path: root/lib/chef/provider/package/rubygems.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chef/provider/package/rubygems.rb')
1 files changed, 548 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/provider/package/rubygems.rb b/lib/chef/provider/package/rubygems.rb
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index 0000000000..e60d73ab62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef/provider/package/rubygems.rb
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+# Author:: Adam Jacob (<>)
+# Author:: Daniel DeLeo (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 Opscode, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'chef/provider/package'
+require 'chef/mixin/command'
+require 'chef/resource/package'
+require 'chef/mixin/get_source_from_package'
+# Class methods on Gem are defined in rubygems
+require 'rubygems'
+# Ruby 1.9's gem_prelude can interact poorly with loading the full rubygems
+# explicitly like this. Make sure rubygems/specification is always last in this
+# list
+require 'rubygems/version'
+require 'rubygems/dependency'
+require 'rubygems/spec_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/platform'
+require 'rubygems/format'
+require 'rubygems/dependency_installer'
+require 'rubygems/uninstaller'
+require 'rubygems/specification'
+class Chef
+ class Provider
+ class Package
+ class Rubygems < Chef::Provider::Package
+ class GemEnvironment
+ # HACK: trigger gem config load early. Otherwise it can get lazy
+ # loaded during operations where we've set Gem.sources to an
+ # alternate value and overwrite it with the defaults.
+ Gem.configuration
+ DEFAULT_UNINSTALLER_OPTS = {:ignore => true, :executables => true}
+ ##
+ # The paths where rubygems should search for installed gems.
+ # Implemented by subclasses.
+ def gem_paths
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ ##
+ # A rubygems source index containing the list of gemspecs for all
+ # available gems in the gem installation.
+ # Implemented by subclasses
+ # === Returns
+ # Gem::SourceIndex
+ def gem_source_index
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ ##
+ # A rubygems specification object containing the list of gemspecs for all
+ # available gems in the gem installation.
+ # Implemented by subclasses
+ # For rubygems >= 1.8.0
+ # === Returns
+ # Gem::Specification
+ def gem_specification
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ ##
+ # Lists the installed versions of +gem_name+, constrained by the
+ # version spec in +gem_dep+
+ # === Arguments
+ # Gem::Dependency +gem_dep+ is a Gem::Dependency object, its version
+ # specification constrains which gems are returned.
+ # === Returns
+ # [Gem::Specification] an array of Gem::Specification objects
+ def installed_versions(gem_dep)
+ if >='1.8.0')
+ gem_specification.find_all_by_name(, gem_dep.requirement)
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Yields to the provided block with rubygems' source list set to the
+ # list provided. Always resets the list when the block returns or
+ # raises an exception.
+ def with_gem_sources(*sources)
+ sources.compact!
+ original_sources = Gem.sources
+ Gem.sources = sources unless sources.empty?
+ yield
+ ensure
+ Gem.sources = original_sources
+ end
+ ##
+ # Determines the candidate version for a gem from a .gem file on disk
+ # and checks if it matches the version contraints in +gem_dependency+
+ # === Returns
+ # Gem::Version a singular gem version object is returned if the gem
+ # is available
+ # nil returns nil if the gem on disk doesn't match the
+ # version constraints for +gem_dependency+
+ def candidate_version_from_file(gem_dependency, source)
+ spec = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(source).spec
+ if spec.satisfies_requirement?(gem_dependency)
+ logger.debug {"#{@new_resource} found candidate gem version #{spec.version} from local gem package #{source}"}
+ spec.version
+ else
+ # This is probably going to end badly...
+ logger.warn { "#{@new_resource} gem package #{source} does not satisfy the requirements #{gem_dependency.to_s}" }
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the newest version that satisfies the constraints of
+ # +gem_dependency+. The version is determined from the cache or a
+ # round-trip to the server as needed. The architecture and gem
+ # sources will be set before making the query.
+ # === Returns
+ # Gem::Version a singular gem version object is returned if the gem
+ # is available
+ # nil returns nil if the gem could not be found
+ def candidate_version_from_remote(gem_dependency, *sources)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ ##
+ # Find the newest gem version available from Gem.sources that satisfies
+ # the constraints of +gem_dependency+
+ def find_newest_remote_version(gem_dependency, *sources)
+ # DependencyInstaller sorts the results such that the last one is
+ # always the one it considers best.
+ spec_with_source = dependency_installer.find_gems_with_sources(gem_dependency).last
+ spec = spec_with_source && spec_with_source[0]
+ version = spec && spec_with_source[0].version
+ if version
+ logger.debug { "#{@new_resource} found gem #{} version #{version} for platform #{spec.platform} from #{spec_with_source[1]}" }
+ version
+ else
+ source_list = sources.compact.empty? ? "[#{Gem.sources.join(', ')}]" : "[#{sources.join(', ')}]"
+ logger.warn { "#{@new_resource} failed to find gem #{gem_dependency} from #{source_list}" }
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Installs a gem via the rubygems ruby API.
+ # === Options
+ # :sources rubygems servers to use
+ # Other options are passed to
+ def install(gem_dependency, options={})
+ with_gem_sources(*options.delete(:sources)) do
+ with_correct_verbosity do
+ dependency_installer(options).install(gem_dependency)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Uninstall the gem +gem_name+ via the rubygems ruby API. If
+ # +gem_version+ is provided, only that version will be uninstalled.
+ # Otherwise, all versions are uninstalled.
+ # === Options
+ # Options are passed to
+ def uninstall(gem_name, gem_version=nil, opts={})
+ gem_version ? opts[:version] = gem_version : opts[:all] = true
+ with_correct_verbosity do
+ uninstaller(gem_name, opts).uninstall
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set rubygems' user interaction to ConsoleUI or SilentUI depending
+ # on our current debug level
+ def with_correct_verbosity
+ Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.ui = Chef::Log.debug? ? :
+ yield
+ end
+ def dependency_installer(opts={})
+ end
+ def uninstaller(gem_name, opts={})
+ end
+ private
+ def logger
+ Chef::Log.logger
+ end
+ end
+ class CurrentGemEnvironment < GemEnvironment
+ def gem_paths
+ Gem.path
+ end
+ def gem_source_index
+ Gem.source_index
+ end
+ def gem_specification
+ Gem::Specification
+ end
+ def candidate_version_from_remote(gem_dependency, *sources)
+ with_gem_sources(*sources) do
+ find_newest_remote_version(gem_dependency, *sources)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class AlternateGemEnvironment < GemEnvironment
+ JRUBY_PLATFORM = /(:?universal|x86_64|x86)\-java\-[0-9\.]+/
+ def self.gempath_cache
+ @gempath_cache ||= {}
+ end
+ def self.platform_cache
+ @platform_cache ||= {}
+ end
+ include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
+ attr_reader :gem_binary_location
+ def initialize(gem_binary_location)
+ @gem_binary_location = gem_binary_location
+ end
+ def gem_paths
+ if self.class.gempath_cache.key?(@gem_binary_location)
+ self.class.gempath_cache[@gem_binary_location]
+ else
+ # shellout! is a fork/exec which won't work on windows
+ shell_style_paths = shell_out!("#{@gem_binary_location} env gempath").stdout
+ # on windows, the path separator is (usually? always?) semicolon
+ paths = shell_style_paths.split(::File::PATH_SEPARATOR).map { |path| path.strip }
+ self.class.gempath_cache[@gem_binary_location] = paths
+ end
+ end
+ def gem_source_index
+ @source_index ||= Gem::SourceIndex.from_gems_in(* { |p| p + '/specifications' })
+ end
+ def gem_specification
+ # Only once, dirs calls a reset
+ unless @specification
+ Gem::Specification.dirs = gem_paths
+ @specification = Gem::Specification
+ end
+ @specification
+ end
+ ##
+ # Attempt to detect the correct platform settings for the target gem
+ # environment.
+ #
+ # In practice, this only makes a difference if different versions are
+ # available depending on platform, and only if the target gem
+ # environment has a radically different platform (i.e., jruby), so we
+ # just try to detect jruby and fall back to the current platforms
+ # (Gem.platforms) if we don't detect it.
+ #
+ # === Returns
+ # [String|Gem::Platform] returns an array of Gem::Platform-compatible
+ # objects, i.e., Strings that are valid for Gem::Platform or actual
+ # Gem::Platform objects.
+ def gem_platforms
+ if self.class.platform_cache.key?(@gem_binary_location)
+ self.class.platform_cache[@gem_binary_location]
+ else
+ gem_environment = shell_out!("#{@gem_binary_location} env").stdout
+ if jruby = gem_environment[JRUBY_PLATFORM]
+ self.class.platform_cache[@gem_binary_location] = ['ruby',]
+ else
+ self.class.platform_cache[@gem_binary_location] = Gem.platforms
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def with_gem_platforms(*alt_gem_platforms)
+ alt_gem_platforms.flatten!
+ original_gem_platforms = Gem.platforms
+ Gem.platforms = alt_gem_platforms
+ yield
+ ensure
+ Gem.platforms = original_gem_platforms
+ end
+ def candidate_version_from_remote(gem_dependency, *sources)
+ with_gem_sources(*sources) do
+ with_gem_platforms(*gem_platforms) do
+ find_newest_remote_version(gem_dependency, *sources)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
+ attr_reader :gem_env
+ attr_reader :cleanup_gem_env
+ def logger
+ Chef::Log.logger
+ end
+ include Chef::Mixin::GetSourceFromPackage
+ def initialize(new_resource, run_context=nil)
+ super
+ @cleanup_gem_env = true
+ if new_resource.gem_binary
+ if new_resource.options && new_resource.options.kind_of?(Hash)
+ msg = "options cannot be given as a hash when using an explicit gem_binary\n"
+ msg << "in #{new_resource} from #{new_resource.source_line}"
+ raise ArgumentError, msg
+ end
+ @gem_env =
+ Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} using gem '#{new_resource.gem_binary}'")
+ elsif is_omnibus? && (!@new_resource.instance_of? Chef::Resource::ChefGem)
+ # Opscode Omnibus - The ruby that ships inside omnibus is only used for Chef
+ # Default to installing somewhere more functional
+ if new_resource.options && new_resource.options.kind_of?(Hash)
+ msg = "options should be a string instead of a hash\n"
+ msg << "in #{new_resource} from #{new_resource.source_line}"
+ raise ArgumentError, msg
+ end
+ gem_location = find_gem_by_path
+ @new_resource.gem_binary gem_location
+ @gem_env =
+ Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} using gem '#{gem_location}'")
+ else
+ @gem_env =
+ @cleanup_gem_env = false
+ Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} using gem from running ruby environment")
+ end
+ end
+ def is_omnibus?
+ if RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'] =~ %r!/opt/(opscode|chef)/embedded/bin!
+ Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} detected omnibus installation in #{RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir']}")
+ # Omnibus installs to a static path because of linking on unix, find it.
+ true
+ elsif RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'].sub(/^[\w]:/, '') == "/opscode/chef/embedded/bin"
+ Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} detected omnibus installation in #{RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir']}")
+ # windows, with the drive letter removed
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def find_gem_by_path
+ Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} searching for 'gem' binary in path: #{ENV['PATH']}")
+ separator = ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR ? ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR : ::File::SEPARATOR
+ path_to_first_gem = ENV['PATH'].split(::File::PATH_SEPARATOR).select { |path| ::File.exists?(path + separator + "gem") }.first
+ raise Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound, "Unable to find 'gem' binary in path: #{ENV['PATH']}" if path_to_first_gem.nil?
+ path_to_first_gem + separator + "gem"
+ end
+ def gem_dependency
+, @new_resource.version)
+ end
+ def source_is_remote?
+ return true if @new_resource.source.nil?
+ scheme = URI.parse(@new_resource.source).scheme
+ # URI.parse gets confused by MS Windows paths with forward slashes.
+ scheme = nil if scheme =~ /^[a-z]$/
+ %w{http https}.include?(scheme)
+ end
+ def current_version
+ #raise 'todo'
+ # If one or more matching versions are installed, the newest of them
+ # is the current version
+ if !matching_installed_versions.empty?
+ gemspec = matching_installed_versions.last
+ logger.debug { "#{@new_resource} found installed gem #{} version #{gemspec.version} matching #{gem_dependency}"}
+ gemspec
+ # If no version matching the requirements exists, the latest installed
+ # version is the current version.
+ elsif !all_installed_versions.empty?
+ gemspec = all_installed_versions.last
+ logger.debug { "#{@new_resource} newest installed version of gem #{} is #{gemspec.version}" }
+ gemspec
+ else
+ logger.debug { "#{@new_resource} no installed version found for #{gem_dependency.to_s}"}
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def matching_installed_versions
+ @matching_installed_versions ||= @gem_env.installed_versions(gem_dependency)
+ end
+ def all_installed_versions
+ @all_installed_versions ||= begin
+ @gem_env.installed_versions(, '>= 0'))
+ end
+ end
+ def gem_sources
+ @new_resource.source ? Array(@new_resource.source) : nil
+ end
+ def load_current_resource
+ @current_resource =
+ @current_resource.package_name(@new_resource.package_name)
+ if current_spec = current_version
+ @current_resource.version(current_spec.version.to_s)
+ end
+ @current_resource
+ end
+ def cleanup_after_converge
+ if @cleanup_gem_env
+ logger.debug { "#{@new_resource} resetting gem environment to default" }
+ Gem.clear_paths
+ end
+ end
+ def candidate_version
+ @candidate_version ||= begin
+ if target_version_already_installed?
+ nil
+ elsif source_is_remote?
+ @gem_env.candidate_version_from_remote(gem_dependency, *gem_sources).to_s
+ else
+ @gem_env.candidate_version_from_file(gem_dependency, @new_resource.source).to_s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def target_version_already_installed?
+ return false unless @current_resource && @current_resource.version
+ return false if @current_resource.version.nil?
+ end
+ ##
+ # Installs the gem, using either the gems API or shelling out to `gem`
+ # according to the following criteria:
+ # 1. Use gems API (Gem::DependencyInstaller) by default
+ # 2. shell out to `gem install` when a String of options is given
+ # 3. use gems API with options if a hash of options is given
+ def install_package(name, version)
+ if source_is_remote? && @new_resource.gem_binary.nil?
+ if @new_resource.options.nil?
+ @gem_env.install(gem_dependency, :sources => gem_sources)
+ elsif @new_resource.options.kind_of?(Hash)
+ options = @new_resource.options
+ options[:sources] = gem_sources
+ @gem_env.install(gem_dependency, options)
+ else
+ install_via_gem_command(name, version)
+ end
+ elsif @new_resource.gem_binary.nil?
+ @gem_env.install(@new_resource.source)
+ else
+ install_via_gem_command(name,version)
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def gem_binary_path
+ @new_resource.gem_binary || 'gem'
+ end
+ def install_via_gem_command(name, version)
+ if @new_resource.source =~ /\.gem$/i
+ name = @new_resource.source
+ else
+ src = @new_resource.source && " --source=#{@new_resource.source} --source="
+ end
+ if version
+ shell_out!("#{gem_binary_path} install #{name} -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{version}\"#{src}#{opts}", :env=>nil)
+ else
+ shell_out!("#{gem_binary_path} install #{name} -q --no-rdoc --no-ri #{src}#{opts}", :env=>nil)
+ end
+ end
+ def upgrade_package(name, version)
+ install_package(name, version)
+ end
+ def remove_package(name, version)
+ if @new_resource.gem_binary.nil?
+ if @new_resource.options.nil?
+ @gem_env.uninstall(name, version)
+ elsif @new_resource.options.kind_of?(Hash)
+ @gem_env.uninstall(name, version, @new_resource.options)
+ else
+ uninstall_via_gem_command(name, version)
+ end
+ else
+ uninstall_via_gem_command(name, version)
+ end
+ end
+ def uninstall_via_gem_command(name, version)
+ if version
+ shell_out!("#{gem_binary_path} uninstall #{name} -q -x -I -v \"#{version}\"#{opts}", :env=>nil)
+ else
+ shell_out!("#{gem_binary_path} uninstall #{name} -q -x -I -a#{opts}", :env=>nil)
+ end
+ end
+ def purge_package(name, version)
+ remove_package(name, version)
+ end
+ private
+ def opts
+ expand_options(@new_resource.options)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end