path: root/lib/chef/resource/windows_package_manager_hold.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chef/resource/windows_package_manager_hold.rb')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/windows_package_manager_hold.rb b/lib/chef/resource/windows_package_manager_hold.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd6aae9bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef/resource/windows_package_manager_hold.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# Author:: Richard Lavey (
+# Copyright:: 2015-2017, Calastone Ltd.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require_relative "../resource"
+require_relative "../exceptions"
+# require_relative "../win32/error" if RUBY_PLATFORM.match?(/mswin|mingw|windows/)
+# require "chef-utils/dist" unless defined?(ChefUtils::Dist)
+class Chef
+ class Resource
+ class WindowsPackageManager < Chef::Resource
+ unified_mode true
+ provides :windows_package_manager
+ description "Use the **windows_package_manager** resource allows you to add/remove/update windows packages using WinGet."
+ introduced "17.20"
+ examples <<~DOC
+ **Add a new package to a system**
+ ```ruby
+ windows_package_manager 'Install 7zip' do
+ package_name 7zip
+ action :install
+ end
+ ```
+ **Add several packages on a system**
+ ```ruby
+ windows_package_manager 'Install 7zip' do
+ package_name %[1Password MicroK8s]
+ action :install
+ end
+ ```
+ **Add a package source to install from**
+ ```ruby
+ windows_package_manager "Add New Source" do
+ source_name "my_package_source"
+ url https://foo/
+ action :register
+ end
+ ```
+ **Remove a package source to install from**
+ ```ruby
+ windows_package_manager "Add New Source" do
+ source_name "my_package_source"
+ action :unregister
+ end
+ ```
+ **Install a package from a custom source**
+ ```ruby
+ windows_package_manager "Install 7zip from new source" do
+ package_name 7zip
+ source_name "my_package_source"
+ scope 'User'
+ location "C:\\Foo\\7Zip"
+ override "-o, -q, -h"
+ force true
+ action :install
+ end
+ ```
+ property :package_name, Array,
+ description: "The name of one or more packages to be installed."
+ property :source_name, String,
+ description: "The name of a custom installation source.",
+ default: "winget"
+ property :url, String,
+ description: "The url to a package or source"
+ property :scope, String,
+ description: "Install the package for the current user or the whole machine.",
+ default: "user", equal_to: %w{user machine}
+ property :location, String,
+ description: "The location on the local system to install the package to. For example 'c:\foo\'."
+ property :override, Array,
+ description: "An array containing command line switches to pass to your package. In the form of '-o, -foo, -bar, -blat'."
+ property :force, [TrueClass, FalseClass],
+ description: "Tells WinGet to bypass hash-checking a package.",
+ default: false
+ action :install, description: "Installs an item on a Windows node." do
+ local_arguments = build_argument_string
+ new_resource.package_name.each do |package|
+ converge_by("install package: #{package}") do
+ install_cmd = ps_execute_winget("install", package_name: package, arguments: local_arguments)
+ res = powershell_exec(install_cmd)
+ raise "Failed to install #{new_resource.package_name}: #{res.errors}" if res.error?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ action :register, description: "Adds or updates a package source location to install a package from." do
+ if package_source_exists?
+ converge_if_changed :url do
+ update_cmd = build_ps_package_source_command("update", new_resource.source_name, new_resource.url)
+ res = powershell_exec(update_cmd)
+ raise "Failed to update #{new_resource.source_name}: #{res.errors}" if res.error?
+ end
+ else
+ converge_by("register source: #{new_resource.source_name}") do
+ register_cmd = build_ps_package_source_command("add", new_resource.source_name, new_resource.url)
+ res = powershell_exec!(register_cmd)
+ puts "what does my result say? #{res.result}"
+ raise "Failed to register #{new_resource.source_name}: #{res.errors}" if res.error?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ action :unregister, description: "Removes a package source location." do
+ if package_source_exists?
+ powershell_exec!("winget source remove --name #{new_resource.source_name} ")
+ end
+ end
+ action_class do
+ def build_argument_string
+ build_arguments = ""
+ build_arguments << " --source #{new_resource.source_name}" if new_resource.source_name
+ build_arguments << " --scope #{new_resource.scope}" if new_resource.scope
+ build_arguments << " --override:#{new_resource.override}" if new_resource.override
+ build_arguments << " --location #{new_resource.location}" if new_resource.location
+ build_arguments << " --force" if new_resource.force
+ build_arguments
+ end
+ def ps_execute_winget(cmd_type, package_name:, arguments:)
+ <<-CMD
+ winget #{cmd_type} --name #{package_name} #{arguments}
+ end
+ def package_source_exists?
+ powershell_exec!(ps_package_sources_cmd).result
+ end
+ def ps_package_sources_cmd
+ <<-CMD
+ $hash = new-object System.Collections.Hashtable
+ [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sources = Invoke-Expression "winget source list"
+ $sources += $sources.Remove("Name Argument")
+ $sources += $sources.Remove("-------------------------------------------------------")
+ foreach($source in $sources){
+ $break = $($source -replace '\s+', ' ').split()
+ $key = $break[0]
+ $value = $break[1]
+ $hash.Add($key, $value)
+ }
+ foreach($key in $hash.Keys){
+ if($key -contains "#{new_resource.source_name}"){
+ return $true
+ }
+ else{
+ return $false
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def build_ps_package_source_command(cmdlet_type, source, url)
+ cmd = "winget source #{cmdlet_type} --Name #{source} #{url}"
+ cmd
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end