path: root/omnibus/jenkins/release.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'omnibus/jenkins/release.rb')
1 files changed, 728 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/omnibus/jenkins/release.rb b/omnibus/jenkins/release.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7459bc99bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omnibus/jenkins/release.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+## release.rb #################################################################
+# This script runs from the root of a jenkins workspace where artifacts from
+# the omnibus build matrix are collected.
+# # Primary command line options:
+# * `--project PROJECT`: Project to be released. This also controls where the
+# script looks for config JSON.
+# * `--bucket S3_BUCKET`: Name of the S3 bucket where artifacts are released
+# to.
+# Other options are available, run `release.rb --help`.
+# # Config
+# release.rb looks in the same directory where it's located for files named
+# "$project.json" and "$project-platform-names.json".
+# ## $project.json
+# The project.json file controls the mapping of build platforms to release
+# platforms so that a single build artifact can be reused on compatible
+# platforms. See chef.json for an example.
+# ## $project-platform-names.json
+# The project-platform-names.json file maps short platform names to long ones.
+# see chef-platform-names.json for an example.
+# # Tests
+# This file contains the script's tests. Tests are written in rspec. To run the
+# tests, run rspec with this file as the argument, e.g.,
+# `rspec -cfs release.rb`.
+require 'optparse'
+require 'digest'
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'json'
+require 'mixlib/shellout'
+# required for Artifactory publishing
+require 'artifactory'
+require 'omnibus'
+require 'tempfile'
+# Represnts the collection of artifacts on disk that we plan to upload. Handles
+# finding the artifacts and dealing with the mapping between build platform and
+# install platforms.
+class ArtifactCollection
+ class MissingArtifact < RuntimeError
+ end
+ attr_reader :project
+ attr_reader :config
+ def initialize(project, config)
+ @project = project
+ @config = config
+ end
+ def platform_map_json
+"../#{project}.json", __FILE__))
+ end
+ def platform_map
+ JSON.parse(platform_map_json)
+ end
+ def platform_name_map_path
+ File.expand_path("../#{project}-platform-names.json", __FILE__)
+ end
+ def platform_name_map_json
+ end
+ def platform_name_map
+ JSON.parse(platform_name_map_json)
+ end
+ def package_paths
+ @package_paths ||= Dir['**/pkg/*'].
+ sort.
+ reject {|path| path.include?("BUILD_VERSION") }.
+ reject {|path| path.include?("metadata.json") }
+ end
+ def artifacts
+ artifacts = []
+ missing_packages = []
+ platform_map.each do |build_platform_spec, supported_platforms|
+ if path = package_paths.find { |p| p.include?(build_platform_spec) }
+ artifacts <<, supported_platforms, config)
+ else
+ missing_packages << build_platform_spec
+ end
+ end
+ error_on_missing_pkgs!(missing_packages)
+ artifacts
+ end
+ def error_on_missing_pkgs!(missing_packages)
+ unless missing_packages.empty?
+ if config[:ignore_missing_packages]
+ missing_packages.each do |pkg_config|
+ # TODO: this should go to $stderr
+ puts "WARN: Missing package for config: #{pkg_config}"
+ end
+ else
+ raise MissingArtifact, "Missing packages for config(s): '#{missing_packages.join("' '")}'"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# Represents an individual package which has one or more supported platforms.
+class Artifact
+ attr_reader :path
+ attr_reader :platforms
+ attr_reader :config
+ def initialize(path, platforms, config)
+ @path = path
+ @platforms = platforms
+ @config = config
+ end
+ # Adds the package to +release_manifest+, which is a Hash. The result is in this form:
+ # "el" => {
+ # "5" => { "x86_64" => { "11.4.0-1" => "/el/5/x86_64/demoproject-11.4.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm" } }
+ # }
+ # This method mutates the argument (hence the `!` at the end). The updated
+ # release manifest is returned.
+ def add_to_release_manifest!(release_manifest)
+ platforms.each do |distro, version, arch|
+ release_manifest[distro] ||= {}
+ release_manifest[distro][version] ||= {}
+ release_manifest[distro][version][arch] = { build_version => relpath }
+ # TODO: when adding checksums, the desired format is like this:
+ # build_support_json[platform][platform_version][machine_architecture][options[:version]]["relpath"] = build_location
+ end
+ release_manifest
+ end
+ # Adds the package to +release_manifest+, which is a Hash. The result is in this form:
+ # "el" => {
+ # "5" => {
+ # "x86_64" => {
+ # "11.4.0-1" => {
+ # "relpath" => "/el/5/x86_64/demoproject-11.4.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm",
+ # "md5" => "123f00d...",
+ # "sha256" => 456beef..."
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # This method mutates the argument (hence the `!` at the end). The updated
+ # release manifest is returned.
+ def add_to_v2_release_manifest!(release_manifest)
+ platforms.each do |distro, version, arch|
+ pkg_info = {
+ "relpath" => relpath,
+ "md5" => md5,
+ "sha256" => sha256
+ }
+ release_manifest[distro] ||= {}
+ release_manifest[distro][version] ||= {}
+ release_manifest[distro][version][arch] = { build_version => pkg_info }
+ end
+ release_manifest
+ end
+ def build_platform
+ platforms.first
+ end
+ def build_version
+ config[:version]
+ end
+ def relpath
+ # upload build to build platform directory
+ "/#{build_platform.join('/')}/#{path.split('/').last}"
+ end
+ def md5
+ @md5 ||= digest(Digest::MD5)
+ end
+ def sha256
+ @sha256 ||= digest(Digest::SHA256)
+ end
+ private
+ def digest(digest_class)
+ digest =
+ do |io|
+ while chunk = * 8)
+ digest.update(chunk)
+ end
+ end
+ digest.hexdigest
+ end
+class ShipIt
+ attr_reader :argv
+ attr_reader :options
+ def initialize(argv=[])
+ @argv = argv
+ @options = {:package_s3_config_file => "~/.s3cfg"}
+ end
+ def release_it
+ $stdout.sync = true
+ parse_options
+ artifact_collection =[:project], options)
+ artifacts = artifact_collection.artifacts
+ v2_metadata = {}
+ artifacts.each do |artifact|
+ artifact.add_to_v2_release_manifest!(v2_metadata)
+ upload_package(artifact.path, artifact.relpath)
+ # Optionally publish to the new Artifactory infrastructure
+ if options[:publish_to_artifactory]
+ Omnibus.load_configuration(options[:omnibus_config])
+ publish_to_artifactory(artifact)
+ end
+ end
+ upload_v2_platform_name_map(artifact_collection.platform_name_map_path)
+ upload_v2_manifest(v2_metadata)
+ end
+ def option_parser
+ @option_parser ||= do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options]"
+ opts.on("-p", "--project PROJECT", "the project to release") do |project|
+ options[:project] = project
+ end
+ opts.on("-v", "--version VERSION", "the version of the installer to release") do |version|
+ options[:version] = version
+ end
+ opts.on("-b", "--bucket S3_BUCKET_NAME", "the name of the s3 bucket to release to") do |bucket|
+ options[:bucket] = bucket
+ end
+ opts.on("-c", "--package-s3-config S3_CMD_CONFIG_FILE", "path to the s3cmd config file for packages bucket") do |config|
+ options[:package_s3_config_file] = config
+ end
+ opts.on("-M", "--metadata-bucket S3_BUCKET_NAME", "the name of the S3 bucket for v2 metadata") do |bucket|
+ options[:metadata_bucket] = bucket
+ end
+ opts.on("-m", "--metadata-s3-config S3_CMD_CONFIG_FILE", "path to the s3cmd config file for the v2 metadata AWS account") do |config_path|
+ options[:metadata_s3_config_file] = config_path
+ end
+ opts.on("--ignore-missing-packages",
+ "indicates the release should continue if any build packages are missing") do |missing|
+ options[:ignore_missing_packages] = missing
+ end
+ opts.on("--publish-to-artifactory",
+ "indicates the release should be published to Artifactory") do |artifactory|
+ options[:publish_to_artifactory] = artifactory
+ end
+ opts.on("--omnibus-config OMNIBUS_CONFIG_FILE",
+ "path to the Omnibus config file which is required for Artifactory publishing") do |config_path|
+ options[:omnibus_config] = config_path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def parse_options
+ option_parser.parse(argv)
+ # check for an optional BUILD_VERSION file which is generated by the build script
+ if options[:version].nil?
+ # this file should be the same across all platforms so grab the first one
+ build_version_file = Dir['**/pkg/BUILD_VERSION'].first
+ options[:version] = if build_version_file
+ end
+ required = [:project, :version, :bucket, :metadata_bucket, :metadata_s3_config_file]
+ # If --publish-to-artifactory was provided then --omnibus-config is required
+ required << :omnibus_config if options[:publish_to_artifactory]
+ missing = {|param| options[param].nil?}
+ if !missing.empty?
+ puts "Missing required options: #{missing.join(', ')}"
+ puts option_parser
+ exit 1
+ end
+ rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::MissingArgument
+ puts $!.to_s
+ puts option_parser
+ exit 1
+ end
+ def shellout_opts
+ {:timeout => 1200, :live_stream => STDOUT}
+ end
+ def progress
+ if STDOUT.tty?
+ "--progress"
+ else
+ "--no-progress"
+ end
+ end
+ def upload_package(local_path, s3_path)
+ s3_cmd = ["s3cmd",
+ "-c #{options[:package_s3_config_file]}",
+ "put",
+ progress,
+ "--acl-public",
+ local_path,
+ "s3://#{options[:bucket]}#{s3_path}"].join(" ")
+ shell =, shellout_opts)
+ shell.run_command
+ shell.error!
+ end
+ def upload_v2_manifest(manifest)
+"v2-release-manifest.json", "w") {|f| f.puts JSON.pretty_generate(manifest)}
+ s3_location = "s3://#{options[:metadata_bucket]}/#{options[:project]}-release-manifest/#{options[:version]}.json"
+ puts "UPLOAD: v2-release-manifest.json -> #{s3_location}"
+ s3_cmd = ["s3cmd",
+ "-c #{options[:metadata_s3_config_file]}",
+ "put",
+ "--acl-public",
+ "v2-release-manifest.json",
+ s3_location].join(" ")
+ shell =, shellout_opts)
+ shell.run_command
+ shell.error!
+ end
+ def upload_v2_platform_name_map(platform_names_file)
+ s3_location = "s3://#{options[:metadata_bucket]}/#{options[:project]}-release-manifest/#{options[:project]}-platform-names.json"
+ puts "UPLOAD: #{options[:project]}-platform-names.json -> #{s3_location}"
+ s3_cmd = ["s3cmd",
+ "-c #{options[:metadata_s3_config_file]}",
+ "put",
+ "--acl-public",
+ platform_names_file,
+ s3_location].join(" ")
+ shell =, shellout_opts)
+ shell.run_command
+ shell.error!
+ end
+ def upload_v2_manifest?
+ !options[:metadata_bucket].nil?
+ end
+ def publish_to_artifactory(artifact)
+ metadata_json = "#{artifact.path}.metadata.json"
+ if File.exist?(metadata_json)
+ metadata = JSON.parse(, :symbolize_names => true)
+ # Historically we name our Windows-specific project definitions
+ # PROJECT_NAME-windows. We want to publish this project under
+ # PROJECT_NAME though. Luckily we are moving to a place where the
+ # Windows-specific project definition will just become part of the
+ # regular *nix project definition. Until then we need to modify the
+ # the artifact's associated `*.metadata.json` file as the Omnibus
+ # publisher uses this metadata when publishing to Artifactory.
+ if match = metadata[:name].match(/^(?<project_basename>.*)-windows$/)
+ metadata[:name] = match[:project_basename]
+, 'w+') do |f|
+ f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(metadata))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Publish artifact under each tested platform, platform version and arch!
+ artifact.platforms.each do |distro, version, arch|
+ # We only really care about publishing for Windows 64-bit so ignore
+ # the 32-bit mappings
+ next if (distro == 'windows') && (arch == 'i686')
+ tries = 3
+ begin
+ # Apply various 'fixes' to the metadata before uploading
+ fix_metadata(artifact.path)
+ publisher =
+ artifact.path,
+ repository: 'omnibus-current-local',
+ platform: distro,
+ platform_version: version,
+ )
+ publisher.publish do |package|
+ puts "Uploaded '#{}'"
+ end
+ rescue Omnibus::NoPackageMetadataFile => e
+ puts "Could not locate package metadata file '#{artifact.path}.metadata.json'...skipping publish."
+ rescue Artifactory::Error::ArtifactoryError => e
+ puts "\nError during publishing: #{e.message}"
+ puts "Backtrace:\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}"
+ if (tries -= 1) != 0
+ puts "\nRetrying failed publish #{tries} more time(s)..."
+ retry
+ else
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Attempts to fix an out-of-date `*.metadata.json` file produced by an
+ # an older version of Omnibus. The data contained in this file is very
+ # important in publishing activities.
+ def fix_metadata(package_local_path)
+ package =
+ old_metadata = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true)
+ new_metadata = old_metadata.dup
+ # OLD Omnibus does not include a project name!!!! O_o
+ unless new_metadata[:name]
+ match =^(?<project_name>[a-z].*)(_|-)\d\.\d\.\d/)
+ new_metadata[:name] = match[:project_name]
+ end
+ # Historically we name our Windows-specific project definitions
+ # PROJECT_NAME-windows. We want to publish this project under
+ # PROJECT_NAME though. Luckily we are moving to a place where the
+ # Windows-specific project definition will just become part of the
+ # regular *nix project definition. Until then we need to modify the
+ # the artifact's associated `*.metadata.json` file as the Omnibus
+ # publisher uses this metadata when publishing to Artifactory.
+ match = new_metadata[:name].match(/^(?<project_basename>.*)-windows$/)
+ new_metadata[:name] = match[:project_basename] if match
+ # In pre-4.0 Omnibus packages are signed outside of the Omnibus
+ # build process which means Omnibus's generated checksums are wrong.
+ # As we use the Omnibus-generated metadata when publishing to
+ # Artifactory checksum mismatches are OK until Omnibus 4.0 is in
+ # general use.
+ if new_metadata[:platform] == 'el'
+ new_metadata[:md5] = package.md5
+ new_metadata[:sha1] = package.sha1
+ new_metadata[:sha256] = package.sha256
+ new_metadata[:sha512] = package.sha512
+ end
+ # OLD Omnibus does not generate all checksum types
+ new_metadata[:sha256] = package.sha256 unless new_metadata[:sha256]
+ new_metadata[:sha512] = package.sha512 unless new_metadata[:sha512]
+ # If the metadata has changed write the file
+ if new_metadata != old_metadata
+ metadata = if Omnibus.const_defined?('Metadata')
+, new_metadata)
+ else
+, new_metadata)
+ end
+ puts "\nMetadata has changed...updating '#{metadata.path}'"
+ end
+ end
+if !$0.include?("rspec")
+ describe ArtifactCollection do
+ # project_json is the thing that maps a build to. It is stored in the same
+ # directory with basename determined by project, e.g., "chef.json" for
+ # chef-client, "chef-server.json" for chef-server. By convention, the first
+ # entry is the platform that we actually do the build on.
+ let(:platform_map_json) do
+ <<-E
+ "build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x64,role=oss-builder": [
+ [
+ "el",
+ "5",
+ "x86_64"
+ ],
+ [
+ "sles",
+ "11.2",
+ "x86_64"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x86,role=oss-builder": [
+ [
+ "el",
+ "5",
+ "i686"
+ ],
+ [
+ "sles",
+ "11.2",
+ "i686"
+ ]
+ ]
+ end
+ let(:platform_map) do
+ JSON.parse(platform_map_json)
+ end
+ # mapping of short platform names to longer ones.
+ # This file lives in this script's directory under $project-platform-names.json
+ let(:platform_name_map_json) do
+ <<-E
+ "el" : "Enterprise Linux",
+ "debian" : "Debian",
+ "mac_os_x" : "OS X",
+ "ubuntu" : "Ubuntu",
+ "solaris2" : "Solaris",
+ "sles" : "SUSE Enterprise",
+ "suse" : "openSUSE",
+ "windows" : "Windows"
+ end
+ let(:platform_name_map) do
+ JSON.parse(platform_name_map_json)
+ end
+ let(:directory_contents) do
+ %w[
+ build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x64,role=oss-builder/pkg/demoproject-10.22.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm.metadata.json
+ build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x64,role=oss-builder/pkg/demoproject-10.22.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
+ build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x64,role=oss-builder/pkg/BUILD_VERSION
+ build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x86,role=oss-builder/pkg/demoproject-10.22.0-1.el5.i686.rpm.metadata.json
+ build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x86,role=oss-builder/pkg/demoproject-10.22.0-1.el5.i686.rpm
+ build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x86,role=oss-builder/pkg/BUILD_VERSION
+ ]
+ end
+ let(:artifact_collection) do
+"demoproject", {})
+ end
+ it "has a project name" do
+ artifact_collection.project.should == "demoproject"
+ end
+ it "has config" do
+ artifact_collection.config.should == {}
+ end
+ it "loads the mapping of build platforms to install platforms from the local copy" do
+ expected_path = File.expand_path("../demoproject.json", __FILE__)
+ IO.should_receive(:read).with(expected_path).and_return(platform_map_json)
+ artifact_collection.platform_map_json.should == platform_map_json
+ end
+ it "loads the mapping of platform short names to long names from the local copy" do
+ expected_path = File.expand_path("../demoproject-platform-names.json", __FILE__)
+ IO.should_receive(:read).with(expected_path).and_return(platform_name_map_json)
+ artifact_collection.platform_name_map_json.should == platform_name_map_json
+ end
+ it "finds the package files among the artifacts" do
+ Dir.should_receive(:[]).with("**/pkg/*").and_return(directory_contents)
+ expected = %w[
+ build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x64,role=oss-builder/pkg/demoproject-10.22.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
+ build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x86,role=oss-builder/pkg/demoproject-10.22.0-1.el5.i686.rpm
+ ]
+ artifact_collection.package_paths.should == expected
+ end
+ context "after loading the build and platform mappings" do
+ before do
+ artifact_collection.should respond_to(:platform_map_json)
+ artifact_collection.stub!(:platform_map_json).and_return(platform_map_json)
+ artifact_collection.should respond_to(:platform_name_map_json)
+ artifact_collection.stub!(:platform_name_map_json).and_return(platform_name_map_json)
+ end
+ it "parses the build platform mapping" do
+ artifact_collection.platform_map.should == platform_map
+ end
+ it "parses the platform short name => long name mapping" do
+ artifact_collection.platform_name_map.should == platform_name_map
+ end
+ it "returns a list of artifacts for each package" do
+ Dir.should_receive(:[]).with("**/pkg/*").and_return(directory_contents)
+ artifact_collection.should have(2).artifacts
+ centos5_64bit_artifact = artifact_collection.artifacts.first
+ path = "build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x64,role=oss-builder/pkg/demoproject-10.22.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm"
+ centos5_64bit_artifact.path.should == path
+ platforms = [ [ "el", "5", "x86_64" ], [ "sles","11.2","x86_64" ] ]
+ centos5_64bit_artifact.platforms.should == platforms
+ end
+ context "and some expected packages are missing" do
+ let(:directory_contents) do
+ %w[
+ build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x86,role=oss-builder/pkg/demoproject-10.22.0-1.el5.i686.rpm
+ build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x86,role=oss-builder/pkg/BUILD_VERSION
+ ]
+ end
+ before do
+ Dir.should_receive(:[]).with("**/pkg/*").and_return(directory_contents)
+ end
+ it "errors out verifying all packages are available" do
+ err_msg = "Missing packages for config(s): 'build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x64,role=oss-builder'"
+ lambda {artifact_collection.artifacts}.should raise_error(ArtifactCollection::MissingArtifact, err_msg)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end # describe ArtifactCollection
+ describe Artifact do
+ let(:path) { "build_os=centos-5,machine_architecture=x86,role=oss-builder/pkg/demoproject-11.4.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm" }
+ let(:content) {"this is the package content\n") }
+ let(:md5) { "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" }
+ let(:sha256) { "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" }
+ let(:platforms) { [ [ "el", "5", "x86_64" ], [ "sles","11.2","x86_64" ] ] }
+ let(:artifact) {, platforms, { :version => "11.4.0-1" }) }
+ it "has the path to the package" do
+ artifact.path.should == path
+ end
+ it "has a list of platforms the package supports" do
+ artifact.platforms.should == platforms
+ end
+ it "generates a MD5 of an artifact" do
+ File.should_receive(:open).with(path).and_return(content)
+ artifact.md5.should == md5
+ end
+ it "generates a SHA256 of an artifact" do
+ File.should_receive(:open).with(path).and_return(content)
+ artifact.sha256.should == sha256
+ end
+ it "adds the package to a release manifest" do
+ expected = {
+ "el" => {
+ "5" => { "x86_64" => { "11.4.0-1" => "/el/5/x86_64/demoproject-11.4.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm" } }
+ },
+ "sles" => {
+ "11.2" => { "x86_64" => { "11.4.0-1" => "/el/5/x86_64/demoproject-11.4.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm" } }
+ }
+ }
+ manifest = artifact.add_to_release_manifest!({})
+ manifest.should == expected
+ end
+ it "adds the package to a v2 release manifest" do
+ File.should_receive(:open).with(path).twice.and_return(content)
+ expected = {
+ "el" => {
+ "5" => { "x86_64" => { "11.4.0-1" => {
+ "relpath" => "/el/5/x86_64/demoproject-11.4.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm",
+ "md5" => md5,
+ "sha256" => sha256
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "sles" => {
+ "11.2" => { "x86_64" => { "11.4.0-1" => {
+ "relpath" => "/el/5/x86_64/demoproject-11.4.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm",
+ "md5" => md5,
+ "sha256" => sha256
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ v2_manifest = artifact.add_to_v2_release_manifest!({})
+ v2_manifest.should == expected
+ end
+ end