path: root/features/api/cookbooks/upload_cookbooks.feature
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/features/api/cookbooks/upload_cookbooks.feature b/features/api/cookbooks/upload_cookbooks.feature
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-@api @cookbooks @api_cookbooks_upload
-Feature: CRUD cookbooks
- In order to manage cookbook data
- As a Developer
- I want to create and upload cookbook files and manifests
- @create_cookbook_negative
- Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook with the wrong name
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a versioned cookbook named 'foo' versioned '1.0.0' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then I should get a '400 "Bad Request"' exception
- Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook with the wrong version
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a versioned cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '9.9.9' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then I should get a '400 "Bad Request"' exception
- Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook with missing name
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a versioned cookbook named '' versioned '9.9.9' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then I should get a '404 "Not Found"' exception
- Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook with missing name and version
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a versioned cookbook named '' versioned '' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then I should get a '404 "Not Found"' exception
- Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook with non-X.Y.Z version
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a versioned cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then I should get a '404 "Not Found"' exception
- Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook if none of its contained files have been uploaded
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a versioned cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '0.1.0' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then I should get a '400 "Bad Request"' exception
- @create_cookbook_positive
- Scenario: Should be able to create a cookbook if its files have been uploaded
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a sandbox named 'sandbox1' for cookbook 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then the inflated responses key 'uri' should match '^http://.+/sandboxes/[^\/]+$'
- Then I upload a file named 'metadata.json' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- Then I upload a file named 'metadata.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- Then I upload a file named 'attributes/attributes.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- Then I upload a file named 'recipes/default.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- When I commit the sandbox
- Then I should not get an exception
- When I create a versioned cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '0.1.0' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then I should not get an exception
- @create_cookbook_positive
- Scenario: Cookbook successfully uploaded via sandbox should later be visible via /cookbooks, including its versions and metadata
- Given I am an administrator
- When I fully upload a sandboxed cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '0.1.0' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- When I 'GET' the path '/cookbooks'
- Then the inflated responses key 'testcookbook_valid' should exist
- When I 'GET' the path '/cookbooks/testcookbook_valid'
- Then the inflated responses key 'testcookbook_valid' should exist
- Then the inflated responses key 'testcookbook_valid' sub-key 'versions' item '0' sub-key 'version' should equal '0.1.0'
- When I 'GET' the path '/cookbooks/testcookbook_valid/0.1.0'
- Then the inflated response should match '.*default.rb.*' as json
- @create_multiple_cookbook_versions_positive
- Scenario: Multiple cookbook versions successfully uploaded are visible
- Given I am an administrator
- And I fully upload a sandboxed cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '0.1.0' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- And I fully upload a sandboxed cookbook force-named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '0.2.0' with 'testcookbook_valid_v0.2.0'
- When I 'GET' the path '/cookbooks'
- Then the inflated responses key 'testcookbook_valid' should exist
- When I 'GET' the path '/cookbooks/testcookbook_valid'
- Then the inflated responses key 'testcookbook_valid' should exist
- And the inflated responses key 'testcookbook_valid' sub-key 'versions' should be '2' items long
- And the inflated responses key 'testcookbook_valid' sub-key 'versions' item '0' sub-key 'version' should equal '0.2.0'
- And the inflated responses key 'testcookbook_valid' sub-key 'versions' item '1' sub-key 'version' should equal '0.1.0'
- @update_cookbook_version_metadata_positive
- Scenario: A successful cookbook version upload that changes the metadata is properly reflected
- Given I am an administrator
- And I fully upload a sandboxed cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '0.1.0' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- When I 'GET' the path '/cookbooks/testcookbook_valid/0.1.0'
- Then the inflated response should be a kind of 'Chef::CookbookVersion'
- And the dependencies in its metadata should be an empty hash
- When I fully upload a sandboxed cookbook force-named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '0.1.0' with 'testcookbook_valid_v0.1.0_with_different_dependencies'
- Then the inflated response should be a kind of 'Chef::CookbookVersion'
- And the metadata should include a dependency on 'aws'
- # The sandbox is created missing 'metadata.json'. However, the cookbook's
- # manifest includes that file. We don't upload the file to the sandbox, but
- # the sandbox commits ok cuz it wasn't expecting that file. However, when we
- # try to create the cookbook, it should complain as its manifest wants that
- # file.
- @create_cookbook_negative
- Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook if it is missing one file
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a sandbox named 'sandbox1' for cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' minus files 'metadata.rb'
- Then the inflated responses key 'uri' should match '^http://.+/sandboxes/[^\/]+$'
- Then I upload a file named 'metadata.json' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- Then I upload a file named 'attributes/attributes.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- Then I upload a file named 'recipes/default.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- When I commit the sandbox
- Then I should not get an exception
- When I create a versioned cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '0.1.0' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then I should get a '400 "Bad Request"' exception
- @create_cookbook_negative
- Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook if it has no metadata file
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a sandbox named 'sandbox1' for cookbook 'testcookbook_invalid_nometadata'
- Then the inflated responses key 'uri' should match '^http://.+/sandboxes/[^\/]+$'
- Then I upload a file named 'attributes/attributes.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_invalid_nometadata' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- Then I upload a file named 'recipes/default.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_invalid_nometadata' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- When I commit the sandbox
- Then I should not get an exception
- When I create a versioned cookbook named 'testcookbook_invalid_nometadata' versioned '0.1.0' with 'testcookbook_invalid_nometadata'
- Then I should get a '400 "Bad Request"' exception
- # update a cookbook with no files should fail
- @create_cookbook_negative
- Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook if it has no files and just metadata
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a sandbox named 'sandbox1' for cookbook 'testcookbook_invalid_empty_except_metadata'
- Then the inflated responses key 'uri' should match '^http://.+/sandboxes/[^\/]+$'
- Then I upload a file named 'metadata.json' from cookbook 'testcookbook_invalid_empty_except_metadata' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- Then I upload a file named 'metadata.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_invalid_empty_except_metadata' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- When I commit the sandbox
- Then I should not get an exception
- When I create a cookbook named 'testcookbook_invalid_empty_except_metadata' with only the metadata file
- Then I should get a '400 "Bad Request"' exception
- @freeze_cookbook_version
- Scenario: Create a frozen Cookbook Version
- Given I am an administrator
- And I have uploaded a frozen cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' at version '0.1.0'
- When I 'GET' the path '/cookbooks/testcookbook_valid/0.1.0'
- Then the cookbook version document should be frozen
- @freeze_cookbook_version @overwrite_frozen_version
- Scenario: Cannot overwrite a frozen Cookbook Version
- Given I am an administrator
- And I have uploaded a frozen cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' at version '0.1.0'
- When I upload a cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' at version '0.1.0'
- Then I should get a '409 "Conflict"' exception
- @create_cookbook_negative @cookbook_non_admin
- Scenario: Should not be able to create a cookbook if I am not an admin
- Given I am an administrator
- When I create a sandbox named 'sandbox1' for cookbook 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then the inflated responses key 'uri' should match '^http://.+/sandboxes/[^\/]+$'
- Then I upload a file named 'metadata.json' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- Then I upload a file named 'metadata.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- Then I upload a file named 'attributes/attributes.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- Then I upload a file named 'recipes/default.rb' from cookbook 'testcookbook_valid' to the sandbox
- Then the response code should be '200'
- When I commit the sandbox
- Then I should not get an exception
- Given I am a non-admin
- When I create a versioned cookbook named 'testcookbook_valid' versioned '0.1.0' with 'testcookbook_valid'
- Then I should get a '403 "Forbidden"' exception