path: root/features/steps/run_client_steps.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'features/steps/run_client_steps.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/features/steps/run_client_steps.rb b/features/steps/run_client_steps.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bc517605e..0000000000
--- a/features/steps/run_client_steps.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Adam Jacob (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require 'chef/shell_out'
-require 'chef/mixin/shell_out'
-require 'chef/index_queue/amqp_client'
-include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
-CHEF_CLIENT = File.join(CHEF_PROJECT_ROOT, "chef", "bin", "chef-client")
-def chef_client_command_string
- @log_level ||= ENV["LOG_LEVEL"] ? ENV["LOG_LEVEL"] : "error"
- @chef_args ||= ""
- @config_file ||= File.expand_path(File.join(configdir, 'client.rb'))
- "#{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "chef", "bin", "chef-client")} -l #{@log_level} -c #{@config_file} #{@chef_args}"
-# When
-When /^I run the chef\-client$/ do
- status = Chef::Mixin::Command.popen4(chef_client_command_string()) do |p, i, o, e|
- @stdout = o.gets(nil)
- @stderr = e.gets(nil)
- end
- @status = status
-When /^I run the chef\-client in the background with '(.+)'$/ do |args|
- @stdout_filename = "/tmp/chef.run_interval.stdout.#{$$}.txt"
- @stderr_filename = "/tmp/chef.run_interval.stderr.#{$$}.txt"
- @chef_args = "#{args}"
- @client_pid = Process.fork do
- STDOUT.reopen(, "w"))
- STDERR.reopen(, "w"))
- exec chef_client_command_string()
- exit 2
- end
-When /^I stop the background chef\-client after '(\d+)' seconds$/ do |timeout|
- begin
- sleep timeout.to_i
- Process.kill("KILL", @client_pid)
- rescue Errno::ESRCH
- # Kill didn't work; the process exited while we were waiting, like
- # it's supposed to.
- end
- # Read these in so they can be used in later steps.
- @stdout =
- @stderr =
-Then /^the background chef\-client should not be running$/ do
- system("ps -af | grep #{@client_pid} | grep -vq grep")
- $?.exitstatus.should == 0
-When "I run the chef-client for no more than '$timeout' seconds" do |timeout|
- cmd = shell_out("#{CHEF_CLIENT} -l info -i 1 -s 1 -c #{File.expand_path(File.join(configdir, 'client.rb'))}", :timeout => timeout.to_i)
- @status = cmd.status
-When /^I run the chef\-client again$/ do
- When "I run the chef-client"
-When /^I run the chef\-client with '(.+)'$/ do |args|
- @chef_args = args
- When "I run the chef-client"
-When "I run the chef-client with '$options' and the '$config_file' config" do |options, config_file|
- @config_file = File.expand_path(File.join(configdir, "#{config_file}.rb"))
- @chef_args = options
- When "I run the chef-client"
-When /^I run the chef\-client with '(.+)' for '(.+)' seconds$/ do |args, run_for|
- @chef_args = args
- When "I run the chef-client for '#{run_for}' seconds"
-When /^I run the chef\-client for '(.+)' seconds$/ do |run_for|
- # Normal behavior depends on the run_interval/recipes/default.rb to count down
- # and exit subordinate chef-client after two runs. However, we will forcably
- # kill the client if that didn't work.
- begin
- stdout_filename = "/tmp/chef.run_interval.stdout.#{$$}.txt"
- stderr_filename = "/tmp/chef.run_interval.stderr.#{$$}.txt"
- client_pid = Process.fork do
- STDOUT.reopen(, "w"))
- STDERR.reopen(, "w"))
- exec chef_client_command_string()
- exit 2
- end
- killer_pid = Process.fork {
- sleep run_for.to_i
- # Send KILL to the child chef-client. Due to OHAI-223, where ohai sometimes
- # ignores/doesn't exit correctly on receipt of SIGINT, brutally kill the
- # subprocess.
- begin
- Process.kill("KILL", client_pid)
- rescue Errno::ESRCH
- # Kill didn't work; the process exited while we were waiting, like
- # it's supposed to.
- end
- }
- Process.waitpid2(killer_pid)
- @status = Process.waitpid2(client_pid).last
- # Read these in so they can be used in later steps.
- @stdout =
- @stderr =
- ensure
- # clean up after ourselves.
- File.delete(stdout_filename)
- File.delete(stderr_filename)
- end
-When /^I run the chef\-client at log level '(.+)'$/ do |log_level|
- @log_level = log_level.to_sym
- When "I run the chef-client"
-When 'I run the chef-client with json attributes' do
- @log_level = :debug
- @chef_args = "-j #{File.join(FEATURES_DATA, 'json_attribs', 'attribute_settings.json')}"
- When "I run the chef-client"
-When "I run the chef-client with json attributes '$json_file_basename'" do |json_file_basename|
- @log_level = :debug
- @chef_args = "-j #{File.join(FEATURES_DATA, 'json_attribs', "#{json_file_basename}.json")}"
- When "I run the chef-client"
-When /^I run the chef\-client with config file '(.+)'$/ do |config_file|
- @config_file = config_file
- When "I run the chef-client"
-When /^I run the chef\-client with logging to the file '(.+)'$/ do |log_file|
-config_data = <<CONFIG
-supportdir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".."))
-tmpdir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "tmp"))
-log_level :debug
-log_location File.join(tmpdir, "silly-monkey.log")
-file_cache_path File.join(tmpdir, "cache")
-ssl_verify_mode :verify_none
-registration_url ""
-template_url ""
-remotefile_url ""
-search_url ""
-role_url ""
-client_url ""
-chef_server_url ""
-validation_client_name "validator"
-systmpdir = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "chef_integration"))
-validation_key File.join(systmpdir, "validation.pem")
-client_key File.join(systmpdir, "client.pem")
- @config_file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'data', 'config', 'client-with-logging.rb'))
-, "w") do |file|
- file.write(config_data)
- end
- self.cleanup_files << @config_file
- @status = Chef::Mixin::Command.popen4("#{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "chef", "bin", "chef-client")} -c #{@config_file} #{@chef_args}") do |p, i, o, e|
- @stdout = o.gets(nil)
- @stderr = e.gets(nil)
- end
-When /^I update cookbook 'sync_library' from 'sync_library_updated' after the first run$/ do
- amqp = Chef::IndexQueue::AmqpClient.instance
- queue = amqp.amqp_client.queue("sync_library_test")
- queue.subscribe(:timeout => 10) do |message|
- if "first run complete" == message[:payload]
- # Copy the updated library file over
- source = File.join(datadir, 'cookbooks', 'sync_library_updated')
- dest = File.join(datadir, 'cookbooks', 'sync_library')
- cmd = "cp -r #{source}/. #{dest}/."
- system(cmd)
- # Upload the updated cookbook
- knife_cmd = "#{KNIFE_CMD} cookbook upload -c #{KNIFE_CONFIG} -o #{INTEGRATION_COOKBOOKS} sync_library"
- shell_out!(knife_cmd)
- # Ack to release the client
- queue.delivery_tag = message[:delivery_details][:delivery_tag]
- queue.ack
- break
- end
- end
-# Then
-Then /^the run should exit '(.+)'$/ do |exit_code|
- if ENV['LOG_LEVEL'] == 'debug'
- puts @status.inspect
- puts @status.exitstatus
- end
- begin
- @status.exitstatus.should eql(exit_code.to_i)
- rescue
- print_output
- raise
- end
- print_output if ENV["LOG_LEVEL"] == "debug"
-Then "I print the debug log" do
- print_output
-Then /^the run should exit from being signaled$/ do
- begin
- @status.signaled?.should == true
- rescue
- print_output
- raise
- end
- print_output if ENV["LOG_LEVEL"] == "debug"
-def print_output
- puts "--- run stdout:"
- puts @stdout
- puts "--- run stderr:"
- puts @stderr
-# Matcher for regular expression which uses normal string interpolation for
-# the actual (target) value instead of expecting it, as stdout/stderr which
-# get matched against may have lots of newlines, which looks ugly when
-# inspected, as the newlines show up as \n
-class NoInspectMatch
- def initialize(expected_regex)
- @expected_regex = expected_regex
- end
- def matches?(target)
- @target = target
- @target =~ @expected_regex
- end
- def failure_message
- "expected #{@target} should match #{@expected_regex}"
- end
- def negative_failure_message
- "expected #{@target} not to match #{@expected_regex}"
- end
-def noinspect_match(expected_regex)
-Then /^'(.+)' should have '(.+)'$/ do |which, to_match|
- if which == "stdout" || which == "stderr"
- self.instance_variable_get("@#{which}".to_sym).should noinspect_match(/#{to_match}/m)
- else
- self.instance_variable_get("@#{which}".to_sym).should match(/#{to_match}/m)
- end
-Then /^'(.+)' should not have '(.+)'$/ do |which, to_match|
- to_match = Regexp.escape(to_match)
- if which == "stdout" || which == "stderr"
- self.instance_variable_get("@#{which}".to_sym).should_not noinspect_match(/#{to_match}/m)
- else
- self.instance_variable_get("@#{which}".to_sym).should_not match(/#{to_match}/m)
- end
-Then /^'(.+)' should appear on '(.+)' '(.+)' times$/ do |to_match, which, count|
- seen_count = 0
- self.instance_variable_get("@#{which}".to_sym).split("\n").each do |line|
- seen_count += 1 if line =~ /#{to_match}/
- end
- seen_count.should == count.to_i
-Then "I inspect the contents of the features tmpdir" do
- puts `ls -halpR #{tmpdir}`