path: root/lib/chef/dsl/resources.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chef/dsl/resources.rb')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/dsl/resources.rb b/lib/chef/dsl/resources.rb
index 482b14e3aa..b309f96295 100644
--- a/lib/chef/dsl/resources.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/dsl/resources.rb
@@ -1,22 +1,87 @@
+require 'chef/dsl/dsl_module'
class Chef
module DSL
- # Module containing a method for each globally declared Resource
+ # Methods in this module each return one Resource class (or none if there
+ # are no resources associated with the given DSL).
- # Depends on declare_resource(name, created_at, &block)
+ # run_context.resource_classes.service #=> Chef::Resource::RunitService
- # @api private
module Resources
- def self.add_resource_dsl(dsl_name)
- module_eval <<-EOM, __FILE__, __LINE__+1
- def #{dsl_name}(name, created_at=nil, &block)
- declare_resource(#{dsl_name.inspect}, name, created_at || caller[0], &block)
- end
+ module DeclaredResources
+ end
+ include DeclaredResources
+ def self.node_map
+ @node_map ||= {}
+ end
+ #
+ # Ensures that any resource classes added here are reflected in resource
+ # creation DSL.
+ #
+ module ReflectChangesInResourceCreation
+ # When resources are added here, we add the corresponding method to ResourceCreation
+ def method_added(name)
+ Chef::DSL::ResourceCreation::AutomaticResourceCreation.module_eval <<-EOM, __FILE__, __LINE__+1
+ def #{name}(name, &block)
+ declare_resource(#{name.inspect}, name, caller[0], &block)
+ end
+ end
+ def method_removed(name)
+ Chef::DSL::ResourceCreation::AutomaticResourceCreation.remove_method(name)
+ end
+ end
+ module DeclaredResources
+ extend ReflectChangesInResourceCreation
- def self.remove_resource_dsl(dsl_name)
- remove_method dsl_name if method_defined?(dsl_name)
+ extend ReflectChangesInResourceCreation
+ module Deprecated
+ include Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName
+ #
+ # Handles the deprecated search for Chef::Resource::Blah
+ # and for scanning all resources that have `provides?` but
+ # do not have `provides`.
+ #
+ def find_deprecated_resource_classes(name)
+ class_name = convert_to_class_name(method_symbol)
+ if Chef::Resource.const_defined?(class_name)
+ Chef::Log.warn("Class Chef::Resource::#{class_name} does not declare `provides #{resource.inspect}`.")
+ Chef::Log.warn("This will no longer work in Chef 13: you must use `provides` to provide DSL.")
+ chef_resource_class << Chef::Resource.const_get(class_name)
+ provider.provides chef_resource_class
+ end
+ providers = { |r| r.provides?(node, method_symbol) }
+ if !providers.empty?
+ resource_classes += providers
+ Chef::Log.warn("#{resource_class} is marked as providing DSL #{method_symbol}, but provides #{method_symbol.inspect} was never called!")
+ Chef::Log.warn("In Chef 13, this will break: you must call provides to mark the names you provide, even if you also override provides? yourself.")
+ providers.each do |provider|
+ provider.provides(name) { provider.provides?(run_context.node, name) } unless chef_resource_class == provider
+ end
+ Chef::DSL::Resources.add_resource_dsl(method_symbol)
+ end
+ if Chef::Resource.const_defined?(class_name)
+ end
+ if
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
+ if find_deprecated_reosurce_classes(name)
+ public_send(name, *args, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ include Deprecated