu 2
-Processor usage
-.IP \(bu 2
-Kernel data
-.IP \(bu 2
-Host names
-.IP \(bu 2
-Fully qualified domain names
-.IP \(bu 2
-Other configuration details
-Attributes that are collected by Ohai are automatic attributes, in that these attributes are used by the chef\-client to ensure that these attributes remain unchanged after the chef\-client is done configuring the node.
-ohai is the command\-line interface for Ohai, a tool that is used to detect attributes on a node, and then provide these attributes to the chef\-client at the start of every chef\-client run.
-This command has the following syntax:
-.ft C
-ohai OPTION
-.ft P
-This tool has the following options:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \fB\-d PATH\fP, \fB\-\-directory PATH\fP
-The directory in which Ohai plugins are located. For example: \fB/etc/ohai/plugins\fP.
-.B \fB\-f FILE_NAME\fP, \fB\-\-file FILE_NAME\fP
-The file against which Ohai will run.
-.B \fB\-l LEVEL\fP, \fB\-\-log_level LEVEL\fP
-The level of logging that will be stored in a log file: \fBdebug\fP, \fBinfo\fP, \fBwarn\fP, \fBerror\fP, or \fBfatal\fP.
-.B \fB\-h\fP, \fB\-\-help\fP
-Shows help for the command.
-.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.