path: root/lib/chef/policy_builder/dynamic.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chef/policy_builder/dynamic.rb')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/policy_builder/dynamic.rb b/lib/chef/policy_builder/dynamic.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9842ba532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef/policy_builder/dynamic.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# Author:: Daniel DeLeo (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright 2015 Chef Software, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'forwardable'
+require 'chef/log'
+require 'chef/rest'
+require 'chef/run_context'
+require 'chef/config'
+require 'chef/node'
+require 'chef/exceptions'
+class Chef
+ module PolicyBuilder
+ # PolicyBuilder that selects either a Policyfile or non-Policyfile
+ # implementation based on the content of the node object.
+ class Dynamic
+ extend Forwardable
+ attr_reader :node
+ attr_reader :node_name
+ attr_reader :ohai_data
+ attr_reader :json_attribs
+ attr_reader :override_runlist
+ attr_reader :events
+ def initialize(node_name, ohai_data, json_attribs, override_runlist, events)
+ @implementation = nil
+ @node_name = node_name
+ @ohai_data = ohai_data
+ @json_attribs = json_attribs
+ @override_runlist = override_runlist
+ @events = events
+ @node = nil
+ end
+ ## PolicyBuilder API ##
+ # Loads the node state from the server, then picks the correct
+ # implementation class based on the node and json_attribs.
+ #
+ # Calls #finish_load_node on the implementation object to complete the
+ # loading process. All subsequent lifecycle calls are delegated.
+ #
+ # @return [Chef::Node] the loaded node.
+ def load_node
+ events.node_load_start(node_name, config)
+ Chef::Log.debug("Building node object for #{node_name}")
+ @node =
+ if Chef::Config[:solo]
+ else
+ Chef::Node.find_or_create(node_name)
+ end
+ select_implementation(node)
+ implementation.finish_load_node(node)
+ node
+ rescue Exception => e
+ events.node_load_failed(node_name, e, config)
+ raise
+ end
+ ## Delegated Public API Methods ##
+ ### Accessors ###
+ def_delegator :implementation, :original_runlist
+ def_delegator :implementation, :run_context
+ def_delegator :implementation, :run_list_expansion
+ ### Lifecycle Methods ###
+ # @!method build_node
+ #
+ # Applies external attributes (e.g., from JSON file, environment,
+ # policyfile, etc.) and determines the correct expanded run list for the
+ # run.
+ #
+ # @return [Chef::Node]
+ def_delegator :implementation, :build_node
+ # @!method setup_run_context
+ #
+ # Synchronizes cookbooks and initializes the run context object for the
+ # run.
+ #
+ # @return [Chef::RunContext]
+ def_delegator :implementation, :setup_run_context
+ # @!method expanded_run_list
+ #
+ # Resolves the run list to a form containing only recipes and sets the
+ # `roles` and `recipes` automatic attributes on the node.
+ #
+ # @return [#recipes, #roles] A RunListExpansion or duck-type.
+ def_delegator :implementation, :expand_run_list
+ # @!method sync_cookbooks
+ #
+ # Synchronizes cookbooks. In a normal chef-client run, this is handled by
+ # #setup_run_context, but may be called directly in some circumstances.
+ #
+ # @return [Hash{String => Chef::CookbookManifest}] A map of
+ # CookbookManifest objects by cookbook name.
+ def_delegator :implementation, :sync_cookbooks
+ # @!method temporary_policy?
+ #
+ # Indicates whether the policy is temporary, which means an
+ # override_runlist was provided. Chef::Client uses this to decide whether
+ # to do the final node save at the end of the run or not.
+ #
+ # @return [true,false]
+ def_delegator :implementation, :temporary_policy?
+ ## Internal Public API ##
+ # Returns the selected implementation, or raises if not set. The
+ # implementation is set when #load_node is called.
+ #
+ # @return [PolicyBuilder::Policyfile, PolicyBuilder::ExpandNodeObject]
+ def implementation
+ @implementation or raise Exceptions::InvalidPolicybuilderCall, "#load_node must be called before other policy builder methods"
+ end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # Sets the implementation based on the content of the node, node JSON
+ # (i.e., the `-j JSON_FILE` data), and config. This is only public for
+ # testing purposes; production code should call #load_node instead.
+ def select_implementation(node)
+ if policyfile_set_in_config? ||
+ policyfile_attribs_in_node_json? ||
+ node_has_policyfile_attrs?(node) ||
+ policyfile_compat_mode_config?
+ @implementation =, ohai_data, json_attribs, override_runlist, events)
+ else
+ @implementation =, ohai_data, json_attribs, override_runlist, events)
+ end
+ end
+ def config
+ Chef::Config
+ end
+ private
+ def node_has_policyfile_attrs?(node)
+ node.policy_name || node.policy_group
+ end
+ def policyfile_attribs_in_node_json?
+ json_attribs.key?("policy_name") || json_attribs.key?("policy_group")
+ end
+ def policyfile_set_in_config?
+ config[:use_policyfile] || config[:policy_name] || config[:policy_group]
+ end
+ def policyfile_compat_mode_config?
+ config[:deployment_group] && !config[:policy_document_native_api]
+ end
+ end
+ end