path: root/lib/chef/resource/openssl_x509_certificate.rb
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1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/openssl_x509_certificate.rb b/lib/chef/resource/openssl_x509_certificate.rb
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+++ b/lib/chef/resource/openssl_x509_certificate.rb
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+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Author:: Julien Huon
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require_relative "../resource"
+class Chef
+ class Resource
+ class OpensslX509Certificate < Chef::Resource
+ require_relative "../mixin/openssl_helper"
+ include Chef::Mixin::OpenSSLHelper
+ unified_mode true
+ provides :openssl_x509_certificate
+ provides(:openssl_x509) { true } # legacy cookbook name.
+ description "Use the **openssl_x509_certificate** resource to generate signed or self-signed, PEM-formatted x509 certificates. If no existing key is specified, the resource will automatically generate a passwordless key with the certificate. If a CA private key and certificate are provided, the certificate will be signed with them. Note: This resource was renamed from openssl_x509 to openssl_x509_certificate. The legacy name will continue to function, but cookbook code should be updated for the new resource name."
+ introduced "14.4"
+ examples <<~DOC
+ Create a simple self-signed certificate file
+ ```ruby
+ openssl_x509_certificate '/etc/httpd/ssl/mycert.pem' do
+ common_name ''
+ org 'Foo Bar'
+ org_unit 'Lab'
+ country 'US'
+ end
+ ```
+ Create a certificate using additional options
+ ```ruby
+ openssl_x509_certificate '/etc/ssl_files/my_signed_cert.crt' do
+ common_name ''
+ ca_key_file '/etc/ssl_files/my_ca.key'
+ ca_cert_file '/etc/ssl_files/my_ca.crt'
+ expire 365
+ extensions(
+ 'keyUsage' => {
+ 'values' => %w(
+ keyEncipherment
+ digitalSignature),
+ 'critical' => true,
+ },
+ 'extendedKeyUsage' => {
+ 'values' => %w(serverAuth),
+ 'critical' => false,
+ }
+ )
+ subject_alt_name ['IP:', 'DNS:localhost.localdomain']
+ end
+ ```
+ property :path, String,
+ description: "An optional property for specifying the path to write the file to if it differs from the resource block's name.",
+ name_property: true
+ property :owner, [String, Integer],
+ description: "The owner applied to all files created by the resource."
+ property :group, [String, Integer],
+ description: "The group ownership applied to all files created by the resource."
+ property :expire, Integer,
+ description: "Value representing the number of days from now through which the issued certificate cert will remain valid. The certificate will expire after this period.",
+ default: 365
+ property :mode, [Integer, String],
+ description: "The permission mode applied to all files created by the resource."
+ property :country, String,
+ description: "Value for the `C` certificate field."
+ property :state, String,
+ description: "Value for the `ST` certificate field."
+ property :city, String,
+ description: "Value for the `L` certificate field."
+ property :org, String,
+ description: "Value for the `O` certificate field."
+ property :org_unit, String,
+ description: "Value for the `OU` certificate field."
+ property :common_name, String,
+ description: "Value for the `CN` certificate field."
+ property :email, String,
+ description: "Value for the `email` certificate field."
+ property :extensions, Hash,
+ description: "Hash of X509 Extensions entries, in format `{ 'keyUsage' => { 'values' => %w( keyEncipherment digitalSignature), 'critical' => true } }`.",
+ default: lazy { {} }
+ property :subject_alt_name, Array,
+ description: "Array of Subject Alternative Name entries, in format `` or `IP:`.",
+ default: lazy { [] }
+ property :key_file, String,
+ description: "The path to a certificate key file on the filesystem. If the key_file property is specified, the resource will attempt to source a key from this location. If no key file is found, the resource will generate a new key file at this location. If the key_file property is not specified, the resource will generate a key file in the same directory as the generated certificate, with the same name as the generated certificate."
+ property :key_pass, String,
+ description: "The passphrase for an existing key's passphrase."
+ property :key_type, String,
+ equal_to: %w{rsa ec},
+ description: "The desired type of the generated key.",
+ default: "rsa"
+ property :key_length, Integer,
+ equal_to: [1024, 2048, 4096, 8192],
+ description: "The desired bit length of the generated key (if key_type is equal to 'rsa').",
+ default: 2048
+ property :key_curve, String,
+ description: "The desired curve of the generated key (if key_type is equal to 'ec'). Run `openssl ecparam -list_curves` to see available options.",
+ equal_to: %w{secp384r1 secp521r1 prime256v1},
+ default: "prime256v1"
+ property :csr_file, String,
+ description: "The path to a X509 Certificate Request (CSR) on the filesystem. If the `csr_file` property is specified, the resource will attempt to source a CSR from this location. If no CSR file is found, the resource will generate a Self-Signed Certificate and the certificate fields must be specified (common_name at last)."
+ property :ca_cert_file, String,
+ description: "The path to the CA X509 Certificate on the filesystem. If the `ca_cert_file` property is specified, the `ca_key_file` property must also be specified, the certificate will be signed with them."
+ property :ca_key_file, String,
+ description: "The path to the CA private key on the filesystem. If the `ca_key_file` property is specified, the `ca_cert_file` property must also be specified, the certificate will be signed with them."
+ property :ca_key_pass, String,
+ description: "The passphrase for CA private key's passphrase."
+ property :renew_before_expiry, Integer,
+ description: "The number of days before the expiry. The certificate will be automatically renewed when the value is reached.",
+ introduced: "15.7"
+ action :create do
+ description "Generate a certificate"
+ file new_resource.path do
+ action :create_if_missing
+ owner new_resource.owner unless new_resource.owner.nil?
+ group unless
+ mode new_resource.mode unless new_resource.mode.nil?
+ sensitive true
+ content cert.to_pem
+ end
+ if !new_resource.renew_before_expiry.nil? && cert_need_renewal?(new_resource.path, new_resource.renew_before_expiry)
+ file new_resource.path do
+ action :create
+ owner new_resource.owner unless new_resource.owner.nil?
+ group unless
+ mode new_resource.mode unless new_resource.mode.nil?
+ sensitive true
+ content cert.to_pem
+ end
+ end
+ if new_resource.csr_file.nil?
+ file key_file do
+ action :create_if_missing
+ owner new_resource.owner unless new_resource.owner.nil?
+ group unless
+ mode new_resource.mode unless new_resource.mode.nil?
+ sensitive true
+ content key.to_pem
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ action_class do
+ def key_file
+ @key_file ||=
+ if new_resource.key_file
+ new_resource.key_file
+ else
+ path, file = ::File.split(new_resource.path)
+ filename = ::File.basename(file, ::File.extname(file))
+ path + "/" + filename + ".key"
+ end
+ end
+ def key
+ @key ||= if priv_key_file_valid?(key_file, new_resource.key_pass)
+, new_resource.key_pass
+ elsif new_resource.key_type == "rsa"
+ gen_rsa_priv_key(new_resource.key_length)
+ else
+ gen_ec_priv_key(new_resource.key_curve)
+ end
+ end
+ def request
+ if new_resource.csr_file.nil?
+ gen_x509_request(subject, key)
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ def subject
+ do |csr_subject|
+ csr_subject.add_entry("C", unless
+ csr_subject.add_entry("ST", new_resource.state) unless new_resource.state.nil?
+ csr_subject.add_entry("L", unless
+ csr_subject.add_entry("O", unless
+ csr_subject.add_entry("OU", new_resource.org_unit) unless new_resource.org_unit.nil?
+ csr_subject.add_entry("CN", new_resource.common_name)
+ csr_subject.add_entry("emailAddress", unless
+ end
+ end
+ def ca_private_key
+ if new_resource.csr_file.nil?
+ key
+ else
+, new_resource.ca_key_pass
+ end
+ end
+ def ca_info
+ # Will contain issuer (if any) & expiration
+ ca_info = {}
+ unless new_resource.ca_cert_file.nil?
+ ca_info["issuer"] =
+ end
+ ca_info["validity"] = new_resource.expire
+ ca_info
+ end
+ def extensions
+ extensions = gen_x509_extensions(new_resource.extensions)
+ unless new_resource.subject_alt_name.empty?
+ extensions += gen_x509_extensions("subjectAltName" => { "values" => new_resource.subject_alt_name, "critical" => false })
+ end
+ extensions
+ end
+ def cert
+ gen_x509_cert(request, extensions, ca_info, ca_private_key)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end