path: root/lib/chef/chef_fs/file_system.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chef/chef_fs/file_system.rb')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/chef_fs/file_system.rb b/lib/chef/chef_fs/file_system.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1805869e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef/chef_fs/file_system.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# Author:: John Keiser (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2012 Opscode, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'chef/chef_fs/path_utils'
+class Chef
+ module ChefFS
+ module FileSystem
+ # Yields a list of all things under (and including) this entry that match the
+ # given pattern.
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +entry+ - Entry to start listing under
+ # * +pattern+ - Chef::ChefFS::FilePattern to match children under
+ #
+ def self.list(entry, pattern, &block)
+ # Include self in results if it matches
+ if pattern.match?(entry.path)
+ end
+ if entry.dir? && pattern.could_match_children?(entry.path)
+ # If it's possible that our children could match, descend in and add matches.
+ exact_child_name = pattern.exact_child_name_under(entry.path)
+ # If we've got an exact name, don't bother listing children; just grab the
+ # child with the given name.
+ if exact_child_name
+ exact_child = entry.child(exact_child_name)
+ if exact_child
+ list(exact_child, pattern, &block)
+ end
+ # Otherwise, go through all children and find any matches
+ else
+ entry.children.each do |child|
+ list(child, pattern, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Resolve the given path against the entry, returning
+ # the entry at the end of the path.
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +entry+ - the entry to start looking under. Relative
+ # paths will be resolved from here.
+ # * +path+ - the path to resolve. If it starts with +/+,
+ # the path will be resolved starting from +entry.root+.
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(root_path, 'cookbooks/java/recipes/default.rb')
+ #
+ def self.resolve_path(entry, path)
+ return entry if path.length == 0
+ return resolve_path(entry.root, path) if path[0,1] == "/" && entry.root != entry
+ if path[0,1] == "/"
+ path = path[1,path.length-1]
+ end
+ result = entry
+ Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils::split(path).each do |part|
+ result = result.child(part)
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ # Copy everything matching the given pattern from src to dest.
+ #
+ # After this method completes, everything in dest matching the
+ # given pattern will look identical to src.
+ #
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * +pattern+ - Chef::ChefFS::FilePattern to match children under
+ # * +src_root+ - the root from which things will be copied
+ # * +dest_root+ - the root to which things will be copied
+ # * +recurse_depth+ - the maximum depth to copy things. +nil+
+ # means infinite depth. 0 means no recursion.
+ # * +options+ - hash of options:
+ # - +purge+ - if +true+, items in +dest+ that are not in +src+
+ # will be deleted from +dest+. If +false+, these items will
+ # be left alone.
+ # - +force+ - if +true+, matching files are always copied from
+ # +src+ to +dest+. If +false+, they will only be copied if
+ # actually different (which will take time to determine).
+ # - +dry_run+ - if +true+, action will not actually be taken;
+ # things will be printed out instead.
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.copy_to('/cookbooks'),
+ # chef_fs, local_fs, nil, true) do |message|
+ # puts message
+ # end
+ #
+ def self.copy_to(pattern, src_root, dest_root, recurse_depth, options)
+ found_result = false
+ list_pairs(pattern, src_root, dest_root) do |src, dest|
+ found_result = true
+ new_dest_parent = get_or_create_parent(dest, options)
+ copy_entries(src, dest, new_dest_parent, recurse_depth, options)
+ end
+ if !found_result && pattern.exact_path
+ puts "#{pattern}: No such file or directory on remote or local"
+ end
+ end
+ # Yield entries for children that are in either +a_root+ or +b_root+, with
+ # matching pairs matched up.
+ #
+ # ==== Yields
+ #
+ # Yields matching entries in pairs:
+ #
+ # [ a_entry, b_entry ]
+ #
+ # ==== Example
+ #
+ # Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.list_pairs('**x.txt', a_root, b_root)) do |a, b|
+ # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ def self.list_pairs(pattern, a_root, b_root)
+ # Make sure everything on the server is also on the filesystem, and diff
+ found_paths =
+ Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.list(a_root, pattern) do |a|
+ found_paths << a.path
+ b = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(b_root, a.path)
+ yield [ a, b ]
+ end
+ # Check the outer regex pattern to see if it matches anything on the
+ # filesystem that isn't on the server
+ Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.list(b_root, pattern) do |b|
+ if !found_paths.include?(b.path)
+ a = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(a_root, b.path)
+ yield [ a, b ]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Get entries for children of either a or b, with matching pairs matched up.
+ #
+ # ==== Returns
+ #
+ # An array of child pairs.
+ #
+ # [ [ a_child, b_child ], ... ]
+ #
+ # If a child is only in a or only in b, the other child entry will be
+ # retrieved by name (and will most likely be a "nonexistent child").
+ #
+ # ==== Example
+ #
+ # Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.child_pairs(a, b).length
+ #
+ def self.child_pairs(a, b)
+ # If both are directories, recurse into them and diff the children instead of returning ourselves.
+ result = []
+ a_children_names =
+ a.children.each do |a_child|
+ a_children_names <<
+ result << [ a_child, b.child( ]
+ end
+ # Check b for children that aren't in a
+ b.children.each do |b_child|
+ if !a_children_names.include?(
+ result << [ a.child(, b_child ]
+ end
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ def, b)
+ are_same, a_value, b_value = a.compare_to(b)
+ if are_same.nil?
+ are_same, b_value, a_value = b.compare_to(a)
+ end
+ if are_same.nil?
+ begin
+ a_value = if a_value.nil?
+ rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError
+ a_value = :none
+ end
+ begin
+ b_value = if b_value.nil?
+ rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError
+ b_value = :none
+ end
+ are_same = (a_value == b_value)
+ end
+ [ are_same, a_value, b_value ]
+ end
+ private
+ # Copy two entries (could be files or dirs)
+ def self.copy_entries(src_entry, dest_entry, new_dest_parent, recurse_depth, options)
+ # A NOTE about this algorithm:
+ # There are cases where this algorithm does too many network requests.
+ # knife upload with a specific filename will first check if the file
+ # exists (a "dir" in the parent) before deciding whether to POST or
+ # PUT it. If we just tried PUT (or POST) and then tried the other if
+ # the conflict failed, we wouldn't need to check existence.
+ # On the other hand, we may already have DONE the request, in which
+ # case we shouldn't waste time trying PUT if we know the file doesn't
+ # exist.
+ # Will need to decide how that works with checksums, though.
+ if !src_entry.exists?
+ if options[:purge]
+ # If we would not have uploaded it, we will not purge it.
+ if src_entry.parent.can_have_child?(, dest_entry.dir?)
+ if options[:dry_run]
+ puts "Would delete #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}"
+ else
+ dest_entry.delete(true)
+ puts "Deleted extra entry #{dest_entry.path_for_printing} (purge is on)"
+ end
+ else
+"Not deleting extra entry #{dest_entry.path_for_printing} (purge is off)")
+ end
+ end
+ elsif !dest_entry.exists?
+ if new_dest_parent.can_have_child?(, src_entry.dir?)
+ # If the entry can do a copy directly from filesystem, do that.
+ if new_dest_parent.respond_to?(:create_child_from)
+ if options[:dry_run]
+ puts "Would create #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}"
+ else
+ new_dest_parent.create_child_from(src_entry)
+ puts "Created #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}"
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ if src_entry.dir?
+ if options[:dry_run]
+ puts "Would create #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}"
+ new_dest_dir = new_dest_parent.child(
+ else
+ new_dest_dir = new_dest_parent.create_child(, nil)
+ puts "Created #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}/"
+ end
+ # Directory creation is recursive.
+ if recurse_depth != 0
+ src_entry.children.each do |src_child|
+ new_dest_child = new_dest_dir.child(
+ copy_entries(src_child, new_dest_child, new_dest_dir, recurse_depth ? recurse_depth - 1 : recurse_depth, options)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if options[:dry_run]
+ puts "Would create #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}"
+ else
+ new_dest_parent.create_child(,
+ puts "Created #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ # Both exist.
+ # If the entry can do a copy directly, do that.
+ if dest_entry.respond_to?(:copy_from)
+ if options[:force] || compare(src_entry, dest_entry)[0] == false
+ if options[:dry_run]
+ puts "Would update #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}"
+ else
+ dest_entry.copy_from(src_entry)
+ puts "Updated #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}"
+ end
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ # If they are different types, log an error.
+ if src_entry.dir?
+ if dest_entry.dir?
+ # If both are directories, recurse into their children
+ if recurse_depth != 0
+ child_pairs(src_entry, dest_entry).each do |src_child, dest_child|
+ copy_entries(src_child, dest_child, dest_entry, recurse_depth ? recurse_depth - 1 : recurse_depth, options)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ # If they are different types.
+ Chef::Log.error("File #{dest_entry.path_for_printing} is a directory while file #{dest_entry.path_for_printing} is a regular file\n")
+ return
+ end
+ else
+ if dest_entry.dir?
+ Chef::Log.error("File #{dest_entry.path_for_printing} is a directory while file #{dest_entry.path_for_printing} is a regular file\n")
+ return
+ else
+ # Both are files! Copy them unless we're sure they are the same.
+ if options[:force]
+ should_copy = true
+ src_value = nil
+ else
+ are_same, src_value, dest_value = compare(src_entry, dest_entry)
+ should_copy = !are_same
+ end
+ if should_copy
+ if options[:dry_run]
+ puts "Would update #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}"
+ else
+ src_value = if src_value.nil?
+ dest_entry.write(src_value)
+ puts "Updated #{dest_entry.path_for_printing}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.get_or_create_parent(entry, options)
+ parent = entry.parent
+ if parent && !parent.exists?
+ parent_parent = get_or_create_parent(entry.parent, options)
+ if options[:dry_run]
+ puts "Would create #{parent.path_for_printing}"
+ else
+ parent = parent_parent.create_child(, true)
+ puts "Created #{parent.path_for_printing}"
+ end
+ end
+ return parent
+ end
+ end
+ end