path: root/lib/chef/mixin/params_validate.rb
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diff --git a/lib/chef/mixin/params_validate.rb b/lib/chef/mixin/params_validate.rb
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+++ b/lib/chef/mixin/params_validate.rb
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+# Author:: Adam Jacob (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+class Chef
+ module Mixin
+ module ParamsValidate
+ # Takes a hash of options, along with a map to validate them. Returns the original
+ # options hash, plus any changes that might have been made (through things like setting
+ # default values in the validation map)
+ #
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # validate({ :one => "neat" }, { :one => { :kind_of => String }})
+ #
+ # Would raise an exception if the value of :one above is not a kind_of? string. Valid
+ # map options are:
+ #
+ # :default:: Sets the default value for this parameter.
+ # :callbacks:: Takes a hash of Procs, which should return true if the argument is valid.
+ # The key will be inserted into the error message if the Proc does not return true:
+ # "Option #{key}'s value #{value} #{message}!"
+ # :kind_of:: Ensure that the value is a kind_of?(Whatever). If passed an array, it will ensure
+ # that the value is one of those types.
+ # :respond_to:: Ensure that the value has a given method. Takes one method name or an array of
+ # method names.
+ # :required:: Raise an exception if this parameter is missing. Valid values are true or false,
+ # by default, options are not required.
+ # :regex:: Match the value of the paramater against a regular expression.
+ # :equal_to:: Match the value of the paramater with ==. An array means it can be equal to any
+ # of the values.
+ def validate(opts, map)
+ #--
+ # validate works by taking the keys in the validation map, assuming it's a hash, and
+ # looking for _pv_:symbol as methods. Assuming it find them, it calls the right
+ # one.
+ #++
+ raise ArgumentError, "Options must be a hash" unless opts.kind_of?(Hash)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Validation Map must be a hash" unless map.kind_of?(Hash)
+ map.each do |key, validation|
+ unless key.kind_of?(Symbol) || key.kind_of?(String)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Validation map keys must be symbols or strings!"
+ end
+ case validation
+ when true
+ _pv_required(opts, key)
+ when false
+ true
+ when Hash
+ validation.each do |check, carg|
+ check_method = "_pv_#{check.to_s}"
+ if self.respond_to?(check_method, true)
+ self.send(check_method, opts, key, carg)
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Validation map has unknown check: #{check}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ opts
+ end
+ def set_or_return(symbol, arg, validation)
+ iv_symbol = "@#{symbol.to_s}".to_sym
+ map = {
+ symbol => validation
+ }
+ if arg == nil && self.instance_variable_defined?(iv_symbol) == true
+ self.instance_variable_get(iv_symbol)
+ else
+ opts = validate({ symbol => arg }, { symbol => validation })
+ self.instance_variable_set(iv_symbol, opts[symbol])
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # Return the value of a parameter, or nil if it doesn't exist.
+ def _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key)
+ if opts.has_key?(key.to_s)
+ opts[key.to_s]
+ elsif opts.has_key?(key.to_sym)
+ opts[key.to_sym]
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ # Raise an exception if the parameter is not found.
+ def _pv_required(opts, key, is_required=true)
+ if is_required
+ if (opts.has_key?(key.to_s) && !opts[key.to_s].nil?) ||
+ (opts.has_key?(key.to_sym) && !opts[key.to_sym].nil?)
+ true
+ else
+ raise Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "Required argument #{key} is missing!"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def _pv_equal_to(opts, key, to_be)
+ value = _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key)
+ unless value.nil?
+ passes = false
+ Array(to_be).each do |tb|
+ passes = true if value == tb
+ end
+ unless passes
+ raise Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "Option #{key} must be equal to one of: #{to_be.join(", ")}! You passed #{value.inspect}."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Raise an exception if the parameter is not a kind_of?(to_be)
+ def _pv_kind_of(opts, key, to_be)
+ value = _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key)
+ unless value.nil?
+ passes = false
+ Array(to_be).each do |tb|
+ passes = true if value.kind_of?(tb)
+ end
+ unless passes
+ raise Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "Option #{key} must be a kind of #{to_be}! You passed #{value.inspect}."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Raise an exception if the parameter does not respond to a given set of methods.
+ def _pv_respond_to(opts, key, method_name_list)
+ value = _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key)
+ unless value.nil?
+ Array(method_name_list).each do |method_name|
+ unless value.respond_to?(method_name)
+ raise Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "Option #{key} must have a #{method_name} method!"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Assert that parameter returns false when passed a predicate method.
+ # For example, :cannot_be => :blank will raise a Exceptions::ValidationFailed
+ # error value.blank? returns a 'truthy' (not nil or false) value.
+ #
+ # Note, this will *PASS* if the object doesn't respond to the method.
+ # So, to make sure a value is not nil and not blank, you need to do
+ # both :cannot_be => :blank *and* :cannot_be => :nil (or :required => true)
+ def _pv_cannot_be(opts, key, predicate_method_base_name)
+ value = _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key)
+ predicate_method = (predicate_method_base_name.to_s + "?").to_sym
+ if value.respond_to?(predicate_method)
+ if value.send(predicate_method)
+ raise Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "Option #{key} cannot be #{predicate_method_base_name}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Assign a default value to a parameter.
+ def _pv_default(opts, key, default_value)
+ value = _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key)
+ if value == nil
+ opts[key] = default_value
+ end
+ end
+ # Check a parameter against a regular expression.
+ def _pv_regex(opts, key, regex)
+ value = _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key)
+ if value != nil
+ passes = false
+ [ regex ].flatten.each do |r|
+ if value != nil
+ if r.match(value.to_s)
+ passes = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ unless passes
+ raise Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "Option #{key}'s value #{value} does not match regular expression #{regex.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Check a parameter against a hash of proc's.
+ def _pv_callbacks(opts, key, callbacks)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Callback list must be a hash!" unless callbacks.kind_of?(Hash)
+ value = _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key)
+ if value != nil
+ callbacks.each do |message, zeproc|
+ if != true
+ raise Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "Option #{key}'s value #{value} #{message}!"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Allow a parameter to default to @name
+ def _pv_name_attribute(opts, key, is_name_attribute=true)
+ if is_name_attribute
+ if opts[key] == nil
+ opts[key] = self.instance_variable_get("@name")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end