path: root/lib/chef/provider/powershell_script.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chef/provider/powershell_script.rb')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/provider/powershell_script.rb b/lib/chef/provider/powershell_script.rb
index f9dcd6d80c..ed44dee6ae 100644
--- a/lib/chef/provider/powershell_script.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/provider/powershell_script.rb
@@ -24,71 +24,153 @@ class Chef
provides :powershell_script, os: "windows"
+ def initialize (new_resource, run_context)
+ super(new_resource, run_context, '.ps1')
+ add_exit_status_wrapper
+ end
+ def action_run
+ valid_syntax = validate_script_syntax!
+ super if valid_syntax
+ end
+ def flags
+ # Must use -File rather than -Command to launch the script
+ # file created by the base class that contains the script
+ # code -- otherwise, powershell.exe does not propagate the
+ # error status of a failed Windows process that ran at the
+ # end of the script, it gets changed to '1'.
+ interpreter_flags = [default_interpreter_flags, '-File'].join(' ')
+ if ! (@new_resource.flags.nil?)
+ interpreter_flags = [@new_resource.flags, interpreter_flags].join(' ')
+ end
+ interpreter_flags
+ end
- EXIT_STATUS_EXCEPTION_HANDLER = "\ntrap [Exception] {write-error -exception ($_.Exception.Message);exit 1}".freeze
- EXIT_STATUS_NORMALIZATION_SCRIPT = "\nif ($? -ne $true) { if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {exit $LASTEXITCODE} else { exit 1 }}".freeze
- EXIT_STATUS_RESET_SCRIPT = "\n$global:LASTEXITCODE=$null".freeze
- # Process exit codes are strange with PowerShell. Unless you
- # explicitly call exit in Powershell, the powershell.exe
- # interpreter returns only 0 for success or 1 for failure. Since
- # we'd like to get specific exit codes from executable tools run
- # with Powershell, we do some work using the automatic variables
- # $? and $LASTEXITCODE to return the process exit code of the
- # last process run in the script if it is the last command
- # executed, otherwise 0 or 1 based on whether $? is set to true
- # (success, where we return 0) or false (where we return 1).
- def normalize_script_exit_status( code )
- "\n" +
- code.to_s +
- convert_boolean_return = @new_resource.convert_boolean_return
- self.code = <<EOH
-new-variable -name interpolatedexitcode -visibility private -value $#{convert_boolean_return}
-new-variable -name chefscriptresult -visibility private
-$chefscriptresult = {
-if ($interpolatedexitcode -and $chefscriptresult.gettype().name -eq 'boolean') { exit [int32](!$chefscriptresult) } else { exit 0 }
- Chef::Log.debug("powershell_script provider called with script code:\n\n#{code}\n")
+ # Process exit codes are strange with PowerShell and require
+ # special handling to cover common use cases.
+ def add_exit_status_wrapper
+ self.code = wrapper_script
+ Chef::Log.debug("powershell_script provider called with script code:\n\n#{@new_resource.code}\n")
Chef::Log.debug("powershell_script provider will execute transformed code:\n\n#{self.code}\n")
- public
+ def validate_script_syntax!
+ interpreter_arguments = default_interpreter_flags.join(' ')
+['chef_powershell_script-user-code', '.ps1']) do | user_script_file |
+ user_script_file.puts("{#{@new_resource.code}}")
+ user_script_file.close
- def initialize (new_resource, run_context)
- super(new_resource, run_context, '.ps1')
- normalize_script_exit_status(new_resource.code)
+ validation_command = "\"#{interpreter}\" #{interpreter_arguments} -Command #{user_script_file.path}"
+ # For consistency with other script resources, allow even syntax errors
+ # to be suppressed if the returns attribute would have suppressed it
+ # at converge.
+ valid_returns = [0]
+ specified_returns = @new_resource.returns.is_a?(Integer) ?
+ [@new_resource.returns] :
+ @new_resource.returns
+ valid_returns.concat([1]) if specified_returns.include?(1)
+ result = shell_out!(validation_command, {returns: valid_returns})
+ result.exitstatus == 0
+ end
- def flags
- default_flags = [
+ def default_interpreter_flags
+ # 'Bypass' is preferable since it doesn't require user input confirmation
+ # for files such as PowerShell modules downloaded from the
+ # Internet. However, 'Bypass' is not supported prior to
+ # PowerShell 3.0, so the fallback is 'Unrestricted'
+ execution_policy = Chef::Platform.supports_powershell_execution_bypass?(run_context.node) ? 'Bypass' : 'Unrestricted'
+ [
- "-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted",
+ "-ExecutionPolicy #{execution_policy}",
# Powershell will hang if STDIN is redirected
- "-InputFormat None",
- # Must use -File rather than -Command to launch the script
- # file created by the base class that contains the script
- # code -- otherwise, powershell.exe does not propagate the
- # error status of a failed Windows process that ran at the
- # end of the script, it gets changed to '1'.
- "-File"
+ "-InputFormat None"
+ end
- interpreter_flags = default_flags.join(' ')
+ # A wrapper script is used to launch user-supplied script while
+ # still obtaining useful process exit codes. Unless you
+ # explicitly call exit in Powershell, the powershell.exe
+ # interpreter returns only 0 for success or 1 for failure. Since
+ # we'd like to get specific exit codes from executable tools run
+ # with Powershell, we do some work using the automatic variables
+ # $? and $LASTEXITCODE to return the process exit code of the
+ # last process run in the script if it is the last command
+ # executed, otherwise 0 or 1 based on whether $? is set to true
+ # (success, where we return 0) or false (where we return 1).
+ def wrapper_script
+# Chef Client wrapper for powershell_script resources
- if ! (@new_resource.flags.nil?)
- interpreter_flags = [@new_resource.flags, interpreter_flags].join(' ')
- end
+# LASTEXITCODE can be uninitialized -- make it explictly 0
+# to avoid incorrect detection of failure (non-zero) codes
+$global:LASTEXITCODE = 0
- interpreter_flags
+# Catch any exceptions -- without this, exceptions will result
+# In a zero return code instead of the desired non-zero code
+# that indicates a failure
+trap [Exception] {write-error ($_.Exception.Message);exit 1}
+# Variable state that should not be accessible to the user code
+new-variable -name interpolatedexitcode -visibility private -value $#{@new_resource.convert_boolean_return}
+new-variable -name chefscriptresult -visibility private
+# Initialize a variable we use to capture $? inside a block
+$global:lastcmdlet = $null
+# Execute the user's code in a script block --
+$chefscriptresult =
+ #{@new_resource.code}
+ # This assignment doesn't affect the block's return value
+ $global:lastcmdlet = $?
+# Assume failure status of 1 -- success cases
+# will have to override this
+$exitstatus = 1
+# If convert_boolean_return is enabled, the block's return value
+# gets precedence in determining our exit status
+if ($interpolatedexitcode -and $chefscriptresult -ne $null -and $chefscriptresult.gettype().name -eq 'boolean')
+ $exitstatus = [int32](!$chefscriptresult)
+elseif ($lastcmdlet)
+ # Otherwise, a successful cmdlet execution defines the status
+ $exitstatus = 0
+elseif ( $LASTEXITCODE -ne $null -and $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 )
+ # If the cmdlet status is failed, allow the Win32 status
+ # in $LASTEXITCODE to define exit status. This handles the case
+ # where no cmdlets, only Win32 processes have run since $?
+ # will be set to $false whenever a Win32 process returns a non-zero
+ # status.
+ $exitstatus = $LASTEXITCODE
+# If this script is launched with -File, the process exit
+# status of PowerShell.exe will be $exitstatus. If it was
+# launched with -Command, it will be 0 if $exitstatus was 0,
+# 1 (i.e. failed) otherwise.
+exit $exitstatus