path: root/lib/chef/provider/osx_profile.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chef/provider/osx_profile.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/provider/osx_profile.rb b/lib/chef/provider/osx_profile.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 07d35e633c..0000000000
--- a/lib/chef/provider/osx_profile.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nate Walck (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright 2015-2016, Facebook, Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require_relative "../log"
-require_relative "../provider"
-require_relative "../resource"
-require_relative "../resource/file"
-require "uuidtools"
-require "plist"
-class Chef
- class Provider
- class OsxProfile < Chef::Provider
- provides :osx_profile
- provides :osx_config_profile
- def load_current_resource
- @current_resource =
- current_resource.profile_name(new_resource.profile_name)
- all_profiles = get_installed_profiles
- # FIXME: stop mutating the desired state
- new_resource.profile(
- new_resource.profile ||
- new_resource.profile_name
- )
- @new_profile_hash = get_profile_hash(new_resource.profile)
- if @new_profile_hash
- @new_profile_hash["PayloadUUID"] =
- config_uuid(@new_profile_hash)
- end
- if @new_profile_hash
- @new_profile_identifier = @new_profile_hash["PayloadIdentifier"]
- else
- @new_profile_identifier = new_resource.identifier ||
- new_resource.profile_name
- end
- current_profile = nil
- if all_profiles && all_profiles.key?("_computerlevel")
- current_profile = all_profiles["_computerlevel"].find do |item|
- item["ProfileIdentifier"] == @new_profile_identifier
- end
- end
- current_resource.profile(current_profile)
- end
- def define_resource_requirements
- requirements.assert(:remove) do |a|
- if @new_profile_identifier
- a.assertion do
- !@new_profile_identifier.nil? &&
- !@new_profile_identifier.end_with?(".mobileconfig") &&
- /^\w+(?:(\.| )\w+)+$/.match(@new_profile_identifier)
- end
- a.failure_message RuntimeError, "when removing using the identifier property, it must match the profile identifier"
- else
- new_profile_name = new_resource.profile_name
- a.assertion do
- !new_profile_name.end_with?(".mobileconfig") &&
- /^\w+(?:(\.| )\w+)+$/.match(new_profile_name)
- end
- a.failure_message RuntimeError, "When removing by resource name, it must match the profile identifier "
- end
- end
- requirements.assert(:install) do |a|
- if @new_profile_hash.is_a?(Hash)
- a.assertion do
- @new_profile_hash.include?("PayloadIdentifier")
- end
- a.failure_message RuntimeError, "The specified profile does not seem to be valid"
- end
- if @new_profile_hash.is_a?(String)
- a.assertion do
- @new_profile_hash.end_with?(".mobileconfig")
- end
- a.failure_message RuntimeError, "#{new_profile_hash}' is not a valid profile"
- end
- end
- end
- action :install do
- unless profile_installed?
- converge_by("install profile #{@new_profile_identifier}") do
- profile_path = write_profile_to_disk
- install_profile(profile_path)
- get_installed_profiles(true)
- end
- end
- end
- action :remove do
- # Clean up profile after removing it
- if profile_installed?
- converge_by("remove profile #{@new_profile_identifier}") do
- remove_profile
- get_installed_profiles(true)
- end
- end
- end
- def load_profile_hash(new_profile)
- # file must exist in cookbook
- if new_profile.end_with?(".mobileconfig")
- unless cookbook_file_available?(new_profile)
- error_string = "#{self}: '#{new_profile}' not found in cookbook"
- raise Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound, error_string
- end
- cookbook_profile = cache_cookbook_profile(new_profile)
- read_plist(cookbook_profile)
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def cookbook_file_available?(cookbook_file)
- run_context.has_cookbook_file_in_cookbook?(
- new_resource.cookbook_name, cookbook_file
- )
- end
- def get_cache_dir
- cache_dir = Chef::FileCache.create_cache_path(
- "profiles/#{new_resource.cookbook_name}"
- )
- end
- def cache_cookbook_profile(cookbook_file)
- Chef::FileCache.create_cache_path(
- ::File.join(
- "profiles",
- new_resource.cookbook_name,
- ::File.dirname(cookbook_file)
- )
- )
- # FIXME: should use a real cookbook file, or document what this craziness is
- remote_file =
- ::File.join(
- get_cache_dir,
- "#{cookbook_file}.remote"
- ),
- run_context
- )
- remote_file.cookbook_name = new_resource.cookbook_name
- remote_file.source(cookbook_file)
- remote_file.backup(false)
- remote_file.run_action(:create)
- remote_file.path
- end
- def get_profile_hash(new_profile)
- if new_profile.is_a?(Hash)
- new_profile
- elsif new_profile.is_a?(String)
- load_profile_hash(new_profile)
- end
- end
- def config_uuid(profile)
- # Make a UUID of the profile contents and return as string
- UUIDTools::UUID.sha1_create(
- profile.to_s
- ).to_s
- end
- def write_profile_to_disk
- # FIXME: use a real chef file resource and stop hacking up tempfiles directly
- new_resource.path(Chef::FileCache.create_cache_path("profiles"))
- tempfile =
- tempfile.write(@new_profile_hash.to_plist)
- tempfile.close
- tempfile.path
- end
- def install_profile(profile_path)
- cmd = [ "/usr/bin/profiles", "-I", "-F", profile_path ]
- logger.trace("cmd: #{cmd.join(" ")}")
- shellout_results = shell_out(*cmd)
- shellout_results.exitstatus
- end
- def remove_profile
- cmd = [ "/usr/bin/profiles", "-R", "-p", @new_profile_identifier ]
- logger.trace("cmd: #{cmd.join(" ")}")
- shellout_results = shell_out(*cmd)
- shellout_results.exitstatus
- end
- def get_installed_profiles(update = nil)
- if update
- node.run_state[:config_profiles] = query_installed_profiles
- else
- node.run_state[:config_profiles] ||= query_installed_profiles
- end
- end
- def query_installed_profiles
- # Dump all profile metadata to a tempfile
- tempfile = generate_tempfile
- write_installed_profiles(tempfile)
- installed_profiles = read_plist(tempfile)
- logger.trace("Saved profiles to run_state")
- # Clean up the temp file as we do not need it anymore
- ::File.unlink(tempfile)
- installed_profiles
- end
- def generate_tempfile
- tempfile = ::Dir::Tmpname.create("allprofiles.plist") {}
- end
- def write_installed_profiles(tempfile)
- shell_out!( "/usr/bin/profiles", "-P", "-o", tempfile )
- end
- def read_plist(xml_file)
- ::Plist.parse_xml(xml_file)
- end
- def profile_installed?
- # Profile Identifier and UUID must match a currently installed profile
- if current_resource.profile.nil? || current_resource.profile.empty?
- false
- else
- if new_resource.action.include?(:remove)
- true
- else
- current_resource.profile["ProfileUUID"] ==
- @new_profile_hash["PayloadUUID"]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end